Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 15 Shooting prison scenes and gaining understanding of lines!

Chapter 15 Shooting prison scenes and gaining understanding of lines!

Li Xing'an, who was wearing a brocade suit, nodded to the director and walked towards the prison where the set had been set up.

Behind him is a middle-aged man in a eunuch costume.

After that, there was Lin Shu and another group performer in yamen clothes.

As soon as I walked into the prison, a very fresh breath came to my nostrils, and the air was accompanied by a faint aroma.

The real situation of the prison is not as humid and cold as the movies and TV series.

Generally speaking.

As far as the plot of the prison cell can be used, those actors occupy a lot of scenes in film and television works, at least they are also a big match.

If the environment is too bad, it is estimated that those actors will not be happy.

After walking for about ten seconds, Lin Shu and the others stopped in front of the third cell.

Li Xing'an, who was at the front, waited for the waiting staff to put handcuffs and anklets on him, and then went straight in.

Seeing that everyone was in place, the director sitting in front of the monitor picked up the pager and tapped it lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the field record was in front of the camera.

When the sound of hitting the board sounded.

Li Xing'an, who played the military marshal, collapsed against the corner of the wall.

There was no expression on his face, his eyes stared blankly ahead, wondering what he was thinking.

It wasn't long before this posture was maintained, the door of the cell was opened from the outside.

An actor dressed as a eunuch, holding an orchid finger in his right hand and his nose in his left hand, walked in reluctantly from outside.

Lin Shu, who was following behind him, couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart.

I don't care if you are a mother or not, but this acting is really good.

"General Zhang, Your Majesty sent a miscellaneous family over to have a chat with you!"

"Eunuch Liu, I'm afraid it's more than that!"

Li Xing'an raised his head slightly, and his eyes flashed with light.

"It's more than that. If the general has anything else to say to His Majesty, the miscellaneous family can tell it on your behalf!"

The former raised the orchid finger, not paying any attention to Li Xing'an's breathtaking eyes.

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, he took out a pure white porcelain bottle from his sleeve.

When the porcelain bottle was placed in front of Li Xing'an, his expression finally changed.

He stood up slowly, his eyes full of disbelief, and he involuntarily retreated to the corner of the wall.

As if leaning against the wall will make you feel a little more secure.

"How could your majesty..."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I recovered Taizhou for His Majesty and killed the alien race. Now I have returned with the merit of destroying the country, but I am only greedy for a little silver tael. It is impossible for Your Majesty to kill me!"

Li Xing'an went from being calm at the beginning to his eyes full of disbelief.

He grabbed the eunuch's shoulders with both hands, and the bracelets creaked.

"General Zhang, why did Your Majesty do this, you should also understand, eat this thing, or go on the road with dignity."

The actor who played the eunuch held out the porcelain vase in front of Li Xing'an expressionlessly, without any turbulence in his heart, as if he was looking at a dead man.

Silence for a moment!

Li Xing'an took the porcelain bottle tremblingly and poured out a pitch-black pill from it.

"The hanging rabbit is dead, the running dog is cooking. The birds are gone, the good bow is hidden. The enemy's country is broken, and the counselor is dead... Hahaha!"

After hesitating for a while, he finally swallowed the medicine in his hand.

Just after swallowing it, his eyes no longer had the slightest look, like a dying old man.

In less than a few seconds, a few traces of blood spilled from the corner of Li Xing'an's mouth.

He clutched his stomach and said with a painful expression: "The monarch wants the subject to die, and the subject has to die. I just hope that Your Majesty will not kill them all, so that the blood of the subject can continue."

"Don't worry! His Majesty will issue an imperial decree and declare to the public that you died suddenly in prison."

"Then... thank you... Your Majesty..."

When the last word fell, Li Xing'an fell down with a "bang" with a hint of relief on his face.

"Let's go!"

The actor who played the eunuch waved his hand indifferently, pinched his nose and walked out of the cell.

Just when he turned around, Li Xing'an, who was already on the ground, had a teardrop from the corner of his eye streaming down his cheek.

In terms of performance alone, Li Xing'an is still very good, at least in terms of emotional rendering, micro-movements, and micro-expressions.


At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

A smile appeared on Lin Shu's calm face.

[After completing the character shooting, the host can choose one from the system lottery draw and character acting (soldier acting +2), please make your choice! 】

"I choose the system lottery!"

For the current Lin Shu, soldier acting skills are almost useless.

In general film and television works, the role of soldiers in acting is destined to not be too much, unless it is war, military and other film and television works that are the main focus.

But the problem is that the systems for these two types of film and television works have not yet opened permissions, and Lin Shu cannot extract skills and abilities from these two types of film characters.

So after a little thought, he chose to draw a lottery.

"The last time I drew was an on-the-spot reaction, what will it be this time!"

Just when Lin Shu was full of expectations, the system's voice had already sounded.

【Host selection system lottery! 】

【Line Comprehension +5】

【Loading completed! 】

At that moment, Lin Shu had countless professional knowledge about the understanding of lines in his mind.

Combined with the established scene, he can accurately analyze the characters in the lines from all aspects.

The addition of five points of understanding of the lines made Lin Shu excited.

Take the general played by Li Xing'an as an example, at least now in Lin Shu's view, there are some subtle flaws in the lines just now.

In that episode, Li Xing'an finally came to his senses and realized that he had contributed too much.

That is to say, at the beginning, he did not know that the emperor was going to kill him.

At that time, he still had a bit of luck in his heart, and he should have been uneasy, plus some excitement and excitement.

Instead of just saying: "I'm afraid it's more than that!"

However, the problem with the lines has nothing to do with Lin Shu. After all, he only has a part in the drama for one afternoon.

Just walked away after filming.

But what excites him is that with the addition of these five lines, it can not only save a lot of time, but also make it easier to understand the characters.

"Change places, prepare for the next game!"

While walking to the prison, the groundsman shouted with a loudspeaker.

Hearing the sound, Lin Shu hurriedly followed the cameraman who was carrying the machine in front of him.

Just walking in the long corridor of the prison, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

After filming the clip this time, I still didn't get anything from the character extraction skills and abilities.

"It seems that if you want to draw skills, you still have to wait until you join Director Wang's crew before you can play!"

After shaking his head slightly, he came to the changing room and took off the yamen clothes he was wearing.

(End of this chapter)

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