Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 212 A smile of less than 1 second shows 2 levels of performance!

Chapter 212 A smile that lasts less than a second shows two levels of performance!
On the edge of a famous bridge in Jinling, the crew has set up countless professional machines.

It was already approaching night, so for the shooting of this scene, I chose a scene that was not very important, but indeed essential.

This scene is a conversation between Cheng Yong and Huang Mao standing by the river after Lu Yiyi's death.

It was also Cheng Yong's determination to complete a transformation of inner sublimation.

Standing by the river, he curiously asked (Peng Hao) if Huang Mao, the character played by Zhang Yu, looked down on him.

The afterglow of the setting sun is scattered over the river.

It seems to coat the calm river surface with a layer of golden light.

The breeze blows by, making people feel comfortable and at the same time, the mood is also much more peaceful.

"Scene [-], Scene [-], Action"

As the sound of the recording sounded, the camera also showed Lin Shu and Zhang Yu.

Not far ahead, there are little ripples on the surface of the river.

After reaching out to Zhang Yu for a bottle of water, Lin Shu picked up the cigarette and took a sip.

"Have you seen it at home?"

"I won't go back. They thought I was dead long ago, so I'll scare them when I go back?"

Although Zhang Yu's voice was flat and his expression was very indifferent, against the background of the setting sun, he looked extremely lonely.

"Aren't you alive?" Lin Shu asked back, frowning.

"Sooner or later!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Shu who was standing by the side fell silent.

After a pause for a few seconds, he consoled again: "Let's go back and have a look."

When he spoke, his cheeks trembled slightly for a moment, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't make up his mind.

"Shave your head before you go, your hair is scary enough."

While talking, Lin Shu couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Zhang Yu, who was standing aside, bit his lower lip with his upper jaw and suppressed a smile.

Looking at each other and smiling, Lin Shu hesitated to speak again, but his eyes did not look directly at Zhang Yu, but at the river in the distance.

"Aren't really look down on me!"

When Lin Shu said this passage, the first half was relatively quiet and there was a slight pause, but the second half was slightly louder.

At the same time, he deliberately did not look at Zhang Yu.

At this time, Cheng Yong, although taking risks to continue to provide patients with medicines, some people left this world forever after all.

Zhang Yu is also one of those thousands of patients.

Facing Zhang Yu, he felt a little ashamed in his heart.

Not daring to look him in the eye, Lin Shu's tone of voice, and broken sentences are the best ways to deal with Cheng Yong's guilt in this plot.

The weight of the lines falls on different words, which will make the expressed content very different.

If you directly ask "Are you looking down on me?", it will be questionable.

And after Lin Shu dealt with it, he would show more timidity.

When shooting this storyline.

Cheng Yong already had the answer in his heart, he knew that Peng Hao (Huang Mao) looked down on him, so he should be very hesitant when asking questions.

He asked, not because he wanted to know the answer, but because he was verifying that the answer he had already got was correct.

Off set!
Several old actors had been watching for a long time, seeing Lin Shu's detailed handling of this paragraph, the two nodded tacitly.

"Lin Shu handled this performance very well, especially the rich expressions on his face."

Hearing Wang Xinming's praise, Cai Ya also echoed:
"Lin Shu is indeed very good. After he entered the state, I didn't see the shadow of a young man in him. This is extremely rare for an actor."

The moment the voice of the record fell, Cai Ya could clearly feel that Lin Shu's temperament had changed.

Before the filming started, Lin Shu was at best a mature young man, without the helplessness and anxiety of a middle-aged man.

But within a few seconds of shooting, she felt it.

Temperament change sounds simple, but it is not an easy task to do it so naturally.

At least she has been filming for more than 40 years, and she has only seen it on a small number of actors.

And those actors, no accident, have painted a strong color in the film and television industry.

When the two praised Lin Shu without hesitation, Li Laiwen did not speak.

However, the way he looked at Lin Shu was a little hotter than before.

In front of the camera, almost at the same time as Lin Shu finished asking, Zhang Yu's voice followed.


Hearing this confirmation, Lin Shu twisted his neck slightly, but his eyes still didn't meet Zhang Yu's.

At the same time, he made a slight movement of pursing his lips.

They didn't look at each other, still because of guilt.

While pursing his lips, he felt a little helpless and lost.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu added another sentence:


After the words fell, Lin Shu opened his eyes slightly, and then turned his head to Zhang Yu even more.

He looked down quickly, as if he was judging the truth of the turning point in Zhang Yu's words.

After quickly completing the "memory" step, he looked at Zhang Yu again, trying to continue to speculate through his expression whether the other party was sincere or insincere.

But this time looking back, Zhang Yu turned away from looking at Lin Shu.

After staring at his face for several seconds, Lin Shu smiled slightly.

In this smile, it feels extraordinary to the actors after the set.

It was joyful at first, and then turned into an uncomfortable "ruffian smile", as if "You kid dare to play me" was on his lips, but he didn't say it.

After completing this series of inner activities with rich layers, Lin Shu looked into the distance again.

The difference is that this time there is no flinching in his eyes, but relaxation after unloading his mind.

The performance didn't end here, but the pupils of the actors watching outside the set were enlarged many times.

It's hard to imagine that there are actors who can convey such rich emotions to people in just one second.

A plot that may be less than 1 minute, under Lin Shu's interpretation, has been improved by more than one dimension.

"Lin Shu's performance is too good. How did he express so many emotions through facial expressions and body movements?"

"He just moved his head, but it seems that even his pores are acting. It may be a bit exaggerated to say this, but it is really the most intuitive feeling in my heart."

"So this is the actor-level acting skills?"

"Don't talk nonsense, not all actor's acting skills can be as wonderful as Lin Shu's, and some of them even become confused when they become actor."

"You say...if I want to catch up with Lin Shu and work hard for the rest of my life...can I do it?"

"What are you afraid of? Lin Shu is already the film king, and it is difficult for him to move forward, but you are different. You are just a special actor now, believe in yourself, and you will be able to catch up with him!"

"Sounds quite reasonable, but have you ever thought about a question? It took me five years to become a special actor from a group performer. I'm still older than Lin Shu. Are you sure I can survive him?"

"Uh... I'll give you a suggestion, play Wuqinxi once every morning."


While the group of performers complimented and joked with each other, the expressions of the veteran actors became more solemn.

The shock brought to them by watching the video on their mobile phones is far less than that of witnessing it with their own eyes.

Especially Lin Shu's handling of those details has been magnified countless times.

"Lin Shu's acting skills are overkill for making movies. People like him should be seen by more people on a more professional stage. I will talk to Lin Shu about it later!"

Li Laiwen was so excited that the hand holding the tree trunk was completely white and seemed unknown.

Even Cai Ya, who was listening to the words, gave a commendable nod without objection.


"Old Li, you better not go!"

Wang Xinming's words were so harsh to Li Laiwen's ears at this time.

"I said Old Wang, what do you mean by that?"

"I mean, it's better for Lin Shu to stay in the film and television industry." Seeing that Li Laiwen seemed a little angry, Wang Xinming quickly continued to explain:
"I can guess that you want Lin Shu to enter the National Theater, but you are worried that Lin Shu will be changed by the entertainment industry.

But have you ever thought that only by staying in the entertainment industry can Lin Shu let the audience see better works and let them know what a good actor should be like?

Now the entertainment industry is full of all kinds of little fresh meat without acting skills, even a little too much, even the lines are replaced by '1234567' and '7654321'.

If things go on like this, the film and television environment will only get worse than it is now.

When you see a good actor, you want to draw people into the National Theater. What do you let the audience who want to see good works and good acting skills to watch? "

Li Laiwen was a little moved by what Wang Xinming said.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head:

"It still doesn't work. The film and television environment has become so rotten. Lin Shu alone can't change anything. Besides, if you enter a theater, the actors in it can still go out to make movies. It doesn't matter."

"It really doesn't matter? I remember that last year in our drama theater, there was a performance representing the country. You said that if Lin Shu was making a movie, would he go or not!"

Wang Xinming laughed out of breath.

After entering the National Theater, there is no such freedom.

Although the environment of the drama theater is indeed much better than that of the entertainment industry, the crux of the problem is that the National Theater represents the country.

Once there is any large-scale performance, or it needs to involve publicity at the national level, unless it is not a major event, it is basically impossible to be absent.

"That's also...Although I said so, I still want to try it." Li Laiwen still insisted.

"Okay! It's up to you!" Wang Xinming waved his hands helplessly.

For the sake of saying everything, there is no point in continuing to persuade.

To be honest, he was also very conflicted.

He wants Lin Shu to enter the National Theater with them, but also feels that the current environment in the entertainment industry is so bad that sometimes when he returns home and turns on the TV, all he sees are unsightly things.

But no matter how much it is said, in the end it depends on Lin Shu's own wishes.

If Lin Shu didn't want to, Li Laiwen couldn't force him into it.

At this time, the shooting on the set is almost at the end.

After Lin Shu unloaded the burden in her heart, she calmly looked into the distance for a few seconds.

He and Zhang Yu stood in front of each other, and under the shining of the setting sun, the shadows stretched very long!

After walking for a while, Zhang Yu suddenly reached out and pulled Lin Shu's leg out of nowhere.

But the hand that was stretched out suddenly made Lin Shu stand on the spot and jumped several times, and casually muttered "nervous!"

After looking back at Zhang Yu, he laughed and cursed: "Go ahead, yellow dog!"

in front of the screen!
Zhou Chongguang was caught off guard by Zhang Yu's sudden performance.

In this episode, the two were originally talking and laughing at each other and disappeared in front of the camera.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu suddenly added this plot.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that this impromptu scene was very good.

When Cheng Yong asked Peng Hao (Huang Mao) the question "Are you sorry for me", both of them felt uncomfortable.

Although Cheng Yong finally let go of what happened behind Peng Hao (Huang Mao), the relationship between them did not return to what it was before.

But at this time Zhang Yu's actions, invisibly, narrowed the psychological distance between Cheng Yong and Peng Hao (Huang Mao).

"Lin Shu has a really good eye for choosing actors. Even a supporting role that doesn't have many roles can find such a good actor. No wonder he cares so much about the choice of actors."

"It's a good thing the other directors in the company don't know about it, otherwise it wouldn't fall on me!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Chongguang couldn't help being a little excited.

If the acting skills of the actors in the crew are not bad, and they can perform stably, maybe he can win the director's highest achievement award.

He silently made up his mind in his heart that he must make this movie well.

Not only for Lin Shu, but also for himself.

After dozens of seconds, he picked up the pager and yelled "click", then stared at the screen to look at the samples.

After watching for a few seconds, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him.

"Why are you here?"

Zhou Chongguang stared back at the two people who appeared behind him, and asked with some doubts.

"That... I'm sorry, director, I didn't know what happened just now, so I didn't act according to the script. Do you think it's necessary to reshoot?"

Zhang Yu lowered his head a little bit unhappily.

Beside Zhang Yu was Lin Shu who looked a little helpless.

"I told him just now that he played well on the spot, so he doesn't have to worry about it. If he insists on coming to you, I'll follow along and ask."

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter clearly, Zhou Chongguang didn't speak for a while.

It's not that I'm dissatisfied with Zhang Yu, but I didn't expect that the design of that bridge section was actually played by Zhang Yu on the spot.

In the previous performance, it was indeed Lin Shu who was driving Zhang Yu with his emotions and skills.

But the subsequent performance is not easy to say.

After all, in the part of the filming in the setting sun, the camera was facing the river, giving both of them a distant view.

Could it be that...the production team picked up a treasure?

After a short pause, Zhou Chongguang waved his hands generously: "Don't worry, your design just now is very good, I will keep it, and there is no need to re-shoot.

But I'm curious, how did you come up with the idea of ​​designing such a bridge at the time? "

Zhang Yu scratched his head, a little embarrassed and said:

"Actually, I don't know what I'm thinking. I'm just immersed in the role of Huang Mao, and I just want to improve the relationship with Cheng Yong, so..."

Well... co-authored and asked for a long time, or because Lin Shu brought him into the role.

(End of this chapter)

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