Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 37 Bai Jing: Lin Shu is Ding Xiu in my heart!

Chapter 37 Bai Jing: Lin Shu is Ding Xiu in my heart!
After thinking about it carefully, the more Bai Jing thought about it, the more suitable he felt.

He wrote the script himself, and no one knows the role of Ding Xiu better than him.

In his opinion, the relationship between Ding Xiu and his junior and senior brothers is like a pair of brothers who have a good relationship and quarrel.

Maybe some contradictions make them tit for tat, but brothers are brothers after all.

All Ding Xiu wanted to do was to prove that his junior and brother were wrong.

When Lin Shu said those two lines, Bai Jing even felt that he had found a confidant.

This person... knows himself and Ding Xiu!
"'You boy has a good eye, that girl... is very moist', this line is really perfect!"

Thinking of this line, Bai Jing couldn't help but want to laugh when he felt that he fit the role.

Looking at Lin Shu who was standing opposite, he nodded slightly and said calmly:
"Lin Shu, right? I want to know why you added such a line in the performance just now. Don't you think this line is a little too much?"

Even though Bai Jing recognized it in his heart, he still wanted to know the reason for Lin Shujia's line.

After Bai Jing said this, Zhou Chongguang and the producer on the side also showed curious eyes.

Especially Zhou Chongguang.

In the crew of "Embroidered Spring Knife", the actors who originally played couldn't come because of schedule conflicts.

The director asked to find a few actors in Hengdian to audition. Due to the lack of time, he did not find a few actors in one night.

When looking through the drawer, he saw Lin Shu's information.

When he first saw the name, he didn't even remember who it was.

It wasn't until later that he finally remembered.

It turned out to be a group performance in the previous crew.

Knowing that Lin Shu was only acting in a group, he didn't want to make a phone call at first, but after thinking about it, he still called, so he took it as a chance.

What he didn't expect was that the small group that once played in his crew not only became a real actor, but his acting skills were also very good!

No matter where he looked, Ding Xiu, played by Lin Shu, couldn't find anything wrong with him.

of course!

What surprised him the most was the two lines that Lin Shu added by himself just now.

As the assistant director of the crew, he still has a certain understanding of the role of Ding Xiu.

Although he didn't think those two lines were good, Bai Jing thought it was good enough.

Bai Jing is the chief director!

After sorting out his thoughts, Lin Shu opened his mouth and replied:
"Combining with Ding Xiu's character, I found that he is a 'casual' person, he can do whatever he wants, and he won't delve into the deep meaning behind it.

For his junior brother Jin Yichuan, his feelings are a mixture of love and hate.

Yichuan sells his life, and his life is not as good as those who sell his butt, and he has a good body.

What Ding Xiu couldn't get, Jin Yichuan got it easily, which made him even more resentful.

He wanted the younger brother to quit Jinyiwei and return to his side, but the younger brother refused, so he always tried to make things difficult for the younger brother.

In the episode just now, he found his junior brother.

Even in his eyes, the younger brother couldn't beat him at all, but he didn't want the younger brother to have no response, just simply capture him.

He wanted to provoke the younger brother to do something to himself.

And if you want to provoke the junior brother, the usual means obviously won't work, the only thing you can do is to start with other people. "

Having said this, Lin Shu did not go further.

Speaking of this, it is enough. As the screenwriter and director of "Embroidered Spring Knife", Bai Jing can definitely understand what he wants to express.

Otherwise, Lin Shu would doubt whether he wrote the script.

As guessed.

After hearing Lin Shu's remarks, Bai Jing, who was sitting in the chair, trembled a little while holding the script.

He looked at Lin Shu with a very satisfied look.

Lin Shu's analysis of Ding Xiu completely coincided with his thoughts.

After thinking about it carefully, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked in a deep voice, "Is this what you thought about just now?"

"Not all, I combined some information on the Internet before coming!" Lin Shu said generously.

of course!

The real situation is naturally not like this, but Lin Shu can't say it.

"You are born to be an actor, and your analysis of Ding Xiu's character completely spoke to me!

If it wasn't the first time we met, I'd even wonder if the script was told to you somewhere. " Bai Jing said with a smile.

"You've won the award. I'm just a small actor, and there is still a lot of room for improvement." Lin Shu said modestly.

"You don't have to be too modest, maybe you didn't realize it yourself, you are very talented in understanding characters!" Bai Jing said seriously.

From telling Lin Shu about the role last night to the audition just now, it took only ten hours in total.

In such a short period of time, Lin Shu was able to analyze Ding Xiu's character and surpassed too many people.

What's more, how long did it take Lin Shu to get his lines!

The ability to understand lines is strong, the acting is good, and the character is not impetuous.

Bai Jing is more satisfied the more he sees it.

After comparing in his heart, Bai Jing looked at the two sitting next to him:
"I think Lin Shu is Ding Xiu in my heart, what do you guys think?"

Noticing Bai Jing's gaze, the producer did not speak, but nodded slightly.

At first, he felt that Lin Shu was too young and did not fit the character of Ding Xiu.

But after listening to Lin Shu's analysis, he felt that age didn't need to be too much of a concern.

Now the makeup technology is so good, the external deficiencies can still be made up!

On the other side, Zhou Chongguang would not have any opinions.

Lin Shu was the one he recommended.

He was too happy to be chosen by Lin Shu, so how could he refuse.

What's more, he always thought that Lin Shu's acting was good.

Now let Lin Shu get this role, and when he is filming in the future, relying on this favor, it will be much easier to invite him to film.

Seeing that neither of them had any objections, Bai Jing smiled and stood up:
"This role is yours, do you have any other questions? If not, I'll ask the assistant to take you down to sign the contract!"

"I'm fine, thank you, Director Bai!" Lin Shu looked happy and bowed slightly to the three of them.

"Xiao Wang!, take Lin Shu down to sign the contract!"

Fall down!
A young man with eyes who looked Sven, immediately came up from behind.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I'm Director Bai's assistant Wang Zhizhou. I'll take you over to sign the contract."


After thanking Bai Jing and the others, Lin Shu followed behind Wang Zhizhou and walked outside.

The two came to a lounge that was not very big.

After sitting down on the sofa, Wang Zhizhou took out a contract from the drawer and pushed it in front of Lin Shu along the table.

"Mr. Lin, this is your contract. You can take a look at it first, and I will explain the terms here for you after you read it. You can ask me directly if you don't understand anything!"


Nodding dumbly, Lin Shu picked up the contract on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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