Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 41 I'm Not Right!

Chapter 41 I'm Not Right!

"Why do you do this?"

"Doing is doing, nothing to say."

"When I came to Hengdian, I didn't know the place of my life. It was you who brought me to gradually adapt to the life here. I shouldn't have anything to regret you!"

"Yes, you didn't do anything wrong to me.

But you don't understand what kind of torment it is to be a group performer in Hengdian for two years!
Because I don't look good, even the heads of the group don't want to look at me more. In order to have a scene to shoot, I can only beg them in a low voice.

Since you came, I can clearly feel the change in other people's attitude towards me.

I was very happy at first because I finally realized what it feels like to be respected.

But then I understood.

That's what they did to me when you were there.

As long as I leave your sight, the attitude of those people towards me will become the same as before.

do you know?

I wish I hadn't met you in the first place, and I don't want to be treated differently. "

Recalling the conversation when she left the crew, Li Yi felt angry and sad at the same time.

Maybe the ideas and education she received since she was a child are telling her.

External things don't last long, what people need is a strong heart and strong skills.

But "Tiantian" is different. She did not receive a good education when she was a child, and her family still has a serious patriarchal attitude.

Girls who grow up in that kind of background are either stronger than the average person and have a strong heart.

Or she will be as inferior and cowardly as she is now.

Although there was some sympathy, Li Yi did not forgive her.

Wrong is wrong, no matter how many excuses there are.

Li Yi has always been ruthless when it comes to things that touch her bottom line.

Back to the courtyard.

Looking at Lin Shu who was sitting in the yard enjoying the cool air, after saying hello at will, Li Yi went straight back to her room.

If it was normal, she might go up to flirt with a few words.

She just experienced this kind of thing, where does she have any thoughts.

Noticing the somewhat abnormal Li Yi, Lin Shu frowned slightly.

"Sister Yi seems to be in a bad mood. Did something happen in the crew?"

Turning his head to look at the tightly closed door, his frown deepened.

He knows Li Yi's character very well.

If Li Yi doesn't want to say it herself, it will be fruitless to take the initiative to ask.

It's just that because of the police intervention, this incident became a big uproar in Hengdian, and it didn't take long for Lin Shu to find the answer in various group chats.

"Sister Yi, she... Forget it, let's wait until she calms down!"

After putting down the phone, Lin Shu took the simple equipment, exercised for about half an hour, and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning!

Before the alarm clock went off, Lin Shu got up from the bed.

After a simple wash, he remembered what happened last night, just waiting for him to walk out of his room, only to find that Li Yi's door was locked.

Picking up the phone, he noticed that Li Yi had sent a private message.

"I'll go out to relax for a few days, wash up at home and wait for me!"

Looking at this private message, Lin Shu smiled angrily.

As expected of the Li Yi he knew, he was clearly in a bad mood last night, and he went to sleep and continued to make such misleading remarks.

But it's really frustrating to encounter this kind of thing, and it's good to go out and relax.

After bringing everything, Lin Shu was about to leave on a small electric donkey.

Walking to the canopy, he looked back.

Under the sunlight, this is not a big yard, it looks very empty.

In the next few days, Lin Shu's figure shuttled through the various production crews in Hengdian.

For three whole days, he was fully arranged.

In the past few days, he has entered a total of nine crews, and in these crews, he has improved a lot of acting skills.

The first is the role of acting:

[Jinyiwei +3, rogue +2, Jianghu prodigal +3, knight +3]

Followed by emotional acting:

[Resent +1, Relief +1, Fortitude +1.2, Resolute +1.2]

There is also an auxiliary ability that surprised Lin Shu:
[Character understanding +5]

Character acting skills were considered by Lin Shu after synthesis.

In his opinion, Ding Xiu is a prodigal son with a heroic personality. He has both the tragic heart of a knight and the reckless evil spirit of a rogue.

Lin Shu never let go of Ding Xiu's character.

As for Jin Yiwei, it has nothing to do with Ding Xiu.

However, he felt that in order to deal with those people in the play, he still needed to have a certain understanding.

In terms of emotional acting, it is actually not easy to control.

Because not all the crews that go to, the actors can have a high emotional rendering power.

However, the results are not bad.

In addition, his comprehensive acting skills have also been improved to 0.5,

of course!

What excites Lin Shu the most is the understanding of auxiliary abilities.

Different from the understanding of lines, it is a three-dimensional shaping of the character after synthesizing the plot and lines.

With the help of character understanding, Lin Shu has a lot of different views on Ding Xiu.

Before that, he only thought that Ding Xiu was a bohemian person who wanted his junior brother to leave Jinyiwei.

But recalling the plot in the movie, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he felt.

First of all, Ding Xiu enjoys the process of ripping off his junior and junior. He must be there only where there is junior and senior.

Even when the three brothers were going to Zhao Jingzhong's mansion for a banquet, Ding Xiu had to join in.

If you just want to be a pure junior brother and let him leave Jinyiwei, it seems unnecessary!
The second is Ding Xiu's line, he said to his younger brother: "Many dignitaries in the capital have the goodness of Longyang."

This sentence is even more strange.

How did he know about it.

It stands to reason that he is a person in the rivers and lakes, and he should not know these things.

However, he often follows his junior and junior brothers into and out of the residences of dignitaries, which makes sense.

It's just that "very moist" at the back, no matter what Lin Shu thinks, it doesn't feel right.

Said to his junior brother "that girl is very moist", but he did nothing, and even took off his clothes just to stimulate the junior brother.

These details add up.

Lin Shu couldn't help taking a deep breath.

After getting rid of the unclean thoughts in his mind, he stroked it again.

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, it seems that it can be explained in a state of mind.

In any case, Ding Xiu's attitude towards his junior and senior brothers is a mixture of love and hate. As for the kind of love, Lin Shu doesn't care.

Anyway, when the film is officially filmed, the feeling of acting is enough.

In addition to his attitude towards his junior and junior brothers, Ding Xiu's character has another great feature.

He was lonely and pitiful.

He said to his younger brother, "Kill you, and I'll be the only one left in this world!"

Maybe in his heart, there are only two people in the world, one is himself, and the other is his junior brother.

So after his younger brother died, he was completely out of the world.

He became a seemingly unruly, but in fact lonely poor man.

PS: The character understanding was not there before. The previous article is still the line understanding, which has been changed. Thank you for correcting it.

(End of this chapter)

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