Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 57 System upgrade, abnormal Li Yi

Chapter 57 System upgrade, abnormal Li Yi

Lin Shu didn't care much about the entertainment facilities in the company.

The only thing he cared about might be this apartment.

Now that he has signed a contract "across the era", as a signed artist of the company, he will naturally develop in the magic capital and live here.

As for Hengdian, I may go back occasionally for filming in the future.

And in Modu, he doesn't have a house. Now the company provides a house, which solves the problem of renting.

He has 10 yuan in his card, but if he can save this money, why not!
Moreover, the apartment provided by the company, and the place he used to live in, are simply not much better.

After chatting until about four in the afternoon, Lin Shu had a very detailed understanding of "cross-era".

According to his own understanding, although "cross-era" is not comparable to the top domestic entertainment companies, it can be regarded as a large entertainment company.

And "cross-era" is very "capital".

Not to mention that the building was wholly-owned, the money invested in film and television works in the last quarter exceeded a full [-] million yuan.

[-] million a quarter, [-] million a year.

Perhaps it is a newly established company that always wants to make some achievements and show it to others.

Not to mention whether it will succeed in the end, but from this point it is enough to prove that the company is not short of money at all.

Lin Shu couldn't find the source of funds behind this company on the Internet.

However, there are rumors in the media that it seems to come from the Lin Group.

Whether it's true or not is unclear.

Although I don't know why this group is comparable to penguins in this world, Lin Shu didn't go into it.

There are a lot of places that are different from the previous life. If you do the same research, you must not scratch your bald head.

He's only 21 years old, and he doesn't want to attend the programmer's conference early.

When he came to the first floor, Lin Shu noticed Xiao Zhang not far away.

And Xiao Zhang took the initiative to greet Lin Shu the first time he saw her.

"Mr. Lin, oh no... I should call you Mr. Lin now. Your contract should have been settled. I'll take you to the hotel to rest first!"

Lin Shu nodded and said hello.

Not long after that, a pure white commercial vehicle slowly stopped in front of him.

"You are now a third-tier artist. Our company has branches in many cities. If you need it, you can call the agent directly and she will arrange it for you!" Xiao Zhang explained.


Chen Manni had told him this, so Lin Shu was not too surprised.

More than ten minutes passed!

Lin Shu was lying in the big bed room of the hotel, staring blankly at the ceiling.

In just one day, he got a third-tier contract and became an artist under the "Cross-Era" banner.

Reaching out to pick up the signed contract, it just feels a little unreal.

After waddling in bed for a while, Lin Shu finally calmed down.

Although he got a contract from a third-tier artist, it was not enough for him.

Even if "Embroidered Spring Knife" is released, he can truly be worthy of the contract of a third-tier artist.

But with such good resources, wouldn't it be a pity not to pick some characters that you like.

of course!

These are not in a hurry for the time being, and he still needs to wait for him to finish the matter in Hengdian.

And just when Lin Shu decided to call Li Yi and ask her when she would come back, the system's voice rang in her mind.

[Detected that the host signed a brokerage company, the system will be upgraded for three days! 】

[After the system is upgraded, more reasonable adjustments will be made in terms of acting skills and character skills. 】

【Whether to upgrade the system now! 】

"After the upgrade, what are the benefits? Will the acting skills be improved? Well... and the extraction of character skills, have you made any changes?"

For Lin Shu's question, the system didn't mean to respond, it just repeated it again.

With a helpless sigh, Lin Shu said solemnly, "Upgrade!"

The system is just like a set program and doesn't answer at all.

I just hope that after the upgrade, it can bring him some surprises!

But it's not bad to upgrade now. It happens that he is not filming at the moment, and three days are almost enough to deal with things.

Bringing his attention back to reality, Lin Shu took out his mobile phone and called Li Yi.

Several bells rang.

A lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "Why?"

Looking at the time, Lin Shu frowned slightly.

It's only eight o'clock at night, so early to go to bed?

What about this health care?
"It's me, Lin Shu!"

Lin Shu heard these words clearly, and there was a hurried voice coming from the phone.

"Why did you suddenly call me, your "Embroidered Spring Knife" has already been filmed?" Li Yi yawned.

"Yeah! The filming is over, by the way... When are you coming back."

After hesitating again and again, Lin Shu finally asked.

Now that he has signed "Cross-Era", he is going to move away from Hengdian after all, and he has to say hello to Li Yi anyway.

"I haven't thought about it yet! What? I'm in a hurry to come back!" Li Yi teased with a smile.

"No... I signed the brokerage company!"

After speaking these words, there was suddenly no voice on the other end of the phone, and Lin Shu did not speak in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took before Li Yi's low voice came over again.

"Really? Then congratulations!"

It seems that she noticed that the tone of the speech was a bit wrong, and she added: "Which company is it?"

"Cross-era, have you heard of it?"

"Across the ages?"

"Yes! Is there anything wrong with this company?"

"Oh... no... no problem, let's do this first!"

Then, a beep came.

Lin Shu looked at the interface on the mobile phone, wondering what he was thinking.

the other side!
in a five-star hotel.

Li Yi, who hung up Lin Shu's phone, looked very strange.

She looked at the interface of the mobile phone and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Why this company! Isn't that... Lin Ruxue became his immediate boss?"

"I'm sick!"

"Or... go home?"

"Forget it, let's talk for a while!"

Turning the phone aside, Li Yi walked to the window with a sullen face.

ps: Regarding the question of the heroine, you can say your opinions, otherwise I am afraid that I will let myself go free when I write.

In addition, the brokerage company wrote a lot, and later mainly wrote about filming and drawing skills, which was also the keynote set early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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