Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 73 Peeling the cocoons and finding clues!

Chapter 73 Peeling the cocoons and finding clues!
Just when Zheng Rui said his mouth was dry, the police officer standing opposite took out a few photos.

"This gentleman goes to the hotel rooftop every morning and evening, and he appeared on the fifteenth floor an hour before the Buddha statue was stolen.

There are many suspicious behaviors on him, and we have good reasons to suspect that he and the person who stole the Buddha statue should cooperate internally and externally. Before the final result is investigated clearly, we will take him away. "

The Siamese police, headed by them, did not change their expressions.

And Zheng Rui weakly placed his hand in the air after seeing the many photos he was holding.

But before he could speak, Lin Shu who was standing at the door suddenly came up.

"I have seen this person, is he the one who stole the Buddha statue?"

Lin Shu's words instantly caught the attention of the Siamese police.

A plain-looking police officer immediately walked up to him.

"You said you've seen this person?"

"Yes!" Lin Shu nodded!

He had indeed seen the person in the photo. When he first came to the hotel, it was the person who pulled the suitcase and passed between him and Wu Jing.

At that time, Wu Jing also complained about it.

"Okay! Then you have to come with us too!" the police officer said calmly.


Lin Shu paused slightly, feeling as if he had said something wrong.

But after thinking that even if he didn't say it, he couldn't leave the hotel, he nodded again.

Anyway, I can't leave now. If we can provide the police with some more favorable news, maybe Wu Jing can get rid of the suspicion earlier.

"Okay, I'll go to the police station with you guys!"

After speaking to the police officer, Lin Shu turned to look at Zheng Rui, who had a strange face:

"Director Zheng, I'll go with Wu Jing to see if I can provide some clues to the police, so I'd better come back early!"

Knowing Lin Shu's intentions, Zheng Rui also expressed understanding.

"Also, I hope this matter can be resolved as soon as possible. Wait for me to find a relationship and see if I can release you on bail."

"it is good!"

Not long afterward, Lin Shu and Wu Jing got into the police car heading for Mangu Police Station.

But Zheng Rui, who watched the two walk away, slammed into the wall:
"What kind of thing is this, it's so fucking unlucky!"

Zheng Rui wasn't complaining about Wu Jing, he just felt aggrieved.

You said it would be nice to be stolen earlier!
Why do you have to rush to the time when they come to film!

Inside the police car!
Lin Shu patted Wu Jing, and asked in a low voice, "By the way, why do you go to the rooftop every day!"

"Practice boxing!"

Wu Jing raised his head tiredly, his eyes a little vicissitudes.

"Then why did you go to the fifteenth floor when you came back from shopping with me the night before yesterday?" Lin Shu whispered again.

"I said I drank too much and pressed the wrong elevator floor, do you believe it?" Wu Jing wanted to cry without tears.


He's so fucking awesome!

Lin Shu didn't know what to say for a while.

However, if Wu Jing hadn't drank too much and pressed the wrong elevator, the police wouldn't have taken him to the police station for questioning.

Lin Shu and Wu Jing were taken to the police station by the police.

After more than half an hour of detailed inquiries, the Siamese police did not believe Wu Jing's explanation at all, and he still did not get rid of the suspicion.

"What do I do now!" Wu Jing frowned, looking at Lin Shu who was sitting against the corner of the wall.

"How do I know what to do? Isn't this all a good thing you did?" Lin Shu lowered his head and said angrily.

Wu Jing clapped his hands: "But the problem is that I really didn't steal the Buddha statue!"

"I know you didn't steal, so explain to the police!"


Wu Jing pointed at Lin Shu for a long time, but finally let it go.

"How long will it take to be released on bail!" Lin Shu suddenly asked.

"That's right! How could I forget about this, it shouldn't take long, if it's handled well, it can be done in the morning!"

Wu Jing's tired face finally regained hope.

just soon!

This glimmer of hope was severely shattered.

The lost emerald Buddha statue in the hotel is actually something of a member of the Siamese royal family.

Before the result comes out, it is useless no matter who comes, and bail is not allowed!

Sighing deeply, Lin Shu didn't want to wait any longer.

"How much do you have about the Buddha statue, tell me carefully."

"Well... I'm not very clear. The police said that the Buddha statue was lost the day before yesterday, that is, the day you came."

Lin Shu nodded and motioned Wu Jing to continue.

"The suspect now locked up was the one who bumped into us that day."

"Also, are there any clues about the Buddha statue? You should know how big the Buddha statue is!" Lin Shu continued.

"The Buddha statue in the photo is not very big, but the Buddhist altar that houses the Buddha statue is quite large, about the size of... a normal suitcase!"

"You mean... it's not just the Buddha statue that was lost, but the Buddhist shrine inside? Are you sure?" Lin Shu pinched Wu Jing's shoulder, extremely excited.

"Of course, that's what the Siam police told me!" Wu Jing nodded stiffly, not knowing what Lin Shu's question was.

"Is it made of wood?" Lin Shu then asked.

"From the picture, it is indeed made of wood!"


Lin Shu stood up from the ground with a relaxed smile on his face.

"I may...know where the Emerald Buddha is hidden!"

"What did you say? You said you know where the Buddha statue is?" Wu Jing scratched his head, and suddenly stood up: "You didn't steal the Buddha statue, right?"

"Fuck you, I'll explain to you later!"

After waving his hand at Wu Jing, Lin Shu walked to the door and shouted in Siamese to the police officer not far away:

"Let me out, I know where the Buddha statue is!"

"Let me out now!"


Although he didn't know where Lin Shu's confidence was, Wu Jing also got up from the ground and shouted.

In a few minutes!
In an interrogation room, a Siamese police officer with glasses patted the table and shouted: "Say! Where did you hide the Buddha statue!"

"I didn't steal the Buddha statue, but I should know where the Buddha statue is!"

Lin Shu's expression was extremely calm, and did not change at all because of the other party's attitude.

"What do you mean? If you didn't steal the Buddha statue, how could you possibly know where it was hidden?"

The other party was extremely vigilant, and obviously did not believe Lin Shu's words.

"On the day the Buddha statue was stolen, my friend and I bumped into the thief you mentioned, but there was no Buddha statue in his box!"

"What are you kidding?"

Ignoring the other party's strange eyes, Lin Shu continued calmly:

"Also lost along with the Buddha statues are the Buddhist niches. Although I don't know what kind of wood the Buddhist niches are made of, but the Buddhist niches that can be used to hold 5000 million Buddha statues must not be cheap. High-end Buddhist niches are generally made of rare red sandalwood, Huali wood, and nanmu. wood."

"But that day... when he passed me, I didn't smell any wood!"

(End of this chapter)

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