Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 75 Sharp sense of smell, find the lost Buddha statue!

Chapter 75 Sharp sense of smell, find the lost Buddha statue!
In the past few hours, we have screened all the suspects.

We even dispatched police dogs, but still couldn't find the lost Buddha statue!

So... you, like the other suspects, cannot leave the police station for the time being. "

In the past few hours, the Mangu police dispatched countless manpower and material resources to find the suspects in the photos first.

Only after investigation and interrogation, no clues were found.

At the beginning, the suspect was also successfully apprehended by the police.

But the man didn't know about the Buddha statue either.

He dragged his suitcase out of the hotel at that point because someone gave him a sum of money.

The suspect has no clues, which fully shows that the Buddha statue is still in the hotel, but they searched carefully with police dogs and could not find it.

All the clues were cut off like this, and the Buddha statue seemed to disappear directly out of thin air.

Just after Tishan's words were finished, Wu Jing, who sat down on the chair, collapsed directly.

Originally thought that the police could catch the suspect and he could go back to filming, but the case came to a deadlock.

"If there is no problem with the suspect, the Buddha statue should still be in the hotel!" Lin Shu said with a frown.

"I understand what you mean, but we have dispatched police dogs to look for it, but..."

Although Tishan's words were not finished, Lin Shu still understood what he meant.

After a long silence!
Just as Tishan was about to leave, Lin Shu slapped the table sharply.

"Mr. Director, take me to the hotel, I think I should be able to find the Buddha statue!"

"Mr. Lin, I don't think it's necessary! Even our police dogs can't find the Buddha statue according to the smell of the shrine, let alone you!"

Tishan shook his head and did not intend to take Lin Shu to the hotel.

After all, Lin Shu is just an ordinary person. How could he find something that the police could not find with so much manpower and material resources!

"I think I should go there. Of course, it would be great if I could find it, but if you can't find it, there is no loss for you, right?"

Lin Shu's attitude was very persistent.

If the police couldn't find it, it didn't mean he couldn't find it either. After all, his perception ability surpassed that of ordinary people.

Seeing Lin Shu's insistence, Tishan finally nodded.

As Lin Shu said, if he couldn't find the Buddha statue, there was no actual loss to him.

But if he can find it, it will not only solve a big problem for him, but also let him show his face at the top.

"Brother Jing, I'll go back to the hotel with them, maybe I'll find the lost Buddha statue soon!"

"Hope it!"

Wu Jing waved his hand weakly, not very optimistic about Lin Shu going to the hotel to look for the Buddha statue.

Not long after that, Lin Shu got into the police car returning to the hotel.

When he was in the car, he also asked the police what kind of wood the Buddhist shrine was made of.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Shu and a group of police officers appeared at the entrance of the hotel.

At this time, the inside and outside of the hotel have been blocked by countless cordons.

According to the police description, the shrine is made of red sandalwood.

What surprised him was that just as he walked into the hotel, a very strong breath entered his nose.

In other words, the Buddha statue is very likely to be in the hotel, and it is also placed in a very special location.

However, the wood exudes a breath, and as long as you investigate carefully, you can always find the source.

Starting from the lobby on the first floor, Lin Shu walked up layer by layer, focusing all his attention on smell.

But when he reached the sixteenth floor, he suddenly stopped.

"The smell is off!"

"Go to the next floor!"

Although he didn't know what Lin Shu wanted to do, the police officers who accompanied him still followed.

The order they received was to be optimistic about Lin Shu, and then to find the Buddha statue.

After locking his breath on the fifteenth floor, Lin Shu began to investigate room by room.

"In the rooms of 1502, 1504, 1578, and 1580, the red sandalwood has the heaviest smell, but how can Buddhist shrines appear in four rooms at the same time?"


Walking into the room closest to him, Lin Shu savored the tiny molecules in the air.

at last!

He stopped in the bathroom.

"What's on this?" Lin Shu pointed to the top and asked.

"The above is the air vent of the hotel room!" The hotel staff quickly replied.

"Let them come up, the Buddha statue has been found!"

Lin Shu waved his hand and motioned for the police who followed him to notify Tishan.

"Mr. Lin, what did you say?"

The two policemen who followed were still a little bit lost.

I didn't do anything, how could I find a Buddha statue!

"On top of the vent!"

After looking at each other, one of the policemen quickly picked up the pager in his pocket.

It didn't take long for countless policemen to pour out from the elevator entrance, led by Tishan who had seen them before.

"Are you sure it's above the vent?" Tishan looked up a little excitedly.

Lin Shu nodded and made a light "um".


After getting Tishan's signal, several policemen walked into the bathroom and opened the top ceiling.

A few minutes later, an excited voice came from the ventilation duct.

"found it!"

Fall down!
Tishan hurriedly led someone to the bathroom.

Immediately afterwards, a box made of metal was pulled out from the inside.

"Lighten up, lighten up!"

After receiving the box, Ti Shanren placed it in the middle of the hall.

"Open it!"

As layers of boxes were opened, an emerald Buddha statue was finally revealed in front of everyone.

The Jade Buddha is carved from a whole piece of jadeite, with transparent texture, uniform color and huge volume.

Tishan's hands trembled a little when he saw the Buddha statue.

"Appraiser, is this true!"

An appraiser holding a magnifying glass, after looking at the Buddha statue for a long time, nodded lightly: "It should be true, but the result needs to be checked carefully to be sure!"

"You protect the Buddha statue, I will notify the appraisal agency to come here now!"

After instructing the matter, Tishan walked to Lin Shu and grabbed his arm.

"Mr. Lin Shu, I thank you on behalf of Siam Police!"

"Just find the Buddha statue!"

Lin Shu shook his head, but he didn't care too much.

As several police officers dispersed from the center, Lin Shu only saw the Buddha statue.

In the middle area, in addition to the Buddha statue, there is also a large box.

The box has three layers, and the boxes on each layer are made of metal.

The outermost two layers of boxes are even covered with an entire layer of activated carbon.

With such strict equipment, it's no wonder that even the police dogs can't find it!

(End of this chapter)

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