Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 89 The real Li Bai, not a poet!

Chapter 89 The real Li Bai, not a poet!
The next day!

Lin Shu came to the crew very early.

They have already arrived in Xiangyang, and they can go back as soon as they finish filming, so there is no need to waste time and delay here.

It's just that he came a little early, none of the main actors came, and even Chen Kaige just got up.

However, the staff were very skilled at manipulating the machines on the set.

After sitting down, Lin Shu simply went through the story about Li Bai in "The Legend of the Demon Cat" in his mind.

I don't know how long ago.

A footstep sounded not far away, and Lin Shu opened his eyes.

A man with a very simple dress and a round face was walking towards him.

"It's Teacher Tian Yu!" Lin Shu took the initiative to greet him.

"Lin Shu, Director Chen mentioned you to me yesterday, and today is our rivalry."

Tian Yu spoke very naturally, as if the two had known each other for a long time.

Such a gentle attitude made Lin Shu feel a little more favorable towards him.

Lin Shu nodded and said with a smile: "If there is anything wrong with the performance later, please bear with me."

"Where, learn from each other, learn from each other!" Tian Yu waved his hands gently, his tone was very polite.

While waiting for the crew to arrange the set, Lin Shu and Tian Yu gradually became familiar with each other, but they only stopped there.

But through communication, the two have a good sense of each other.

Although Tian Yu was a little older, his manners were very decent, giving Lin Shu a feeling of spring breeze.

And Lin Shu, as a newcomer who starred in Chen Kaige's films not long after his debut, was not at all complacent.

Lin Shu has no self-satisfaction with the role of Li Bai, but always sighs that there is no way to do better in some areas.

When it comes to the topic of performance, Lin Shu's insights will even make his eyes shine.

This young man is quite capable.

In Tian Yu's view, this is also quite rare.

After being in the circle for so many years, Tian Yu can still tell whether it is fake or real.

Tian Yu even thought that when Cao Yi asked him to contact Lin Shu, he probably knew that Lin Shu had real materials.

However, as for acting, it is impossible to guess the reason simply by talking about it. He plans to observe Lin Shu's acting skills later when he is going to play the opposite role.


The set was finally arranged according to Chen Kaige's request, and Lin Shu and Tian Yu also changed into their clothes.

Although this part of the scene is a group scene, there is no long shot, and the main scenes are on Lin Shu and Tian Yu.

As for the other actors, only a few showed their faces.

In front of the camera.

Lin Shu was wearing a white robe, carried by Tian Yu on his shoulders, and kept walking forward.

"You don't take a bath or change your clothes because of the smell of alcohol."

"I don't take a bath, I don't change my clothes, and I'm cleaner than you!" Lin Shu's voice was a little lazy, but also a little angry, like drinking too much alcohol and making trouble with others.

"go with!"

Lin Shu, who was full of alcohol, pushed Tian Yu gently.

Lin Shu shook his body, fell backwards, and rubbed on the golden tortoise before he lay down.

In front of the surveillance screen, Chen Kaige saw this scene and patted the table excitedly with the script rolled up into a stick.

"This action is well designed!"

Li Bai is a great writer who is wild and uninhibited, and who is full of wine.

He felt that after "Calyx Xianghui Tower", Li Bai really didn't care about anything, just like sitting on his own couch.

Therefore, it must be how comfortable it is. If the back is a little uncomfortable, be sure to shake it and rub it.

Just one action shows that Lin Shu has a deep understanding of Li Bai.

And Tian Yu, who was playing against Lin Shu, was also very surprised.

He had a certain understanding of Lin Shu and knew that he was only a group performer before.

The fact that the group performer can control the details so well is enough to show his solid acting skills.

However, Tian Yu did not forget that this was on the set. Almost after Lin Shu finished these actions, he continued:
"Li Bai, your glory and wealth are coming!"

Facing Tian Yu's bewitching voice, Lin Shu supported his head and squinted his eyes: "Who are you! What's the matter?"

"I'm Gao Lishi!" Tian Yu squatted down with a smile: "The emperor sent me to discuss poetry with you."

"Write what?"

Tian Yu approached Lin Shu and gestured with his hand with a smile: "Write about beauty!"

There was a strange laugh.

Lin Shu put down the right hand holding his head, shook his head and said, "There is no beauty."

"You can write whoever is the most beautiful today!"

"I don't know how to write what others told me to write!"

Lin Shu turned a blind eye to Tian Yu's cryptic reminder. He stared blankly ahead and shook his head calmly.

"Is the emperor counted as someone else!" Tian Yu's tone was threatening: "He told you to write, you have to write!"

"Take off your boots for me, and I'll write it!" Lin Shu narrowed his eyes and smiled impetuously.

"I only take off the emperor's boots!"

"Niangniang said that there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors at the banquet of bliss, I found a senior official, and it turned out to be a fake!"

Lin Shu, who was lying on the ground, stretched out his right leg and even clapped his hands regretfully.

Immediately afterwards, his voice suddenly became high: "Gao Lishi!"


"You bullied the emperor and the empress!" While shaking his head, Lin Shu pointed at Tian Yu from time to time.

Until Gao Lishi, played by Tian Yu, took off the boots on his feet.

He just climbed into the wine pool and burst into laughter.


In front of the monitor, Chen Kaige frowned.

The assistant director sitting next to him didn't dare to disturb him when he saw his appearance, but just asked the staff to temporarily stop the machine.

"Why does Lin Shu perform in this way!" Chen Kaige put a big question mark in his heart.

It's not that Lin Shu's performance is bad.

On the contrary, Chen Kaige couldn't find any fault with the Li Bai performed by Lin Shu just now.

But he didn't understand it, because Lin Shu had already performed Li Bai's poetic taste when he auditioned.

Why is the official filming this time more restrained than the audition.

What he wants is a poetic fairy who is talented, bohemian, heroic, and elegant.

But after carefully recalling Lin Shu's performance just now, it is obvious that you can feel it.

When Lin Shu dealt with this plot, he did not regard him as an exiled immortal above nine days, but as a talented poet who recognized the reality.

Lin Shu played Li Bai, not a "poetry fairy".

After thinking for a long time, Chen Kaige finally found Lin Shu.

"Lin Shu, why are you acting like this? You can obviously act the way I want."

Lin Shu shook his head and asked with a smile, "Director Chen, what kind of person is Li Bai in your heart?"

"He is a genius, arrogant and unrestrained, full of talent, elegant in shape and spirit, like a drop fairy above the nine heavens." Chen Kaige said without hesitation.

"The image of Li Bai in my heart is also the same, but Director Chen... Is this the Li Bai you need in your movie?"

Lin Shu's last sentence reminded Chen Kaige, who was originally confused.


In his "The Legend of the Demon Cat", what he needs is a real Li Bai, not a poet who doesn't eat fireworks.

Thinking of this, Chen Kaige went back to the monitor and carefully watched the sample shot just now.

After calming down, he felt more and more that what Lin Shu said made sense.

Li Bai is also a mortal who has entered the world. Otherwise, why would there be so many excellent works of insight into the world.

From the point of view of a layman, the characters should be beautified to some extent.

This kind of restrained performance not only did not let Li Bai fall into a rut, on the contrary, it embodied the elegant feeling of form and spirit.

Isn't this the Li Bai he wanted to see?
I didn't have this feeling before because he had put Li Bai above the laity at that time.

There was a gap between Lin Shu's performance and his thoughts, so naturally he couldn't understand it.

And this is also the best way for Lin Shu to think of the best way to deal with it after he didn't exchange Shi Xian temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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