Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 93 Rejecting Cao Yi, I want to try being fed!

Chapter 93 Rejecting Cao Yi, I want to try being fed!

Lin Shu let out a long breath and interrupted Cao Yi who was chattering.

"Mr. Cao, are you talking about June Fourth?"

"Yes! June Fourth!"

" there a possibility to upgrade the artist's level?" Lin Shu asked again.

"When you become an actor and can maintain your due market, the contract will immediately rise to the top level, that is, [-]%!"

After hearing the treatment of super-first-tier artists, Lin Shu shook his head and said calmly, "Mr. Cao, I don't think we need to continue talking. I have no idea of ​​changing companies."

The top contract is only 01. Compared with "cross-era", it is not 30:[-] points.

Although Lin Shu is currently signing a contract for a third-tier artist, he is divided into six or four with the "cross-era".

But when he becomes a second-tier artist, the share will be completely reversed, and he will get [-]% at that time.

And you can get more without going through the company's resources.

To put it simply, as long as Lin Shu becomes a second-tier artist, he can enjoy the treatment given by Cao Yi.

As for resources, cross-generational resources are not much inferior.

The most important thing is that if Lin Shu stays in the "cross era", when he becomes a marketable actor, he will not need to share with the company, but will be attached to the company in the form of a studio.

If you don't want to set up a studio, you can.

Continue to stay in the company as an artist, and the contract share is still [-]%, but Lin Shu can get the company's shares and become one of the top executives.

On the other hand, on Cao Yi's side, even if he gets to that point, he will still be sucked by the company. He really doesn't treat the artist as a human being.

In the short term, Cao Yi's side is definitely beneficial.

After all, the treatment that Lin Shu can enjoy is super first-line.

And now, he is not even a third-tier artist. If he wants to become a super-tier one, he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon.

But from a long-term perspective.

Cao Yi's company has no future at all. Even if Lin Shu becomes a global actor one day, he will still make money for him.

Unless Lin Shu has a problem with his brain, he will choose to leave "Cross-Era".

Originally, he thought that the conditions Cao Yi offered were very exciting, but the results were really disappointing.

"Maybe this is the confidence of the old entertainment company!"

Lin Shu feels very fortunate that he became one of the members of "Cross-Era" not long after its establishment.

Perhaps "cross-era" is a thousand pieces of gold to buy horse bones, and after a long time, it will be the same as the Xinlidu established by Cao Yi.

But as the first batch of entertainers to come in, he can eat crabs, which is enough.


Cao Yi looked up at Lin Shu, a little confused.

Didn't we chat just now?
Why are you no longer interested?
However, Lin Shu's words also represented the bargaining chips he offered, which did not impress Lin Shu.

"I want to know why!"

Cao Yi stared at Lin Shu, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes.

Seeing that Lin Shu wanted to explain, he added another sentence.

"If you want to tell me that "cross-generation" has a high score, this point is unnecessary.

It is an indisputable fact that "cross-era" does have money, but there are not as many resources as "new capital".

In this circle, not everything can be done with a lot of money, and the key is to have connections.

I can tell you responsibly that in the next five years at least, "cross-era" cannot surpass "Xinlidu"! "

"Cross-era" artist contracts are not a secret in the circle.

But he didn't think that was the reason why Lin Shu rejected him.

In terms of resources, their company has a unique advantage, and this alone is enough to attract countless artists.

Besides, even if Lin Shu wants to become a high-level "cross-era".

An unavoidable problem is to become an actor.

There are only two movie stars a year, and there are countless movies released every year.

Let alone five years, even if Lin Shu is given ten years, he may not be able to become an actor.

Even if Lin Shu specializes in making literary films, he simply goes for awards.

But if there is no market, there is still no way to meet the conditions.

And this is also the reason why Cao Yi is not optimistic about Lin Shu.

"Mr. Cao, in fact... this is really the reason why I stay in the "cross-era", at least in the company, I can see the future."

In addition to system factors, Lin Shu also has a great advantage.

He knows which movies will win awards and which movies will be popular.

Maybe some movies, for some reason, didn't catch on in the end.

But there are so many movies, any movie that may be popular will participate.

While ensuring quality, winning awards and the market is not difficult for him.

Perhaps it would not take five years for Lin Shu to meet the conditions.

Cao Yi sneered, obviously not taking what Lin Shu said seriously.

He did not feel that his conditions were not rich enough.

After so many years of development in the entertainment industry, everyone has come this way. Is it just you, Lin Shu, who has a dream?

How is this possible!
"Okay! It may also be that our boss Lin is too charming.

When I joined the company before, someone told me that if I can get to that point in the future, I can let President Lin feed me.

I don't know if it's true, but... I want to try it! "

"Okay, Mr. Cao, see you next time!"

Lin Shu smiled and shrugged.

After finishing his clothes, he calmly pushed open the box door.

And Cao Yi, who was sitting in the chair, was stunned in the chair, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After a long silence, he slammed the table.

"Good boy, it's no wonder that he rejected the conditions I offered, co-authoring with this idea!"

Cao Yi was a little unhappy after being rejected by Lin Shu before.

Until now, he felt like he had figured it out.

It's not that his conditions are not good enough, but that some people don't care about his conditions at all.

But also understandable.

After all, Lin Shu is still young and prone to impulsiveness. He doesn't understand some things that he can't get through hard work.

However, for Lin Shu's idea, Cao Yi felt bold and at the same time appreciated it very much.


I don't know what picture the brain made up, a smile appeared on Cao Yi's face.

And Lin Shu, who had already left the crew at this time, didn't expect it at all.

Cao Yi didn't hear a word of the reason he said seriously, but he took it seriously when he joked instead.

(End of this chapter)

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