Actor: I am drawing skills in movies

Chapter 99 "Embroidered Spring Knife", a movie with heart and sincerity!

Chapter 99 "Embroidered Spring Knife", a movie with sincerity!

Seeing that Lin Shu was still very resistant, Bai Jing followed suit:
"Listen to me, you'll stand on my shoulders later... On the side, Zhang Wan and the others, don't worry, I've already said hello."

"Director Bai...let's forget it!"

After hesitating again and again, Lin Shu finally rejected Bai Jing's kindness.

He understands Bai Jing's thoughts, it is nothing more than wanting him to show his face more in front of the public.

Perhaps when the movie is over, Lin Shu is standing beside Bai Jing, and Zhang Wan and Wang Gan will not say anything.

But being in their place by an unknown person always makes me feel a little bit grumpy in my heart.

Lin Shu didn't want to leave the impression that they didn't know how to advance or retreat because of such a trivial matter.

What's more, he didn't like this way of increasing his fame by showing his face.

He wants to rely on his works to gain public recognition.

Like a very favorite singer in a previous life, he has been criticized for ten years since his debut, but the concert with [-] people was full.

Facts have proved that as long as the works are good enough, they can be remembered by the public.

"You... Forget it, let's go!"

Seeing Lin Shu's serious face, Bai Jing pointed and shook his head helplessly.

When he was on the set before, he thought that Lin Shu had a pretty good temperament, so he didn't fight or scramble, but just kept his head down while filming.

But now he felt that Lin Shu was too paranoid in some aspects.

Since he dared to bring it up, he has naturally handled all the troubles properly.

Even if the other leading actors were a little dissatisfied with Lin Shu standing by his side, what was that?

With Lin Shu's fame growing, does anyone really care about what happened today?

Although it was a pity for Lin Shu's rejection, Bai Jing also appreciated it.

Because dealing with this kind of person, you don't have to worry at all, one day in the future, you will be stabbed in the back.

After a few chats, the lights in the movie theater dimmed.

At the same time, some production company opening animations began to appear on the big screen.

"During the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty, the great eunuch Wei Zhongxian led the East Factory to the post of superintendent, causing chaos for the imperial court for eight years.

At that time, seven out of ten important officials in the imperial court were Wei Zhongxian's henchmen, the "eunuch party" in Shicheng..."

As the narration sounded, many media and film critics turned their attention to the screen.

"Embroidered Spring Knife" does not have any procrastination at the beginning, and goes straight to the theme as soon as it comes up.

The Beizhen Fusi Shen Lian played by Zhang Wan, along with a group of Jinyiwei, was ordered to arrest the "eunuch party".

Looking at the clothes he was wearing, some well-researched media people suddenly lit up.

They were surprised to find that Zhang Wan's flying fish suit and the embroidered spring knife around his waist were safe according to the standards of Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty.

No wonder Bai Jing claimed in an interview with the media that the film had no money to promote it.

Now they have some understanding of where the money is used.

Because of this, the audience in front of them has a much more serious attitude towards movies than before.

In this entertainment industry that has gradually become commercialized, a movie that is willing to spend a lot of money on props will definitely not be bad.

A few minutes later, "Embroidered Spring Knife" gave these media people another great surprise.

General martial arts movies, in order to shape the strength of the protagonist.

I really like to take pictures of people who are cut in half with one knife, or the special effects of explosions in one swing.

But the embroidered spring knife is not like this.

It completely jumps out of the action design of the Hong Kong martial arts movies, there are no sets of moves or "flying" those actions that violate physics, and most of them are fighting with the tip of a knife.

There is quite a feeling of "the blade sliding past the body".

There is no strong sense of design, and all the martial arts actions seem to happen randomly and impromptuly.

The action is not fighting for the sake of fighting, but putting characters, narrative, and emotions all in the fight.

In this way, the plot will appear very complete.

The media workers who participated in the premiere had only watched the movie for a few minutes before they had a strong idea of ​​watching the movie.

With Lu Jianxing, Shen Lian, and Jin Yichuan three Jinyiwei being ordered to get rid of Wei Zhongxian, the complete plot finally kicked off.

The rhythm of the embroidered spring knife movie is very tight, and from the moment Shen Lian let go of Wei Zhongxian, a sense of crisis has always lingered in everyone's heart.

Nearly two hours passed, and the screen opposite the theater finally dimmed.

"I think everyone has a certain understanding of the movie "Embroidered Spring Knife", and there are many doubts. Next, the main creative team will be invited to the stage."

The host fell, and Bai Jing and other main creators stepped onto the stage one after another, preparing to be interviewed by the media.

At this time, many people also stood up at the location of the movie theater.

"It seems that everyone can't wait any longer, so let's start directly!"

After speaking, the host handed over the microphone to Bai Jing and asked him to take over the next process.

Glancing at everyone, Bai Jing pointed to a young man dressed in casual clothes and holding a black notebook in his hand, who looked gentle.

"Just you!"

"Thank you, Director Bai.

I found that the movie "Embroidered Spring Knife" has no fancy martial arts moves, the actors' acting skills are online, and the plot is very smooth.

To put it bluntly, this is the most sincere movie I have seen in recent years. "

Hearing someone's compliment, several of the main creators showed a gratifying smile.

The recognition of the movie is inseparable from the efforts of all the main creators, and it is understandable that everyone is happy about it.

After a wave of praise, the young man asked the doubts in his heart:

"Director Bai, the action design in the movie is very different from the Xiangjiang movies I've seen before. I don't know whose idea this is?"

Bai Jing was slightly startled, obviously not expecting the other party's problem.

After thinking about it in his heart, he put the microphone to his mouth:

"In the beginning, the design of the action in the movie was not in such a realistic style, but after watching a fight scene of an actor in our crew, I had the idea.

Later, the two of us, together with Yuan Zhang, the martial arts director of the crew, decided on this kind of action scene that carries the narrative. "

With Bai Jing's explanation, everyone finally knows why "Embroidered Spring Knife" is so different from the previous Xiangjiang action movies.

"I don't know who the actor you are talking about! I'm still curious about this!"

Hearing this question, the actors standing on the stage took a step back in tacit understanding, only Lin Shu stood there stupidly.

It wasn't until he found that everyone's attention was on him that he turned around and realized it.

At the right time, Bai Jing's voice spread to every corner of the auditorium through the sound again.

"Yes, this actor is Lin Shu, the "Jia Qian Laity" in the movie! ""

(End of this chapter)

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