The Swordsman of the Grim Reaper

Chapter 109 Nelly Elu to Moe City Shuangye

Chapter 109 Nelly Elu to Moe City Shuangye

Her whisper fell.

The Great Void Forest, where microsilver and darkness intertwine, exploded with a pink glare, and a strong shock wave emerged.

The hard rocky ground cracked in an instant, and the giant ghosts that rushed forward were bounced away, and the gravel crackled and hit the surrounding trees.

Baishi narrowed his eyes slightly, and knew in his heart that this was Xu's return to the blade.

To be honest, he has never been able to figure out what is the meaning of returning to the blade.

Sealing Xu's inner core into the shape of a knife and releasing it will return Xu's ability to its original form.

Then why do you want to limit your strength with a sword?
Even if it is Xu, it is impossible to take off his pants for farting, and there may be hidden benefits that he does not know.

Those thoughts turned in Baishi's mind, and his eyes continued to stare at the front. The pink light quickly dissipated, and darkness shrouded here again.

Nelliel as a whole has undergone a huge change.

This change is not obvious on the upper body. At most, the horns that should be attached to the skull are separated and bent backwards. The collarbone, shoulders, elbows, hands and other parts are covered by white armor, and black long-sleeved gloves are added to the arms. .

In general, it is still the look that 60.00% of men will like.

The lower body changed greatly, becoming a sheep's body covered with gray-brown hair, as big as a horse, with a raised back, and a fluffy lake-green tail flicking.

Of course, she was unaware of the charm of her return-to-blade form, her expression was full of solemnity, like a medieval knight holding a heavy double-headed spear in her right hand, and her goat's hooves stepping on the ground.

That huge spiritual pressure filled the space, as if it wanted to squeeze everything away.

Even Shiraishi felt tightness in his chest.

Mole Chengshuang also realized that it would be futile to continue to control the giant virtual attack, so she took the initiative to reveal her figure and stood opposite Nelliel.

"You're finally willing to come out, God of Death."

Nelliel raised her head, her expression became more and more indifferent: "What do you want to do in Xuquan?"

"Purify all emptiness."

Mole Chengshuang also answered her question truthfully, and asked back: "You look a bit like Shi Jie, the god of death, did Lan Ran do it?"

"Since you know Lord Aizen's name, you can't leave here alive."

A icy murderous intent flashed across Nelliel's taupe eyes. She repeatedly failed to kill Neutra, but it was because she was blessed by the Ten Blades camp, and it didn't mean she didn't have the intention to kill.

Especially the enemies who threaten Aizen-sama, she will never show mercy and eliminate them all.

Repaying one's kindness is the spirit that a knight should have.

"Thank you for letting me know." Mo Chengshuang also judged from the attitude of the other party that it was Lan Ran who did it. Hearing the name, combined with what Lan Ran said before, he collected ten blades in the virtual circle.

Mole City Shuang also somewhat understood that this guy was one of the Ten Blades.

It seems that he still underestimated that man, "I will ask you one last question, among the ten blades, which blade do you rank?"

"You'll know when you beat me down."

Nelliel didn't want to reveal Ten Blades' information, so she held up the double-headed spear and said with a blank expression, "The Emerald Shooting Gun."

The twin heads spun at high speed, and she threw it forward violently.

high speed.

A huge hole was drilled in Mocheng Shuangye's heart in an instant, his body collapsed into a spirit, and the double-ended spear continued to drill backward.

Boom, Nelliel grabbed the double-ended spear with a ring, and fell from the air, her hard sheep's hooves stepped on the same hard tree roots, making a crisp sound.

A look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

That's it?

Not right.

She didn't quite believe it would be so easy.

"The muddy coat of arms reveals faintly, and the talent of being unruly and arrogant."

In the darkness, there was a man's emotionless chant. She remembered that this should be a ghost spell that Death God must learn.

The god of death really didn't die.

Nelliel looked around, searching her nerves, but still couldn't find the specific location of the Grim Reaper.

"Beast bones scattered everywhere! Spire red crystal steel wheels." "... Carve double lotuses on the wall of the blue fire." "...Follow my instructions, light bullets, eight bodies, nine articles, and the scriptures Disease Treasure Big Wheel."

More voices came from the darkness, and plant-like mouths and palms emerged from the tree that released silver light, and from the rocky ground shrouded in darkness.

In the dark, the scene looked extremely sinister and eerie.

Nelliel's back felt chills when she saw it, and she felt very uncomfortable with this scene. Countless chants came from all directions, turning into loud noises like the earth's song, echoing in this space.

The ghosts that have already chanted have not been released, and are backlogged around, waiting for all the chanting to end.

A second later, the space suddenly became silent.

Nelliel wanted to dodge it with a spin, but the black long sleeves of her arms changed from dead to alive, and she slammed back hard.

Make her waist directly stick to the sheep's body, the long lake green hair is mixed with the tail, and the sheep's hoof is also pulled by something, pulling it to the four sides.

This posture made her unable to turn around.

Hundreds of ghosts did not continue to hold back, and released towards her in one breath.

The brilliance of various ghost powers illuminates the darkness, including low-level ghost powers such as Bailei, Thunderbolt, and Fuhuo.

There are also intermediate ghost path red artillery, yellow fire flash, and blue fire pendant, as well as high-level ghost path thunder roar, double lotus blue fire pendant, flying dragon and thieves shocking thunder cannon.

The black coffin with a serial number as high as 91, the thousand-handed bright sky with 96, and the one-shot cremation with [-].

Wind, fire, thunder, lightning, gravity, the gorgeous scene is like returning to the moment when the world first opened.

Nelliel bit the tip of her tongue, opened her small mouth, and the pink light condensed in her mouth.

Wang Xu's flash! !


It was obviously the most intense conflict, but it gave people an illusion of extreme silence. Then, the shock wave hit, and the big tree that Baishi was hiding turned into a mass of debris, and the rock under his feet was as soft as white sand.

As if a nuclear bomb exploded, the deafening sound rolled over the sky of Daxu Forest. Within a radius of [-] kilometers, countless trees and xu shattered under the impact.

"Pfft," the space where the virtual circles merged was completely destroyed, Mojo Shuangya's consciousness instantly retreated to Seilingting's main body, a mouthful of blood spit out from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person fell into a coma.

The Great Void Forest set off the largest storm in history.

The mixture of tree dust and dust made the already dark space more and more difficult to see clearly, and it was really hard to see.

"Ahem," Nelliel vomited blood, the injury was not serious at all, she immediately exited the blade return state and returned to her original state.

The pure white combat uniform was tattered, the long sleeves became sleeveless, most of the back was exposed, and the front was also exposed. A small part of the cloth was draped over the chest, exposing the lower half of the sphere.

The abdomen is completely exposed to the air, and the pants are also torn.

She barely took two steps, her body swayed non-stop, her gray-brown eyes were slack, and her spiritual sense vaguely sensed that someone was approaching, her eyes quickly condensed, and she said sharply: "Who is it?!"

"Master Nelliel, why should you be so vigilant, wouldn't it be better to just die without knowing anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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