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Chapter 104 I'll Help You Settle This Matter

Chapter 104 I'll Help You Settle This Matter

The torrential rain in midsummer is always unexpected.

At Jiang'an Wharf, traffickers and pawns who had just disembarked covered their heads with their hands and ran back and forth, while boats of all sizes parked on the river bank were heaving in the waves.

Pei Xiangjun stepped off the ferry, Xiuhe held an umbrella beside him, and boarded the carriage of Pei's family to pick him up.

On the ferry, Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe, holding an oil-paper umbrella and looking at the river bank, looking for the small ferry.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the ferry returned to the eastern suburbs of the capital smoothly. The small ferry that Luo Nvxia was riding on would stop along the way, and the speed was slower. It seems that it has not yet reached the port.Xiao Yunli kidnapped his bird, and I don't know if he has gotten fat after feeding him for a few days...

Ye Jingtang watched for a while, but there was no trace, and he was about to follow the carriage.After walking a few steps, Mrs. Huang Zhu, who was changing boats to Guangji County, ran up to her with an umbrella, stopped him and rushed to the nearby ferry:

"Young master, the matter of Shuiyun Jiantan is over, so it's time to go to Baoyuanmen next?"

Ye Jingtang settled the Zhou family, so naturally it had to teach the local Jianghu sects in Yunzhou the rules, but just returned to Beijing, and the turmoil of the Zhou family had not been suppressed yet, so it had to wait for a few days.

"Don't worry, Aunt Huang. I'll go to Guangji to have a look after I've dealt with the affairs of the capital."

Mrs. Huang Zhu said aggrievedly: "That Li Hunyuan is too deceitful, it doesn't matter if he poached my shop's business, I went to discuss it, but he actually let me...let me..."


Ye Jingtang looked at Madam Huang Zhu's shameless face, and frowned:
"What should Aunt Huang do?"

"Let me go."


Ye Jingtang nodded slowly, feeling that the situation was not much different from what he thought:

"This Li Hunyuan really needs to be cleaned up. But I..."

"Young master is not helping me settle the matter. I won't be able to pay the incense money for the tribute to the hall this year. The landlord will definitely punish me... want many masters to waive my tribute money for this year?"

Ye Jingtang helplessly raised his hand: "I'm a thug, so I have to intercede with Sanniang on this matter."

Mrs. Huang Zhu frowned: "How could San Niang exempt me? If you can't pay the incense money, you have to transfer the property to other incense owners according to gang rules. I have nowhere to go, so I can only go to Li's house by myself and die." Young master, burn some paper money for me..."

Ye Jingtang sighed: "What are you talking about? Isn't it just Li Hunyuan? I'll go there as soon as I finish my work. I'll let him vomit as much as he eats, even the interest will be counted."

Mrs. Huang Zhu saw that Ye Jingtang really couldn't get away, so she had to give up:

"It's settled~ The matter is settled, I will secretly arrange a few courtesans to reward the young master, without letting the host know... By the way, the young master doesn't want a wife? My daughter is fourteen this year, she is a little too young..."


Ye Jingtang was quite helpless, how could he accept bribes from the incense master below for his duties, if Sanniang and Luo Nvxia heard about it, he would suffer another unreasonable disaster, so he immediately sent Madam Huang Zhu to him with a cheerful face. gone.

After watching the ship leave, Ye Jingtang turned around and boarded Pei's carriage.

In the carriage, Xiuhe sat beside her, sorting out the books to be used.

Wearing a light yellow light summer dress, Pei Xiangjun was sitting on the beauty couch, his legs were bent and stacked, his buttocks were resting on his calf, and he was shaking a fan in his hand. His demeanor was quite like a charming lady of a wealthy family:
"Huang Zhu made trouble with you again?"

"It's not a big deal. I got my wages. It's my job. But it will take some time before I have time. Sanniang is exhausted. Go back and rest early. I have to go to Prince Jing's mansion later and ask the Zhou family about it." Under the circumstances, there may not be time to come over in these two days."

Pei Xiangjun looked away: "Oh~ I can't help you with the Zhou family's affairs, and I have to rely on you to carry the thunder; it's only natural that you go to the palace more often, and I won't stop you."

This is not to stop?

Ye Jingtang was already used to this faint and resentful appearance, and said with a smile: "I will definitely come over to help Sanniang when I have time. Speaking of Uncle Song's "Thunder God Baji", he said that Sanniang taught me... "

Pei Xiangjun gave a round fan: "On the merchant ship, where can you use it? Come to Pei's house when you have time, and I will teach you slowly. Li Hunyuan from Baoyuanmen has good fist and palm skills, and beats the opponent with the same tricks. It's interesting to get down."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "Okay."

Pei Xiangjun pondered for a while, then said again:

"The person you like has returned to the capital, right? Are you going to let me go to visit, or let her come to the door and offer tea to my elder?"

Ye Jingtang blinked: "She doesn't know Sanniang's identity, um..."

"Afraid that I will bully her as an elder?"

"how could be……"

"Why not? Dig the corner of my house and let me meet her. I have to ask her to serve tea and call her a teacher, and set up the rules first..."

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, already imagining the cold appearance of Luo Nvxia after being beaten by Sanniang and coming back to vent his anger on him...

After thinking about it for a moment, Pei Xiangjun raised his fan again:

"Forget it, I know that in your heart, your sweetheart is more important than my estranged sister-in-law. I won't make things difficult for you. I'll talk about it later. By the way, tell Prince Jing about your relationship with Honghualou, and make sure that Prince Jing won't let me pay tribute?"

Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "After I arrived at Pei's house, I didn't get a single cent more than my wages. This is something I have a clear conscience. I will explain it clearly to Prince Jing. But I'm afraid marksmanship is unavoidable." After all, if Prince Jing is to take care of you, you must give some gifts."

Pei Xiangjun nodded slightly: "It's enough to tell King Jing not to spread the word. Anyway, King Jing can't beat people himself. At most, he can find a guard at home to get addicted..."

After chatting a few words, the carriage entered the east gate of the capital and came to the bustling street.

Although it was raining, there were many pedestrians holding umbrellas on the main street, and the shops were also full of beautiful things.

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and looked up, his heart moved, he felt that he should prepare some small gifts when he came back from a trip, so he got off the car halfway, ran to a quite high-end jewelry shop on the street, picked out a few pieces of jewelry, and gave them to Xiuhe. Prepare one for all, lest Xiuhe complain that the young master is partial, and bought a small ornament for Niao Niao.

After finishing, Yejingtang returned to Tianshui Bridge with an umbrella. Under the rain, there were few pedestrians on the street, and the neighbors were all chatting under the eaves of the pavement to avoid the rain.

Seeing Ye Jingtang come back, the familiar shopkeepers all greeted him:

"Yo~ Master Ye is back!"

"I haven't seen you in half a month, and I'm a lot more handsome..."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang responded along the way, originally wanted to go directly to Pei's mansion to give things to Sanniang, but just halfway there, he saw a carriage coming out of the alleyway, Chen Biao followed behind with an umbrella, and hurriedly dissuaded:
"Master, don't make up your own mind. If Sanniang and Madam find out, your pocket money for this month will definitely be gone..."

The curtain of the carriage was raised, and inside was a young man facing the sixteenth seventeenth, with a refined and calm demeanor, who was shaking his fan vigorously and complaining:
"I also do my best for the family. I'm seventeen or eighteen years old. Why don't you let me take care of things? I just stayed in the academy for a month, and when I came back to see, okay, the eldest young master has become the second young master. Your Majesty The maids don’t want to see me, they chat all day long, ‘Young Master Jingtang, Young Master Ye, you’re so handsome~’, what do you mean? I’m ugly, right?”

"Uh... Comparing Young Master and Young Master Ye... it's hard to tell!"

Chen Biao trotted outside the carriage holding an umbrella to dissuade him:
"As soon as Sanniang came back, the young master went out on his own initiative..."

As the eldest son of the Pei family, Pei Luo goes to school outside the city. When he comes back from vacation, he sees that the Pei family is about to change his surname to 'Ye'. No matter how good his temper is, he will inevitably be full of complaints:

"I just waited for Sangu to come back before going out, otherwise how would Sangu know my skills?"

"The young master is a scholar, and he must be honored in the exam... Eh?! Master Ye!"

Chen Biao half-spoken, saw Ye Jingtang approaching, and hurriedly ran to him holding an umbrella, asking for warmth:

"Master Ye, you're back. How are you doing along the way? Come on, I'll carry your things for you, so don't get tired..."

? ?
Young Master Pei on the carriage was still listening to Chen Biao's words. Seeing this scene, he shook his folding fan a few times with a rather complicated expression.

Then he looked up at the black-robed young man who was walking over:
Half a head taller than him, with a heroic figure, I feel like I can kill him with a single punch...

As for facing...

Can this mother be called hard to tell?
They all have two eyes and one nose, the number is hard to distinguish, right?

Young Master Pei directly closed the curtain and urged:
"Let's go."

But when the coachman saw the young master's coming, he didn't dare to listen to Pei Luo, he just sat outside the carriage and giggled.

Ye Jingtang recognized who was sitting in the carriage from the conversation, and walked to the window holding an umbrella:
"I'm just hired by Sanniang as the shopkeeper, Mr. Pei don't need to misunderstand."

The car curtain was lifted, and Pei Luo poked his head out. His demeanor was quite easy-going, like a well-educated kid from a wealthy family:
"You are Brother Jing, right? I really didn't see it just now, um... Third Gu is at home talking to Mother, you can go directly, I still have something to do, excuse me."

Chen Biao quickly raised his hand and stopped the carriage:

"Oh, it's fine for Young Master Ye to handle this matter, you..."

Pei Luo shook his fan a few more times: "Chen Biao, how many drinks have I treated you to? Do you think this young master can't do anything?"

"No, it's related to Young Master Ye..."

Ye Jingtang didn't understand the meaning and asked:
"What's the matter?"

Chen Biao sighed, and explained: "It's not a big deal. Didn't the government ask the Pei family to renovate Ranfang Street? Such a big piece of fat, many local snakes are staring at it. If they want to eat with the Pei family, the Pei family will definitely eat it. No. A few days ago, someone came to talk about this matter, and the shopkeeper of the grain shop received him with a bad attitude, pointing at his nose and talking, and the six sons of the escort bureau saw the future father-in-law being angry, so they cursed a few times."

The six sons are Ye Jingtang's old team, and they frowned when they heard this:
"and then?"

"It was fine at the time, but the next day when Liu Zi and the girl from the grain shop went shopping, they were blocked on the way back. The girl was in front of him, and Liu Zi couldn't save face and apologized, so he got into a fight with someone, and he was beaten until now. Can't get up..."

"Who moved the hand?"

Pei Luo jumped down from the carriage, seeing Ye Jingtang's angry face, he patted his shoulder:

"Cheng Song, the young owner of Sanyuan Building, and Kuo Shao on Wutong Street, I have dealt with him before. Just leave this matter to me, and I will get back the medical expenses later..."

Ye Jingtang looked at Young Master Pei:
"What's Cheng Song's background?"

Pei Luo thought for a while: "Father is Cheng Erye from Xishi, I don't know much about the others. Anyway, there are some connections in the officialdom and the world, so it's not easy to provoke them. The big shopkeepers mean to calm things down, but I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. Cousin Jing just came to Pei’s house, and his subordinates were bullied. If I, the young master, don’t stand up for you, who can find a place for you?... Eh? Jingtang, where are you going?”

"Go and visit the six sons."

Ye Jingtang held an umbrella and walked into the back alley of Tianshui Bridge, accompanied by Chen Biao.

Young Master Pei stood alone in the rain, feeling a little left out, but he was not angry, followed up and continued:

"I have a bit of trouble in Wutong Street, and all the big bosses have to honorably call 'Pei Gongzi'. Cheng Song dared to beat my family, and he kicked the iron board..."

While talking, the three came to a courtyard in the back alley.

Sanniang was very kind, and arranged accommodation for the twelve bodyguards and their families who moved to the capital. The walls of the alley were clean and tidy, much better than the environment in Shuanggui Alley.

Ye Jingtang opened the door and entered, and smelled a smell of medicine. The wife of the sixth son, Mrs. Lin, was boiling medicine in the kitchen; the old bodyguard Yang Chao was cursing and preaching in the room:

"I'm not good at shit, what's the point of competing with others? Do you think you're the young boss?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang come in, Yang Chao rushed out to greet him, while Aunt Lin came up to complain:

"Jingtang, you have to take care of this matter..."

Yang Chao hurriedly stopped him: "Sister-in-law Lin, go and do your work, the Young Master has a sense of propriety."

Ye Jingtang comforted Mrs. Lin a few words, and came to the main room, and saw the six sons lying on the bed in the side room, with bandages on their bodies, with a haggard face, and got up with a smile:

"Brother Jing, why are you here? It's a big deal, it makes me want to go to a funeral..."

Ye Jingtang checked the injuries and asked:
"No matter how hard you fight, why can't you come back and ask the master to find a place? What will your mother do outside when you die?"

The six sons chuckled: "Oh, I didn't know I couldn't beat it until I was beaten. It's my fault. I shouldn't disturb Father-in-law to discuss business..."

After Ye Jingtang took a few glances at the injury, he took out a bank note and handed it to Yang Chao:

"Find a good doctor and don't let the root of the disease fall."

"Hey, no need, Brother Jing, you..."

Ye Jingtang waved his hand, told the six sons to lie down, and after saying hello to Aunt Lin, he opened the umbrella and left the yard.

Pei Luo had been standing outside the courtyard door looking at it, and only then did he speak:
"Jingtang, don't worry, I'll settle this matter for you, if Cheng Song dares not pay the medical expenses today..."

Ye Jingtang opened the oil-paper umbrella above his head, and glanced at the left and right lanes:
"Where is that Mr. Cheng?"

Pei Luo thought for a while: "This point is usually in the Sanyuan Building. I will accompany the young masters of Wende Bridge to push Pai Gow. If you want to go there and have a look, I will take you there, but try not to talk, be polite, and tell me." Just give it to me. The sons and daughters of officials at Wendeqiao are not easy to offend..."

Ye Jingtang nodded:
"it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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