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Chapter 107 What do you mean?

Chapter 107 What do you mean?

The carriage was moving slowly on the street, and the heavy rain fell on the roof, making a slight crackling sound.The accompanying guards outside the carriage were talking to each other in low voices:
"This Iron Bull Cheng Bao really lives up to his reputation..."

"Tiefuling is a well-known family in Yunzhou. The head of it, Cheng Shilu, is nicknamed 'Wrathful King Kong'. He has practiced kung fu to the point where he is invulnerable to swords and guns. Even Catcher She has praised him. His brother must have some real skills..."

"Ye Gongzi is also a ruthless person, it hurts my hands when I see it..."

"Master Ye doesn't seem to have a name in the world, and he will be called Ruthless Iron Hand in the future..."


It was quite quiet in the large carriage.

Dongfang Liren was sitting in front of the main seat, wearing a silver python robe, his long black hair was still tied up with a jade crown, his lips were dotted with light red rouge, and the python outlined by silver threads was propped up into a perfect semicircle by the ball below. The arc is shining brightly in the carriage.

Although his appearance was shockingly glamorous, but the majestic temperament that has been in a high position for a long time, coupled with the outstanding figure, looks like a ruthless top master.

Ye Jingtang was seated by the car window, his face was as stern as ever, but his heart was a little flustered - he practiced martial arts all the year round, his eyesight was sharp, and the crack that appeared on Cheng Bao's forehead just now was definitely not a hallucination.The horizontal kung fu of tamping the skin and bones can be as invulnerable as She Long, but if the skin is broken, it is absolutely impossible to have the same spider web pattern as when the ice surface is broken. There is definitely something weird in it...

Dongfang Liren looked at Ye Jingtang's battered right hand, took a small mahogany medicine box from his side, and put it on the small case:

"Heal yourself."

It’s been a long time since Ye Jingtang saw Benben, and I really miss him when I say it, but when I see the real person, I can’t help but think back to the Canyang Lake last month, that unforgettable moment in my life...

Ye Jingtang quickly brushed aside distracting thoughts, sat forward, opened the small medicine box, but saw a pile of bottles and cans inside, picked it up, opened it and smelled it... What is this?
This can't be blamed on Ye Jingtang's ignorance. The emergency medicines carried by the Queen are all healing medicines from famous experts, which are impossible to find in the market.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's puzzled face, Dongfang Liren shook his head secretly, sat down a little closer, picked up a red porcelain vase, and took a tea tray as washing utensils:
"Clumsy...Hands out."

Ye Jingtang's hand was scratched a little, there was no need to apply medicine, but the queen was so caring, he still put his hand on the tea tray:
"What kind of medicine is this? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Oh... um—?!"

The red porcelain bottle was opened, and the tea-brown medicinal wine was poured on the back of his right hand, washing away the blood and some stains.

Ye Jingtang's elegant and easy-going smile disappeared, his stern eyes widened a little bit, he didn't pull his hands away, and tried his best to be calm:
"Your Highness usually...does he use medicinal wine like this?"

Dongfang Liren washed the skinned back of his hand slowly:
"The doctor girl will seal the acupuncture points first when treating the wound. Does it hurt?"

"Why doesn't Your Highness seal the acupuncture points for me?"

"You don't know it yourself?"

Ye Jingtang slightly spread his left hand: "No one is perfect, and I am not omniscient."

It is rare for Dongfang Liren to see Ye Jingtang not proficient in martial arts, so he puts on a posture of a master, and raises his finger to poke Ye Jingtang's chest.

Ye Jingtang's limbs were paralyzed instantly, and the pain disappeared, but his body also straightened and fell forward.This time, the face is not a small watermelon or a fat-headed dragon, but a solid mahogany tea case:

Dongfang Liren didn't care about killing or burying him, he raised his hand to support Ye Jingtang's shoulder, pushed him on the couch, and continued to deal with his right hand.

Ye Jingtang was paralyzed on the couch, feeling similar to the last time he was touched by Luo Ning, and even the techniques were similar, he said doubtfully:
"What is this trick called?"

"Zhanyun Fourteen Hands, an original move created by Master Yuxushan Xuanji."

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised in his heart, but it's hard to say clearly—isn't this the move of Little Watermelon, you two were taught by the same master?
After Dongfang Liren washed the wound, he wiped his broken right hand with cotton wool, and said displeasedly:
"Aren't you well versed in the laws of the Great Wei? You know what the crime should be if you fight privately in the street?"

"I was caught on the spot, detained for [-] days, and fined [-] Wen. If I wasn't caught, I would not be prosecuted if the people didn't raise an official. Cheng Laoer would not go to the Yamen to sue me."


Dongfang Liren paused: "Why?"

"He knows that I have something to do with the black government. In order to prevent the incident from expanding and not alarm the backers in the court, he will definitely solve it according to the rules of the world and ask his brother to beat me up."

Dongfang Liren sat up a little straighter: "After talking for a long time, isn't this king supporting you?"

Ye Jingtang laughed and said: "He sued me, I went to Tiefuling as Honghualou, and he would withdraw the lawsuit himself."


Dongfang Liren was speechless and nodded slowly:
"Awesome, black and white can take both. Do you know what this king does?"

"Restrain the rivers and lakes. I was born in the rivers and lakes, and I can't help it if I happen to meet. Honghualou has no crimes, and it's a serious boat gang..."

Dongfang Liren snorted lightly: "This king needs a reason to govern the people in the Jianghu? Honghualou is a wealthy landowner. I help them settle their affairs. Is it polite to meet them?"


Ye Jingtang saw that his limbs relaxed slightly, and slowly sat up again: "Your Highness has a good talent in martial arts, and his slender physique is suitable for practicing spears. Honghualou asked me to teach His Highness the Overlord Spear as a gift."

Honghualou is so knowledgeable about current affairs, Dongfang Liren is really not good. The lion opened his mouth, nodded and said:
"They're smart. Don't you want to do things for this king to make up for it..."

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "What did you make up for?"

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, the fat-headed dragon gleaming with silver light was a little swollen visible to the naked eye.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand: "Understood, it's about taking a bath. But I have a clear relationship with Honghualou, and I won't be the landlord. Your Highness wants to occupy the family property..."


Dongfang Liren didn't expect Ye Jingtang to speak so straightforwardly, and patted the table:
"What do you mean, this king seems to be short of property?"

"It's not like, I'll just say it casually. Um... What does Your Highness mean?"

Dongfang Liren wanted Yejingtang to take the initiative in Honghualou, but it was difficult to speak, so he said casually:
"You have agreed to come back and help me with my affairs. I will take you to Zhuji Street to watch a murder case, so that you can get familiar with the rules of the yamen."

Ye Jingtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't bully Sanniang, and said with a smile:
"Okay. By the way, about the Zhou family..."

Dongfang Liren snorted lightly: "Don't think that knowing a few words of Wei's laws will make you lawless. If you don't have this king's relationship, with the Zhou family's connections and financial resources, you won't be able to say a word that can refute you in court. "

Ye Jingtang nodded: "Understood. This is a matter of His Highness's kindness."

Only then was Dongfang Liren satisfied, and wrapped up his broken right hand with a white cloth:
"Old Mrs. Zhou heard the news and directly expelled Zhou Huaili from the house on the grounds of 'unfortunate family', and sent a sign of 'Iron Face and Selflessness' to Qingyang's yamen. Then he replied to the court: People deserve to die, hatred is difficult." Xiao, I want you to go to the Zhou family to have a sparring match. It will not hurt your life, and the grievances in the world will be settled in one battle, so as not to worry you. If you dare not go, the Zhou family will trouble you again in the future, and it will be fine.”

Ye Jingtang felt that the meaning of "not hurting his life" was to give him a sigh of relief, frowned and said:

"now go?"

"How is it possible. The king said that he is busy with business, so he made a ten-year agreement for you."

"Ten years... Thank you Your Highness."

Dongfang Liren wiped the back of his right hand with cotton pads:
"Don't thank me in advance, the Zhou family has enough money and contacts to buy murder, and your sword technique is exactly the same as the eight-step mad knife. If you are seen by Junshantai, you will definitely come to the door. You still have to be careful in the future."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "I'll practice martial arts hard, and I'll go out again after a while, so that the two families will be convinced."

Dongfang Liren didn't question Ye Jingtang, but thought about it a little:
"It's easy to hide a spear in the open and it's hard to defend against an arrow in the dark. You have to do important things for this king, but you can't die outside. Come to the palace tomorrow, and this king will teach you the "Dragon Slaying Order" and the 'Jade Bone Diagram', so that you Multiple self-insured capital."


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, looking at the Queen of the East who was majesticly bandaging her right hand, she felt a little embarrassed:

"I just caught a few thieves, His Highness has treated me so kindly..."

Dongfang Liren raised his eyes: "You have to pay back the favor, do you think this king gave it to you for nothing?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and nodded: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I will definitely repay the kindness in the future."

Dongfang Liren wrapped his right hand, sat up straight again, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked casually:
"By the way, Ye Jingtang, do you know what 'back door stick' means?"

? ? !

Ye Jingtang's stern and extraordinary face twitched obviously, then quickly recovered, looking around to see if the guards outside the carriage heard.

Seeing this appearance, Dongfangli knew that Ye Jingtang understood, and lowered his voice a little:
"But it's okay to say, I heard it on the road today, and I don't understand what it means, so I just explain it to the king."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were very strange: "Your Highness really wants to listen? Are you sure you won't be angry?"

Dongfang Li raised his chest and raised his head, calmly and dignifiedly:
"Do you think this king is someone who can't even tolerate a word? Could it be that this is a rebellious word?"

Ye Jingtang really couldn't speak, so he waved his hand:

"Well... Let's talk about it later, maybe His Highness will understand someday."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang refused to speak, Dongfang Liren hummed softly:
"Don't put on an air, the money-losing king has always regarded you as a gentleman, and it turns out that you are a hidden color embryo."


Ye Jingtang frowned, with a serious expression:

"Your Highness, I really didn't do it on purpose last time, Your Highness was so close to me naked, I closed my eyes..."

"Shut up!"

Dongfang Liren looked angry, turned around and took out "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman" from the storage box, and threw it into Ye Jingtang's arms:
"The last time you said 'this book is all about emotions', I really believed it, and the result is great...you can see for yourself!"

Ye Jingtang knew that Prince Jing would buy it for a look, so he picked up the beautifully framed book with a smile, flipped through it casually, and then was taken aback:
"Hey!!! Why are there still illustrations? Is this definitely Chivalrous Tears?"

Dongfang Liren was puzzled: "What do you mean? This is "The Tears of a Chivalrous Woman", the official version published by the Imperial Academy of the former Dynasty. Don't say you haven't read it."

"is it?"

Ye Jingtang took the hardcover book and looked it over carefully as if he had found a treasure:
"The "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman" I saw at the Liangzhou border is really different from this one. I traded two pheasants for the original from Mr. Private School, and a few pages were torn out. It is probably a pirated version. Unexpectedly There are illustrations on the original version, oh...it turns out that 'Shuangjiao Xiantao' is such a pose..."


Dongfang Liren's expression froze when he questioned confidently: Yes, there are not many scholars at the border of Liangzhou. Where did such a beautiful book come from?There are tears of chivalrous women, probably privately printed by a small workshop, not to mention pictures, if there are no missing words or stanza, it is considered a conscience...

What did the king watch these days?
Seeing Ye Jingtang's serious study, Dongfang Liren tilted his head and glanced - he was looking at the colored illustrations in the book, and the illustrations were the annotations of the phrase "Shuangjiao Xiantao" in the book, probably two beauties sitting on the couch Come on, kneel down side by side, offering big peaches...


Ye Jingtang was admiring the paintings when he pressed his fair white hand on the illustrations, almost knocking the book away.

Looking up, I saw the Queen's eyes were slightly cold:

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes: "Read the book, His Highness showed it to me, is there a problem?"

Dongfang Liren felt that there was a big problem, probably because he was afraid that the messy illustrations in the book would spoil Ye Jingtang, a gentleman who is still a gentleman, so he hurriedly took the book back:

"Hmm... Maybe the people below have misunderstood the book and took the wrong book. The king only glanced at it, and thought it was not elegant, so he threw it aside and didn't read it."

Ye Jingtang didn't believe it at all, but he didn't point it out:
"I see. I haven't seen the original version of Wu Shengxie's masterpiece. Can Your Highness..."


"I'm just borrowing, an idle book..."

Dongfang Liren's expression was serious: "The purpose of reading is to 'apply what you've learned'. After reading these things, do you still want to practice them?"

if not?
Ye Jingtang couldn't refute, so he gave up the idea of ​​borrowing books, and said instead:

"Then what... this book can solve your Highness's doubts..."

? ?
Dongfang Liren looked at Ye Jingtang in disbelief:
"You remember it so clearly?"

"There are not many books in the border area. I have read it dozens of times. I have a good memory and remember it normally."


The fat-headed dragon in front of Dongfang Liren undulated slightly. After looking at Ye Jingtang for a long time, he lowered his head to look through the books and found No. 40, which he hadn't read yet. Eight chapters, and carefully checked the contents...

No, no, it can't be there...

! !
After Dongfang Liren understood the meaning behind the cryptic words, his eyes gradually widened, and his complexion was like a February peach blossom in full bloom, getting redder and redder, without any majesty...

Ye Jingtang sat on the couch, put his elbows on his knees and covered his mouth, so as not to spoil his stern temperament by laughing out loud, and be beaten to death by Benben.


Dongfang Liren closed the book abruptly, looked left and right, then stretched out his hand to Ye Jingtang's waist, intending to pull out Chilong Huan's first saber.


Ye Jingtang held Dongfang Liren's wrist, pressed the knife back, and said with a pleasant face:

"Your Highness, don't be impulsive, beware of the python body..."

"let go!"

Dongfang Liren Liu Mei pulled out the saber forcefully, seeing Ye Jingtang not letting go, he pulled it a few times.

Then the movement suddenly stopped, and he looked at his white right hand held by the man.


Ye Jingtang hastily let go of Wen Liangyu's hand, and protected the knife:

"I was born in Jianghu, so it's only natural that I know a lot. I'm just trying to clear up your Highness's doubts. Your Highness is angry. It's time to dig Wu Shengxie's grave. It doesn't make sense to clean me up."

Dongfang Liren had a murderous look in his eyes, and wanted to reprimand him, but the carriage stopped at this moment.

"Your Highness, Zhuji Street is here."

Ye Jingtang felt relieved and stood up:

"Let's go, go down and watch His Highness handle the case, I'll just pretend it didn't happen today."

Said and quickly stepped out of the car.

Dongfang Liren clenched his palms and held back for a long time before taking a deep breath, closing his eyes and concentrating on it, trying to forget the 'knowledge' he had just gained.

But, it seems that there is no going back...
Aguan needs to save the manuscript for a while, at least 2 chapters can be saved to write leisurely and silky or[-]...

Thank you [Jian Yi Si Jian] boss for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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