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Chapter 109 Sorry, I'm Undercover!

Chapter 109 Sorry, I'm Undercover!

Because of the rain, it took two days to find out that the footprints on the ground had long since disappeared, and all that could be found were the traces of swords and swords that could not be erased.

After Ye Jingtang looked carefully for a long time, he flew and landed outside the courtyard wall.

Dongfang Liren and the officials were all puzzled and looked away in a blink of an eye.


There was a sound of drawing a knife outside the wall, and then a figure rose into the sky.

Ye Jingtang's robes were flying, and he was holding a knife with one hand like a blue wing and pounced on a rabbit, stabbing straight at the flowers in the courtyard.


The blade was accurate, stabbing the traces of broken branches and leaves of the flowers, and then the blade raised and stopped, and the right elbow smashed into the air next to it.

The robe trembled!

Then the knife stabbed out again, passing by the pillars of the eaves, exactly matching the marks on the pillars.

The 'imaginary enemy' who was attacked seemed to find that he couldn't beat the Nightmare Hall, and wanted to escape outside the courtyard wall.

Ye Jingtang immediately flew up, swept across with the knife, the tip of the knife swept across the courtyard wall, forcing the air to land, then raised his left hand, slapped it to the side, and pointed to the window of the main house...

Dongfang Liren and many officials were a little dazed at first, but they soon understood—this was the process of resuming the fight between the murderer and the dead—the eyes gradually turned into surprise.

Because there is no opponent, many actions can't be done by one person. After Ye Jingtang slapped out with a palm, he stopped his body, retracted the knife with his backhand, and thought for a while:

"Hmm... the deceased used short sticks such as crutches and wooden sticks. The murderer's weapon is most likely a straight knife with a reverse blade. The tip of the knife is the same as a sword, but the back half has the back of the knife.

"The back of the knife cuts off the arms continuously, so the first cut did not choose to cut upward like the sword, but used the elbow to beat back the enemy. Judging from the height of the traces on the pillar, if the murderer had a normal body proportion, his height would be about the same as the tip of my nose.

"After the murderer volleyed and volleyed, he landed sideways and dodged the spurs, but he didn't hurt his chest. He was either a man or a flat-chested woman..."


All the officials present were stunned and said in a low voice:

"Except for the sword, everything else is exactly the same as the adults' deduction..."

"You didn't even look at the corpse, so how can you tell that the murderer hit you with elbows and palms?"

"It should be inferred from the angle of force, the distance moved by the deceased, and the damage to the building. This young man probably fought a lot..."



Yuwen Chengde hesitated to speak, he seemed to want to refute a few words, but he couldn't find a reason after pondering for a long time.

Dongfang Liren looked at Ye Jingtang's eloquent and eloquent expression, and the astonished eyes of many of the arresters, and there was a gleam in his eyes - just like the last time he saw Ye Jingtang put two swords on the blood bodhi.

But this time, Ye Jingtang didn't pull his hips again. After finishing his analysis, he looked at everyone:

"I can confirm that the murderer used a knife, and his martial arts skills are definitely higher than what you think. If he really wanted to kill someone, the deceased would have no chance to fight back and leave traces. I guess the murderer must keep his mouth alive if he wants to ask for some news. "

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he walked into the room, squatted down next to the corpse covered by the white cloth, lifted the white cloth, and saw the gray-haired deceased with bruises on his ribs, a palm print on his chest, and all his finger bones were broken, which was obviously torture. Extorted confession.

"It seems that the guess is correct."

Ye Jingtang looked outside the door in a blink of an eye:
"Everyone may have objections."


Facing this kind of prophetic insight, the officials present at the scene were all amazed wherever they had objections:

"Young master has good eyesight."

"If it weren't for His Royal Highness Prince Jing, I would think that the young master killed him with his own hands..."


Facing everyone's admiration, Dongfang Li was full of pride and turned his head to ask:

"What is the murderer looking for?"

"Zhao De used to serve in the Tiannan Army. He was in charge of building many city defenses. Later, he was promoted to the Ministry of Industry and participated in the repair of the imperial city."

Yuwen Chengde squatted down on the opposite side of the corpse, indicating the black palm print on the deceased's chest:

"The palm that slapped Zhao De into the room looks like 'Youshen Palm', the unique kung fu of Zhang Henggu, Nanshan Tie Gua. The murderer is most likely a thief from the Pingtian Sect. He is looking for the city of Chongzhou or entering the palace. The way to assassinate..."

Dongfang Liren frowned, came to the corpse, and looked down:
"It does seem to be the Wandering Palm. This matter is no small matter. Orders are issued and inspections are made from house to house..."

"Wait a minute!"

Before Dongfang Liren finished speaking, a dozen or so officials saw 'Tiekou Shenduan' Young Master Ye raised his hand again:
"This palm technique also seems to have a problem."


The inside and outside of the house suddenly fell silent, waiting for Ye Jingtang to express his opinion.

Although Ye Jingtang had been confirmed just now to be a master of insight, everyone still had doubts in their eyes.

Zhang Henggu, Iron Hexagram of Nanshan, was originally a Taoist boy of Dayan Qin Tianjian, and later became the founder of Pingtian Sect.Before Pingtian's birth, he had been traveling the rivers and lakes to recruit soldiers and dealt with the government for decades. Regarding the relevant records of Youshenzhang, the Six Doors estimated that they could find several large boxes from the case library, so it was impossible to admit their mistakes.

Dongfangli thought it was a swimming palm no matter how he looked at it, but he didn't dare to refute Mr. Tangtang, he just asked softly:
"Where did you see it this time?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes—from my half-Pingtian Sect undercover identity...

Ye Jingtang has an ambiguous relationship with the leader's wife of Pingtian Sect. If Pingtian Sect wants to find the way into the palace or the city defense map, no matter how you think about it, it should use a beauty trick to get information from him.

To come to the capital to kill a small official for questioning, and to be easily discovered by the government for his identity and purpose, isn't he willing to go near and far to get his head in the water? Uncle Song can't do such a rough thing.

Ye Jingtang speculates that someone is doing bad things in the capital, deliberately planting the blame on the rebels of the Pingtian Sect, and hiding the motive to make the government misjudge.

But there is no way to tell the path of speculation. Facing the eyes of everyone looking at the boss, Ye Jingtang could only look deeply at the palm print on his chest:

"Swimming Body Palm pays attention to the soft strength of four or two strokes. Although there is no problem with this palm, I feel very awkward."

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes:
"Rely on palm feeling?"

"Your Highness is indeed intelligent." Ye Jingtang nodded in relief.

Dongfang Liren was praised, he curled his mouth slightly, and found that he was not serious, and returned to his dignified and dignified appearance.

Ye Jingtang continued: "And the thief pretends to be a swordsman to hide his true identity. It is impossible to use this iconic unique palm technique to expose his origin. This palm technique is likely to be forged. He wants to plant blame and divert attention. .”

Everyone present was dubious about this.

Yuwen Chengde thought for a while, stepped forward and said:

"Young Master's eyesight is vicious, and the statement is well-founded, but I really can't agree with the low position. I have been working in the Yamen for 20 years, and I have seen traces of Youshen Palm, and I have confirmed that this is the unique Youshen Palm of the Pingtian Sect. You said it was a forgery, maybe Point out the problem?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "I'm not good at palming, so I can't tell where the problem is right now, I have to go back and study it."

Dongfang Liren believed in Ye Jingtang's judgment even more, but in front of the overwhelming evidence, she hesitated a little, so she could only speak:
"Meng Jiao."

The dark wind blew into the house, and the white-haired old woman fell silently into the house.

The policemen present quickly bowed and saluted as if they had met Lord Yan.

The white-haired old woman hunched over and walked closer to check the scars on her chest:

"Hmm... Judging from my old experience, this is indeed the Flying Body Palm, which is in the same line as Zhang Henggu. But Mr. Ye can see the clues, which means that there may indeed be something strange behind it, so we can't jump to conclusions."

The white-haired old woman had long seen that Ye Jingtang's talent and comprehension far surpassed her own, so even if she was sure that Zhang Henggu's palm technique was in her heart, she didn't dare to say it to death.

Ye Jingtang saw that Baifa Di listened to say so, and knew that the palm technique was likely to be true, and he had to go back and ask Luo Nvxia for the inside story, so he could only say:

"It's also possible that I was wrong. I'll go back and think about it. When I have an idea to correct me, I will re-examine the autopsy and continue to discuss with you."

Dongfang Liren nodded slightly: "You guys continue to check the scene, and if you find any new clues, report them to me and Young Master Ye as soon as possible."


Yuwen Chengde clasped his hands and said, "Excuse me, my lord's surname and name? If you have any doubts about your lowly position, you can come to ask for advice, and I hope you can solve your doubts on your behalf."

"Hei Ya night shocked the hall. I don't dare to answer my doubts, I just happen to know a little bit of the door..."

After a while, the carriage boarded.

Tick-tock raindrops fell outside the carriage.

Ye Jingtang propped his elbows on his knees, and sat by the car window, with a stern face and deep eyes, gently rubbing his fingers.

Dongfang Liren was still full of anger when he first went out, but he was much better when he came back.

At this moment, with his hands folded on his lap, he was sitting upright, looking at Ye Jingtang's side face, he looked like a princess who dared not disturb her husband and son-in-law who was thinking about business.It wasn't until Ye Jingtang came back to his senses that he asked softly:

"Have you come up with anything?"

Ye Jingtang was indeed thinking about something, but what he was thinking about was the wound on Cheng Erye's forehead. Seeing that Benben's eyes were full of longing, he felt a little embarrassed:
"I didn't think about it, I have to think about it again, and when there is a sign, I will tell His Highness as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, handling a case sometimes depends on a flash of inspiration. I really didn't see that you still have the potential to be a god arrest. If you continue to work hard in the future, you can solve this case. This king will use that dragon-firing gun Give it away."

When it came to giving things away, Ye Jingtang remembered that he bought a hairpin when he came back today, but Chen Biao helped to carry it, so he didn't bring it with him, so he had to give it away tomorrow.

Ye Jingtang looked at Dongfang Liren in a blink of an eye, saw her very happy, thought for a while, and said:

"There's no need to fire the dragon gun, I prefer to use a knife. If His Highness really wants to reward me, can that book..."


Dongfang Liren's warm smile froze, and he remembered things like Yushu's backyard, and a murderous look slowly appeared in his eyes...

Ye Jingtang's knowledge was not good, and he quickly raised his hand:

"Just kidding. I'll go back first, and I'll be there on time tomorrow to meet His Highness in Heiya, goodbye."

With that said, he turned around and got out of the car.

Dongfang Liren clenched his hand under the sleeve robe, and only let out a faint snort when Ye Jingtang's footsteps disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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