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Chapter 112 Sorry, I'm the Police

Chapter 112 Sorry, I'm the Police

The bird's cry came from outside again.

Ye Jingtang hugged Luo Ningduo under the bed, doubts arose in his heart—Niao Niao's secret signal was reminding someone to approach secretly, not an official inspector...

Who could that be?

Ye Jingtang held his breath and waited quietly for a short while, only to find a small gap in the wooden door of the morgue, revealing a little light outside, and then a black shadow came in.

As the door was closed, there was no movement at all, which showed that the lightness kung fu of the visitor was definitely not low.


The sound of the blower sounded, and a faint flame lit up from the door of the morgue.

Ye Jingtang held his breath and looked carefully, and it can be seen that the person who came was a colleague - wearing a black night clothes, only a pair of rather sharp eyes were exposed, his face was wrapped in a face scarf, and he was carrying a weapon wrapped in black cloth, with a black handle of one foot exposed.

Looking at the height of the man in black, it is about the same as the tip of his nose...

? !
Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, quietly observing secretly, and found that the man in black began to rummage through the corpse, and soon stopped beside Zhao De's corpse, silently slipped a small bottle out of his sleeve, and poured it into the palm print on the corpse's chest.

A little white smoke rose from the flesh of the corpse.

Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang stared at the same time, understanding the meaning of the visitor - destroying corpses and eradicating traces!There is a high probability that the person who came is a suspect!
The moment this thought flashed in Luo Ning's mind, the thief covered her ears, and at the same moment, a thunderstorm sounded behind her:

Ye Jingtang's name was derived from his loud crying when he was young, which means that he is born with a lot of breath and excellent physical fitness, which can be regarded as a talent.

Now that he is an adult, Ye Jingtang's speech has always been tepid, but his talent has obviously not disappeared.

At this time, there was a burst of shouting with full force, just like a thunder on dry land in the silent night!
The moment the voice sounded, there were all kinds of noisy movements around the yamen, and even the birds said, "Hey!", obviously frightened.

The morgue is a closed stone room, and the sound is several times louder than it sounds outside.

Luo Ning, whose ears were covered, had her head buzzing from the shock, and her whole body twitched a few times, her beautiful eyes widened in horror, and she almost jumped up on the spot in shock.

Luo Ning, who knew there was someone behind her, was frightened like this, and the reaction of the man in black was self-evident.

The man in black sneaked into the yamen to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces. He had already listened to the movement outside, and was also affected by the gloomy environment of the morgue.

The thunder suddenly sounded, and the body of the black-clothed man holding the torch instantly tensed up, and he swayed. The bamboo torch was crushed and exploded, and he fell back straight, frightened out of a state of rigidity.

Right now!


Ye Jingtang smashed through the wooden bed and flew towards the man in black, holding his head with his right hand and clasping his neck with his left hand, trying to capture him alive.

But the man in black is by no means an ordinary person. The moment he was restrained, he slowed down, and immediately splashed the bottle in his right hand behind his head.


Ye Jingtang didn't expect this guy to come back to his senses so quickly. Knowing that the strong corrosive potion in the bottle would be disfigured if splashed on his face, he didn't dare to take it hard, so he quickly bent over to dodge, fearing that Luo Ning behind him would be hit, and pulled at the same time The white cloth covering the corpse was swept upwards.

The splashed potion was swept towards the stone wall by the white cloth, splashed a little on the corpse, immediately dissolved a few holes and emitted white smoke.

The man in black was able to get out of trouble, knowing that he was in the middle, and without the slightest thought of fighting, he flew towards the door.

Although Luo Ning was almost scared to cry by Ye Jingtang, her movements were not slow at all, she bounced off the ground, halfway through sheathed the soft sword at her waist, and rushed towards the small door of the mortuary.


Under the light of the falling Huozhezi, the three-foot silver front opened its tail like a peacock, directly locking the way out!

The man in black who was in the air had a flash of astonishment in his eyes, and a red string popped out of his sleeve when he flicked his wrist.

The red rope shot to the wooden bed on the right side of the room and penetrated directly. The man in black jerked his left hand, and his body flew across.

Ye Jingtang saw that the martial arts were unfathomable, so he gave up the idea of ​​catching him alive, and grabbed the handle of the knife with his left hand and stood up violently.


A cold light flashed in the claustrophobic stone room!
The man in black was still in the air, and when he noticed the killing intent, he immediately held the handle of the knife behind his shoulder with both hands:

Amidst the shouts, the man in black unsheathed his long knife behind his back, his arm muscles instantly tore his sleeve, and the three-foot straight knife slashed down at a frightening speed.


The two blades met, and the stone room burst into flames, as if a lightning flashed out of thin air.

The surging vigor contained in the twin swords exploded instantly, directly overturning the two wooden beds next to it.

Ye Jingtang held the long knife upside down in his left hand, caught the opponent's hands and slashed down, slipping backwards, knocking over the wooden bed behind him.

The man in black was blown away and hit the stone wall behind him.



The two were separated by nearly thirty feet at the same time.

da da~~
The fire pocket of the man in black fell to the ground at this moment, bursting into bright flames, and the morgue fell into dead silence.

Ye Jingtang did not rush to attack again, holding the knife with both hands, the front finger of the blade maintained a stabbing posture, his eyes locked on every move of the man in black, and asked:
"What kind of knife technique is he?"

Luo Ning, who blocked the only exit, responded:
"Northern Liang Breaking Edge Knife, Battle Formation Knife Technique."

The man in black leaned against the wall, holding straight knives on the center line with both hands, obviously guarding against the second blow of the eight-step mad knife, and there was also suspicion in his eyes:
"Eight-step mad knife?"

Ye Jingtang saw that the other party could see the way, so he changed to holding the knife with one hand, and replaced it with the knife holder of Tianhe knife:
"Are you from Beiliang?"

clang clang~~
At this time, the sound of a gong sounded outside. It should be that the officer on duty recovered from the shock and was calling for support.

From the corner of his eye, the man in black glanced at Luo Ning, who was blocking the exit, and then at Ye Jingtang, who was wearing night clothes:
"Seeing that you are dressed like a fellow, why bother each other, officers and soldiers can't escape once they come, why don't we go out and fight?"

Ye Jingtang stared at the man in black with all his attention, his left hand trembled slightly, and a brass waist plate slipped out:
"I'm a policeman!"

? !
When the man in black saw the waist card with the word 'Jing' engraved on it, his eyes flashed with astonishment, probably meaning that - you fucking serious official, dressed like this to hide in the yamen morgue to scare people?Are you sick? You...

Since it is an official post, there must be no room for negotiation.

The man in black must have noticed that Ye Jingtang had replaced Tianhe Dao with his hands, striding across his crotch, with his feet one in front of the other, with the straight blade lying across his side, and the tip of the blade facing forward.

Seeing this, Luo Ning reminded: "The "Dragon Qi Sword" in Tuzhou Qianhe Mountain Villa has a hand style. Hit the middle goal directly, as long as he is not as fast as you, he will definitely return to defense."


The opposing sides were silent for a while.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and aimed at the opponent's center line with the knife.

The man in black looked at Luo Ning, feeling that this woman seemed to be more difficult to deal with, so he didn't dare to break out rashly for a while.

Luo Ning blocked the only exit, so naturally she was not in a hurry to attack.

tata tao~
The sound of footsteps has already been heard outside, and if the stalemate continues, it will be impossible to escape.

The man in black gritted his teeth secretly, and swung his left hand suddenly to the side.


Three snowflake darts pierced through the air and hit Luo Ning's upper body with a shrill sound of breaking the wind.

Ye Jingtang moved at the same time, his figure violently raised and he slashed forward with the knife. In an instant, a gust of wind was blown up in the morgue, and he was crushed in front of the man in black.

At this distance, Ye Jingtang would definitely use the eight-step mad knife to attack close to him. When the man in black threw the dart, he blocked the knife obliquely in front of him, and at the same time kicked his feet hard and jumped back.


During the surge of air, there was a deafening explosion in the morgue.

Ye Jingtang slashed at the man in black's single sword, and the surging force was released directly.

And the man in black himself was slamming back with all his strength, and under the combined force of the two, they directly turned into shells that came out of their chests and hit the stone wall.

boom -

Under the heavy blow, the one-foot-thick solid stone wall instantly swelled and then exploded.

The man in black let out a muffled groan. Although he was seriously injured, he was still knocked out of the mortuary.

Ye Jingtang didn't give a chance at all, he made a move, followed by another progressive cut, the moment the man in black pulled his body up, he cut towards the waist and abdomen.


In an instant, the man in black was sent flying again, crashing into the brick wall behind him, and fell to the side street outside the yamen.


Before the man in black landed on the ground, Ye Jingtang flew up, turned around and slashed down with all his strength.

The eight-step frenzied knives were intertwined, and the man in black was beaten so unbalanced that he couldn't make a backhand. If he received another knife, even escaping would be an extravagant hope.

Under desperation, before the man in black fell to the street, his whole body shook violently, and a small bag suddenly bulged out of his chest, and then:
The cloth exploded!

A hole was blown in the skirt of the man in black, and white dust sprayed out, raising a line of white dust mist along the falling route.

Ye Jingtang wanted to make up the knife at close range, and he had to go through the dust cloud, because he wasn't sure what the white powder was, so he immediately pulled back his strength, jumped to the side, and covered his mouth and nose with his left hand:

"Watch out."

Luo Ning rushed out from the morgue, seeing the white powder being blown by the night wind, holding the sword flower in her hand, the three-foot green front turned into a windmill, blowing away the white powder, and her figure circled around from the side.


The man in black fell on the street, turned over, and threw a few bottles into the street. At some point, a cloud of dust filled the sky, covering his figure.

Call ~
With the night wind blowing, the dust and mist immediately spread towards the yamen.

Ye Jingtang saw that Niao Niao had already chased it out from the air, instead of rushing into the dust mist, he grabbed Luo Ning to avoid it.

Luo Ning is a member of the Pingtian Sect. For her, the government is more of a threat than the murder suspect, so she looked back cautiously.

The two sides fought for only a moment, and the people in the yamen surrounded them, and there were intensive winding sounds in the back yamen.

bouncing bouncing~~
Ye Jingtang was wearing night clothes, and the officials couldn't tell the difference between the enemy and the enemy. He was afraid of being directly used as a target, so he said:

"Hei Ya Ye shocked the hall to handle the case, don't hurt the friendly army!"

As he spoke, he pulled down the scarf and showed the badge of Prince Jing's mansion!
More than a dozen officials came from around the yamen, holding strong bows and crossbows, walked out of the aisles on both sides, and stopped slightly when they found the sign of Prince Jing's Mansion.

Yuwen Chengde, who was standing behind the official post, immediately raised his hand when he saw this:

"Stop! Master Ye, why are you here?"

Ye Jingtang put away his waist card, deduced from the result, and explained:

"The palm of the body is true. I said during the day that there might be something wrong. I came here to wait and see if the murderer would come to destroy the corpse. I didn't expect it to happen. This matter is not simple. There must be an internal response to the murderer in the yamen. Let us know and check the people present in Zhuji Street today."


Many officials looked at each other in blank dismay, a little confused.

After Yuwen Chengde was at a loss for a moment, he turned his head and said angrily:
"Go and investigate, and call all the people who came to Zhuji Street today..."

Ye Jingtang put the knife back into its sheath, but saw some white powder on the sleeve of his left hand, frowning slightly, jumped to the manger drinking trough in the back office, and washed his left hand with water.

Luo Ning came to the front, raised her finger and lightly tapped the two acupoints on Ye Jingtang's left shoulder, and immediately lowered her left arm, and then held Ye Jingtang's left hand to examine carefully:
"Do you feel anything?"

"The air pockets are so sealed I can't even feel them with my hands. I think it's quicklime."

Luo Ning said seriously: "You think this is a street gangster fight? Return the lime..."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and also felt that in a confrontation of this level, such things as lime were unlikely to appear. Afraid of winning a big prize, he brought a yamen horse from the stable and turned on his back:

"Go to Doctor Wang first, just in case, will you go?"

"Doctor Wang..."

Luo Ning knew that the old imperial physician Wang and his daughter-in-law Mrs. Wang in the capital were both well-known genius doctors, and as long as they had a breath, they could bring people back.

She was not injured, so she didn't need to feel her pulse, but she wasn't afraid of being discovered by Wang Taiyi, so she immediately jumped up on the spot and sat behind Ye Jingtang:

"In what capacity do I follow you? Your subordinate?"

"My daughter-in-law who didn't go through the door."


Luo Ning opened her mouth, but she didn't think of other more reasonable relationships, so she stopped talking.


Ye Jingtang lightly clamped the horse's belly, rushed out from the side door of the yamen, came to the street, looked around, then turned the horse's head and ran towards Wende Bridge...

(End of this chapter)

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