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Chapter 128 Hawker Selling Chicken Picture

Chapter 128 Hawker Selling Chicken Picture

Not far away, Fushou Palace.

Not long after the sun came out, the Empress Dowager, who usually sleeps late and wakes up late, was sent back before dawn because she was sent to Liren's bed yesterday, so she was awake at this time.

But there was nothing to do in the deep palace, the empress dowager still stayed on the phoenix bed, sitting cross-legged, practicing her useless picture of bathing in fire.

The sleeping hall is neat and elegant, solemn and solemn, but also gloomy. Fortunately, the "hawker selling chicken picture" on the wall makes the overall composition a little more humorous.

Just as the empress dowager was quietly cultivating immortality, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the hall, Hongyu hurried in and knocked on the door:

"The Empress Dowager...the Empress Dowager..."

The empress dowager moved her eyelashes and opened her eyes:


"Young Master Ye seems to have entered the palace. I just went to Changle Palace to fetch the cold melon that was tributed on the sandbank. I saw Prince Jing and Young Master Ye went to Cheng'an Hall..."


The empress dowager blinked her eyes, looked at the "beautiful man picture" on the wall, then sat up, took a stool from the dressing table, put it on the wall, and took off the picture...
Minglongtan Water Pavilion.

Ye Jingtang was holding a [-]-jin Junshan heavy saber, slowly practicing the moves of the Dragon Slaying Order.

With Ye Jingtang's physique, it's no problem to carry a hundred catties with one hand, but picking it up and "ordering it like an arm" are two different things.

The weight of Chilonghuan's first knife is only more than four catties, and the explosion depends entirely on physical fitness; if you hold a heavy knife with a hundred catties and use the eight-step mad knife to explode instantly, it is very likely that the person has gone out, and the knife and arms are still in place.

And Dragon Slaying Order's "bow back and flick the knife" is to rely on the unique luck method to gather all the strength of the whole body to instantly speed up the heavy knife.

Then rely on the inertia to control the heavy knife, as long as the knife gets up, the speed will become faster and stronger, and the effect of "three swords first can kill the dragon" will be achieved.

Although Dragon Slaying Order is a heavy sword, but because of the special starting hand, the speed of the sword is second only to the eight-step crazy sword in the sword technique.

With this sword technique, only when encountering the eight-step crazy sword, you need to take a step back and use the space to exchange the sword time.

In the face of other sword techniques that are not fast enough, it is "stepping forward, bowing back and playing the knife", which combines strength and speed to the extreme. The only disadvantage is that it relies on inertia and has traces to follow.

But you can see that you can't catch it, the big blade of hundreds of kilograms is flying in front of you, and you will die if you touch it. It really takes a lot of courage to rush up and take advantage of the loopholes.

Ye Jingtang thought that his knowledge of swordsmanship was not low, but after pondering for a long time with a heavy knife, he found that the best solution was - directly stabbing him to death with a nine-foot spear, what a fuss.

The gun is recognized as the king of all soldiers, singled out to rule all the bells and whistles, and it is completely unreasonable to fight short soldiers. The gun leader ranks seventh in the world and the eight leader ranks fourth because the above six are all skilled in a hundred soldiers The gods in the world can also use big guns, and they are both internal and external, not just guns.

And Xuanyuan Chao can only be ranked eighth in the world, not because he is less talented than the gun leader, but because he specializes in swordsmanship, he is doomed to be crushed by the gun, and Zhou Chiyang is the same.

But defeating Xuanyuan Dynasty with a long spear is just a vendetta in the rivers and lakes, and you can't get the title of "Knife Chief", and the adoptive father lost to the sword, obviously you can't take revenge like this. Give the knife a good sharpening.

Ye Jingtang was so engrossed in the study of saber techniques that he almost forgot himself.

Dongfang Liren didn't mind being left out, so he stood outside the water pavilion with his hands behind his back and looked at it seriously.

Niao Niao was a bit boring, she spread her wings and dangled around Dongfang Liren's feet, kicking the fat-headed snake sister's shoes with her claws, probably practicing "Eagle Claw Kung Fu".

Just as the two of them were seriously pondering their martial arts, footsteps suddenly came from the lakeside.

Step, step, step...

Two whispers could be heard faintly:

"Empress Dowager, I'm afraid it's not good for you to go in. What if King Jing is with Young Master Ye..."

"In broad daylight, what nonsense are you talking about? I just go in and have a look..."


Ye Jingtang gave a sharp pause, and looked in the blink of an eye, but saw two women walking out of the corridor on the side of Cheng'an Hall.

At the back is a beautiful court lady, holding a painting scroll in her hand, and in front is a woman in a very gorgeous palace dress, wearing colorful phoenix cloud shoulders, decorated with gold and jade beads, and her hair is coiled into a very noble double-knife bun, inserted obliquely. The golden hairpin with wind patterns, walking slowly and lightly, without any wobble, her demeanor can be said to be extremely elegant.

The woman's cheeks are round and soft, with a small cherry mouth and a pair of big jewel-like eyes, she looks very luxurious, but not so that people dare not look directly at her, giving people a sense of peace like a peaceful country, which belongs to the kind that rich and powerful families like very much Daughter-in-law, no matter how beautiful and seductive beauties are, they can all live in town, so that people can tell who is the big wife of the family at a glance.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren walked outside the waterside pavilion and saluted very politely:
"Queen, why are you here?"

Ye Jingtang met the Queen Mother once, but the last time the Queen Mother was wearing a home skirt, she looked like a wealthy lady. I really didn't realize that the Queen Mother looked so good in a formal dress. :
"Cao Min Ye startled the hall, paying respects to the Empress Dowager."


The empress dowager walked gracefully to the lakeside: "I am bored in the palace, and I want to talk to the Holy Majesty, but when I find out that he is not there, I come here to have a look."

Talking about wanting to come over from the lotus leaf jumping stone.

The stone is flush with the surface of the lake and relatively long, making it more dangerous for ordinary women to walk.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren flew up, jumped across the lake like a dragonfly, and came to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager looked very well-behaved, she raised her hand consciously, and let Dongfang Liren hug her waist, and then was carried into the air and came towards the waterside pavilion.

Because Dongfang Li was very tall, and the empress dowager was relatively petite, she looked like a silver-robed prince from a distance, walking on the water with his concubine in his arms.

Ye Jingtang saw the clumsy, unrestrained and agile posture, and felt a little bit of a sigh in his heart, thinking that the relationship between this non-biological mother and daughter is really good.

But Benben never disappoints!
Dongfang Liren's qinggong is good, but his identity is doomed to not be able to lead people often. Just now he used the Dragon Slaying Token, which consumes a lot of energy, and stepping on the water Lingbo requires extremely high body skills.

Dongfang Liren put his arm around the Empress Dowager, and tapped twice on the lake, probably wanting to pay attention to his elegant posture in front of Ye Jingtang, but he was distracted, and his steps were obviously heavy:
Splashes came out of the lake!

Dongfang Liren's eyes suddenly widened.

The empress dowager, who was about to crash, hadn't noticed the stupid mistake, but Ye Jingtang could tell that there must be a "plop" when she fell again.

Ye Jingtang's smile froze slightly, and then rushed out of the edge of the water pavilion in a swish, coming to him like black lightning.

Seeing Ye Jingtang rushing towards him, the Empress Dowager was a little puzzled, and then suddenly realized that she began to tilt and fell towards the lake.


The empress dowager quickly hugged Dongfang Liren's neck.

Dongfang Liren's face turned red in an instant, and when he saw Ye Jingtang rushing, he stretched out his right hand.

Palms together!

Ye Jingtang stepped on the water, before the two fell into the water, he grabbed Dongfang Liren's right hand, pulled it up, tapped his toes on the lake, and jumped back to the edge of the water pavilion.

Call ~
Three figures rose into the sky above the lake.

This moment passed very slowly.

Dongfang Liren looked into Ye Jingtang's eyes, and could clearly see the emotion in Ye Jingtang's eyes:

"Huh~~~~Tsk tsk tsk... Hot eyes, hot eyes..."

? !
It was supposed to be a very romantic scene, but Dongfangli's popular willow eyebrows stood on end, and he just wanted to kick this pissed off son away.

The empress dowager, who had made a false alarm, leaned against Li Ren's arms, her eyes were surprised.


The three fell outside the water pavilion.

Ye Jingtang let go of his clumsy hand, pretending that nothing had happened.

Dongfang Liren's face turned red, as if nothing had happened, and looked at the empress dowager:
"Queen, go in and talk."

Seeing that nothing happened to the two of them, the Empress Dowager naturally didn't say anything, so she beckoned and let Hongyu by the lake come over by herself:
"This is Mr. Ye, right? I heard that you have a good literary talent. I recently got a painting. Come and appreciate it."

Who did you listen to?
Ye Jingtang was puzzled, and turned to look at Dongfang Liren next to him.

Dongfang Liren knew that the Empress Dowager's seclusion in the deep palace was very boring, and a small thing could be remembered for a long time, so she was not surprised at all by this intention, but only hinted in his eyes:
Praise hard!

The empress dowager walked into the water pavilion with a dignified manner, and sat gracefully sideways on the futon, with Dongfang Liren sitting beside her.

Holding the painting scroll, Hongyu trotted over from the lotus leaf-like jumping stone, did not enter the water pavilion, but stood on the lotus leaf stone, and handed the painting scroll to Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang didn't enter the water pavilion, and stood outside the door, took the scroll with both hands solemnly, and started to observe it carefully, um...it was the painting "The Picture of a Man Carrying the Sun and Moon Over His Shoulders" that he saw last time.

The scroll should have been cropped, this time the portrait is centered...


Niao Niao jumped on his shoulder curiously, looked at the scroll, and tilted his head slightly, probably not understanding it.

The queen mother carefully observed Ye Jingtang's expression, and asked:

"How does Master Ye feel?"

Ye Jingtang doesn't have the slightest calligraphy and painting skills, as long as the painting looks like a person, he thinks it's good. Benben has already hinted at boasting, so he can't say it's bad.
"Hmm... I'm not very talented and learned, so please don't blame the Empress Dowager if there are any mistakes in the comments."

"But it doesn't matter."

"This painting, in my opinion, is an excellent work. Judging from the style of painting, it is abstract...no, freehand style; the man seems to be looking around blankly; there is a three-eyed golden crow on his shoulder, It should imply carrying the sun; other places are blank, just like the sky, um... this painting should be describing, a man standing alone against the blue sky and white sun, wondering why the world doesn't understand..."


Dongfang Liren's eyes widened a little, he was stunned, and thought to himself: Didn't you realize that this painting is you?what are you talking aboutIt's over, it's over, the Queen Mother will be wronged for half a year...

Hongyu next to her was full of surprise, and said to herself: Yoyo, I didn't see that, this thick-eyed Mr. Ye is even more skilled at flattering than I am...

After hearing these remarks, the Empress Dowager realized that Ye Jingtang really didn't see what she was painting, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then unexpectedly became depressed!

Dongfang Liren saw that the Empress Dowager was getting more and more unhappy, so he hurriedly interrupted, his expression calm and pretentious:
"Yejingtang, it's inappropriate for you to boast like this, isn't it?"


Ye Jingtang's words stopped abruptly, and he looked at the portrait again...

Could it be me?

No, it seems to be really...

There is a knife hanging from his waist, and this should be a bird on his shoulder...

Ye Jingtang tilted his head slightly, while Niao Niao tilted his head almost 180 degrees, probably thinking about that ball, how to look like it.

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang's reaction was not slow, and he was shocked from the bottom of his heart, but on the surface he nodded slowly:

"No wonder, I just said how familiar it is. Hmm... The painting of the empress is too lofty, and the grassroots who are no more than the ambition of a bird, really dare not associate it with myself..."

The empress dowager could tell this time that Ye Jingtang's words didn't even give a pinch, so she raised her hand and said:
"It's so highly rated, this painting is given to you by the palace. I hope that one day you can stand up to the blue sky and become a pillar of the great Wei Kingdom."

Ye Jingtang felt that he should be flattered, so he put away the painting:

"Thank you Queen Mother for the reward."

Dongfang Liren quietly waved his hand:

"The queen mother's calligraphy, remember to confess it carefully when you go back. If it is damaged, it will be a crime of beheading. That's it, you can go to your errands, and the king will summon you when you have something to do."

"I will take my leave!"

Ye Jingtang was relieved, and after saluting with the scroll in his hands, he quickly left the waterside pavilion.

Niao Niao was very polite, she stood on Ye Jing Tang's shoulder and turned around, raised her wings:


Dongfang Liren slightly raised his hand to say goodbye.

The empress dowager's eyes lighted up slightly, but she realized that the little pet was not hers, so she stopped talking.

After Ye Jingtang disappeared, the empress dowager's eyes showed resentment, and she aimed at Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren caressed the Empress Dowager's back: "I think the Empress Dowager draws very well. He is a vulgar person, how can he appreciate paintings, and the Empress Dowager should not take it to heart..."

The empress dowager thought about it for a month, but no one recognized the painting, and she felt really uncomfortable:

"I'm not stupid. Go and find someone for your mother to teach me how to draw. If you can't teach me well, hmph..."

"Okay, I'll go find someone right away..."


(End of this chapter)

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