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Chapter 154 Authentic

Chapter 154 Authentic
The sun is rising in the east, and the golden morning light sprinkles on the window paper, illuminating the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and the small turtle ornaments on the desk.

The fluffy white bird, lying on the snack plate on the table, tilted its head in a rather awkward position, sleeping like a piggy.

Ye Jingtang was wearing clothes in front of the bronze mirror, and could faintly hear the words of a good wife and mother disciplining her daughter from the main room next door:
"Get up soon, the sun is drying your butt..."

"Master, where is my bellyband..."

"Hush! Don't be ashamed... Your cousin is next door..."



Although it is not a real family of three, it still feels very happy.

But when he thought of this happiness, which should have belonged to the Pingtian leader, Ye Jingtang felt a little more stressed.

I came back the night before yesterday, because I had a lot of things to do yesterday, so I didn't go to visit San Niang, who was still injured.

After Ye Jingtang was fully dressed, he said goodbye to Luo Nvxia, led the horse and walked through the yard, intending to go to Tianshui Bridge first, and then investigate the affairs of Prince Wu.

But as soon as he carried Niao Niao out of Ranfang Street, he found a fast horse galloping towards him, and immediately sat the catcher of Hei Ya, and shouted from a distance:

"Young Master Ye."

Ye Jingtang drove his horse to the front and asked:

"But Prince Jing is looking for me?"

The Hei Ya arrester quickly cupped his hands and saluted: "Just now, King Jing sent a message to ask Mr. Ye to go to Fushou Palace immediately, without explaining anything."

Ye Jingtang was a little puzzled, but he couldn't push back when he was summoned by Benben. He could only ask Niao Niao to go to Pei's house to report his safety, while he galloped to the imperial city.

Because it is not the first time to enter the palace, Ye Jingtang parked his horse outside the imperial city, entered it with a sign, walked through the corridors of the palace pavilions, and arrived at the Fushou Palace near the Imperial Garden .

There were relatively few people in Fushou Palace, Hongyu was waiting outside the palace gate, and when she saw Ye Jingtang approaching quickly, she hurried forward:

"Master Ye, you're here."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, sized it up a bit, but saw that there was still some dirt on the skirt of the court lady, and asked:
"what happened?"

Hongyu led Ye Jingtang to the palace, explaining along the way:

"Yesterday, when Prince Jing and the empress dowager were taking a bath, they found a book containing a lot of secrets about the palace. The empress dowager spent half the night looking for it..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he guessed that Benben must have discovered "The Secret History of Cleopatra", but seeing the situation, he didn't lose his temper, and he wasn't guilty, so he followed Hongyu around and came to the Fushou Palace. Sleeping hall.

Outside the originally clean and tidy sleeping hall, there was a pile of dirt and rubble.In a room in the side hall, there were several maids standing, digging the ground with hoes and shoveling the soil. A large hole had been dug in the ground.

The tall and slender Dongfang Liren stood under the eaves of the palace, holding a book in his hand, and was concentrating on studying it.

The empress dowager, who is round and beautiful, is wearing home clothes, looking at the big hole in the house, looking very interested.

After Ye Jingtang took a few glances, he came up to him and bowed his hands: "Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren quickly closed the book when he heard the sound, turned around, and raised his hand to signal:
"Yejingtang, is this the book you used to learn how to investigate crimes?"

Ye Jingtang nodded frankly: "That's right, the capital's buildings are written in great detail, His Highness can see it after thinking about it."

Dongfang Liren felt that it was more detailed to write about the matter between men and women, but it was really interesting to accompany the empress dowager to find the old relics last night, so he didn't say anything, and turned his head to move the room of the soil:
"A lot of things said in the book are quite accurate. It also said that there is a tunnel under here leading to the Shizi Mansion of the previous dynasty, but there is no record of this in the palace. Do you think it is true or not?"

Ye Jingtang has read "The Secret History of Cleopatra", and knows that it is the tunnel used by the Queen Mother to have an affair, so he thought for a while and said:

"The Prince's Mansion in the book is near Wende Bridge. The amount of excavation from here is too large, and I feel that the authenticity is not high."

The empress dowager heard the conversation and turned around, and found that Ye Jingtang was coming, so she put on a dignified and majestic demeanor, and walked to the front slowly:

"I don't think this matter is fabricated, yesterday in Fengchi..."

"Queen Mother!"

Dongfang Liren was afraid that the Empress Dowager would tell about the "mother and daughter posing" last night, so she hurried to come to him and supported her like a filial daughter:

"There's a lot of dust here, you go back to the palace to rest first, and when it's dug up, I'll ask the Queen Mother to come over."

The empress dowager naturally refused to leave: "The palace can suffocate people to death, so I'm here to take a look, and it doesn't get in the way. If you want to talk to Ye Jingtang, that's all. The empress mother won't bother you."

Dongfang Liren's eyes were a bit weird when the queen mother said something else, but it was hard to explain, so he looked at Ye Jingtang:
"I told you to come over and help, don't just watch."

Ye Jingtang laughed, didn't say much, came to the room, told a few poor maids to retreat, jumped into the half-deep pit, stepped on it with his feet, and then pulled out the chilong ring The first knife is inserted into the soil, and the ring head is pressed down with the palm of the hand.

The blade is like piercing into the sand, the inch is the limit, until it is about to sink into the handle of the knife, it stops suddenly.

Ye Jingtang felt it carefully: "There is a stone slab below, there must be something there."

As he spoke, he took over the shovel, threw away the compacted soil in twos and threes, and soon revealed a bluestone slab.

The Empress Dowager was very curious, she looked at the door:
"The following is the tunnel?"

Ye Jingtang squatted down, tapped the stone slab with his hands, made a sound of 'dong dong~~', nodded and said:

"The stone slab is about three inches thick, and the bottom is empty, so it should be a tunnel."

Dongfang Liren came into the room, frowned and said: "There is a secret passage in the palace, it's a big deal, open it and see if it's sealed down."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang threw the shovel into the room and waved:
"You stand farther away."

Dongfang Liren was slightly puzzled, and withdrew from the door:

"what are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang felt that the stone slab was quite big, but he didn't have time to dig it slowly. He stood in the hole and raised his breath, then raised his palm and slapped it on the stone slab.

click -

Lightning-like cracks appeared on the slate beneath his feet.

The empress dowager felt numb in the soles of her feet, she quickly backed away and hid behind Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren widened his eyes and reminded:
"Beware of hurting your hand."

Ye Jingtang slapped because he was afraid of hurting his hands, and then raised his breath again, and slapped three consecutive palms:
bang bang~


The last palm fell, and the stone slab was torn apart and collapsed with the broken soil.

Ye Jingtang quickly jumped up and landed firmly outside the door.


When the dust in the room settled, a big hole five feet square appeared in the middle of the room. With the light from the outside, the stone wall below could be seen.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager wanted to go in and have a look, but Dongfang Liren was afraid that there would be a trap, so she held her back.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, but did not see anything unusual, then came to the entrance of the cave with a knife, and looked inside, it can be seen that this is the end of the tunnel, and the other side is the downward stairs, pitch black, I don't know where it leads.

"The tunnel doesn't seem to be blocked, it just seals the entrance."

As Ye Jingtang said, he took out the torch from his waist, ignited it, and threw it deep into the tunnel.

da da da ~

After the fire folder rolled down the stairs, it rolled down to the depths until it stopped and the fire was still on:

"It looks like there are ventilation holes, so you shouldn't be suffocated when you go in."

Dongfang Liren was a little surprised when he heard this, and came to have a look:
"Have you been to the grave?"


Ye Jingtang raised his head, bewildered.

Dongfang Liren explained: "A few Tufuzi were arrested in the yamen, and it is the habit of Tufuzi to throw firecrackers into the tunnel."

Ye Jingtang shook his head slightly, looked at the tunnel that might not have been opened for 200 years, and asked:
"Should I seal it directly, or go in and take a look?"

The Dongfangli people must seal the tunnel, otherwise it would be troublesome for the empress dowager to sneak out to play here on a whim that day.

But before she sealed it, she still wanted to see where the tunnel could lead, so she said:

"Take me down to have a look."

Ye Jingtang looked carefully at the underground structure and was sure that it was just a simple underground passage, so he fell into it.

Dongfang Li asked the maid to bring two palace lanterns, and jumped in.

Seeing this scene, the Empress Dowager was a little unhappy, she came outside the entrance of the cave, bowed her head and said:

"You just throw me here?"

Knowing that the Empress Dowager was idle and bored, Dongfang Liren was very curious, so he checked the tunnel left and right, and found nothing unusual, so he flew up, hugged the Empress Dowager's waist, and fell into the tunnel.

Seeing this, Hongyu also wanted to jump down, but the Empress Dowager said seriously:

"You stay here honestly. If the tunnel collapses, quickly call someone to dig up the palace."

"Oh." Hongyu retracted angrily.

For safety's sake, Ye Jingtang didn't let the two of them follow behind, and raised his hand to signal:
"I'll go ahead to explore the way. I'm sure there's no problem. Your Highness and Your Majesty will follow up. If there is any situation, they will withdraw. Don't worry about me."

Dongfang Liren handed the palace lantern to Ye Jingtang, and then held the lantern to protect the Empress Dowager, keeping a distance and followed behind...


Colds come and go, people are confused (>_<)
(End of this chapter)

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