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Chapter 166

Chapter 166
In the east of the city, Mingyu Tower.


There was a roar under the pouring rain, and a groove more than ten feet deep suddenly sank in the alleyway on the side of Hei Ya, and the blue bricks were turned up and the soil was exposed, revealing the black bricks and stones below.

Qiu Tianhe, who was stroking the cat in the nearby yard, bounced up from the startled carp, looking around in a daze.

And the catcher Bo, who was staying in the yamen, rushed out of the yamen in unison, and there was a lot of noise:
"what happened?"

"Someone robbed the prison..."

dong dong dong-

The sound of war drums sounded from the top of the five-story Mingyu Building, and it was heard from far away in Yun'an City. The patrolling soldiers from various blocks rushed towards Mingyu Building.

In the dungeon, there was a huge shock, and there was a commotion in dozens of cells on the first floor. The sound of chains being dragged and exclamation made the deadly dungeon boil instantly:
"What's wrong?!"

"Earth Dragon turned over?"

"Let us out, it's about to collapse..."


Just after shouting a few times, a thick door-sealing stone fell on the door of the cell.

Numerous arrow holes were also dug out in the cell walls and corridors.

clack clack...

There was an instant silence in the dungeon.

On the second floor of the dungeon, the response was much smaller, after all, there were less than ten people living there.

In the cell in the center, the brothers of the Wang family who were sleeping against the corner were awakened by a huge shock.

Wang Er stood up dragging the heavy iron chain, feeling the ground trembling, his eyes were blank:
"The ground seems to have collapsed, what's going on?"

Wang Chengjing's martial arts skills are higher. After a little feeling, he stuck to the floor and listened:

"There is the sound of a hoe digging into the wall, someone is robbing the prison!"

Wang Er really didn't expect to encounter such a beautiful thing on the second day of his imprisonment!
But before he had time to think about fishing in troubled waters, he suddenly discovered that a huge black boulder had moved out from the top of the wellhead, blocking the only exit, completely turning the stone chamber into a hollow square box.

In the small holes originally located on the top of the stone chamber, there was a "呲呲~~" sound, and a large amount of black mist was sprayed out.

"Hey?! Hey hey!!..."

Wang Er saw the poisonous smoke pressing down from above, his face turned pale with shock, and he leaned against the corner with horror in his eyes:
"Is this cartilage fragrance?"

The stone room was not big, and it was still covered with chains, so there was nowhere to hide.

Wang Chengjing thought it was the smoke that anesthetized the prisoner, but he didn't want to resist, but when he sniffed it, the pungent and acrid smell came into his nose, his face changed suddenly in shock, and he immediately lay down on the ground:

"It's the poisonous dragon miasma! Get down and don't move!"

When Wang Er heard this word, his face turned pale on the spot—the poisonous dragon miasma is highly poisonous, and if it gets into the flesh, it will cut hands with the middle hand and legs with the middle leg. The difference between heaven and earth, if you don't understand it, you will die, because it is too ruthless, the pharmacist was directly recruited by the court, and it is regarded as the government's unique secret medicine.

Seeing the poisonous smoke slowly coming down from above, Wang Er knew that this was the "dead hand system" used by Heiya to prevent the second-floor felons from escaping.

"Cell boss! Cell boss! I didn't escape from prison, I was wronged..."

Wang Chengjing lay dead on the ground and said in a low voice:
"I can't hear you outside, don't move, the faster the blood is gone, the faster you will die. There is a doctor Wang in the capital, and the people who robbed the prison are wiped out. Maybe they can save us..."

Wang Er's eyes were horrified, and he hurriedly shut up. When he found that there was a constant knocking sound from below, he couldn't help cursing:
"Could you hurry up with your fucking catastrophe? Don't hurt the innocent..."

In fact, Wang Chengjing also wanted to scold him, after all, if it was the devil next door with a deep background, he might be able to resist poisoning for a long time.

And the combined strength of his two brothers is equivalent to that of Xu Bailin, barely qualified to live on the second floor of the dungeon.

But the opponent can fight together, and the poisoning is obviously impossible for the two to fight together. Yesterday, he suffered a serious internal injury. Taking a poison bath here, at most half an hour will kill him completely.

Realizing that something was wrong, Wang Chengjing also shouted:
"My lord! My two brothers can't bear it! We won't run away...My lord!..."

no response...
At the same time, three floors underground.

Compared with the dark and dull second floor, the third basement floor is much more spacious. It can be regarded as a hall, surrounded by bookshelves, with a tea table and desk in the middle, and behind the mahogany partition, there is a bed for sleeping. Except for no windows, the rest is as Ordinary living room is no different.

The door-sealing stone fell on the first floor, poisonous gas was sprayed directly on the second floor, but there was no movement on the third floor.

After all, the one locked here is not a vicious bandit, but an old servant who has worked hard and devoted himself to the Dongfang Clan.

Although Eunuch Cao is not loyal to the empress, he is indeed the most loyal person to the Dongfang royal family, not one of them.

Anyone in the world can kill Eunuch Cao, except the Empress. Since the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, Jiazi has been dedicated and selfless to this day. It has been known to the world that Eunuch Cao is the most trusted and loyal servant of the royal family, and his influence is enough to interfere in the court. He has never crossed the line once, and is just an unknown servant of the emperor. Whoever inherits the throne according to the patriarchal law will be meticulously saddled to whomever;

Therefore, Eunuch Cao's position as the eunuch in charge of printing is still there, and he declared to the outside world that he is also old enough to retire in the capital.

On the desk in the large room, an oil lamp was lit, and the old eunuch, who had lost all energy, sat cross-legged in front of the desk, wearing a red robe of a eunuch with the handprint of the chief of ceremonies.

Growing up in Miyagi since childhood, he has paid attention to etiquette all his life. Even in prison, the red robe is still neat without any wrinkles, and even the white hair is combed meticulously.

Eunuch Cao has practiced Zhuyantu. Originally, he was youthful and could not tell his age. However, after ten years of exhaustion, wrinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes. He looked like a thin old man in his 60s.


The sound of rocks collapsing came from under the wooden floor, and a pick was soon pierced through, and then the floor was smashed open with a punch.

boom -

Eunuch Cao's robe was blown by the air waves, he didn't respond at all, he just slowly turned a page of the book.


Cao Aning crawled out of the cave, saw the old eunuch sitting behind the desk, almost wept with joy, ran to him and knelt on the floor, and said urgently:
"Father, let's go. I dug the ground and let people restrain the masters of the imperial court in the west of the city. Even Ye Jingtang, who is as good as a god, was pulled away by my conspiracy. Now I can leave without hindrance..."

Cao Aning's eyes were full of excitement. After all, it was easy to deceive King Wu, but it was too difficult to deceive the ubiquitous and omniscient King Yeyan.

If it weren't for his original plan, just to save Zhimai and throw a watermelon directly to the imperial court, so that the imperial court must give up the less important and focus on dealing with King Wu, and use Ye Jingtang's impermanent pursuit, the robbery of the prison would not be possible.

Eunuch Cao closed the book, raised his eyes, and looked at the excited young man kneeling in front of him:
"A-Ning... I haven't seen you for ten years, and you've grown up; the one who asked you to save our family was King Liang or King Yan?"

Seeing Eunuch Cao's old face, Cao Aning hardly recognized him, he was slightly stunned, then took a medicine box from the subordinate who got out from behind, walked to him on his knees, and put it on the table:
"It's a green bandit who claims to be a swallow, and helped me find a way out. This is a secret medicine that the green bandit got from Beiliang's medical sage, which can help my foster father open some energy channels..."

Eunuch Cao sighed: "After ten years of separation, you have learned to lie to your adoptive father. Where are you going to take your adoptive father when your adoptive father leaves the capital?"

Cao Aning opened the medicine box, revealing the pill inside:

"My foster father taught me to protect the royal family of Wei since childhood. The eldest princess usurped the throne, which is not in accordance with the law of the sect. In the future, the throne will surely fall into the hands of foreign surnames. I have been working in secret for ten years. Among the kings, King Yan is the most powerful and highly respected. This throne should be inherited by King Yan..."

"That's why King Yan asked you to come."

Eunuch Cao didn't look at the medicine box, and said earnestly:
"The adoptive father is the housekeeper, and he is in charge of the daily affairs of the Dongfang family. Whoever is the head of the family, the adoptive father will listen to his arrangements. Outsiders should pay attention to the family business, and the adoptive father has to take care of it. But when several sons fight for the family property, the housekeeper has no choice but to take care of it." Qualifications.

"His Royal Highness the eldest princess is a daughter, forged the will of the late emperor, united with foreign relatives to seize power, and won the country is not right; in the future, it is not in line with the patriarchal law to give birth to an heir to inherit the throne, so the servant of the adoptive father had to persuade and stop it.

"But the eldest son of the emperor was deposed by the courtiers, and the courtiers established a new monarch, which is a state matter. Who should be accepted into Beijing to succeed the throne should be decided by the courtiers. The foster father is a palace man, so he has no right to interfere, let alone interfere with the selection of the new monarch. Do you understand what it means?"

Cao Aning blinked his eyes: "But now that the eldest princess has ascended the throne, the imperial line will definitely change hands in the future. As retainers, we will take necessary measures when necessary. Support the king of Yan, and the imperial line is still in the hands of the Dongfang family. In the future, the female emperor will cut off the military power of the kings and completely monopolize the power, and my retainers will be powerless to return to heaven. How can I have the face to meet the late emperor and Taizu..."

Eunuch Cao shook his head: "Do you really think that the King of Yan asked you to pick up your adoptive father to Yanzhou? The adoptive father is only a martial artist, no matter how talented he is, he cannot compare to Fengguancheng, and no matter how rich his background is, he cannot compare to Buddhism and Taoism." The headmaster. The king of Yan has thousands of troops and horses, and lacks a guard like a foster father?"

"Everyone in the world knows that the adoptive father is loyal to the royal family. The adoptive father is on the side of King Yan. He only needs to say, 'The first emperor felt that the eldest son of the emperor was incompetent, so he intended to let King Yan succeed', and the succession of King Yan is based on ..."

"The first emperor never said that, only said 'it's a pity that Yuhu is not a man'."

Eunuch Cao looked at Cao Aning and sighed softly:

"Furthermore, do you think who is the emperor depends on the will of the first emperor? The eldest princess can produce a will out of thin air, and the king of Yan lacks a word from our old eunuch?"

Cao Aning blinked: "The green bandit has planned so many things, the purpose is indeed to let the child save the adoptive father..."

"In all dynasties, there has never been a palm print eunuch who defected to a different place. He was born in the imperial city and died in the imperial city. The kings know this."

Eunuch Cao looked at Cao Aning: "The eldest princess is not the new king chosen by the courtiers or even the clan, they know that as long as the adoptive father leaves this cell, he will return to the palace and continue to persuade His Highness the eldest princess to return to power, or die in the palace.

"Their purpose is to use foster father as a testing stone to find out the depth of the guards around the eldest princess. You were deceived by them."

Cao Aning knelt on the ground and thought for a while:
"No matter what they mean, the child has already done things to this point, just don't follow their wishes. Let's hide in the market after we go out. When the capital coup takes place that day, and the new king of the Dongfang family appears, we will come back to help the new king. Jun..."

Eunuch Cao shook his head: "The adoptive father is the eunuch in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies. The eldest princess has never abolished the position of the adoptive father. How can the adoptive father 'abscond in fear of crime'? If the eldest princess cannot be persuaded, there is no way to restore the imperial lineage. Just like the ancestors, die before the palace gate."

"The adoptive father lost ten years ago, now entering the palace is a death in vain..."

"If you die, you will die. The eldest princess is not in the right position, but her talent is the best in the past and the present. She will definitely become a generation of heroes, and she will usher in a prosperous and prosperous age unprecedented in ancient and modern times."

Eunuch Cao picked up the pill on the table and threw it into his mouth:

"The adoptive father is a domestic servant, he can't disobey the late emperor's will and be loyal to the eldest princess, but he can't stop the eldest princess, useless old waste, he deserved to die ten years ago.

"The eldest princess is a descendant of the Dongfang family. Even if Dawei changes his surname in the future, half of the Dongfang family's blood will still flow. When he is under the Nine Springs, his adoptive father will still have half of his face to meet the late emperor and great ancestor."

Cao Aning heard the words and said anxiously: "My child has done everything he can to achieve this step, and there will be no chance in the future. Those who achieve great things should know how to endure. In case the eldest princess provokes anger and resentment in the future, the courtiers are ready to support the new king, and the foster father will use the power of prosperity Showing up in a beautiful posture can always make the eldest princess abdicate more easily..."

Eunuch Cao shook his head: "You don't understand the power of the eldest princess. The only possibility for the eldest princess to abdicate is that the practice of martial arts is on the verge of death and she dies young. If the eldest princess does not die by herself, she can rely on her talent and military power. , no one in the world can shake her throne head-on. As for Wu Fu, Fengguan City is nothing in front of a hundred thousand cavalry, so what is Yifu?"

Cao Aning opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Eunuch Cao raised his hand slightly: "Let's go. The adoptive father is a domestic servant. He is useless and doesn't want to leave his homeland, so he can only be buried here."

Meanwhile, above the dungeon.

Numerous black Yamen arresters stood at the entrance of the dungeon with swords in their hands, because the superiors who could fight were not there. Although there was no confusion, no one dared to enter the dungeon where the situation was unknown. They were just discussing:

"What should I do? The mechanism seems to be activated by itself. If it is delayed for a while, all the people on the second floor will die..."

"I won't die so quickly. I've already gone to see the doctor Wang. It shouldn't be a problem to save her..."

"I haven't figured out the situation in the dungeon yet, so how dare I let Miracle Doctor Wang come over. The lives of those people are not as precious as a finger of Miracle Wang..."


During the low-pitched discussion, a footstep sounded from the side of the yamen.

Several policemen looked back, only to see Qiu Tianhe coming out of the corridor with a bucket in his hand, looking around.

Because of the sentence "I'll stab you to death with a stick at the back door", Xiao Wang, who was honored as "the gun at the back door" by his colleagues, was surprised when he saw this, and hurried to stop him:

"Hero Qiu, hurry up and stay in the house. Standing here now, the brothers are nervous, and you are easily killed by adults."

Knowing that someone was robbing the prison, Qiu Tianhe came here to take a look. Seeing that everyone was standing outside the tunnel, he frowned and said:
"There are people robbing the prison below, don't you care?"

Xiao Wang waved his hand and said, "The dungeon was designed with countless painstaking efforts by skillful craftsmen. The first floor seals the door with stones. If you dare to touch the prison door, ten thousand arrows will be fired from the cell. The second floor seals the well with black stones, and it sprays poisonous dragon miasma inside. If you move, you will die sooner." The faster you go, you will die before you run out of the capital."

Qiu Tianhe's eyes showed surprise: "There is still this configuration in the dungeon?"

Xiao Wang said with a smile: "Hero Qiu only stayed for less than a year, and he has never been robbed by thieves, so naturally he doesn't know. This is the prison with the strongest protection in Dawei, and there is no problem if there are no protective measures. If people inside dare to escape, let them escape." , just look for the corpse tomorrow; stay honest, and let Doctor Wang detoxify later.”

Qiu Tianhe felt that this design was really inhumane, but those who could enter the second floor of the dungeon must be punished with death, and it was no wonder that the court was not treated as a human being.After thinking about it, he sighed:
"Fortunately, the old man came out quickly... No, the No. [-] room is the old man's previous residence. The two newcomers in there have serious injuries and average martial arts. Are you sure they can stand this service?"

Xiao Wang's expression changed when he heard the words, and he patted his forehead:

"It's over, forget about these two. Yesterday, I heard that the second king of Yanzhou killed His Highness. The crime was extremely heinous. The prison chief was afraid of going wrong, so he specially locked him in the safest cell. Now it's troublesome. Can't stop..."

Qiu Tianhe felt that it was unrealistic for the policeman to risk his life to save the death row prisoner, so he sighed after thinking about it:

"Last night, the old man delivered the meal, and I added an extra spoonful for the two of them, and it can be regarded as a full meal before death..."

While talking, a white shadow passed through the rain curtain soundlessly and landed in front of the dungeon.

Seeing this, the officers present quickly stood up straight, their faces solemnly facing the dark dungeon entrance.

Qiu Tianhe raised his eyes and greeted him:
"Sister Meng, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Baifa Diting is more than ten years older than Qiu Tianhe. When Man Dawei hunted Qiu Tianhe to rescue the imperial concubine, he was still a charming white-clothed goddess, and Qiu Tianhe walked all over the rivers and lakes. The relationship between them is not too friendly.

Baifadi ignored Chou Tianhe, just dragged his white hair to the ground, stood in front of the dungeon with a serious face, looking into the depths of the entrance.

Qiu Tianhe came to the front with a bucket of rice, and asked:

"Cao Qiansui is on the third floor? It's been half a day, and he probably left early."

Baifa Diting frowned and said, "It's best to run away. If you don't run away, it will be difficult to be kind today."

Qiu Tianhe knew the status of the great inner gatekeeper Cao Qiansui, and asked:
"Didn't you give Cao Qiansui dozens of golden needles?"

"With the three pictures of tendons, bones and skin on the body, the golden needle can't get in, and it can't seal it if it gets in. We can only rely on the secret medicine prepared by Doctor Wang to relieve the power, reduce food and weaken the body. There may be a solution for the thief to make such a big battle. medicine."

Qiu Tianhe nodded, looked around:

"Qin Wenli, Chen Miao, Tu Jiuji, and the others won't come over? If Sister Meng stops her alone, I guess Cao Qiansui won't bother you."

Bai Fa listened and said: "The thief picked the right time, half of the people are away, and something went wrong in the west of the city, we have to deal with that side first."

Qiu Tianhe frowned. Seeing that the court seemed to be short of manpower, he hesitated a bit when he remembered his pending trial and indefinite confinement:

"Cao Qiansui must be trying to recover his skills. If you don't stop him now, he will recover later. I guess no one in the capital can stop him. If Sister Meng pulls out my golden needle and returns the knife, I will help you stop Cao." Chitose, if you have committed a crime and performed meritorious service, will you give me back my freedom afterwards?"


The Heiya policeman next to him quickly turned his face when he heard this, thinking that Qiu Tianhe was a bit outrageous.

After all, no matter how fierce Eunuch Cao is, he is still a person who has been imprisoned for ten years, which is incomparable to the peak period. Moreover, it means that he will not run away when he comes out, and it will take a lot of time to scrape slowly after being imprisoned.

But Qiu Tianhe has been eating and drinking outside for a month, and he has become fat. Once the golden needle is pulled out and the Tianhe knife is taken, it may be impossible to fight the palace head-on. Who will stop him from running away with all his strength?
Qiu Tianhe sensed the speechlessness of the crowd, and said helplessly:

"I, Qiu Tianhe, have been in exile for 30 years, and I still have a reputation as a hero. Now I have finally cleared my guilt by Ye Boy, and I have a chance to walk in the rivers and lakes with integrity, but I turned around and ran away, causing Ye Boy to take the blame for me. You think I am Qiu Tianhe Can you do such a stupid thing?"

After thinking about it for a while, everyone felt that it was true. The only case Qiu Tianhe committed in his life was for his friend to break into the marriage team and destroy half of his life. Life-saving Grace is essentially a charlatan who values ​​love and righteousness.

Meng Jiao thought for a while and said, "If you do your best, I will ask the Holy Majesty for your order on this matter. Even if the Holy Majesty refuses, he will give you a status and let you enjoy half your life in the capital."

Qiu Tianhe only has the sword leader in his heart, and he doesn't care about fame and fortune, but no matter how much he doesn't care, eating, drinking, and living well are more comfortable than delivering meals in the alley, so he immediately put down the rice bucket:

"Okay. If you can only return to the top this time in this life, and the opponent is Cao Qiansui, it will not be in vain... But if I am beaten to death, the court still has to arrange for Wang Taiyi to save me, and I can't treat Qiu as a consumable .”

"Don't worry, Ye Jingtang is here, and the imperial court will not treat you badly."

Nearly six thousand words or2!

To end this episode, I wrote it slowly, I am really sorry, I will try to finish it all at once tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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