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Chapter 169 Why Are You So Skilled?

Chapter 169 Why Are You So Skilled?

In the majestic imperial city, three thousand palace lanterns were swaying in the wind and rain, and a hurried footstep ran quickly from the veranda, and soon came to the Changle Palace in the middle of the imperial city.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang's clothes were tattered, his hair crown was loose, and his long hair was hanging down. He strode around, looking like a handsome mountain king with disheveled hair, holding a flowery and jade-like flower in his arms. Big girl, looking for a place to do bad things.

Empress Wei's face was flushed, she still held the red umbrella in her hand, leaning on the man's shoulder, her breath was disordered.

Since ascending to the throne, the Empress basically never left the palace, claiming to the outside world that there was a master who could defeat Eunuch Cao, and the thief did not dare to enter the palace to make trouble until she found out the details, and it was not her turn to make trouble. When paying attention to the size, there has never been a major problem.

But today, in order to show off her unparalleled peak force value in front of Ye Jingtang, who is so talented, she accidentally used too much force and accidentally pretended to be big, and her body's reaction was more serious than she imagined.

But even though it was uncomfortable, the Empress' eyes were still calm.

Go back to Changle Palace quickly, and you can see the whereabouts of the palace people.

Ye Jingtang followed the instructions and did not disturb the maids walking among the palaces. He walked around the garden in a familiar way and came to Cheng'an Palace in front of Minglongtan.

Cheng'an Hall is the place where the emperor lives daily. It is very large in scale. At night, it is brightly lit, and you can see a few court ladies holding lamps in the middle hall.

Ye Jingtang came to the back of the Cheng'an Hall, rose from the lake with light waves, and entered the bedroom inside the window.

The door of the bedroom is very spacious, on the outside there is a long case facing the lake, on which there are many scrolls; beside the wall is a piano platform, a chess couch, etc., with calligraphy and paintings of famous masters hanging on the wall, and in the middle there is a pair of "full city" Calligraphy works with "Golden Armor".

Although it is not decorated with jewels and jewels, everything from wood to porcelain is extravagant in the world, and it is spotless. Standing in it, you can feel the luxurious and restrained nobility.

On the inside is a golden silk nan partition carved with auspicious animals, with jasper bead curtains hanging down, and behind the bead curtains is a dragon bed, which is the same size as the stupid eight-step bed, sleeping four people side by side will not be crowded.

It was the first time for Ye Jingtang to come to the empress' bedroom, and wanted to pass through the bead curtain and hug Damei on the bed.

Empress Wei raised her finger slightly, signaling to the screen:
"Go there."

Ye Jingtang followed the guide to the screen, but saw a sliding door behind it, with a tiger's head embossed on it, revealing its fierce appearance, as if warning people not to touch it lightly.

The empress lay on Ye Jingtang's arm, raised her hand and turned the eyes of the tiger head relief, and the sliding door opened left and right by itself.


Behind the sliding door is a bathroom, in the center is a bathing pool with white mist, the whole is made of white jade, and the size is only one foot square.

On both sides are Duobao Pavilion, on the left there are large and small wooden boxes, and on the right are various weapons, several swords, two double maces placed crosswise, and a belt placed vertically in the middle. Horse lance decorated with dragon patterns.

In front of the wall directly opposite the door, there is an armor on display.

The armor is dark gold bright light armor, similar in style to the unicorn armor of the Imperial City Guards, but the workmanship is obviously better, the scales on the armor skirt are arranged like dragon scales, the waist is a belt with unicorn shoulders, and the helmet is also unicorn Helmets and visors look fierce and intimidating.

Ye Jingtang didn't care about the furnishings in the room, and walked quickly to the bathtub:
"Put you in?"

The Great Wei Empress signaled to the Duobao Pavilion by the wall: "Go get the medicine first."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang first put her on the imperial concubine's couch by the bathtub, then went to the wall to light the lampstand, followed the instructions, and picked up a white jade porcelain vase in the wooden box.

After the porcelain bottle was opened, there was a strong medicinal fragrance, which should be something for the medicinal bath to warm and nourish the body, so I quickly went to the side of the bath and poured the medicinal liquid into it.

The Great Wei Empress sat on the soft couch, raised her hand to pull the belt around her waist, thought for a while, and said again:

"Yejingtang, you cover your eyes."

Ye Jingtang put the empty bottle away and turned around:
"Shall I call a maid over here?"

"I have a secret injury, so I can't spread it. Just cover your eyes."

Ye Jingtang didn't say much, tore off a piece of cloth from his tattered robe and covered his eyes, and stirred a few times in the pool water with his hand to let the liquid medicine spread as quickly as possible.

Seeing this, the empress silently pulled the belt of the red skirt, and the soft red skirt slipped off her shoulders, and the bathroom was also a little brighter at this moment.

The empress has a standard gourd-shaped figure, with a slender waist and a very plump hip, which is half an inch wider than Xue Nixiang's shoulders; her chest is also very broad, and her size is comparable to that of a clumsy, plump figure that looks very majestic.

The empress wore very little, her skirt slipped down to the size of a palm, and her upper body was a red tulle gown embroidered with golden dragons, in a triangular shape, just covering the white balls.

Below are the shorts with bows on both sides, enveloping the bulging white jade tiger.

But at this moment, his body doesn't look very healthy, his skin is red and sweaty, and white mist can be seen faintly.

The empress looked at Ye Jingtang, saw that Ye Jingtang was seriously preparing the medicinal bath, and did not deceive the emperor to peek or daydream, a flash of approval flashed in her eyes, and she put her hands behind her back, trying to untie the triangle coat.

But this movement is a bit big, with the blood in the body churning, the hand frowned halfway around.

Although Ye Jingtang was blindfolded, he could feel Yu Hu's movements, so he stood up immediately:

"I'll help you."

As he spoke, he walked to the imperial concubine's bed, stretched out his hand and accurately pinched the tether of the apron on the back, and untied the small clothes, and the same was true for the tether behind the neck.

Call ~
The golden fat-headed dragon coat fell on his knees.

The proficiency in taking off the little clothes is really the pinnacle.

Before the Great Wei Empress could react, her chest felt cold, and she subconsciously hugged Da Tuantuan, who had lost her restraint, and found that Ye Jingtang moved his hand to his waist, pinched the bow and pulled it lightly.

The little cloth lost its restraint and slipped, and the plump white jade tiger suddenly appeared in the candlelight.

? !
The Great Wei Empress was almost unable to suppress the blood in her body, her pupils still widened a little, she said in disbelief:

"Yejingtang, why are you so proficient?!"

Ye Jingtang didn't touch the skin from the beginning to the end, and Ma Liu untied the bow on the other side:
"Tianhe Knife can perceive the most subtle changes in the environment. When you move, there will be noise when the cloth rubs against the skin, and the knot will also drive the airflow. I can feel what kind of clothes you are wearing."

The Great Wei Empress felt that it was one thing to feel it, but another thing to know how to take it off. Practice makes perfect to this point. She said that she hadn't taken off this kind of little dress many times before, but she didn't believe it at all.

Could it be that Li Ren wore it for him to see...

But at this moment, she didn't have the time to talk about it. The Empress gently propped her body up, and as soon as her buttocks left the imperial concubine's couch, she sat back and frowned to suppress the churning blood in her body:

"Hold me into the pool, don't touch me randomly."

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu was about to explode, and he didn't have the mood to wipe the oil. He supported his back with his arm, and put his other hand through the bend of his leg to support the slippery Yuhu. He deliberately stretched out his arms to keep a distance so as not to touch the To where it shouldn't be touched.

The Great Wei Empress lay between her arms, her buttocks were as white as a shelled egg, drawing an amazingly tense arc under the candlelight.

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so disciplined, the Empress forced a smile:
"You are careful to throw me to the ground."

Although Ye Jingtang was blindfolded, he could still fully remember the slap-sized room. He came to the side of the bath and squatted down, carefully dragging Damei into the warm water.

"Your condition is not right, are you sure you don't want to call Imperial Physician Wang to take a look?" Ye Jingtang asked.

Empress Wei was soaked in warm water, her expression was slightly relieved:

"No. You go out."

Ye Jingtang squatted on the edge of the bath, and could feel the faint heat coming from Yu Hu's body.

He is not called a palace maid nor an imperial doctor, how could he rest assured that Yu Hu, whose condition is unknown, was alone here to heal his wounds, stood up immediately, and turned his back to the pool:

"I won't talk. Take good care of your body, speak up if you have any questions, and don't resist."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was not going out, the Great Wei Empress didn't say much. After all, it was always safer to have someone watching over her. She closed her eyes and began to recuperate.

But taking a bath here, a man standing beside him, although his eyes are blindfolded and his back is turned away, is still a bit...

Forget it, let's just treat it as a concubine who is as beautiful as a flower and jade, serving by her side...

The Great Wei Empress opened her eyes, looked at Ye Jingtang's back, and closed her eyes again. While recuperating her body, she thought secretly in her heart.

Although she intends to let Ye Jingtang, who is the most talented in the world, be her secret imperial envoy and go to the world to help her search for the lost Dragon Crying Picture.

But as an emperor, she was not so idiotic as to have the idea of ​​'because I am the emperor, so you have to do things for me for no reason and for free'.

Even the courtiers have to pay salaries, carefully control the hearts of the courtiers, and only after confirming that the courtiers are absolutely loyal can they be given the rights corresponding to their loyalty and entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

This kind of top-secret mission related to the life and death of the emperor, before it is completely reassured, the nonsense is completely to stimulate yourself.In case Ye Jingtang finds out, he turns around and goes to Beiliang to change his prince, Dawei will be in chaos on the spot...

How can I make him loyal to me?
He doesn't look like power, fame and fortune, let's talk about lust...

In this situation, you can be as immovable as a mountain, and you really don't look like a womanizer, so you are invulnerable...

The Great Wei Empress felt that her eyesight was vicious, and it was impossible for Ye Jingtang to be unattractive.

She thought for a while, raised her hand a little, picked up the water splash, and drenched between the white balls.

The water is overflowing, and the waves are bursting.

Empress Great Wei carefully paid attention to Ye Jingtang's subtle reactions, and found that Ye Jingtang, who was standing blindfolded by the bath, moved her ears, then turned her head and showed a side face, with a bit of displeasure:

"Heal your wounds well, don't mess with these moths."

His tone was quite fierce.


Empress Wei paused for a moment, her gaze narrowed slightly:

"Young Master Ye, if you are so ignorant of compliments, you will be at a disadvantage if you act in Beijing."

"If you recover from your injury, I'll leave. If you don't recover, treat your injury seriously."


The Great Wei Empress felt that if this boy was not her brother-in-law but her concubine, she would definitely have to play herself in the cold palace for three days, so she stopped talking now and started to heal her injuries seriously...

(End of this chapter)

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