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Chapter 173 The Night Watch

Chapter 173 The Night Watch

Empress Great Wei woke up passively with her hands and feet, and her eyes were still blank for a moment, but she immediately realized something, lowered her head and glanced...


The empress hugged her arms a little tighter, covering the big ball that was about to slide out, and looked at Ye Jingtang, her demeanor was still calm:
"You...cough...you pour me a glass of water."

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu's situation was very wrong, got up and went to the outer room, poured a glass of white water lightly, then returned to the bathroom, and handed it to Yuhu.

The empress slightly raised her hand to pick it up, but it is definitely not easy to let go of her arm now.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang brought the water glass to his red lips.

The queen's white throat was throbbing. After drinking half a glass of water, her smoldering throat felt better. She glanced at Ye Jingtang, who was not blindfolded, a little displeased:
"Have you seen enough?"

"You think I want to see it?"

Seeing Yu Hu, Ye Jingtang dared to blame him for not being shy, frowned and said:

"Didn't you notice that the Queen Mother was outside? When I came in just now, I found you lying in the pool without making a sound. I thought you were cold. The problem is so serious and you refuse to see a doctor. What should you do if something happens? What's wrong with you?"

The Empress of Great Wei had no major problems, but her internal injuries recovered, and a sense of fatigue from depletion of essence and blood also followed.

She knew that Ye Jingtang was heroic and would definitely come back, so she covered her vitals so that she would not be exposed when Ye Jingtang came back after falling asleep.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's complaints, Empress Wei put her arms around her chest and explained calmly:
"After the treatment, my body is a little weak. I fell asleep. It's okay. I stopped you just now to remind you that the Empress Dowager will come over at night. I'm going to rest so that you don't have to come again. You suddenly turned around and forgot. "

The empress said, looking out of the sliding door: "The queen mother found out that I was healing here?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu was in no danger other than Xu Xu, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"I just came in and bumped into the empress dowager head-on. I was afraid that something would happen, so I immediately fainted the empress dowager. The empress dowager thought I was plotting something wrong. You can explain it to me tomorrow."

The empress breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and her eyes showed helplessness:
"I'm injured, and no one can know about it. If you know it, you have to keep it a secret for me. You sneaked in in the middle of the night and stunned the queen mother. If I didn't stop it, it means I'm not in the house. If In the room, but did not make a sound, the Queen Mother will definitely be thinking wildly, and may guess that I am here to heal my wounds, and the situation is relatively serious..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang frowned when he heard the words of denying people without wearing a skirt:
"You mean, you pretended not to be there, and let me hide the matter of sneaking in here to faint the empress dowager? If the empress dowager wakes up and doesn't kill me, I have to tell Prince Jing about it; Prince Jing knows about me. Killing the carbine and offending the Queen Mother, no matter how much you like me, you have to cut me off, how can you make me take the blame?"

The Great Wei Empress knew that Ye Jingtang couldn't recite it, so she said softly:

"Tomorrow, I will explain to the empress dowager that you are called by me, and you have a top-secret errand to arrange, and let her keep it a secret. The empress dowager will definitely think wildly, but she shouldn't embarrass you too much."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that he couldn't stay here for long, got up and said:
"If you're okay, I'll go first."

"and many more."

The voice of the Empress Rumei Yujie was a little higher, revealing a three-point sense of majesty that cannot be violated.

Ye Jingtang paused, turned his head, with a serious expression:
"Miss Yuhu, I'm here to help you today. If you don't mess around with a gun, you won't get hurt; if you're willing to see the imperial doctor, I won't carry you here; if you don't stop me, I won't turn around; If you don't forget to tell me, I won't come in, and I won't provoke the Empress Dowager. If you have any grudges about this, and you want me to be responsible for repaying the debt, I won't admit it. "

The Great Wei Empress saw that Ye Jingtang and Miss Shuxiang seemed to be meeting a domineering emperor, so she tried to explain in order not to be the noble concubine Ye, and felt a little amused:
"What are you thinking? I've been soaking in the water for too long, it's a bit cold, please help me fetch my pajamas first."

Ye Jingtang found out that Yuhu's body temperature was very low, so he didn't say much, and brought him lightly to the inner room, opened the closet and took a look - there were many tulle nightdresses hanging in it, with different styles, most of them were red, There are also a few mensao black ones.

Ye Jingtang took an opaque red nightgown, covered his eyes, returned to the bathroom and handed it to Yu Hu:

"Shall I ask the maid to come in?"

"No, the lady-in-waiting noticed that my complexion was weak, so she couldn't help being suspicious."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was blindfolded, the Great Wei Empress let go of her arms, slowly got up from the bath, took the towel that Ye Jingtang arrived, wiped her body, and then put the red dress on her body .

The style of the red nightdress is special, the length of the dress is only a little below the white jade tiger, and it is quite loose.

However, the function of the clothes is still preserved, and the cover is very good. Standing up straight, you can't see anything except the outline of the body under the fabric.

After the empress put on her nightgown, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"Okay, don't blindfold."

Ye Jingtang pulled down his blindfold, and found that the slim Hu Niuniu was fighting in a vacuum, so he turned his eyes away:
"Then I'll go first, you must explain clearly to the empress dowager."


The Empress nodded slightly, holding the Duobao Pavilion with her hand, found a medicine box, took out the nourishing elixir and put it between her red lips.

Then he walked slowly towards the door, and just after taking a few steps, he felt a powerless feeling of overdrawn energy, and leaned against the Duobao Pavilion, raising his hand to gently soften his forehead.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to leave, but when he saw this scene, he sighed inwardly, he came to the front and put his hands on his back, put his left hand through the bend of his leg, and hugged her horizontally.

The Great Wei Empress felt dizzy, closed her eyes and leaned against the man's arms, and unexpectedly found that Ye Jingtang's body was glowing with heat, which relieved the feeling of exhaustion in her body a little, and she involuntarily leaned a little closer.

The empress wore a very loose one-piece skirt, which itself covered her crotch. At this time, she was hugged horizontally, her waist and hips sank, and her legs were bent on her arms. The skirt naturally slid open, and her legs were still not very close. close.

Ye Jingtang hugged Yuhu in his arms. There was no disturbance at first, but when he lowered his head slightly, he saw the camel toe under the red dress that was not covered by the fabric...

White as snow, a line...

? !
Ye Jingtang's expression was slightly concentrated, and he found that Yuhu was leaning on his arms without paying attention, he was secretly relieved, without squinting, he came carefully to the inner dragon bed, and put her on the outside.

The empress dowager lay on the side of the dragon bed, her familiar face was shown by the candlelight, she was still a bit frightened, her eyelashes moved slightly, she seemed to be having some inhumane nightmares, the perpetrator was probably him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang felt that his life was not long. After putting Yuhu down, he wanted to pull the thin blanket over, but he saw Yuhu turn over slightly and put his hands on the empress dowager.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of waking up the empress dowager, so he asked:

"What are you doing again?"

The Empress didn't want to do anything, but she just felt very warm against Ye Jingtang's body just now, and it was the first time she discovered that relying on people could relieve her cold and exhausted feeling from the inside out.

The empress dowager was by her side, so she tried to touch it, and found that the empress dowager's body was as tender as a crisp, and it felt quite warm, but she didn't have the special feeling that Ye Jingtang had.

The Empress frowned secretly, let go of the Empress Dowager, and turned to face the outside:
"Give me your hand."

Ye Jingtang didn't know why, so he squatted down in front of him and handed her his hand.

The empress held Ye Jingtang's hand, felt it carefully, nodded thoughtfully, and let go again:
"I used secret methods to recover from my injuries. The energy in my body was exhausted too much, resulting in the deficiency of yin and cold in my body. You are a man with strong yang and strong fire. Standing in front of you can feel relieved; there are only women and eunuchs in the palace. Please feel wronged and stay in the palace." Come on, wait until I fall asleep before leaving."

Faced with such a mysterious statement, Ye Jingtang was dubious:
"Is the feeling you're talking about a sense of security?"

Empress Wei blinked her eyes, feeling that Ye Jingtang's explanation was more reasonable than hers.

As an emperor, the only one who can protect herself is herself.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's absolute reliability and extraordinary martial arts today, the comfort she felt when her body was weak might really have something to do with her sense of security.

No matter what it feels like, it's enough for her to sleep comfortably now, and the Empress didn't delve into it, she was tired and closed her eyes.

Ye Jingtang squatted beside him, comforting in a low voice:
"You rest at ease, I will leave later."

The empress leaned on the pillow, it seemed that the medicine was getting stronger, sweat appeared on her forehead, her body was hot and cold, she didn't speak any more, only her breathing was quick and slow.

There was no sound in the bedroom, Ye Jingtang was squatting halfway beside the dragon bed, and in front of him were two beautiful royal ladies, so he was unavoidably a little nervous - mainly because he was afraid that the empress dowager would bump into him when she woke up.

The Empress Dowager was wearing a dark red nightgown, lying on her side neatly. Although she had a beautiful profile, she was covered tightly, and nothing could be seen except the high skirt.

But Yuhu is not. After lying down, the skirt recovers, and the tiger is no longer visible, but lying on his side close to him, still facing him, the jade balls under the red gauze fabric are stacked together, forming a semicircle on the breast of the nightdress Contours, tops of arcs...

Ye Jingtang squatted next to him, with a stern face, like a ruthless saint, he really couldn't look around, so he looked around, only to find a Pisces pendant hanging on the dressing table next to him.

The jade pendant is very familiar, it was the piece that I helped Yuhu get back when I entered the Canyang Pond before, and I saw all of it that time.

Ye Jingtang's eyes stayed on the jade pendant, and he suddenly realized the cause and effect of the incident in Canlanchi, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart - even his own sister was cheated, really...

After looking at the jade pendant for a few moments, Ye Jingtang found the book that the Empress Dowager had dropped by the pillow, and took it lightly to read.

The empress dowager obviously liked this book very much, not only was it neat and without any creases, but there were also beautifully written poems on some pages.

In the quiet room, there was only the slight sound of flipping books. The Empress lay on her side facing Ye Jingtang. Because she was really too sleepy, her breathing gradually stabilized, and she slowly fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the candle lights on the dressing table were burned out, and the room was completely dark.

Ye Jingtang recovered from the exciting plot, closed the book, and saw that Yuhu's expression had mostly recovered, and he was already fast asleep, so he stood up cautiously.

The empress felt something, her eyelashes moved, but she didn't wake up.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, pulled up the thin quilt and covered her body silently, looked at the mother and daughter who were not her own, and then quietly hid in the night...


I recommend a new book "Girl, Don't Worry", if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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