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Chapter 179 Snow Lake Flower

Chapter 179 Snow Lake Flower

In Tianshuiqiao's new house, it took several days from purchasing furniture to choosing a date to move out. It was inconvenient for the three of them to travel back and forth, so they still lived in Sanniang's house.

After finishing all the decorations of the new home today, Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang went back to Ranfang Street to change clothes with some rouge and water powder.

In Shuanggui Lane, Luo Ning walked towards the courtyard gate with a small sunshade umbrella, saying along the way:

"The four courtyards in the back house are all prepared for my wife and aunt. Each courtyard has a main room, east and west rooms, and can accommodate twelve people in total. I don't even know what Sanniang is thinking..."

Ye Jingtang was wearing a black robe with a long knife hanging from his waist, leading his horse and walking behind him, and said with a smile:
"It's better to have an empty house than nothing, and I will have children in the future..."

"The young master has an east house, the young lady has an embroidery building, and the maid has a side room and a back room. Those four courtyards are for my aunt. Do you think I can't see the way?"

Luo Ning turned her head and looked at the handsome little thief beside her:
"San Niang is ready, you little thief doesn't fill up the room, do you feel sorry for San Niang's kindness?"

Ye Jingtang put his arms around Luo Ning's shoulders, and accompanied them into the courtyard:
"Are you kidding me? I didn't turn into a donkey. If I brought twelve of them home, I would turn into medicine dregs if I didn't live to be 30."

Luo Ningxiang twisted her shoulders slightly: "Then how many are you going to marry?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it seriously:

"A man's whole life is nothing more than dominance in the rivers and lakes, ranking as a prince, three wives and four concubines, three plus four equals seven, seven... hiss—just kidding."

Luo Ning's face was slightly cold, and after staring at the thief who was eating from the bowl and looking at the granary for a while, he entered the yard:
"I'll make medicine for you when I get back."

As he spoke, he took a few glances in the kitchen:
"Where did the medicine I bought last time go?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "I came back at noon, I'm afraid it will expire after too long, so I will throw it away."


Last time I spent a long time with Mrs. Wang before I prescribed the medicine...

Luo Ning gritted her teeth secretly, and walked towards the courtyard gate: "I'll go to Wende Bridge to get you medicine, you... eh?! Little thief!"

Ye Jingtang blocked the way, hugged the light and soft glamorous heroine horizontally, and apologized:

"I'll catch it when I have time. It's so hot and I've been running all day. You take a rest and I'll rub your shoulders and legs."

How could Luo Ning believe this, Yunli Niao Niao was not there, the whole alley was deserted, she was carried into the house, and she didn't know what to do.

Luo Ning put her hand on the soft sword at her waist: "Little thief, I will come back to get some things, and I have to go back soon..."

"Just take a rest, it's broad daylight, how could I plot something wrong."

Ye Jingtang pushed open the door of the west wing with his shoulder, sat on the side of the canopy bed, put Luo Ning on his lap, and gently pressed his hands on his shoulders and arms:

"I've worked hard these days, I'll give you a press, sit and chat before going back."

Luo Ning wanted to get up, but Ye Jingtang refused to let her go, so she turned her head away, pretending to be repulsive.

Ye Jingtang was inspired by Benben today, and discovered that Tingfeng Palm has other magical functions that go astray.

Although it's a bit of a waste of top martial arts, but Liu Qiansheng is not his master, so it's a waste of time.

Holding Luo Ning at this time, Ye Jingtang rubbed and pressed with his hands, carefully sensing the fluctuations of Qi and blood, looking for the part and strength that Ning'er felt most pleasing, the technique was extremely gentle.

Luo Ning didn't want to talk at first, but after a while, she realized that the little thief was different today - completely different from the palpable and anxious look of the past, the strength of rubbing and pressing was quite comfortable, as if she was really serving her.

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and because of her excellent experience, she slowly and calmly leaned against Ye Jingtang, and asked coldly:

"What is your method?"

There was a smile in the corner of Ye Jingtang's eyes, seeing that Ning'er did not resist, he put his hand on the watermelon:
"Listen to Wind Palm, is it powerful?"

Luo Ning, as an inner sect master, knows this kind of top inner sect martial arts, so she is dubious:

"Is that how Tingfeng Palm is used?"

"Kung Fu doesn't have to be used for fighting, it's a side effect, do you want to learn it?"

Luo Ning naturally wanted to learn, but when she opened her mouth, the little thief would definitely make an inch of it. After thinking about it, she said calmly:
"It doesn't matter if you learn or not. If you have a conscience, just teach me. If you don't have a conscience, forget it."

Ye Jingtang held Ning'er's conscience and said with a smile:

"How could I have no conscience, if you don't believe me, touch it."

"I don't touch... oh, you~..."

Luo Ning lightly hammered Ye Jingtang with her hand, but in desperation, she put down the curtain...
Inside the imperial city.

Before you know it, the moon is on the branches, and the palace lanterns are lit up among the palaces and pavilions.

The front hall of Changle Palace is the place where the emperor listens to politics. At this time, the hall is brightly lit, and the empress of Wei Dynasty is sitting in front of the carved dragon screen. There is a white tulle screen in front of her. silhouette.

In front of the white screen, there was a stool. The white-haired old doctor Wang sat upright on the stool, holding a confession in his hand, and read it carefully:

"Zhang Jinglin should be the direct disciple of Beiliang medical sage. More than 20 years ago, he followed the Beiliang envoy to Yun'an and visited the old minister once... This person can be called talented, but he likes to use strong medicine and folk prescriptions, and he regards medical skills more than illness The patient is fatal and lacks medical ethics.

"Testing medicine directly on people is a taboo way. After the first time, the doctor has no scruples. Judging from the confession, Zhang Jinglin should have gone on the wrong path, so he was expelled from the school by the Medical Sage of Beiliang."

"Physician Wang may see what kind of medicine he is researching?"

"Expanding the Qi meridians in a short period of time caused the power to multiply several times, and it took two quarters of an hour to die. Ordinary forbidden drugs can't do it. If the confession is true, a medicinal material similar to 'Snow Lake Flower' should be added to the prescription to continue Through the veins."

The empress frowned: "He has snow lake flowers."

Old doctor Wang shook his head: "Snow Lake flowers grow in Tianlang Lake. Once Jiazi bloomed, the last time it bloomed was when the country was founded. Now there are very few stocks in the world. Even if Zhang Jinglin had one, it is impossible for him to be so reckless. The old minister guessed that he was studying A medicine that can replace Snow Lake Flower."

The empress' eyes moved slightly, and she sat up straight:
"Is there any medicine in the world that can replace Xuehuhua?"

"Zhang Jinglin can keep the people testing the medicine for a quarter of an hour, so he should have some clues; but even if he finds a substitute, the medicine is not as effective as the snow lake flower that precipitates the essence of Jiazi sun and moon. It can have a hundred and one medicine effects, It’s already a fetish.”

The empress nodded slightly, her eyes thoughtful.

If the martial artisan's qi meridian is broken, he can't pass through the method of luck. If the main qi meridian is completely cut off, the person will be disabled directly, and the injury cannot be recovered at all.

In the past, there were only Snow Lake Flowers and Bathing Fire Maps that could cure this injury, but Snow Lake Flowers were so rare that they were basically reserved for emperors, not to mention Dragon Calling Maps. .

If a substitute can be found, and the quantity is large enough, there will be a turning point for countless warriors in the world who have been wounded secretly.

And she secretly thought about the Dragon Calling Picture, if something happened, the first thing to be hurt would be the whole body's energy channels, and the only snow lake flower left in the treasury would have to hang for her life, so she didn't dare to use it at all, and could only rely on the damaged version of the Picture of Bathing in Fire Hard resistance.

If there is a substitute, even if the medicine is only [-]% effective, it will last longer than no medicine...

The Empress moved her eyelashes, and after a little thought, asked again:
"The last time Xuehu flowers bloomed was when the country was founded. Now that Jiazi has passed, is it going to bloom again?"

Doctor Wang said: "According to calculations, it will be in this year and next year. However, Tianlang Lake is now under the jurisdiction of Beiliang, and it is guarded by heavy soldiers from Beiliang. It has only been a few years since the truce between the Holy Majesty and Beiliang. It may not be appropriate to send troops at this time."

Seeing this, the empress didn't say any more...
After a while, Imperial Physician Wang left under the escort of the palace staff.

The empress pondered for a long time, got up and went back to the bedroom, put on a fiery red dress, and her hair was restored to a clean and neat style, jumped onto the palace alone, and left the imperial city without a sound.

The empress is superb in martial arts, and used to wander alone in the capital because she likes poetry and songs. The place she often goes to is the Poetry Club on Wutong Street, but she has never shown herself in front of people. The reason is not that the empress is low-key, but because she Together with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it's really not high-profile.

The empress gently rose and fell over the city, first went to Hei Ya, found Bai Fa Di Ting, asked about the whereabouts of Ye Jing Tang, and then came to Tianshui Bridge.

On the branches of the moon, there are many pedestrians on the Tianshui Bridge, and the depths of Pei's alley are also very lively.

The empress landed on the wall without a sound, and it could be seen that the table was set aside in the viewing pavilion of the West Residence, a lady Jiaojiao and three maids were sitting inside, concentrating on the bloody battle to the end, and there was a big bird squatting beside her.



"I didn't call you!"


Then in the small garden of the back house, a charming mature woman walked beside the mid-mature wife, and said with a sad face:

"Sister-in-law, I'm a girl who hasn't left the cabinet. What does it look like to live in the past..."

"Jingtang said to let you live there, the meaning is so obvious, why did you fudge? If you do this again, I will help you throw the bedroll over..."

"Oh, sister-in-law, I can't do anything about your arrangement, just be obedient..."


The empress looked around, but did not find any trace of Ye Jingtang in the huge mansion, so she waited among the buildings.

After waiting for about an hour, he found a horse coming from a secluded back alley.

Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in a black robe, was sitting in front, with his back straight and in good spirits.

On the back is a stunning beauty in a blue summer dress, sitting sideways on the back, with a small package on her lap, leaning her cheek against Ye Jingtang's back, looking weak.

Seeing this scene, the Empress thought that the girl was sick, but upon closer inspection she was wrong.

After the horses came near Pei's house, Ye Jingtang stopped, and the beauty in Tsing Yi jumped down, her legs were still weak, and then her eyebrows stood erect, and she hit Ye Jingtang with her hand:
"Go back and get something, you have to mess around."

After finishing speaking, he carried the small package and walked quickly into Pei's house with his head buried.

The empress blinked her eyes, thinking that Ye Jingtang must have gone out on a date with her sweetheart, and then kissed her.

The empress observed secretly for a while, saw Ye Jingtang put down his horse, and after negotiating with the servant girl, walked towards a courtyard alone, then touched it silently...

(End of this chapter)

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