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Chapter 18

Chapter 18 A Family of Three
The warm sun is slanting to the west, and the old alleys that have not seen human fireworks for a long time are rising with smoke.

Most of the courtyard has been tidied up, even the pillars have been wiped clean, the setting sun is shining on the kitchen window on the left, and two pieces of bacon, a piece of salted fish, and some dried ginger and garlic are visible on the window.

The fluffy Niao Niao squatted on the window sill, staring at the big salted fish, with a pity that "the bird eats the sky and has nowhere to eat" in its bright black eyes.

Beside the wooden case in the window, stood a young woman in a green shirt, holding a brand-new kitchen knife in her hand, cutting a handful of lush garlic sprouts, her delicate face exuded a crystal-clear color in the sunlight, looking It really looks like a fox fairy who came to the farmhouse to repay his favor.

Beside the stove at the rear, a handsome man in black was skillfully frying fried pork with a spatula.

Because Zhe Xiaoxia doesn't know how to cook, she looks like a little girl in a family of three at this time, squatting behind the stove to add firewood, looking eagerly at Ye Jingtang:
"I didn't realize that you are a big man and can cook."

"I was raised by my adoptive father. There are only two men in my family. I can't eat out every day. You are a girl who can't even cook. How will you marry in the future?"

"I am from the rivers and lakes. I am always on the road when I travel in the rivers and lakes. There are restaurants to eat, but there are no restaurants to eat dry food. I don't need to learn to cook."

"So it's [-] or [-], and you still let my wife cook and do all the work?"

"My master will also..."


Luo Ning turned her head fiercely, and then looked at Ye Jingtang's back, her eyes seemed to want to throw the kitchen knife over.

Zhe Yunli looked at Ye Jingtang and pondered for a while, then said delicately:
"Shocking cousin~..."


Ye Jingtang and Luo Ning staggered at the same time, looking at the coquettish Zheyunli.

Zheyunli's sweet cheeks were full of smiles: "You make a living in the capital, and you must have a wider network than my wife and I. Is there any way to sneak into the black office and help me rescue the hero?"


Naturally, Ye Jingtang is not interested in helping the two mad women rob prison, but he does go to the Hei Ya to establish a good relationship with the imperial court, so as to find out the situation and find an opportunity to enter the palace to dig "Dragon Calling Picture".

Secondly, he knew that his adoptive father had a grudge against Xuanyuan Chao, but he didn't know the cause of the grudge.Qiu Tianhe and his adoptive father knew each other back then, so he probably knows something about it. While he and Hei Yatao are getting close, it seems that it is not impossible to find a way to meet each other...

While Ye Jingtang was thinking, his lower back was suddenly hit by an elbow. When he came back to his senses, he saw Luo Nvxia standing beside her with a kitchen knife holding garlic sprouts, her eyes slightly annoyed:
"The pot is mushy!"


Ye Jingtang noticed that the pot was smoking, and quickly turned the pot over, asking Luo Ning to put the chopped garlic into it, and responded:

"Hero Qiu is righteous and righteous, I have heard about it for a long time, I will go to Hei Ya to have a visit tomorrow, and ask about it. But I have agreed in advance that I will at most help you confirm the safety of Hero Qiu, and it is impossible to help you save people."

Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang was really ready to help inquire, and the annoyance in her eyes subsided a bit, but she was also a little suspicious:

"Are you just helping out so neatly? There's nothing wrong with it... request?"

Ye Jingtang knew what Xia Luo meant, and shook his head with a smile: "If you feel embarrassed, you can teach me some tricks as a reward."

Zhe Yunli proudly patted the poached egg on his chest:
"It's simple. If you can help save Hero Qiu, I will ask Ba Dakui to teach you martial arts."

Luo Ning also nodded at this: "I don't owe you any favors. If you help, even if you just find out about Qiu Tianhe's situation, I will teach you martial arts, but only one move."

Ye Jingtang did it easily, and naturally said boldly, "No problem."

blah blah...

The aroma brought by the stir-fry gradually permeates the small courtyard in the deep alley.

As the sun slanted west, a small table was placed in the main room.

As an 'elder', Luo Ning sat facing the door at the main seat, Ye Jingtang and Zhe Yunli sat opposite each other, and Niao Niao stood on the edge of the table.

On the table were three bowls of rice, four dishes and one soup, and a small plate of bird food.

Three people and one bird are eating in the old but tidy yard, the scene looks quite harmonious, even if an official comes in at this time, I'm afraid they won't see Ni Duan.

Luo Ning chewed slowly with a small bowl in her hand, her demeanor was very ladylike, she occasionally helped Zhe Yunli pick up vegetables, Ye Jingtang naturally did not have such a blessing.

Ye Jingtang didn't take the initiative to show courteousness, but only occasionally fed the eager birds.

And Zheyunli...

Zhe Yunli has a very lively personality, seeing that his wife has been unhappy these two days, maybe he wanted to make a joke to tease his wife, when he was busy eating, he quietly lifted the embroidered shoe under the table... and rubbed it on his wife's leg!

Luo Ning froze suddenly when she sipped her food, and from the corner of her eye, she looked at Ye Jingtang who was "posturing" to tease the bird, with boundless anger and shame in her eyes, and then...pretended it hadn't happened, and continued to eat.

? ?
Zheyunli frowned, a little unbelievable—the teacher was molested, why didn't she respond?
Shouldn't his face turn red, or glare at Ye Jingtang?
Could it be that I dare not get angry?
After thinking about it, Zhe Yunli could only do so, and after pondering in her heart, she raised her embroidered shoes again, followed the direction of her teacher, and quietly rubbed against the side of Ye Jingtang's leg.

As a result, Ye Jingtang reacted extremely quickly, and turned his head to look under the table, then raised his eyes to Zhe Yunli, with strange eyes:

"Why did you kick me?"

! !
Zheyunli's expression froze slightly, and he thought to himself - why don't you pretend?Are you not afraid of embarrassing this girl? ——After thinking about it, he got up and wanted to run.

And Luo Ning also realized that it was Yunli who was making trouble just now, and she was so angry that her brows stood on end, and she slapped the table:
"Yunli! Come back to me!"

"Ah! Mistress, I was wrong, I was just joking..."

clap clap-

As soon as Zheyunli got up, Luo Ning caught her, picked up the broom in the room and whipped her buttocks twice.

"Innocence at my daughter's house, to rub a man's leg, has your master taught you the rules? The bigger you get, the more presumptuous you are..."

"Ah—Master, I was really wrong, did I just make a joke, don't be so angry..."

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't dare to explain to Zhe Yunli, she jokingly bumped into the crater, buried her head in her meal, pretending she didn't see anything.

Niao Niao was very warm-hearted, and flew to the side of the two of them: "Chi Chi Chi..." To persuade the fight, it was probably saying-you should stop fighting, fight Tangtang...

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang didn't pay attention, otherwise he would have to eat fried chicken for dinner...
Before you know it, the moon is on the branch.

The courtyard hidden in the old alleys has taken on a new look. The ground and steps have been neatly tidied up, the cracks in the doors and windows have been filled with templates, and a simple bird's nest was even built under the eaves.

dong dong dong-

Zhe Yunli, who was wearing a flaxen skirt, squatted on the roof of the main house, using a small hammer to nail the planks to the holes.

Ye Jingtang was standing on top of the kitchen in the yard next door, tearing down the tiles and throwing them to Zheyunli - of course, he had greeted the landlady's wife.

In the afternoon, Luo Ning was hurt by Zheyun Liqi's head, so she couldn't go out and walk around. She went into the house early, and fell asleep with her head covered, and no one paid attention to her.

After working hard for most of the day, the roof has been completely repaired, and it is already like a normal small house.

The two jumped down from the roof. Although there were a few small stools in the room, sitting in front of Luo Ning at this time, I am afraid that they would not be greeted with smiles. Seeing the sultry moonlight, they practiced martial arts in the spotless yard.

Zheyunli has learned a lot of martial arts, and now he is boxing slowly under the eaves; Niao Niao is also learning in front of him, but except for 'White Crane Spreading Wings' who is well-learned, the others are fluttering around.

Ye Jingtang stood in the middle of the courtyard, with a knife behind his waist, eyes closed and concentrated.

Through the "introduction" taught by the adoptive father, after realizing the first knife, it is considered to be the beginning.

According to Ye Jingtang's feeling, "Eight-step Crazy Sword" should be a set of combos, which can be seen from "drawing the sword with the left hand".

As for the combo, it must be "one move at the end, followed by two moves at the head", with no gap in between.

Pull out the knife with the left hand, hold it upside down and cut it horizontally. The posture of stopping must be that the tip of the knife is facing outward, and the handle of the knife points to the right hand, which becomes a "main hand grip".


Ye Jingtang drew the saber with his left hand, and after sweeping across, he put the long saber held upside down in his left hand into his right hand, and his posture became a posture of holding the saber in his forehand, leaning forward, stabbing and slashing forward.


Ye Jingtang held the saber in his right hand and pushed forward, stabbing the long saber forward, his whole body trembling.

After a little feeling, he began to adjust his steps and back, looking for the most suitable movement for the knife.

Zheyunli punched slowly, and after watching it for a long time, he said inexplicably:
"What the hell are you practicing?"

Ye Jingtang retracted the knife and put it back into its sheath, and cut it horizontally again before cutting it:

"Practice the knife, can't you see it?"

"Is this your knife technique? It's a fake technique on the stage..."


Luo Ning was also peeking at the window of the main house, because she saw the astonishing comprehension of the overnight surprise, so naturally she would not laugh at it, but looked solemn:

"Could it be that you are creating your own sword technique?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "It's all about learning the moves taught by the elders. It's impolite to ask questions when others are practicing martial arts."

Luo Ning and Zhe Yunli naturally stopped interrupting after seeing this, and just looked at Ye Jingtang seriously and made gestures.

As a result, after waiting for the night to darken, Ye Jingtang didn't see anything drawn.

Zhe Yunli went out today and bought bedding, and the small wing room on the east side was also cleared out, and there were bed frames inside, which had already been laid.

Ye Jingtang didn't mind sharing a bed with the girl, but Luo Ning and Zhe Yunli probably wouldn't agree, so they slept in separate rooms, and the day ended like this...

(End of this chapter)

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