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Chapter 197

Chapter 197


In the middle of the night, in the thousands of miles of Wushan Mountains, thunder bursts resounded.

The snow-white bird, like a white ghost, passed through the canopy of the old forest in the deep mountains without sound, and landed on the branch of the tree to hide from the rain after flying half a mile, watching the figures running slowly in the jungle.

Guan Yujia was shot through the shoulder and suffered internal injuries. Tiehe Villa couldn't go back. The only way out now is to rush to Fulong Cave as soon as possible and get a 'Great Liang Pearl' to heal his injuries.

Fulong Cave is located in the west of Wuzhou, and the current location is in the center of Wuzhou. It is not easy for Guan Yujia, who has been severely injured, to walk through hundreds of miles of deep mountains and old forests.

After running for dozens of miles in the mountains, Guan Yujia hid in a cave, swallowed the wound medicine and began to recuperate after completely throwing off the pursuers.

Niao Niao flew overnight in the rain, and had to eat or drink, and landed near the cave. After making sure that the target customers would not leave for a short time, they searched for food in the surrounding mountains and forests.

As a domesticated bird of prey, Niao Niao has been eating whatever Ye Jingtang eats since he was a child, and he doesn't touch anything that Ye Jingtang doesn't eat. The food he can find in the mountains and forests is nothing more than pheasants, mountain rabbits or small fish.

After searching for a long time in the mountains, but failed to find a suitable prey, the bird flew to the sky, looked around the surrounding mountains, and wanted to find a village with lights to eat.

As a result, the village was not found, but a faint fire was found among the mountains far away.


The bird slid across the night sky, passed through the forest all the way, came to a mountain stream, and looked out from the bushes.

Both sides of the mountain stream are full of ancient trees and rocks. On the cliff on the side of a pool, there is a sunken groove washed out by the flood. There are big trees growing on it, and a pebble beach below.

At this time, there is a bonfire on the pebble beach, and two shiny fat fish are roasting on wooden sticks.

On a smooth boulder not far away, sat a woman in a long snow-colored dress, with a long sword stuck in the stone beside her, holding a wine gourd in her left hand, and she was drinking with her head up.


Yesterday morning, Niao Niao saw this fairy sister who ran away from Tangtang's bed and fell out of the window, her eyes lit up, and she wanted to find a chance to have a meal, but it was wrong to look carefully.

Beside the mountain stream, the immortal Xuanji raised his head and drank "Lie Nushou" with a graceful demeanor like a fairy in the forest bred by the green hills.

And not far from the real person Xuanji, a figure in black was tied up and sat on a stone, with only a pair of eyes exposed from the black scarf mask, and said angrily:
"Sorceress, how many times have I told you that I don't have a picture of calling the dragon, and you have repeatedly ignored martial arts sneak attacks..."

Master Xuanji put down the wine gourd and handed it to the man in black:
"Drink or not?"

The man in black stared and turned his head:

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, a witch. I have something important to do these two days, so let me finish it. I'll tell you the news about Minglongtu afterwards; screwed up..."

Master Xuanji came to sit down and wanted to pull off the man in black's veil, but was glared at him viciously, so he gave up and asked:

"King Wu probably doesn't have the Dragon Crying Picture in his hand. You've been running around for half a year and haven't seen you stealing anything. What are you looking for?"

"Told you to let me go?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "See if your words are true or not, and whether the situation is serious."

The man in black was silent for a while, and explained softly:

"I am from the tribes of the North Liang and Xihai. The Northern Liang court treated the tribes of the West Sea as barbarians. Every year, each tribe pays a large amount of horses, medicinal materials, and money. If they can't pay, they will send troops to arrest people as hard labor..."

"The tribes of the West Sea are not good stubblers. They almost swallowed up half of Dayan and Beiliang in the past..."

"If you don't beat us, can we beat you? Whether it's Dayan, Great Wei, or Beiliang, who in the world doesn't dig the ground three feet to let us pay tribute? My hometown is Tianlang Lake, but now the clansmen go to the lake Even if you look at it, you will be treated as a traitor and killed on the spot, our ancestors have been bullied for generations, can't we resist if we have a chance?"

Master Xuanji took a sip of wine: "That's true. But what does this have to do with your coming to Wuzhou?"

"There used to be a powerful sorcerer from the tribes of the West Sea who prepared a secret medicine that could rejuvenate people, but he was killed by the Beiliang court, and the medicine and the prescription were also robbed by the Beiliang court.

"I ran all over Beiliang just to get things back and find a way to restore them, so that my people would not be slaves for generations... That prescription was originally in the hands of the Beiliang court, but it was stolen by the imperial physician Zhang Jinglin, and now Zhang Jinglin is in Wu Under the king's command..."

After Master Xuanji listened carefully, he nodded thoughtfully:
"So that's how it is...you give me the Dragon Crying Picture, and I'll help you catch him back, how about it?"

The man in black hesitated and asked:
"you sure?"

"I need the picture of Minglong to save my apprentice's life. As long as you give it to me, what's the point of helping you catch someone?"

The man in black hesitated for a moment: "Because you don't look like a vicious person, I will trust you once. The Dragon Crying Picture is on my chest, and you must return it to me after you use it up. How dare you lie to me and strike me with lightning!"

Master Xuanji showed a smile, and stuffed his hands into the skirt of the man in black:

"It would have been like this earlier, heh~ the breasts are quite big..."

At this point, the words stopped abruptly.

The serious eyes of the man in black suddenly turned into slyness, and he quickly rolled to the side:

"I told you that I don't have a dragon-crying picture, so you don't believe me. You'd better not move. This is a strange poison I use to save my life. If you move around, you will die. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Master Xuanji looked at the little powder on the white palm, with helplessness in his eyes:

"If you do this again, next time I will use a sword to strip off your clothes first."

The man in black flipped over with a carp, and quickly broke free from the rope in his hand:
"There will be no next time. You swear now that you will leave immediately and never bother me again, and I will give you the antidote. Otherwise, you will definitely die."

Master Xuanji took off the wine gourd and took a small sip:
"I don't believe this can poison me."

"Even if you don't die from the poison, you demon girl will be wounded forever. Let me ask you one last time, do you swear?"

Master Xuanji waved his hand slightly, and said casually: "Run quickly, I can catch up in half an hour at most, and you will see me then."

The man in black looked annoyed, snorted lightly, turned around and ran away.

But after running a few steps, the man in black looked back again, thinking that no matter how powerful this demon girl is, she would be close to death.

She gritted her teeth secretly, turned back, pulled out a round pendant from her collar, and threw it to Master Xuanji:

"You witch, if you still have a little conscience, stop here. Next time I meet you, I will never hold back..."

Master Xuanji picked up the pendant, opened it, took out the small pill inside, and threw it into his mouth:

"Your medicines are all children's play games, and none of them are exciting..."

The man in black stared in astonishment: "Aren't you afraid of taking any antidote?"

"I'm not stupid, why resist when I have the antidote? Run, I'll catch up in half an hour at most."


The popular Liu Mei in black stood on end, first took out the dagger, then took out a medicine bottle after thinking about it, opened it and threw it on the real Xuanji.

Master Xuanji picked up the medicine bottle, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, a little surprised:

"What medicine is this time? It smells strong."

"Yinhuangxiang, don't you want a powerful medicine? You asked for it yourself. I don't have an antidote. If you can't find a man to vent your body within two hours, you will explode and die. Can you resist?" Let me take your last name!"

Master Xuanji blinked her peach blossom eyes, raised her green hand, and made an orchid finger:

"What kind of poison is this? I can cure it with my own hands, or grab you and grind the mirror..."

"Bah—you witch! I... I bah!"

The man in black was also stunned by this intelligent but limitless witch, turned around and ran into the woods.

Immortal Xuanji watched the man in black go away, and asked from a distance:

"You really don't know the whereabouts of Myojin Tu?"

"I've already told you that I don't know, I'm born with clear eyes and ears, why are you so stubborn..."

While speaking, the figure quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest.

Seeing this, Master Xuanji showed a bit of helplessness on his calm face.

Just after being silent for a moment, Master Xuanji moved slightly from the corner of her eye and looked at the bonfire not far away.

I saw a fat-headed eagle with snow-white hair, spread its wings, and walked cautiously like a thief to the grilled fish by the fire. When he saw her looking over, he quickly stood up straight and made two "cheeps~", which seemed very psychic .

When Immortal Xuanji was in the inn, he didn't pay attention to the birds peeking out from the window next door. He didn't recognize them, but they were rare beasts in the mountains. He smiled and said:


Niao Niao ran to the grilled fish in a swish, grabbed a grilled fish, and flew into the woods, along the way, "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrverd as the other as Niaoeru Sister, nor Niaoeru, but also to call people to save you...

Master Xuanji naturally couldn't understand the birdsong. After the surroundings became quiet, he sat cross-legged on the boulder and closed his eyes...
In the middle of the night, the heavy rain turned into a drizzle.

In the crevice of the rocky cliff, Ye Jingtang was lying on the blanket, using the package as a pillow, with his eyes closed and already fast asleep, his hands still wrapped around the waist of the willow.

Luo Ning was too tired, lying on her body, she didn't know whether she passed out or fell asleep, there were still faint tears in the corners of her eyes, like flowers that had been blown by wind and rain, it seemed that I felt pity.

Yejingtang is much better than it was at the beginning, but the blood is still not calm, so that in these messy dreams, Ning'er, Benben, Sanniang, and even Miss Yuhu, the most memorable scenes reappeared one by one, and then... …


Luo Ning frowned slightly in deep sleep and murmured softly.

Ye Jingtang woke up immediately, opened his eyes, and realized that he had bumped into Luo Hero, apologizing slightly, he lightly helped Ning'er to lie down, covered his body with the clothes, put on the clothes, got out curtains.

The time is probably three or four in the morning, and everything is silent under the sky, only the lights can be faintly seen in the Iron River Villa far away.

Ye Jingtang glanced at it, then flew up, climbed up the cliff, and came under a tree at the top of the cliff.

Although she couldn't see her fingers, she could still determine Sanniang's exact location from her breathing and movements.

Pei Xiangjun kept looking around with the binoculars, and found that Ye Jingtang ran up, feeling quite strange in his heart, and said softly:
"Are you feeling better?"

Ye Jingtang came to him and leaned against the same tree to avoid the rain:
"It's much better. You can sleep for a while, I'll just keep watch."

Pei Xiangjun took a look at Ye Jingtang's wrist, and found that he was still a little angry, and frowned and said:
"I haven't adjusted it yet, what are you doing up here? Go ahead."

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, shook his head and responded:
"I took too many tonics, and it's not an aphrodisiac. It's estimated that my blood will be overactive for several days. It doesn't affect my mind and body, it's just excess energy."

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes: "Could it be that Ning'er can't bear it? I knew that she was stalking her lips, she was serious, and within a quarter of an hour, she was crying and begging for mercy..."

Ye Jingtang felt that it was because of his fierceness, and Ning'er could not be blamed for his failure, but these self-proclaimed dirty words were not easy to say, so he just smiled lightly.

It was raining heavily outside, and there was no sound on the cliff, only two steady breaths.

The faint fragrance wafting from Ye Jingtang's side made him feel a little confused, and after thinking about it, he sat upright and pretended to be attentive.

Pei Xiangjun looked demure and gentle. After a little silence, he had nothing to say:
"I see that Ning'er is quite cold-tempered. You haven't known each other for long, why did you..."

"Didn't Sanniang give me the wrong medicine? Ning'er would have let me hug her at most, but in order to give me the antidote, why so quickly..."

"I didn't give you that medicine, she bought it herself."

Pei Xiangjun remembered the last time when Hu Meizi came to quarrel and robbed Jingtang face to face, he felt a little useless, and moved a little closer, asking:
"Did she kiss you before she gave you the antidote?"

Ye Jingtang has a hard time answering this question:
"Yeah... I did. On the day I killed the Wingless Owl, Ning'er got an injection. I detoxified her. Seeing her eyes closed and full of grief and anger, she couldn't restrain herself from secretly kissing her. As a result, Ning'er was so angry that she felt wronged all day long." God, I don't cook for me, I've been very disciplined since then...

"Later in Yunzhou, on the day Zhou Huaili was killed, I was a little excited to reunite after a long absence, so I made a bet with Ning'er. She lost the bet, so she let me kiss for a long time..."

When Pei Xiangjun heard this romantic story, he nodded thoughtfully:
"Before you kiss, you have to kill someone to add to the fun?"


Ye Jingtang was speechless for a while, and thought for a while: "I didn't kill anyone today, so I beat Guan Yujia half to death..."


The two of them chatted for a while, when there was a slight sound from the night rain, a big bird flew back at lightning speed, landed on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and then grabbed Ye Jingtang's collar and pulled it out:


Seeing that Niao Niao was so anxious, Pei Xiangjun frowned and said:
"Something happened?"

Ye Jingtang hugged the fiery Niao Niao and asked:

"what happened?"

Niao Niao spread her wings and gestured: "Chi Chi..."

Through the tone and movements, Ye Jingtang can roughly understand the meaning - hurry up and save people, it's urgent!
Ye Jingtang frowned, knowing that an important person he knew was in distress, and asked:
"How far, how many enemies?"


Niao Niao signaled that there were no enemies for about 30 miles.


no enemies...

Ye Jingtang wasn't sure what happened to anyone, so naturally he didn't dare to delay, got up immediately and said:

"I'll go over and have a look. Sanniang, you and Ning'er hide well, I'll go and come back quickly."

Pei Xiangjun didn't know the situation, so he stood up and asked:
"Aren't we going to go together?"

"We have to go at full speed to save people. Ning'er's legs are probably weak now. Sanniang will take good care of her. I'll let Niao Niao come back later to keep in touch."

After Ye Jingtang explained a few words, he jumped down from the cliff and landed in the crack. He picked up his saber, dragon-sounding gun, and first-aid medicine, and flew southeast with Niao Niao...

(End of this chapter)

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