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Chapter 200

Chapter 200
At dusk, the western sky was sprinkled with red sunset, two women and a man sneaked out from the small woods, after looking around, they got on their horses and walked away quickly.

Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun followed behind, and Yejingtang walked in front with a black scarf mask, holding the bird in his arms who was already half dead from exhaustion after flying for a day and a night.

As expected by Ye Jingtang, Guan Yujia, who was seriously injured and had nowhere to go, ran along the mountain road for more than 200 miles in a straight line during the day, and arrived in the mountains and fields more than 100 miles away from Jianyang City, which is probably the hiding place of King Wu.

The three of them can cross the mountain, but even if they travel a long distance to the place, it is difficult to capture the king single-handedly. Therefore, the next step is to use the power of the government to encircle and suppress. prescription.

Yesterday, after the riot at Tiehe Villa, many people from the rivers and lakes who are not afraid of death came to watch the excitement near Wuming Mountain, and you can hear a lot of trivial chatter along the way:
"Ye Silang knocked down Guan Yujia with one move?"

"Why are you lying to me? I was nearby at the time, and what I saw was absolutely true. When Ye Silang was poisoned and couldn't escape, he punched Guan Yujia more than ten feet away with a backhand punch, and sent the chasing ones away. A bunch of people were frightened, and I didn't dare to look at the rest..."

"According to this, under Ye Silang's heyday, he still can't fight the champion with one hand?"

"I reckon that the champion of boxing and spear can fight casually. If you prepare carefully, the real Xuanji can make gestures..."


Ye Jingtang's Pegasus passed by, and he didn't take it to heart when he heard these nonsense words.Pei Xiangjun and Luo Ning were so excited when they heard that, they discussed on the way:
"Ning'er, you said that if Jingtang is ranked among the top eight, what name should he be called?"

"According to the rules, whoever wins will be called by name."

"What if you win two?"


Luo Ning fell into hesitation about this question - there were many people in history who picked several martial arts champions in a row, but the champion of boxing with a weapon and the champion of swords with a big gun will certainly not be able to inherit the title of the other party.Only those who can defeat the opponent in the opponent's field can inherit the name. There have been several in a row in history, and the last one was Fengguancheng.

Luo Ning pondered for a moment, remembered the previous joke, and said:
"The ones called 'Qui' are all in the back. The first three are honorific titles of four characters, 'Ping Tian Jiaozhu', 'Xuan Ji Daoist' or something. If Ye Jingtang has a string of two, it will be called 'Fei Tian Lang Lang' from now on. '..."

"Fei Tianlang, it feels a little weird..."


Ye Jingtang was walking in front, he was a little speechless when he heard this, and wanted to slow down his horse to interrupt, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw Yang Guan from the Qinglian gang, standing at the intersection in the distance, with his hands covering the awning, looking back and forth at the people from the rivers and lakes passing by. to his side.

Ye Jingtang asked the two girls to slow down their horses and came to the front first.

Yang Guan waited dryly by the side of the road for a whole day, when he saw a familiar black robe coming, he hurried to him and whispered:
"Ye Shaoxia, next to Yang Guan..."

As he spoke, he secretly raised his eyes, as if to confirm something.

Knowing that Yang Guan felt familiar, Ye Jingtang said in a low voice:
"what's up?"

Yang Guan saw that the familiar ruthless man's tone was not kind, he lowered his head and stopped looking around, and responded:

"Family teacher Sanjue Xian, let me wait here to send a message to Ye Shaoxia. In the morning, the two masters of Junshantai came to Wuming Mountain and left without stopping. Master asked Ye Shaoxia to pay more attention."

Ye Jingtang was quite surprised and asked:
"Do you know the specific whereabouts?"

"It's hard to say. Those two people are probably stronger than my master, and no one can follow them. But the master suspects that Jun Shantai is in contact with King Wu, otherwise he wouldn't come to Iron River Villa to break the taboo at this time..."

Ye Jingtang exchanged a few words, remembered the news, said goodbye to Yang Guan, and left Wuming Mountain with the two girls, and only talked about it when they came to the uninhabited official road.

Pei Xiangjun obviously understood Junshantai's intentions very well, and said:

"Junshantai must have come to cut grass and roots. The two kings of Yanzhou have not settled you down. With Xuanyuan Hongzhi's temperament, it is possible to call Xuanyuan Chao over..."

Luo Ning shook her head and said: "Wu Zhou is in such a mess, Xuanyuan Chao won't be so stupid as to come here to make a fuss, at most Yao Wenzhong will come."

"Who is stronger between Yao Wenzhong and Guan Yujia?"

"It's hard to say, none of them are ordinary people. If there are two masters, the three of us may not be able to fight together."

"Let's focus on finding King Wu first, and transfer the troops from Baisu Town over. Be careful on the way..."

More than ten official ships sailed under the moonlight, and the treasure ship in the center was brightly lit. Many palace maids and maids who left the capital for the first time stood on the veranda of the ship building and looked at the magnificent beauty of the confluence of the two rivers at the mouth of Wuxi River.

There is a terrace on the top floor of the boat building, which was originally used for the emperor to watch the scenery. Now there are carved soft couches and picture tables on it. Several court ladies are holding lamps beside them, and Hongyu is cutting watermelons beside it.

The empress dowager, who was round and beautiful, was afraid that the six courtiers would find her and ran out, so she dressed up as a female official, but her demeanor was still very elegant and noble. Standing in front of the painting table, holding a water sleeve in her left hand and a paintbrush in her right, she first carefully looked at the shore The dangerous peak under the moon, and then draw a pen on the paper - two towering big steamed buns, painted with a black circle...

Wearing a silver python robe, Dongfang Liren stood with his hands behind his back by the fence of the terrace, looking at the imperial army full of boats, he had the aura of "the emperor's personal conquest", but what he was thinking in his mind was - it's over, the Overlord Spear hasn't been practiced yet, listen Fengzhang is not very good, if Ye Jingtang meets him, he will be regarded as a stupid prince again... I can't let the fleet slow down and go slowly...

Just as Dongfang Liren was thinking wildly, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind:

"What are you painting?"

The voice was natural, as if it had been behind her all the time, but the ethereal and clear tone seemed to sound from outside the sky.

Because the voice was cut so naturally, Hongyu, who was playing with the watermelon, didn't realize that there was another person on the terrace.

The empress dowager, who was immersed in painting, replied rather unhappy:
"Landscapes, don't bengong's paintings look like... eh?!"

Speaking of this, the Empress Dowager realized something, and quickly turned her head, only to see a tall and slender woman standing behind her at some point.

The woman was dressed in a black and white Taoist robe, her black hair was tied up with a silver lotus crown, her face was covered with a light veil, revealing only a pair of approachable peach blossom eyes, her wrist was resting on a whisk, and with the breath of otherworldly fireworks, she seemed to be A master who just came down from the mountain.

The empress dowager's eyes began to glow obviously, and the brush in her hand fell to the ground. After confirming that it was not a hallucination, she raised her hand and gave her a bear hug:
"You're heartless, but it's time to come. Do you know how I got here this year? You don't let Bengong go out from the door of Liren, and when you go out, there will be thunder and rain to make assassins..."

"Okay, okay, I'm here..."

"Why are you dressed so formally?"

"I was not serious before?"


"Hey, there are courtiers on board, it's not good to be seen if you dress up too casually."



Dongfang Liren looked at the queen mother holding her hand, and didn't even have a chance to speak up. After the queen mother had finished speaking, he came forward and bowed his hands:
"Master, why did you come here suddenly?"

"I just finished my retreat on the mountain. I wanted to go directly to Beijing. On the way, I heard that you came to Wuzhou, so I came to have a look. I didn't expect the Queen Mother to be there."

Seeing that there was no outsider on board, Master Xuanji threw the dust whisk and veil to Hongyu next to her, came to Dongfang Liren, and straightened the skirt of the boa robe:

"I haven't seen you for a year, and I'm a bit older than before."

Ordinary people may hear these words as condolences from elders, but Dongfangli people don't think so, and hold their heads up slightly as a fat-headed dragon:

"I've always been this old, Master, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"Heh~ It's not because my teacher gave you a good foundation since childhood. I haven't seen you for a year, but have you found someone you like? Are you on the boat?"

The empress dowager's lips twitched slightly when she heard the words, and wanted to help answer.

As a result, Dongfang Liren hurriedly waved his hands behind his back, pretending to be calm and said:

"Master, don't be joking, the capital is busy with affairs, and I don't even have time to relax with the Queen Mother. How can I find someone I like..."

Master Xuanji saw that Dongfang Liren's reaction was not natural, so he understood in his heart, and didn't ask too much, so he asked:

"I heard in Jianghu that a very powerful chief arrester has come to the black government. I have never seen it before. Is there such a thing?"

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "There is one, surnamed Ye, who came to the capital in April. I just inspected it. He has good character and ability. I just let him into the black office."

Master Xuanji nodded thoughtfully, but he didn't see Dongfang Liren's specific attitude towards Ye Jingtang. He couldn't figure it out for the time being, and didn't talk much about it. He turned around and put his arms around the Empress Dowager's waist and walked into the room :

"Is there any wine? I finished drinking on the way, and I feel tired..."

"Yes. I thought I could meet you in Xiwang Town. I specially prepared the best Jade Spring Burn in Longyin Tower for you..."

"Really, let's go..."
The next day, in Fulong Cave.

Hundreds of soldiers from Prince Wu's Mansion patrolled behind the wall of accumulated stones, and three figures accompanied them to the depths of the cave.

Bai Siming, dressed in a robe, walked in the front with his hands behind his back, and said seriously:

"The two of you came here just in time. If you are a step slower, there may not be a place for Junshantai in the future world. The magical effect of Xuehu powder, you two have already seen, and the 'Tianlangzhu' has already been made into a medicine. Try it The person in question is Ye Shilang, the young master of Honghualou..."

Behind Bai Siming, Yao Wenzhong and Xuanyuan Hongzhi in black cloaks followed.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi came here on this trip because he wanted to find out about Ye Jingtang's whereabouts and cut grass and roots; but when he came into contact with Bai Siming, he heard news about two magical medicines.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi is in charge of Junshantai's accountant, and he understands the value of 'Xuehusan' better than anyone else. As long as the operation is good, it will not be a problem to trample rich people like Honghualou under their feet.

As for the 'Tianlangzhu', if it is really what Bai Siming said, it can make people take a big step forward, and the consequences will be even more dire.First use the Snow Lake to collect money, and then rely on the Tianlangzhu to pile up countless masters. With these two alone, you can stand on your own and dominate in remote areas.

For this reason, Xuanyuan Hongzhi was still attracted by these two things, even though his confidant's serious trouble was still nearby, and asked while walking:

"I saw Xuehusan with my own eyes. It is indeed a treasure in the world, but assisting King Wu to leave the country is a dead-headed business, and this item alone is not enough. Today's pearls...Brother Bai, are you sure there is such a thing in the world?"

Now that Bai Siming has confidence, he said with a light smile:
"Before I changed it, I really had to hesitate to answer. But the night before yesterday, Yujia hosted a banquet for the heroes at Tiehe Villa. You two should know. The young master of Honghualou was hit by the Tianlangzhu, and then shot three times. The jade armor was severely injured with one punch, and the two said that if it wasn't the effect of this magic medicine, what could it be?"

Xuanyuan Hongzhi had seen Ye Silang with his own eyes, and knew his strength clearly. He felt that this statement was not unreasonable, so he nodded slightly.

"There is no shortage of buyers for the prescriptions of these two magical medicines. Now Pingtianjiao, Jieyun Palace, and Duanbeiya are all in contact with the prince. Junshantai is very powerful, but it is only the county lord of Zezhou. In Da Wei's inner circle, if there is not enough sincerity, the prince may not really like it..."

Yao Wenzhong frowned secretly, but when it comes to Junshantai's weight in the world situation, there is indeed a gap between Jieyun Palace, which is backed by King Yan, and Pingtian Sect, which is self-proclaimed king, so he didn't say anything about it.

The three of them walked all the way, and soon reached the depths of the cave, and after passing through the piles of medicinal materials piled up like a mountain, they came to the place where King Wu lived.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi and Yao Wenzhong came forward to pay a visit, and Bai Siming, in order to 'seeing is believing' for the two of them, went to the platform behind where dozens of medicine stoves were placed to get medicine. Pacing back and forth, slightly puzzled and asked:

"Brother Guan hasn't used the Daliang Pearl yet?"

Guan Yujia only ran back to Fulong Cave yesterday afternoon. He was going to give himself one directly, but he felt a little guilty because he had the medicine in his hand. Seeing Bai Siming come back, he said:

"If Ye Silang's skill has skyrocketed, he shouldn't have let me go. I don't know what will happen next. What if he explodes and dies after the skyrocketing skill..."

Bai Siming shook his head: "Impossible. Mr. Zhang said that if you can keep your mind and strength doubled, it means that it is a medicine. If he can't hold it, the first hit you will damage the Qi channel..."

Guan Yujia frowned and said, "Then why did Ye Silang suddenly stop and let me go?"

Bai Siming opened his mouth, feeling that this question is really crucial, and before he could figure out the specific reason, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside, and a soldier came over quickly, and said in a low voice:

"My lord, there was an urgent report just now. Thousands of soldiers and horses suddenly came towards Fulong Cave. The vanguard scouts have already arrived thirty miles away, and they will arrive in a few hours at most..."

When Bai Siming heard this, his face turned pale, and he was about to ask the officers and soldiers how they found their whereabouts, when Guan Yujia next to him suddenly realized:

"No wonder... This Ye Shilang may also be a member of the imperial court. He is deliberately letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and followed me to find Fulong Cave. That means the medicine is fine..."

? !
Bai Siming raised his finger and pointed at the officer's jade armor. He was in the midst of employing people, so it was difficult to swear, so he suppressed his anger and said:
"You will take the medicine later, transfer it first, who will take care of you now?"

Guan Yujia saw with his own eyes that this magical medicine worked as soon as it was used, and there was no need for nursing care at all.

However, Guan Yujia was not sure how long this incomplete version of Tianlangzhu would last, and how many times she would eat it.

When you run into obstacles while escaping, use this medicine again to surprise the court masters, and it seems that you can make the best use of it...

(End of this chapter)

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