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Chapter 214

Chapter 214
The sun was sinking to the west, and the cool night wind rolled up a few dead leaves on the old street.

A string of lanterns outside the inn emits a dim yellow light, illuminating a radius of more than ten feet in front of the door.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black official uniform, his long hair was tied up with a black headband, and a knife hung from his waist, looking at the second floor of the restaurant not far away.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi stood at the window with his face covered with a black scarf. Because his arms were injured, his combat strength was not at full strength, so he didn't jump off directly, but just looked down at the surrounded Yejingtang from a height.

The other four people who surrounded were also dressed to cover their heads and faces, except Yao Wenzhong, Fan Baye, Han Shaoping, and a Zezhou swordsman who just arrived.

Although the time was short, the remaining two did not have time to reach Wanshui Town, but the two top experts including Yao Wenzhong, plus the three experienced Jianghu scattered people, as long as they did not meet Wu Kui, anyone would kill them casually. .

Seeing that Ye Jingtang went to the meeting single-handedly and had fallen into a near-death situation, a sneer flashed in Xuanyuan Hongzhi's eyes, and he sarcastically said:
"Yejingtang, today I want to see, where else can you escape today!"

Ye Jingtang looked around the old street, with a tepid expression, and responded:
"If I remember correctly, it was you two trash who escaped first yesterday, and I haven't had a good fight yet, so where else can I escape?"

Yao Wenzhong was able to throw the knife yesterday entirely because the pig teammate sent weapons to the opponent. Hearing this remark, he responded:
"If you and I fight alone, you will definitely lose. Sometimes there are many people, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there are many people."

Although Ye Jingtang could hear Yao Wenzhong alluding to Xuanyuan Hongzhi's delay, he still felt that Yao Wenzhong understood the situation and said:

"Why don't I give you a chance, let you fight me dignifiedly, and you will understand if you lose?"


Yao Wenzhong obviously thought that Ye Jingtang was playing tricks to avoid being encircled, so he didn't appreciate it, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Han Shaoping and Fan Baye turned their backs, and seeing two women in the distance, they took out their weapons from the side of the horse and were about to move, and said:

"These two servants don't seem to be mediocre, and they are quick to win."

After all, there are some people in the town who have been identified by the Jianghu people for too long. Even if there are Fan Baye and others, it is difficult to explain. Seeing this, Yao Wenzhong winked at Fan Baye in the rear.

Fan Baye held a long spear horizontally, watching Ye Jingtang's back, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at the horse that was quite far away - the Junshan knife and long spear wrapped in black cloth were hung on the horse's side, and no heavy weapons were on his body.

Ye Jingtang only had a single sword with him, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back when he was surrounded by five people. If there was a fight, he would definitely find a way to get a long spear immediately.

Thinking of this, Fan Baye moved sideways and stood between Ye Jingtang and the horse, then pointed his spear forward and walked forward slowly.


From the window on the second floor, the masked swordsman also slowly pulled out a three-foot green spear, ready to go.

The purpose of the two is to attract Ye Jingtang's attention and force the position, so that Ye Jingtang has to be distracted to pay attention to the back and the top, so as to create a chance for Yao Wenzhong to kill with one blow.

But to the surprise of no one present, Ye Jingtang turned his back to the inn gate, and turned his side to Yao Wenzhong and Fan Baye. His whole body was like a sculpture, not his body movements, not even his breath. It seemed that he was not ready for battle at all. state.

Fan Baye gradually moved to three feet away, which was almost a distance close to the face for a top expert. Seeing that Ye Jingtang hadn't taken up his posture yet, his eyes were slightly cold, and his hands shook violently.


There was a loud explosion out of nowhere in the dead and silent old street.

The flaming red gun tassel swirled in the air, and the white wax rod, which was more than ten feet long, trembled violently. The sharp spear tip came to Ye Jingtang's side from three feet away almost in an instant.

This ingenious straight stab in the middle was just a tentative feint, although it had no skill or flaw, the target was aimed directly at Ye Jingtang's side face.

Facing the inevitable shot, Ye Jingtang could only react by drawing his sword to block the point of the shot, or dodging around.

Everyone present can deduce the path of breaking the move, and naturally respond accordingly.

boom -

At the moment when Fan Baye's gun was approaching, Yao Wenzhong raised his hand to hold the handle of the knife with the momentum of running thunder, bowed his back and flicked the knife and let out a loud shout, the black cloth wrapped by the Junshan knife behind his back was instantly torn apart, and he slashed Huashan's knife Chop forward.

Flying across the old street, one knife and one gun almost simultaneously pressed down on Ye Jingtang in the middle. The black-clothed swordsman on the second floor also leaped out at the same time, locking the only escape route that Ye Jingtang jumped up in the air.

This cooperation is perfect. As long as the opponent's martial arts follow common sense, there is no possibility of resolving it. Even if they are lucky enough to survive this wave of offensive, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Xuanyuan Hongzhi, who was behind the black-clothed swordsman, had already secretly exerted his strength, wanting to wait for Ye Jingtang to break through with heavy injuries and sacrifice his life to make up the knife to completely wipe out this serious trouble.

But as soon as Xuanyuan Hongzhi raised his hand, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the coldness in his eyes instantly turned into astonishment!

The sword and gun were approaching in the blink of an eye, but Ye Jingtang still didn't respond, as slow as an ordinary passerby with a kung fu foundation.

But at the moment when the contempt of "not so much" appeared in Fan Baye's eyes, a white frost suddenly flashed across the old street.


The surrounding five people didn't even see the movement clearly, the spear point that Fan Baye stabbed with all his strength stopped abruptly just before Ye Jingtang's side face!

Fan Baye didn't see how Ye Jingtang made a move at all, and the gun in his hand stopped suddenly, only to realize something was wrong, and then he was shocked to find that the black-clothed official who was close at hand raised his right hand at some point, casually grasped the gun barrel, and The gun seemed to be nailed into the iron stone in an instant, no matter how hard he exerted, it would be difficult for the gun head to shake half a minute.

And Yao Wenzhong stood up and slashed with all his strength, and it was about to land on Ye Jingtang's left face. The chilong ring sword on Ye Jingtang's waist was unsheathed at a frightening speed, and stopped in front of the heavy knife.

This knife was so fast that it was unimaginable, even Yao Wenzhong, who was the master of the knife under his tutelage, also had a look of bewilderment in his eyes.

After all, Yao Wenzhong had never seen Kuang Yazi before, and apart from Kuang Yazi, since the founding of the Great Wei, there was no other person who could strike so fast.

The clear and crisp sound of the saber was like the chant of a nine heavenly dragon, and the three-foot blade almost became a beam of light. When he noticed that Ye Jingtang's left hand moved, the Chilong Saber was already lying beside him, and even waited for him for a moment.


There was an ear-piercing friction sound, and sparks splashed in mid-air.

Even though Yao Wenzhong felt that something was wrong, and there was no room for maneuver with the heavy saber, he still tried his best to slash the Chilong saber, trying to shake Ye Jingtang's foot.

But Ye Jingtang's blade, which is capable of handling tasks with ease, held his hand upside down and pointed behind him obliquely, bringing out a huge angle.

The heavy knife of a hundred catties fell on it, and although Ye Jingtang's body was tilted by the huge inertia, it failed to injure the slightest bit and slid sideways behind Ye Jingtang almost instantly.

Yao Wenzhong had already seen how Xuanyuan Hongzhi was defeated yesterday, and he was terrified in his heart. Before the heavy knife was completely slid away, he had already taken a big step back to prevent Ye Jingtang from slashing his neck.

Facing the joint attack of five people, Ye Jingtang did not pursue Yao Wenzhong forcibly. While parrying the Dragon Slaying Order with his left hand, he yanked his right hand to hold the spear.

When Fan Baye's spear was locked, he sensed something was wrong, but he didn't abandon the spear directly to leave the battle. Instead, he held the spear to prevent Ye Jingtang from taking the weapon. After all, his function was to give Yao Wenzhong the first move. If you withdraw, you will become a pig teammate who passes the knife on the battlefield.

Fan Baye's thinking is correct, but his experience in the world has become a reminder at this time.

Fan Baye only saw the two blades on the opposite side meeting each other, but before he could see the details of the fight between the two, an irresistible pulling force came from the spear in his hand, and he was pulled forward. ring.

boom -

Ye Jingtang yanked his spear and at the same time turned around and kicked sideways, his powerful right leg hit Fan Baye's chest and abdomen.

Ye Jingtang's skill has increased greatly, but no one has practiced it. I don't even know how strong the explosive power is now. For this reason, I didn't hold back the slightest bit of this move. The effect can no longer be described as 'excessive force', it is completely carried. Heavy artillery hits flies.

Kicking out with all his strength, Ye Jingtang's right trouser leg and shoe exploded with terrifying vigor, and directly kicked Baye Fan's chest with his bare feet.

Before Fan Baye could react, his chest cavity instantly sunken, his back swelled, and then his robe exploded. The shattered spine and fleshy internal organs exploded a cloud of blood on the spot, and the blood splashed directly to the ground ten feet away. Han Shaoping on his back.

Because the speed and strength were too exaggerated, causing the phenomenon of "passing through", Fan Baye's body just didn't move at all.

This scene not only made the liver and gallbladder of the besieging several people look at it, but even Ye Jingtang himself was so disgusted, he quickly pulled back his bloody right foot, and stepped forward again.

Right above the old street, the black-clothed swordsman leaped out of the window, intending to lock Ye Jingtang's retreat, but when he flew out, he was horrified to find that Baye Fan didn't even hold on to a face-to-face, and was directly kicked in the chest.

Such appalling destructive power made the black-clothed swordsman terrified. Standing in mid-air without any effort on all sides, he would surely die when he landed, so he could only throw a throwing knife in a desperate struggle.


And Han Shaoping, who was wary of the two followers, was splashed with blood all over. When he turned around, he saw blood mist flying behind him. At the same time, he saw from the corner of his eye that the black-clothed swordsman was about to collide with Ye Jingtang.

Han Shaoping was very experienced in combat. Seeing his teammates in a desperate situation, before he could react to the situation, he reacted as a top master should. His body exploded instantly, and he raised his two knives to slash at Ye Jingtang, trying to rescue the black-clothed swordsman.

But Han Shaoping immediately regretted this decision!

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to intercept the black-clothed swordsman, but from the corner of his eye he noticed that Han Shaoping was rushing towards him, and he did not pause in his dodging movements, and took advantage of the opportunity to send the saber in his left hand into his right.


On the street, there was a shrill sound of breaking wind.

Ye Jingtang's figure moved across the street, with a glaring white awn, instantly passed Baye Fan and the black-clothed swordsman, and flashed directly in front of Han Shaoping from near Yao Wenzhong.

Seeing this inhuman scene, Han Shaoping was so horrified that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart. Immediately, his two knives staggered and slashed at the black shadow that bumped into him.

As a result, the blade didn't have any sense of force when it shot, only a soft 'poof' sound was heard.

Ye Jingtang found that the energy in his body was too strong, and he was afraid that the ground would be covered with pieces of meat when he was beaten too hard. The people in the town felt disgusted. As soon as it passed through, it touched Han Shaoping's chest, and then his legs exerted strength again.


The old street bricks were shattered under heavy trampling, and two semicircular pits appeared.

And Ye Jingtang's figure turned an acute angle with Han Shaoping, as if he had been slashed out by Han Shaoping's two knives, shooting upwards obliquely, and in the blink of an eye, he was behind the black-clothed swordsman.

! !
The black-clothed swordsman rushed out of the window and hadn't landed yet. The naked eye could only see a black shadow scurrying across the ground. When his eyes caught up, he was already in front of him.

The black-clothed swordsman's heart was ashamed, but his martial instincts were still there. When he fell, the sword in his right hand slammed on his left forearm. The three-foot green blade bent in the air, drawing a semicircle around his body. Door.

The black-clothed swordsman is from Zezhou, and his swordsmanship comes from Shuiyun Jiantan. The proficiency of this Huifeng sword with a tricky angle is not much lower than that of Zhou Huaili. The only disadvantage is that his skill is too shallow.


The figure flashed past from behind, and the blade did not stab anything.

The black-clothed swordsman wanted to make a second move, but found that the sky and the earth began to spin rapidly. Halfway through, he could see a headless body holding a sword falling from mid-air, while Ye Jingtang charged towards the entrance of the gambling alley without looking back. Yao Wenzhong.

Yao Wenzhong slashed into the air with a knife, stepped back and turned around, and when he turned around, he found that Ye Jingtang had kicked and exploded Mr. Fan, and then rushed back and forth, killing him in an instant. The three cannon fodder.

Yao Wenzhong had just fought against Ye Jingtang yesterday, seeing this unimaginable scene, even if the disaster was imminent, his eyes still flashed blankness, his first reaction was that this black-clothed policeman was some military leader in disguise.


Yao Wenzhong wanted to ask, but the opponent obviously wouldn't give him the chance.

Ye Jingtang's body was like thunder, and in an instant he came back to Yao Wenzhong again, holding the knife in both hands and stabbing forward, pointing at Yao Wenzhong's throat.


Yao Wenzhong was much stronger than the three cannon fodders, and the momentum of the saber in his hand was accumulated to the extreme. Even though Ye Jingtang's speed was unimaginably fast, he still accurately blocked the stabbing dragon saber.

If it is an ordinary opponent, this knife is enough to knock the opponent's weapon away, and if the opponent does not let go, it can also miss the opponent's bottom.

But Ye Jingtang took a big step forward, not only the speed of the knife was shot, but also the speed of the knife was soared.

Yao Wenzhong slashed the Chilong Saber with his heavy saber, and before it could hit the ground, Ye Jingtang had already withdrawn the saber at lightning speed, and then stabbed again.


Dragon Slaying Order uses a hundred catties heavy knife, its advantage is that it relies on unparalleled inertia to make the moves so powerful that it is impossible for ordinary people to catch them.

But the disadvantage is that 'inertia' is a double-edged sword, and the opponent cannot catch it, and the swordsman itself cannot be as comfortable as a light knife. Once you sweep the knife, you must swing the knife in a circle to turn it back.

If the power is evenly matched and the speed of Tulongling can keep up, the opponent dare not take the risk of taking the next knife to take advantage of the loopholes.

However, the gap between Yao Wenzhong and Ye Jingtang was not far from each other. At this time, Ye Jingtang is no longer what it used to be, and its background is obviously stronger than Yao Wenzhong. In front of him, any move is nonsense.

Yao Wenzhong secretly thought that something was wrong when he missed the sword, so he immediately gave up continuing the sword's momentum, directly pulled the sword to stop, and blocked in front of him.

But Ye Jingtang stabbed forward with all his knives in both hands, the force was far greater than Yao Wenzhong imagined.


When the Chilong Saber touched the blade of the Junshan Saber, the vast Qi burst out instantly.

The Junshan knife that Yao Wenzhong found temporarily was not as strong as his own precious knife. Although it blocked the stabbing Chilong knife, Ye Jingtang's blade did not stop at all, piercing through the palm-thick blade in the blink of an eye.

Dazzling flames and metal debris, together with the bright long knife, pierced Yao Wenzhong's generous chest, and a bloody blade appeared on the black cloak behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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