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Chapter 218 You are so talented!

Chapter 218 You are so talented!

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the old street, the blood-stained ground had been washed clean, and the broken bricks and stones were also moved to the side of the road.

Dongfang Liren walked slowly through the battle-scarred streets, looked at the houses on the side of the street, and frowned, as if he was thinking about important matters concerning the common people.

Ye Jingtang walked beside him, originally he didn't want to disturb Benben's thoughts, but he couldn't figure out the reason after observing for a while, so he asked:

"Your Highness, what are you thinking?"

Dongfang Liren wanted to deduce the positions and moves of the opponents from the traces on the ground and walls, just like Ye Jingtang used to investigate cases.

But obviously, she overestimated herself a bit, couldn't figure it out, and couldn't say it clearly in front of the majestic adults, so she nodded thoughtfully:
"I'm replaying the battle situation. With few enemies, I can still retreat with ease, and my martial arts seem to have improved again."

Although this evaluation was made through Ye Jingtang's unscathed and blind, but the aura does have the feeling of a master who has insight into everything, which is very bluffing.

Ye Jingtang knew the depth of Benben, so he didn't point out Benben, but said with a smile:
"Your Highness has good eyesight."

Dongfang Liren also nodded in embarrassment, turned and walked towards the inn:

"It's a mess here, and there's nothing to see here. Let's go back."

Ye Jingtang glanced at the inn not far away, thought for a while and asked:
"Where does your Highness sleep tonight?"

Dongfang Liren and Shizun ran over without any entourage, so they must be staying with Ye Jingtang.

Hearing this, Dongfang Liren inevitably had some doubts about this subordinate, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of being alone to sleep with her, but when she thought that Master was there, her doubts disappeared again:

"It's fine to stay at the inn. People from the yamen will come over tomorrow morning. Rest early, and return to Jianyang as soon as they arrive. The empress dowager is still waiting in the city. If you delay for too long, you will lose your temper."

"The empress dowager is here too?"

"I've been holding back in the palace for too long, I just took it out to relax..."

After chatting for a few words, the two came to the door of the inn, and when they looked up, they saw the real Xuanji sitting alone in the lobby, with white clothes like snow and a sword on the table, full of chivalrous air.

Dongfang Liren was walking very close to Ye Jingtang side by side, fearing that Master might misunderstand, he hastily took half a step forward and walked in front.

Yejingtang, on the other hand, was a little guilty, and glanced at the second floor above from the corner of his eye.

When the two entered the gate, Master Xuanji said with a normal expression:
"Liren, you go upstairs first. Yejingtang, you help boil some water, Liren has been running all day, and he is sweating."

Dongfangli didn't bring a maid, so Ye Jingtang was the only one who could serve as a servant in the inn to take care of the bathers.

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't say anything about it, and after watching Dongfang Liren go upstairs, he turned and entered the backyard of the inn.

Xuanji seemed to be sitting in the lobby as a guard on duty at night, but after the two separated, she narrowed her eyes slightly, then got up and walked out of the gate silently...
The back of the inn is quite large, with buildings such as stables, kitchens, and staff dormitories. Because Ye Jingtang was too murderous, it scared everyone away. There was no one in the backyard, only three horses parked in the stable.

Ye Jingtang fed the fodder for the mount first, and then brought water from the well, poured it into the big pot in the kitchen, and added firewood to boil the water.

Because he was a bit bored by himself, Ye Jingtang fiddled with the firewood behind the stove, and hummed an unnamed tune casually:


Just as the fire was being lit, a faint sound of dead leaves shattering suddenly resounded from the night.

Ye Jingtang's humming did not stop, but he just looked at the dark night outside the kitchen from the corner of his eye.

There was no one outside the door, only the bright moonlight filled the courtyard.

Ye Jingtang frowned, looked around for a while, then turned his eyes back to the stove hole, and continued to fiddle with the firewood, but it was also at this moment that a voice came from outside:

Call ~
It sounded silent, but Ye Jingtang could faintly feel something, squeezing the air and approaching rapidly!
Ye Jingtang's reaction was extremely fast, his body bounced up immediately, and he leaned back, a white right hand that was originally clasped to the back of his neck, with a white water sleeve, passed by in front of him, his speed was as fast as thunder, but There was no sound of broken wind.

? !
Ye Jingtang's left hand was already holding the handle of the knife, but when he saw that Shui Xiu recognized the person, he changed to grabbing, and grabbed the woman's wrist with his left hand, trying to twist her right hand and press her on the stove.

But this is obviously overthinking.

Master Xuanji is really careless and cynical, but just like this, he can still hit the top three of the eight ranks, which is enough to show that his martial arts have already reached the point of being extraordinary and holy.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang wanted to fight back, Xuanji's right hand turned into a white snake, seemingly boneless, it instantly wrapped around Ye Jingtang's wrist, swam around and locked his left arm, and at the same time pointed to Ye Jingtang's chest.

Although there is still a gap between Ye Jingtang and the real person Xuanji, but in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, his reaction will not be completely behind. When his hands are connected, he has already used the method of listening to the wind, walking with his hands, and instantly turning his fair skin The jade hand was pulled away, and the right hand popped out at the same time, pointing towards the chest of the beauty in white.

When Master Xuanji saw her self-invented technique, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then there was an extremely fierce knee bump, hitting Ye Jingtang's crotch.

The knee bump rushed out, bringing out a muffled sound out of thin air!
I go!

Ye Jingtang's hair stood on end, he really didn't expect that a dignified female Wu Kui would be able to use such indecent moves in a fight.

If he was hit by this kick, he might really take over the eunuch Yin's duty, so he immediately clamped his legs together to prevent teasing his legs, changed his right hand to grab, blocked the opponent's right hand, and said hastily:
"Heroine wait a minute!"

Although he shouted, Master Xuanji still didn't stop. After hitting his knee on his thigh, he pushed forward again, knocking the wall of Ye Jing Tang against the lower wall.


The movement in the kitchen came to an abrupt end.

Ye Jingtang was grabbed by both wrists, and he didn't struggle any more.

Master Xuanji pressed Ye Jingtang's hands, her beautiful cheeks were as cold as frost and snow, although she wanted to look up, her eyes revealed an incomparable sharpness, as if she was standing on a thousand peaks overlooking the mortal ants from a bird's eye view.

Ye Jingtang bowed his head to the beautiful face that was close at hand. At first he felt that his posture was inappropriate and wanted to get up, but he felt the cold and murderous aura coming from the opposite side, so he remained obediently and was slightly puzzled:

"Miss Shui'er, you..."


The waist knife is out of its sheath.

Master Xuanji flicked her wrist, pulled out the saber from Ye Jingtang's waist, and pressed it on Ye Jingtang's chest, her voice was indifferent and devoid of emotion:

"I was awarded the title of 'Emperor's Teacher', and I have the responsibility to defend the imperial lineage of the Great Wei Dynasty. It is my negligence to let you pass the test and walk to King Jing's side. Today, I will punish you, a bold traitor, for the court..."


Ye Jingtang was dazed, raised his left hand slightly, and grabbed the saber that was about to hit his neck:

"Miss Shui'er, what do you mean by that? You know my identity..."

"Of course I know."

Xuanji's eyes are like two sharp knives, staring at Ye Jingtang's eyes:

"The favorite general of King Jing of the current dynasty, the contemporary young master of Honghualou, and the concubine of the leader of the Pingtian Sect. You are so capable!"

Yejingtang taught Benben the Overlord Spear, and Benben usually practiced it. It was not surprising that Xuanji knew the identity of the young master of Honghualou.

But the concubine of the rebel leader...

Ye Jingtang glanced at the inn outside, and then at the murderous real Xuanji on his body:

"Miss, have you seen Ning'er?"

"Ning'er? It's really affectionate."

Master Xuanji pressed Ye Jingtang, and said coldly:
"Prince Jing has trusted you so far, but he never thought that you would be a hidden pawn sent by the rebels to the capital..."

Ye Jingtang knew that there were three boats under his feet, and that sooner or later the boat would capsize, but he never expected that it would be Xuanji's boat that capsized first, so he moved his saber slightly, signaling to be safe:
"Miss Shui'er misunderstood, I am definitely not a hidden pile of Pingtian Sect..."

"Sleeping in the same bed with the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect, how dare you say that you are not a member of the Pingtian Sect?"


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, somewhat puzzled:
"I've already shared the bed with the wife of the leader of the Pingtian Sect. Can I be a member of the Pingtian Sect?"


Master Xuanji blinked her eyes, and felt that she was right—even if she was originally a member of the Pingtian Sect, after having an affair with the leader's wife, she is definitely not now. This accusation is completely untenable...

Master Xuanji thought for a while, and continued: "Master Pingtian is better than Longyang. You are so handsome, you may be Xue Baijin's male companion."

Ye Jingtang felt that Miss Shui'er's thinking was so fresh and refined, he said seriously:
"Miss Shui'er looks like I like men?"

Master Xuanji nodded very simply this time:

"A few days ago, when I hugged you, you didn't respond, you didn't look like a normal man at all. And now, you and I are so close, there is no wave in your eyes..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang was speechless and spread his hands slightly:
"I'm afraid I'll ruin the girl's innocence. There's something wrong with sitting still? Besides, you put me on fire at the time, and I couldn't move. If I can move, try rubbing me? And now, you put the knife on my neck , expect me to be distracted?"

"Since you are sitting still, why did you make a move on Luo Ning?"

"Doesn't this prove that I'm as lustful as a normal man? I'm a wild boy who just came from the border, and when I meet the most beautiful woman in the world, some impulses are inevitable..."

Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes slightly: "Being uncharacteristically impulsive in front of Luo Ning, but calm in front of me?"

? ?
Ye Jingtang feels that the real Xuanji is not here to catch the ghost, and that he is finding fault for the last time he was unmoved in front of the beauty...

"The girl is beautiful, and her charm is unparalleled in the world. The reason why I reacted differently is because I didn't see the world when I first came to the capital. Later, I learned to keep my instincts in my heart and pay attention to propriety. , so as not to make the girl unhappy..."

"That is to say, the last time you acted in a hurry, did you still have evil thoughts in your heart?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth and said helplessly:
"Food and sex also originate from emotion and end with propriety. I didn't respond in my behavior because of propriety, and there were waves in my heart because of instinct. The girl hugged me at the time, and I could sleep when the girl fell asleep. Time is as immobile as a mountain, and it is already impeccable. A man who can be calmer than me, either has a secret disease, or just doesn't like women. If the girl insists on finding fault, I have nothing to say. "

Master Xuanji also thinks that Ye Jingtang has nothing wrong with it, saying that Ye Jingtang is an undercover agent of the Pingtian Sect is far-fetched, so he will not interrogate him any more, insert the knife back, and retreat slowly:

"It's because you are sensible that I didn't do anything directly to you. But 'the law is not forgiving', privately having an affair with the wife of the leader of the Peace Heaven Sect, if this matter spreads to the court, it will be very difficult to leave people To protect your future, as the emperor's teacher, I cannot turn a blind eye.

"Ye Jingtang, you probably don't want the secret affair between you and the leader's wife to be known by the court? You want me to keep it a secret..."

Faced with the coercion of the demon girl sister, Ye Jingtang did not submit to compromise, but flicked his wrist, took out the golden card, and said seriously:

"Miss Shui'er, to be honest, I have higher authority than you. I don't think this is a big deal, and I have the right not to reveal the truth to anyone. If you do this again, I will order you to return to Yuxu Mountain immediately."

Master Xuanji was obviously taken aback when he saw the sign of "Like me in person":

"You and Yuhu..."

Ye Jingtang and the unselfish judge seemed to correct them seriously:
"How can a girl call the emperor by his name? You should call him the Holy One."

Xuanji's real red lips moved slightly, but after thinking about it, she nodded in compromise:
"What is your relationship with the Holy One?"

Ye Jingtang said seriously: "Master Emperor, you shouldn't ask about such a top-secret matter, don't make it difficult for me."


Master Xuanji took a light breath, causing the skirt of his clothes to bulge slightly, but he insisted on not saying anything.

After all, in terms of etiquette, one day is a teacher and one is a father for life. The status of a master is indeed as supreme as that of a biological father, but the emperor is obviously not among them, otherwise the court is just what the three masters of the East Palace say.

The real Xuanji was named the 'Emperor's Teacher', and he could even spank the stupid ass when necessary, but before the supreme imperial power, he still had to have the consciousness of being a courtier, consciously above the emperor, and interfere in the affairs of the empress at will, that's for sure There are going to be problems.

Master Xuanji remained silent for a while, didn't ask any more questions, and just hummed softly:

"You boy, you climb really fast, even the Holy Majesty trusts you so much..."

Ye Jingtang said frankly: "What I have done, I feel worthy of the trust of the Holy Majesty and Prince Jing. These are not obtained by flattery and flattery, but by desperate efforts."

Master Xuanji knew that Ye Jingtang had made extraordinary achievements after entering Beijing, and he did not deny it:

"You are favored by the Holy Majesty, so I will naturally listen to what you say, but if you think you can rely on this to suppress me, you are thinking too much. I personally support the Holy Majesty to inherit the great line, and the Holy Majesty still listens to me even more."

Ye Jingtang put away the sign: "I don't intend to compete with the girl for favor. As long as the girl doesn't interfere with my work, I will still obey the girl's words."

The real Xuanji came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but Ye Jingtang rebelled against the army, and was very unhappy.

After all, Luo Ning is her best friend, Ben Ben is her apprentice, and Yu Hu is also her apprentice.

The Ye Dagongzi who was 'not acquired by beauty' in front of her almost stole all the people around her.

But at this time, there is not much to do with Ye Jingtang, Master Xuanji turned around after thinking about it and said:
"Okay, let's boil the water. I'll keep this matter a secret for you. If I find out in the future, you and Xue Baijin have a very close relationship... Humph."

After Ye Jingtang watched the Yaonu sister leave, he shook his head secretly, thinking that if Xue Baijin came here in the future, he might be a god.

But things have come to this point, and we can only take one step at a time...
in the inn.

Dongfang Liren went up the stairs, and when he passed the aisle, he found that there were lights on in two adjacent rooms. Knowing that Ye Jingtang's favorite person lived in it, he couldn't help but feel weird, and continued to maintain a calm expression, but his footsteps subconsciously changed. Become silent.

Walking to a room a little further away, just as he was about to open the door, he heard a voice:

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, I can see a big bird, squatting furtively on the roof beams to probe, as if it made a mistake and was afraid of being beaten.

Dongfang Li was puzzled and said:
"My concubine, what are you doing?"


Niao Niao muttered, talking about being deceived by Master Xuanji, which caused Master Xuanji to touch Luo Ning's door without warning, but these Dongfangli people obviously didn't understand.

For this reason, Niao Niao just waved its wings and shrank behind the beam.

Dongfang Liren didn't know, so seeing that Niao Niao didn't make trouble with her, he entered the room alone.

Dongfang Liren was born with golden branches and jade leaves since he was a child, and he hugged each other. Suddenly no one was waiting for orders, and he was a little uncomfortable. After scanning Sujie's room, he sat down on the bedside and took out "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman" from his arms to read. .

Just after reading a few pages, when she was at the critical point, there was a commotion in the aisle outside. She quickly closed the book and assumed a posture of meditating and practicing...

In the corridor, Ye Jingtang carried two large buckets of hot water upstairs, looked around and found that Xuanji was not there, so she quietly came to Ning'er's room, and whispered:

"You still know how to come back? Really... She didn't beat you, did she?"

"No, just told the truth..."

"What are you talking about? Did you force me, or did I..."

Ye Jingtang understood what Ning'er meant, and responded softly:

"How could I let you take the blame? To be honest, I flirted with you and refused to let you go. There is nothing you can do..."

"Okay, okay, you have a little conscience..."

"Hehe~ help me get a change of clothes."

"Wear it for the Queen?"

"Well, my robe will do. She can't wear your and Sanniang's clothes."

"How old is she that she can't wear it?"

Luo Ning was obviously a little sensitive to the word 'can't wear', and her voice was quite dissatisfied.

Ye Jingtang knew through the "hand test" that Benben and Sanniang were evenly matched, but this must not be said. After waiting for a while, the door opened, and with a cold face, he took a set of folded robes , placed under Ye Jingtang's armpit.

Ye Jingtang didn't bother the angry Ning'er any more, he carried his clothes and two buckets of water to the room at the end of the corridor, and pushed open the door with his shoulders.


Candlesticks were lit in the room, and Benben, dressed in a silver python robe, was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his back straight, holding the Meridian Art with his hands, and the fat-headed dragon in front of him was shining brightly, looking very serious.

Ye Jingtang closed the door with his foot: "The water is ready. I brought you a change of clothes, see if it fits you well."

Dongfang Liren calmed down, came to the screen, pulled out the black robe made of water cloud brocade from under Ye Jingtang's arm, and asked casually:

"Ning'er lives next door? Who else is there?"

"It's Sanniang, follow me out to play."

"You are really, you came out to work, and you brought two women with you."

After Dongfang Liren pretended to be dissatisfied and criticized, he unfolded the black robe.

Dongfang Li is tall, about two fingers shorter than Ye Jingtang, and her bust is particularly magnificent. She can wear Ye Jingtang's clothes completely.

But Dongfang Liren unfolded the black robe, and was about to make gestures on his body, when he found that Ye Jingtang was serving him very well, not only brought the outer robe, but even the bellyband...

A piece of hollowed-out fabric the size of a handkerchief slipped from between the robes. Dongfang Liren reacted very quickly and quickly raised his hand to catch it, and then the room fell into dead silence.

Ye Jingtang was carrying a bucket to pour water, when he turned his head and saw the hollowed-out sexy dress, his gentle and refined expression froze slightly:


Dongfang Liren often sleeps with his sister in the quilt, so he naturally recognizes what the handkerchief-sized fabric is, and his heroic eyes slightly twitched, and then a murderous look slowly emerges.

"Your Highness, what... this is cleaned..."


With the single knife out of its sheath, a cold light flashed in the room.

Dongfang Liren wanted to pull out the Huan Shou Dao on the back of Ye Jingtang's waist, but was held down by Ye Jingtang's wrist, unable to break free, so he pushed Ye Jingtang against the wall:
"You are presumptuous! What do you mean? Let me wear this kind of thing?"

Ye Jingtang had just been held down by Master Xuanji like this, and he just felt that Stupid is really his own apprentice, and his posture is exactly the same.He couldn't say that it was Ning'er who thoughtfully gave it to him, so he could only bite the bullet and explain:

"I didn't bring much change of clothes when I went out, and the other workmanship is not good, I'm afraid you won't be used to it..."

"This king can get used to it?"

Dongfang Liren's face turned red, and he swayed in front of Yejingtang with a small cloth that couldn't even cover up a fat-headed dragon:

"Or do you want to see this king wear it? Who do you think this king is of you? Do you really think this king is reluctant to deal with you?"

"I'm offended, I'm going to find another one..."

Ye Jingtang's old face was a little uneasy, and he raised his hand to take Xiaoyi back.

Dongfang Liren quickly took back the little clothes, and said coldly:
"You are a man, how can you touch such unclean things? This king confiscated this thing, and I will let him see it later. I will send you to the harem to wash clothes, and let you wash this thing every day!"

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless, and comforted him softly:

"Okay, let's not take it as an example. Let's take a bath first, the water will be cold later."

Dongfang Liren stared at Ye Jingtang for a moment before loosening his collar.

After Ye Jingtang poured water into the bathtub, he turned and went out:

"I'll wait at the outer door, just say what you need."

"No, go and rest, you are not allowed to come in without telling me!"

"it is good."

The door opened and closed, and the room fell silent.

Dongfang Liren waited until Ye Jingtang went out, the blush on his face subsided, he took out his black coat from behind, went to the makeup mirror, made gestures, frowned and muttered softly:
"This pervert is getting more and more arrogant..."


(End of this chapter)

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