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Chapter 229

Chapter 229
As the sky was getting darker, lanterns were hung between the verandahs and pavilions of King Wu's Mansion, and countless imperial guards and black government officers walked through it to patrol.

In the large garden behind the palace, a flame rose from time to time, and then exploded in the sky and turned into dots all over the sky. The woman's words could still be faintly heard:


"Empress Dowager, this is fun, you can turn around on the ground..."

"Mistress, be careful..."


In the big garden, several court ladies held palace lanterns and looked at it in fear.

The empress dowager, who was wearing a dark red home dress, was holding a torch in her hand, and lit all kinds of fireworks.

The fireworks were collected from Jianyang City by Ruby's order to the Imperial Army, and the largest ones could even blow up a colorful flower in mid-air, much more beautiful than those that Ye Jingtang bought casually.

But having fun is fun only when someone is with you. Setting off fireworks alone with the accompanying maid here, no matter how beautiful it is, it seems a bit monotonous.

Ye Jingtang originally thought that the sea of ​​people used as the background board was just a casually sketched outline, but when he looked closely, he was surprised to find that although the crowd was blurred, they could feel everyone's movements and emotions through the blurred lines.



After listening for an unknown amount of time, hurried footsteps came from outside.

"I drew it truthfully. When the time comes when people question you, you can't have a clear conscience. Why can't you use it as evidence?"

The lake is as flat as a mirror, and a person and a bird at the bow of the boat are reflected under the water.

"Why is he walking away with a beautiful woman in his arms? Who is he holding?"

Ye Jingtang changed into a clean black robe, and lay flat on the mat with the package as a pillow. After medical treatment and an overnight rest, his complexion has returned to normal, but it is not so easy to think about it neatly after a hundred days of injury. , before returning to Beijing, there must be no way to do it again.

The courtier handled things so meticulously, Dongfang Liren couldn't be impatient, and even had to show his approval, listening carefully to the courtier's ji li wala report of the name of the dish.

"Yun Li will definitely like it."

Seeing this, the fluffy bird flew to the canopy and spread its wings, probably wanting to replace the sail and help Tangtang.


Really, why didn't you go there with Master yesterday...

Because Master Xuanji wanted to be a flower protector, it was rare that he did not drink Fragments. At this time, he set up a small table and put it on the bow of the boat. The brush outlines the crowds of people in Junshan Terrace, coupled with the lake and autumn sun, it is quite a bit of an aura of a master of the world.

The wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the warm morning sun shone from the sky, and Yunmengze ushered in the autumn light of the lake.


The windows in the cabin were open, and several weapons were leaning against the wall.

Ye Jingtang stood at the bow of the boat, watching Gu Fan go away, not having much parting emotion in his heart, after all, the rivers and lakes are like this, they are always on the road, as long as they don't stop, there will always be a day when they meet again.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he flew up and landed on the black-covered boat:
"The boat I rented from Huangquan Town has to go there, and it happens to be on the way."

The courtiers in front of the desk all stopped talking when they heard the hasty tone similar to Beiliang's call.

"Xuanyuan Chao is dead?"

"Why did you draw this thing?"

"The usual entertainment in the rivers and lakes has already finished running for you kid, and it's nothing serious. I have to go to Huangquan Town, so I will leave first."

Ye Jingtang frowned, and propped up his body, only to feel that his whole body was floating, not uncomfortable but a little weak. After sitting for a while, his hands and feet regained strength.


It means 'heartless, can you do it? '.

Niao Niao’s head is full of question marks, which probably means that if you want to take the bait, you have to get the bait. How can you catch breakfast with just a rope?
Seeing that real Xuanji was useless, Niao Niao was a little unhappy, so she decided to make enough food and clothing by herself, and jumped into the lake.

"He beat Xuanyuan Chao to the ground?"


When Dongfang Liren heard this, he was naturally anxious, and immediately wanted to leave. After walking a few steps, he turned back and ordered in a deep voice:
"King Wu has already returned to the case, let the imperial army pack up their things immediately and prepare to leave the camp. After this king finishes handling trivial matters, he will immediately escort King Wu back to the capital."

Master Xuanji didn't look back, and casually lifted another piece of paper next to it, and the picture on the paper came into view - in the cabin, a stunning woman in white clothes like snow, holding a saber to protect the man behind her, with an expression of rapt attention Enemy, looking at the door.

When Dongfang Liren was repenting, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and asked with a frown:

"When a man talks, why should a woman intervene?"

After a moment of silence between each other, before Niao Niao grabbed breakfast in the lake by himself, a small boat floated over at the end of the mirror-smooth lake.

And the queen mother is not the only woman in the palace who finds it boring.


"Hero Qiu."

Qiu Tianhe chuckled, accepted this good blessing, and after chatting for a few words, without being too polite, he cupped his hands and said:
"You can see the sea when you travel thousands of miles by boat, and you can meet your confidant when you travel thousands of miles. You still have a long way to go, I hope the future will be smooth sailing, and when we meet again, we will be facing each other now."

On the lake, Qiu Tianhe propped a black boat, drifted across the lake for several miles, and soon arrived nearby:

The chief arrester of the black government came to the east and approached the people, bowed and saluted, panting like a cow and said:
"Dao... Dao Kui... has been replaced! Master Ye became famous in the battle at Junshantai this morning, and he beat Junshanhou so much that he vomited blood for three liters..."

"Keep it as evidence. If you contradict your promise, I will hand this over to Liren..."

Although Master Xuanji seems unreliable, he is actually capable of both civil and military skills, which can be seen from the two apprentices taught.

Xuanji's painting style is similar to that of Dongfang Liren, but because of his deeper experience, it looks more natural. The lines are simple and the ink is lighter, but the atmosphere and expression are clearly outlined.

Niao Niao squatted beside her, looking at the lake with her head out. She was afraid of scaring away the fish and didn't dare to make a sound, but after waiting for a long time without any movement, she still couldn't hold back and spread her wings:

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth and felt that his words made sense, so he nodded and said:

And behind the stunning woman, the protected man, with no clothes covering her body, is close behind the girl, and the part covered with a rag is on her plump buttocks...

The Nightmare Hall bows:
"Goodbye Jianghu."

"No, it is said that Master Ye said 'kill you, dirty my knife', and then embraced a stunning beauty, and walked away on waves, with a demeanor comparable to that of a fairy..."

Qiu Tianhe thought for a while: "I promised the imperial court that I would not go to Nanxiao Mountain. I didn't get the sword leader, but I have nowhere to go. I plan to live in Huangquan Town for a while, and then go outside when I have nothing to do that day. .”

There was no dream all night, and Ye Jingtang didn't know how long it had passed. When he felt that the light was a bit dazzling, he opened his eyes to check, only to find that there was already an extra round of sunrise outside the window.


Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, came behind the real person Xuanji, and looked down at the painting case.

"This is headwind, you take your wings away!"

"Where does Qiu Daxia plan to go next?"


Ye Jingtang said with a smile: "With a hundred years of life, Hero Qiu is considered to be in his prime. It's too early to retire now. It's a good thing to take a break for a short time. Maybe one day when he has an epiphany in his free time, he will figure out a set of peerless swordsmanship, which will become famous in the world." Shake the world."

"The headhunters who investigated Junshantai's movements in the past saw it with their own eyes. The news is absolutely true. It is said that the battle was quite brutal. Master Ye first broke the Dragon Slaying Order with the Eight-Step Crazy Sword, and then used the Eight-Step Crazy Sword with the Dragon Slaying Order in the backhand to beat Junshanhou directly I'm autistic, and I'm begging for comfort..."

When Qiu Tianhe saw Mu Qingdao, he knew that Ye Jingtang had gone to the old wine shop, and said:
"The shopkeeper of the restaurant is Xuanyuan Tiangang. Xuanyuan Tiangang and your adoptive father are close friends. Now that the grievances are cleared, if you come to the door again, he will treat you as a nephew, but you will inevitably be embarrassed. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. The old friendship is in my heart It’s all right, and there’s no need to come to the door deliberately to say those scenes.”

Master Xuanji stood in front of him, and after the ship disappeared from sight, he asked:
"Going home now?"

Especially the chief officer from the household department who came to investigate King Wu's private property, was able to count how many catties of soy sauce was left in the kitchen, and reported it to her in full, to show how rigorous he was in his work.

"I don't know, defeating Xuanyuan Chao head-on would be a serious injury to say the least, I just hope that the root is not injured, otherwise..."

While chatting, the small black-covered boat sailed away from the lake, leaving a white trace on the mirror-like lake water.

"You drew this yourself, can it be used as evidence? If you draw Fengguancheng wearing a dragon robe, can you say that people are rebellious?"


Dongfang Liren's heart skipped a beat, and his face changed slightly—Ye Jingtang just left for Junshantai yesterday morning, and he should have just arrived today, and the people below suddenly reported the news in such a hurry, something must have happened.

The content of the painting is the scene of three people standing on the thousand-foot stone platform in high spirits after he won the battle.

The next day.

He could even recall those young heroes or chivalrous women he saw yesterday through these blurred strokes.

After all, when a warrior is named Wukui, he is the number one among literati, and it is only once in a lifetime. She missed this kind of grand occasion, and it would be a pity for a lifetime...

The Empress Dowager looked at the fireworks flying in mid-air, her eyes showed a bit of resentment, she was probably secretly complaining that the real Xuanji went out to be chic, and left her here again.

"The Muqing Sword is old man Sun's weapon. I used to drink with your adoptive father and was always greedy. Old man Sun said we were not good enough. Since Xuanyuan Tiangang is given to you, you can take it, even if you don't need it. You can also help me choose a successor..."

The voice was out of breath, and it sounded like he was rushing back from the outside at full speed.

Seeing this, Master Xuanji put on the veiled hat, while Ye Jingtang put down the water bag, and stood up with the Chilong Saber:

On the observation tower near the garden, Dongfang Liren was sitting upright behind the gorgeous book bank in a python robe.

"Maybe it was rumored by the people in the Jianghu, who mistook Master Emperor for Master Ye. Master Ye's bloody battle against the head of the sword probably caused serious injuries. It is reasonable for Master Emperor to step down from the stage..."

Dongfang Li is very serious about his work and never slacks off, but no matter how patient he is, he can't stop these old courtiers from talking.

The chief arrester of the Heiya Yamen knew that Prince Jing and Master Ye couldn't explain the relationship between the two, and his expression froze when he heard the words, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and quickly explained:

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, and suddenly realized that something was wrong—the awning boat had no sails, and it was such a long waterway, wouldn't people be exhausted to death by human power?
"Didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, we will go together and get off the boat near Huangquan Town..."

Dongfang Liren got up quickly, jumped out of the window, and landed on the observation deck, asking in a deep voice:
"What happened to Junshan Terrace?"

Ye Jingtang had nothing to say, so he stopped talking nonsense at all, sat down beside him, took out some dry food, and watched Xuanji's paintings while eating.


Master Xuanji saw the big villain yesterday, and then Ye Jingtang, the impression that he was upright and unfeminine was gone, and he didn't want to talk to him, and kept his head silent.

Ye Jingtang leaned closer and praised:
"The drawing is really good."

The head of the black yamen has a proud look on his face:

Ye Jingtang was a little surprised, but still nodded after thinking about it:
"The hero Qiu took me to say hello. There is also the Muqing knife..."

Ye Jingtang understood what Qiu Tianhe meant, nodded his head, did not say much, and turned to say:


In addition, there is a long pole inserted next to the small case, with a thin rope hanging from the top, hanging down into the water to catch fish.

He looked back and forth, and when he heard movement outside, he got up and pushed open the hatch, and when he looked up, he saw Niao Niao made himself a drowned rat, flopping on the lake.

Dongfang Liren listened to the chief arrester of the black yamen excitedly describe the scene of Junshan Terrace, and while he was delighted, regret also emerged in his heart.

Dongfang Liren suddenly realized, and his expression became anxious:
"How is Ye Jingtang injured?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Master Xuanji knew how to be a wife, so he shook his head and sighed:
"Oh...forget it, don't you just row the boat, it's time to resume training..."

Xuanji got along with the real person for many days, and gradually understood the meaning of Niao Niao, and responded in a slow and slow manner with a very sticky air:
"Fishing pays attention to 'the one who wishes to take the bait'. If you don't come, you can't ask for it; if you can come, you can come if you don't ask for it..."

Master Xuanji also meant the same thing, picked up the paddle from the black canopy boat, and threw it to Ye Jingtang:
"You change the boat, go on a hundred miles of water, and you row back by yourself. I won't be your boat lady."

A chief arrester of the black government came running from the corridor with a letter in his hand, Yaoyao hurriedly said:
"Report! Jun...Junshantai..."


The accompanying senior ministers, holding the sorted accounts and roster, stood in front of the desk, and were seriously describing various affairs.

When Qiu Tianhe said this, he glanced at the woman sitting in the distance, leaned closer and whispered:

The beauty in white is painting with a pen at the bow, and the young man in black is swinging his oars at the stern.

"Let's go. Your Highness must be very happy. Go back and report the good news, and report your safety by the way."


Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment, and then showed disbelief:

After a while, the painting case was moved to the awning boat.


"It doesn't matter. As long as you don't feel awkward. By the way, why don't you draw the things about jumping into my arms and rubbing against me?"

Qiu Tianhe pulled up the sails and sailed to Huangquan Town in a boat, and helped to return the boat, and sent the two horses back to the post station along the way.


stomping on...

? !
Ye Jingtang's eyes were astonished, and he spread his hands in disbelief and said:

Master Xuanji said confidently: "What do I draw for things that I am wrong about? Use it as evidence for you to threaten me?"

Niao Niao turned around on the spot, with her back facing the blast, probably meaning——now the wind is tailgating...


The end of the volume is over, transitioning a few chapters or2
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(End of this chapter)

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