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Chapter 236

Chapter 236
At dusk, the soft setting sun shines on the bank of the Nanxun River in Yangliu Yiyi.

Numerous brightly dressed talented scholars and beauties, either holding umbrellas or holding folding fans, walk back and forth on the pedestrian street.

When Pei Xiangjun returned to the capital, he completely turned into a rich wife of a wealthy family, walking along the street dignifiedly, watching the small pleasure boats passing by; Xiuhe followed behind, holding various items bought from the street.

And Luo Ning walked beside her, with a cold and serious demeanor, and beside her was Xiao Yunli, who was walking the bird, and Ping'er, who was full of curiosity when she came to the capital for the first time.

This trip is to buy small daily necessities for the new house in the future, such as handkerchiefs, rouge and small ornaments.

Because Zheyunli will also have to live in a new house in the future, Luo Ning took the two of them with her. In order to explain the relationship to Pinger, she wasted a lot of brains. Condescend to pretend to be Ye Jingtang's female friend. Many people misunderstand that she is Ye Jingtang's best friend. If you hear about it, don't explain it. Just understand it yourself.

Ping'er knew the risks lurking in the capital, so she naturally understood without asking more questions, and quickly entered the role, treating herself as a newly hired maid to avoid suspicion from outsiders.

Now that she was back in the capital, Luo Ning could no longer fight with Sanniang as she did when she was away from home. She just kept her repulsive appearance and thought about what happened last night.

Thinking of last night, Luo Ning felt a little annoyed. She obviously discovered the unexpected situation, so she rushed to Sanniang's room, but Sanniang, a petty bun, caught her and insisted on making her choose whether to keep the front or the back .

That heartless person in Yejingtang only knows how to laugh foolishly and not help her out!

If she was alone, the little thief insisted on finding another way. She had no choice but to grit her teeth and admit it, but with Sanniang around, how could she do such a shameless thing.

If she really can't push it away, she can only choose the lesser of two evils...

Walking on the street now, Luo Ning felt very indescribable, as if she didn't wear panties, she didn't have the face to face people at all, and she didn't know how much perseverance she had to maintain her cold fairy air.

Thinking that it would take a month to return to the appearance that a mature woman should have, Luo Ning felt very uneasy. If Yunli found out that she was so outrageous in private, she might not be able to hold her head up for the rest of her life...

While thinking wildly, a group of five people walked up the pedestrian street, bought a lot of daily items, and gradually came to the vicinity of Wende Bridge.

Wende Bridge is home to high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and the surrounding shops sell mostly luxury goods, and most of the passers-by on the street are family members of dignitaries in the capital.

Pei Xiangjun had a clear goal, and was going to Fan Jiuniang's shop to pick out sexy clothes, but when he was halfway there, he saw a few young masters talking with a businessman on the side of the street:

"...Isn't this a binoculars? Last time, Brother Wang asked me to borrow a piece of jade from the previous dynasty, but I lost it, and I lost one. It's meaningless except to see far away..."

"Young master, that's wrong. This binoculars is not simple. It was manufactured by the Beiliang Army. I spent a lot of money to get it from the Beiliang Frontier Army. In the past, when the old boxer Liu Qiansheng was at his best, he only claimed to be able to do it." It is different to notice the wind and grass moving three to five miles away, even if it is twenty miles away, as long as you stand on a high place, you can see the movement clearly..."

"Oh~ there's really an inscription from the Beiliang Military Supervision... This thing is very popular, and it's actually no better than Wu Kui; Liu Qiansheng noticed the wind and grass on the opposite side through the wall, and didn't need to look up. This thing can see it. People with good eyesight can see without needing..."

"Oh? My lord, have you ever seen a hero like Liu Qiansheng?"

"I just met him at Longxi Lane a few days ago, and I learned two-handed boxing..."

"Yo~ I'm afraid the status of the young master is unusual, disrespect and disrespect..."


Zheyunli, who was walking behind, also heard the conversation, and saw two big baskets of strange objects in a blink of an eye, so he wanted to go over and have a look.

Luo Ning knew that the young masters of Wende Bridge were of unusual status, and she didn't want to cause trouble for Ye Jingtang, so she held Zhe Yunli back, and then came to Sanniang and asked:

"Didn't Ye Jingtang say that Liu Qiansheng only teaches masters and not mediocrities? Who is that noble young master?"

Pei Xiangjun glanced slightly, then continued to walk forward:
"The young master of the Marquis of Ding'an, after making great contributions to the founding of the country, he is close friends with Prince Jing's cousin Wang Chihu. Liu Qiansheng has been recruited, and no matter how arrogant he is, he must understand the ways of the world. These princes and princes must give face, anyway. I can't learn..."

"Oh." Luo Ning suddenly realized.

After Pei Xiangjun walked a little further, he looked back again:
"Ordinary people can't get the things supervised by Beiliang Military Weapons. This peddler probably found a way from the Hongshan Gang. A binoculars cost only ten taels of silver in Beiliang, and they were sold to the prince's children in Yun'an for 200 taels of silver." Two starts, this profit is really eye-catching..."

Luo Ning blinked her eyes: "Your family business is so big, can't you just build a workshop yourself?"

"It's not that simple. I arranged for people to imitate it, but the color of the made mirror is too mixed, and it can't be polished so smooth. It seems that things are out of shape..."

"You don't know how to sharpen mirrors?"

"I... what kind of mirror are you talking about?"



The two gossiped along the road and arrived at the Wang Family Medical Center without knowing it.

Luo Ning asked Pei Xiangjun to take a few girls to go shopping first, and she entered it with the controlled drugs issued by the court last time.

In the lobby of the medical hall, Mrs. Wang was leaning on the counter, chatting with a lady:
"...This man, he always eats soft things but not hard things. Think about it, your husband is bothered by trivial matters all day long in the yamen, and when you come home at night, you are nagging trivial matters in your ear. I don't want to talk to you ..."

"However, he hasn't accompanied me out for a long time. He would rather go to the street and drink alone than eat at home..."

"That's because staying at home is boring. You go to Fan's house to buy some clothes later. When your husband-in-law reads a book at night, you say that the weather is hot, so wear less clothes, unbutton them, and shake them in front of him. You, just go and sit in your arms, read a book together, ask him what the book means, and pretend you don't understand..."

"Hey~ this... this is not the same as a brothel girl..."

"That's why men like to spend a lot of money in brothels. If this woman wants to secure a seat in the long room, she has to be a noble lady in front of the hall and a queen in the hall...eh?"

Mrs. Wang was talking, when Yu Guang suddenly noticed a beautiful woman in a green dress, who stopped at the door to eavesdrop, and hurriedly greeted:
"Miss Ning'er is back, but it's been a long time since I saw you."

The lady who was chatting, found that someone was coming, and quickly left with a few items.

Luo Ning's eyes were a little strange, she came to the counter, handed back the Lihun needle and other things, and joked:
"Madam Wang knows a lot."

"Hey~ Doctors are benevolent. I mainly treat the lady and wife of Wende Bridge, and [-]% of them are 'diseases from the heart'. Instead of going to practice medicine after falling ill, it is better to start from daily life and put your mentality first. Get it sorted out."

"This statement does make sense..."

Mrs. Wang put the rest of the medicine under the counter and said:
"Master Ye is really powerful. Zhang Jinglin has been arrested. Physician Wang went over to have a look this morning, but he hasn't come back yet. He is probably talking about medicine. Although Zhang Jinglin has no medical ethics, this medical skill will probably benefit a lot in the future. Common people. I heard that Master Ye was injured, how is the current situation?"

"Some strains. On the way back, a medical lady has been taking care of her. It's all right now."

Mrs. Wang leaned against the counter again, and leaned a little closer:

"What about that?"

? ?
Luo Ning blinked her eyes, she was still not used to this kind of topic, but she was sick, so she answered slowly and truthfully after thinking about it:
"Well...it's fine, there's no problem."

"Can you bear it now?"

"I... it's okay..."

Mrs. Wang nodded with a smile, and moved her gaze down to Luo Ning's waist:
"Have you tried the method I told you last time?"

Luo Ning simply shook her head, pretending to avoid snakes and scorpions:

"No...that kind of thing, I really can't do it. Madam Wang, is there any other way, it's normal..."

"The normal things are written in the book, and they will be taught when they get married. I came to my wife to ask about something abnormal because it was too normal and boring."


"I can't do it... Let me think about it, um... That's right."

Mrs. Wang shook her fan lightly, thought for a while, then came to her again:

"You can go to Fan Jiuniang's daughter later and ask her to bring you two pieces of jewelry for the boudoir. Those are all handmade by her, and the price is a bit high, but the workmanship and style are all good, and they don't hurt the skin..."

Luo Ning was a little dazed: "The Fan family still sells jewelry?"

"Yes. But not on the head."


"Oh, you'll know when you ask, I've never used it..."


Luo Ning felt that the so-called 'jewelry' should be a torture device in the boudoir, and if she really bought it, it was her own fault.

But thinking about Sanniang's unforgiving incident last night, Luo Ning didn't say much after thinking about it. After saying goodbye to Mrs. Wang, she went to the next stop...
Before you know it, it's evening.

In the private room of a big restaurant on Wutong Street, gentle music can be heard. Across the street is the Sanyuan Building that was once smashed down by Ye Jing Tang. Now the gambling house has closed, and the owner is renovating.

The private room has an excellent environment, with a table in the middle and a tea table and chess table around it. On the table are all kinds of delicacies from all over the world, including the restaurant's signature dish vinegar fish, and beside it is the special product of Tan Shazhou. Lie Nushou' and several bottles of fruit wine.

Ye Jingtang sat at the banquet, from shopping in the morning to the evening, Tangtang Wukui almost broke his leg walking around, and he still has doubts about life.

The empress dowager, who looked delicate and soft, was in excellent spirits, and she didn't feel tired after walking for a whole day. She sat on the main seat, holding a small wine glass and playing flying flower orders with real Xuanji.

Master Xuanji didn't look like a scholarly lady at the wine table at all, with a lazy and half-reclined posture, with a blush on her cheeks, and she could feel the evil spirit just by looking at her eyes.

As a man, Ye Jingtang should drink spirits with Xuanji, but all beings are equal in front of "Lie Nvchou", if he drinks half a catty, he might do something rebellious to the queen mother, maybe even a The guns rang twice, and for the sake of safety, I still drank fruit wine with the empress dowager.

The empress dowager was very happy shopping today, she was half drunk and still had no intention of going back to the palace, after drinking a glass of wine, she turned her head again, and looked at the handsome young man who was drinking beside her with drunken eyes:

"Yejingtang, why don't you speak?"

The private room was brightly lit, and the empress dowager's eyes were very big. The clear pupils reflected the candlelight, which looked sparkling. Coupled with the soft, glamorous and lightly familiar drunkenness, the lethality was quite astonishing.

It was not easy for Ye Jingtang to stare, so he picked up the white porcelain jug and poured wine for the Empress Dowager:
"I'm from the rivers and lakes, I don't know much about literati, and all I can say is to fight and kill..."

Master Xuanji shook the small wine glass, interjected with a half-smile:
"There are two beautiful daughter-in-laws, and I still have a few more in mind. Are you pretending to be an unventilated elm bump here?"

The empress dowager supported her side face with her hands, and nodded slightly:
"That's right, if you don't know how to chat, how can you coax the girl home? It's just on the wine table, don't worry about status and etiquette, just speak freely."

"You can tell the empress dowager two nasty jokes, she likes to hear them the most."

"Hey~ what are you talking about..."

The empress dowager swiped Master Xuanji lightly with her sleeve, and seeing that Ye Jingtang couldn't find a suitable topic, she thought about it a little bit, and took the initiative to speak:
"Yejingtang, do you know why she is called Shui Shui?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes moved slightly, and he almost answered a nasty remark that would be cut into pieces. Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, and didn't say "because there is too much water?", just curiously asked:

The Empress Dowager carefully explained:
"Because her hometown is near the Jinchuan River, the river is very fast, and there are glaciers upstream. When she was still a baby, her family took a boat across the river and accidentally dropped her in the river. Many people searched for it for a while but couldn't find it. She either drowned or froze to death.

"In the end, I found out that she had floated to the shore, and nothing happened. That's why there were rumors that she was the reincarnation of the water god of Jianghe, who named her Binghe, nicknamed Narcissus, and sent her to Yuxu Mountain to practice Taoism... "

"So that's why it's called Shui Shui?"

The empress dowager took a sip from her wine glass and continued:
"In the past, the Taoist nuns in Yuxu Mountain called her 'Narciss', but later found that she didn't do any business at all. She drank, slept and took wild baths all day long. She didn't look like a fairy at all, so she turned into Shui'er. ...from the body of a fairy to a mortal..."

"Hehe~" Ye Jingtang indeed laughed at these words.

Master Xuanji's eyes were calm, and he said casually:

"This is called entering the world, the way to return to the basics, what do you know?"


The three chatted and laughed, pushing glasses and changing glasses, and the moon was already on the branches outside the window without knowing it.

At the end of the drink, Master Xuanji lay down on the table just like last time.

Although the Empress Dowager drank fruit wine, she still had the energy of the wine, and gradually became a little drifting, forgetting when and where she was, and said in a daze:

"Hongyu...send me to rest."

Ye Jingtang got up and said: "This is Wutong Street, I will send the Queen Mother back to the palace."


After looking left and right for a few times, the empress dowager stood up, staggered to the side of the chess couch, sat down directly, raised her hands and waited for the maid to undress.

When I found no one was serving me, I went to untie my skirt by myself.

? !
Ye Jingtang's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly stepped forward to stop it;

"Empress Dowager, this is a restaurant, why don't you lie down and rest for a while?"

The empress dowager blinked her eyes, her blushing face turned red again, and then she fell down on the couch obediently.

Ye Jingtang secretly shook his head, returned to the table, and lightly shook Master Xuanji's shoulder:

"Fairy Lu?"


Immortal Xuanji turned her head up, looked left and right, then got up and walked to the tea table, lay down with the empress dowager, and then there was no movement.


Ye Jingtang was speechless, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, thinking that going home to enjoy Ning'er's white steamed buns tonight was a waste of time.

He definitely didn't dare to hug these two back, so he could only call the steward of the restaurant to inform Prince Jing's mansion.

Although Master Xuanji was drunk, his perception was not bad. If Ye Jingtang dared to look around, he would probably open his eyes and raise his head to catch him. For this reason, Ye Jingtang just sat behind the sea of ​​tea and made tea by himself.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, there was the sound of horseshoes on Wutong Street, which was full of singing and dancing, and the whispers of princes and noble sons along the street:
"Why is Prince Jing here?"

"Go to Longyin Tower and inform Brother Wang, if you are caught drinking flower wine by King Jing, you will be banned for half a month..."


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang got up and came to the window, he could see that on the busy street, a luxurious chariot driven by four horses came, and the black Yamen policeman quickly cleared the way ahead, but the doors and windows of the carriage were closed, and he could only see from the window. A familiar silhouette.

The carriage quickly arrived under the restaurant.

The sons of the princes and generals on Wutong Street gathered together, and the princes might be having fun in the nearby pavilions.

Dongfang Liren didn't want to show his face, so the black Yamen police immediately sealed off the street and cleared away the idlers around the restaurant before the carriage opened.

Dongfang Liren wanted to reward Ye Jingtang today, so it can be said that his lips were almost worn out. His sister ran away in the middle of the court meeting, leaving her alone to compete with the officials in the Tai Chi Hall. It's been a long time since I came here.

After finally finalizing the matter, Dongfang Liren still wanted to ask the dignified lord to ask for credit, but when he left the palace, he heard that Ye Jingtang was investigating the case and went shopping, and he didn't even know to wait for her for a while!

Dongfang Liren waited dryly all day in Mingyu Tower, only to see Ye Jingtang in the middle of the night, obviously not very happy in his heart, and led the maid to put on a calm and dignified look, and hurried to the second floor of the restaurant.

"Your Highness."


Dongfangli came to the door, took a look inside the room first, saw the empress dowager and the master sleeping together, drunk unconscious, frowned:
"How did you force them like this?"

I feed them?

Ye Jingtang's eyes were helpless, and he spread his hands slightly:

"Your Highness doesn't know what Fairy Lu's character is? I can stand now because of my concentration, otherwise I will be the first to fall."

Dongfang Liren thought about it, and after taking a look, he asked again:

"You didn't do anything, did you?"


Ye Jingtang stood a little straighter, looking at the suspicious Dabenben:

"what can I do?"

From the experience Dongfang Liren learned from "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman", if the beauty is drunk, something is bound to happen.

However, she also knew the master's ability, as long as she didn't take the initiative to give the opportunity, Ye Jingtang couldn't take advantage of it, so she didn't ask any more questions, turned around and said:

"Send the Queen Mother and Master back to Mingyu Tower to rest."


The maid who followed hurriedly entered the room and helped the two wine-meng beauties down...


Just finished writing or2!

(End of this chapter)

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