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Chapter 244

Chapter 244

The setting sun was slanting, and pedestrians were coming and going on the street. A carriage left Tianshui Bridge and drove along the straight road to the majestic imperial city in the distance.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe made of water-cloud brocade, and sat outside the carriage holding a horsewhip. His eyes reflected the red sun in the sky, and his silhouette looked like a carefree ranger.

On the other side, Da Niao Niao, who ran around with the real Xuanji, but was rubbed by the empress dowager instead of eating, squatted beside Ye Jing Tang, humming a Liangzhou ditty, just like walking darts back then:


Compared with the carefree life of one person and one bird, the atmosphere inside the carriage is a little tense.

Luo Ning, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, was leaning against the car window with her arms crossed, her cheeks were as repulsive as always, but her body looked a little wilted.

Just now when Ye Jingtang came back, she caught him on the spot. Luo Ning didn't dare to attack the little thief when she was at a loss. For this reason, she was very obedient. Firstly, she was afraid that the little thief would make her suffer for herself, and secondly, she wanted to let the little thief make her suffer. The little thief took care of Sanniang.

But after Sanniang understood how to use Xiaoyu Radish, she was embarrassed to play so flirtatiously in front of her, and only promised to let Ye Jingtang mess up next time when she was alone.

She definitely wouldn't agree, she struggled for a long time and couldn't handle Sanniang, so she could only take a step back and asked Sanniang to hang the waist bell on her waist and dance for fun.

Later, I found that when Sanniang was riding a horse, the bell would ring, and the rhythm was very special, and Sanniang was quite satisfied.

She intended to take care of Sanniang, but in the end she messed around and ended up spending her own money to buy jewelry for Sanniang to add to the fun. Wouldn't this mean that she lost her husband and lost her army?

For this reason, she finally tried it on herself wearing a waist bell, but she never thought that something would happen if she tried it directly.

In the past, she was very reserved, and she could keep silent without humming, and only hummed if she couldn't help it.

But after wearing the waist bell, the bell is not subtle, "Dingling, dingling—" yelled louder than her, which made her feel ashamed and angry, and wanted to hold down the waistbell, but Sanniang grabbed her hand and was almost caught. Toss to death...

The more Luo Ning thought about it, the angrier she became, and after leaning against the car window for a while, she glanced back.

At the back of the carriage, Pei Xiangjun was dressed like the wife of a rich family, with moist cheeks, leaning on the small couch, holding a piece of jade in his hand, and was carefully carving it with a carving knife.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ning couldn't help being wary in her heart, after all, she couldn't hold Sanniang down, but Sanniang could hold her down hard.

If Sanniang also gets a little radish out, and this heartless little thief is watching the fire from the other side, she's afraid she will suffer a serious crime.

After a few glances, Luo Ning got up, came to sit beside her, frowned and asked:
"What are you carving?"

Pei Xiangjun cut the jade slowly and casually said;
"Return the gift, you have prepared a gift for me so hard, I will naturally reciprocate the gift."

Luo Ning knew this was the case. She pressed Pei Xiangjun's wrist and said in a low voice:

"Are you stupid? You always fight with me. In the end, we both lose. It's interesting to have a surprise night."

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes and said indifferently:

"It's good for Jingtang to be happy. Besides, you made the first move this time, so I have to pay it back, right?"

"You were unreasonable and unforgiving the day before yesterday, can I trouble you?"

"You were the one who came up with the idea to plot against me the day before yesterday. If you didn't figure it out, can you say that I'm being reasonable or not? What do you want to engrave on the back? Safe in and out?"

"Pfft! You simply..."


Ye Jingtang sat outside the carriage and eavesdropped. When he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help laughing a few times. In the end, Ning'er, who turned from embarrassment into anger, immediately twisted at his back through the curtain.

"Eh? I didn't laugh at you..."

"Then what are you laughing at?"

"The laughing bird looks at its beak."


Three people and one bird were fighting like this, and when the sun was about to set over the city, they arrived at the east gate of the imperial city.

Ye Jingtang was already familiar with the way, so he handed over the carriage to the imperial guards, and then took the two women into the palace city with the badge of free entry and exit.

Although Pei Xiangjun grew up in the capital, it was the first time he entered the imperial palace, and as a Jianghu person, he was a bit afraid of the imperial court, so he became more serious after entering the palace gate, demure and dignified without looking sideways.

Needless to say, Luo Ning, as the anti-thief leader of the Pingtian Sect, ran to the imperial city swaggeringly. Since the establishment of the Pingtian Sect, she is probably the first one. She is quite nervous and has been silently following behind the Ye Jingtang .

Ye Jingtang led the way, walked along the corridor between the high walls, and soon came to the Changle Palace, and led by the maids, to the Cheng'an Palace.

Ye Jingtang asked the two girls to wait by the lake, and then came to the entrance of the main hall alone, but did not see Yuhu, but found a few court ladies standing outside a large study room on the east side.

Looking around a bit, one can see that there is a big desk in the resplendent and magnificent study room. The big stupid man in a slim python suit is sitting on the dragon chair with his back straight, with a stack of papers in front of him. He is working hard, more like an empress than an empress.

The maid outside the door found that Ye Jingtang Hou was outside, so she opened her mouth to report:

"Your Highness, Master Ye is here."


Dongfang Liren, who was engrossed, raised his eyes upon hearing the sound, then lowered his head and continued to critique the paper:

"Come in. You all get out."


The maid hurriedly withdrew.

Ye Jingtang entered the study room, this time it was definitely not easy to get close to him and look around, so he just asked at the desk:
"Your Highness, why are you here?"

"The holy dragon is not in good health. I will take care of these trivial matters. Put the jade bone map on the table, show it to Ning'er and the others."

Ye Jingtang came to the table, picked up the jade box next to the booklet, and asked:

"Is Your Majesty alright?"

"Don't ask about this kind of thing, you will lose your head. Hurry up and do your own thing, and go out with me later?"

"Oh?" Ye Jingtang asked, "Where are we going?"

Dongfang Liren paused and raised his eyes:

"Do you think this king is planning to go out with you privately?"

Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, and recalled a little:
"Is it going to Yutan Villa for investigation? I can just take someone there for such a trivial matter."

Dongfang Liren said solemnly: "Do you think you are only asked to patrol? The Holy Majesty is going to live in Yutan Villa for a while, and Master Xuanji asked you to investigate, so that you are fully responsible for security. If things go wrong and something goes wrong, even you Inside, all the secret guards of the imperial guards and even the palace maids have to lose their heads. Anything related to the Holy Majesty is the top priority. If you serve in the officialdom, you must first understand this principle, understand?"

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to be negligent, but he just said that he could handle this kind of thing by himself. Seeing that Benben was so serious, he didn't refute. After nodding, he took the jade box and came to Minglongtan.

Luo Ning secretly observed the rockery in the garden in front of the hall, and saw that the things underneath were not easy to handle, so she put her mind away, and when Ye Jingtang came over, they entered the water pavilion in the center of the lake together.

Both Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun have practiced the dragon-elephant diagram. It doesn’t take long to figure out the way to figure it out, but it is a bit of a brain-intensive task to memorize the luck veins completely and use them proficiently. It takes a few days to study carefully. I have to come a few more times in the future.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect the two daughters-in-law to be familiar with it after reading it once, they sat next to each other and practiced kung fu together, while Niao Niao watched the fish by the lake; Box, return it to Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren trusted Ye Jingtang very much, and originally wanted Ye Jingtang to take the jade bone map directly, and then hand it back after learning.

But the Jade Bone Figure was too special, Ye Jingtang would inevitably be implicated if something happened, so after thinking about it, he put it away and left Miyagi together.

Luo Ning and Pei Xiangjun saw that the lord was on business, so naturally they didn't follow behind to disturb them, and returned to Tianshui Bridge together after leaving the palace.

Yutan Mountain was originally a summer resort for the queen. After the empress succeeded to the throne, it has become a custom to live in the mountain for a period of time every autumn.

There is no need for Ye Jingtang to worry about the cleaning inside. What he has to do is to take the secret guards, imperial army, and black Yamen over there quickly, and arrange inspections and garrison work as a commander.

Being able to be assigned this errand is undoubtedly a symbol of the emperor's favored ministers. The princes of the Manchu Dynasty have to be courteous when they see it;

Ye Jingtang was not careless. After leaving the palace, he first mobilized a thousand forbidden troops, and an elite guard composed of thirty secret guards and chief arresters of the black government. They were led by Wang Chihu, Prince Jing's cousin, to Yutan Mountain. The march was slow, and he and Dongfang Liren left the city first.

On the branches of the moon, a luxury chariot driven by four horses drove out of the city gate and onto the official road leading to the outskirts of the city.

Ye Jingtang walked outside the carriage alone, with a long gun hanging on the side of the horse, followed by a group of black police officers

Yutan Mountain Villa is about ten miles away from the capital city. Walking upstream along the river road, you will arrive at the White Horse Academy. Although the scenery is beautiful on the way, there are not many things worth mentioning.

Sitting in the carriage, Dongfang Li was immersed in drawing the picture album of Heroine Girl Tears. Because he was slapped hard last night, he still doesn't want to talk to Ye Jingtang, and he didn't say anything along the way.

Ye Jingtang rode on a horse as a guard, scanning the scenery along both sides of the river along the way, while Niao Niao squatted on the fence outside the carriage, begging for snacks with the accompanying maid.

After walking for about a few miles, the number of vehicles and horses on the official road gradually decreased, but there were still some pedestrians traveling from south to north.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were on a cruise ship full of Yingying and Yanyan on the river, and he didn't pay much attention at first, but when he was walking, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and turned his eyes to the distance of the straight official road.

The moonlight was so clear that it illuminated both sides of the river in early autumn as if it were daytime. The luxurious carriage drove out with more than a dozen entourages, while an old horse walked slowly along the roadside in the direction of the capital.

The horse looked very old, its hair was wrinkled and more variegated, the saddle and the copper horse bell around its neck had turned black, and it could no longer even make a jingle sound when walking.

But judging from the thick frame and the rhythm of the horse's walking, it can still make people feel that this is a good horse. No matter how old it is, it must be outstanding when young.

And so is the man on the horse.

Sitting on the horse was a skinny old man with a black hat on his head and a gap in his forehead. He was dressed in a black-gray robe and an old cloak that could no longer be seen in his previous color. Shen Chen, as if he was going to find a place to dig a hole into the ground.

But the old man's skeleton is quite well-proportioned. Even if he is already thin and skinny, he still doesn't give people a sense of frailty. He is as thin as a knife that has lost all its lead, or a sword without a hilt and scabbard. So lonely inserted between heaven and earth.


Ye Jingtang snapped the reins lightly, stopped the horses, raised his hand slightly, stopped the carriage and the followers behind.

The black Yamen policeman behind him was not a top expert, and he didn't notice anything unusual around him. Seeing Ye Jingtang stop, he quickly drove his horse forward a few steps, and stood around the carriage.

Dongfang Liren was disturbed by the noise, secretly looked around by the car window, and asked:

"what happened?"

"Don't show your head."

Ye Jingtang looked at the black-robed old man from a distance, and found that the other party gave way and retreated to the field beside the road. He did not relax his vigilance, thought about driving the horse forward alone, and took out the token from his sleeve:
"Hei Ya's deputy commander made Ye Jingtang. Who are you? Do you have a guide card?"

A hundred meters away, the old man in black robe raised his hat slightly when he heard the sound, then got off his horse, took a strip of black cloth from the side of the old horse, and put it on the grass:

"Your Excellency is Ye Jingtang Ye Shaoxia?"

The voice is old but not hoarse, on the contrary it is very clear, giving people a feeling of being in the ear.


Hearing this, everyone in the Hei Ya secretly thought that something was wrong, quietly drove the carriage, and retreated slowly, while the birds flew up into the sky to observe the surroundings.

Ye Jingtang also frowned secretly, because he couldn't figure out the details of the other party, he got off his horse and walked forward with his hand on the handle of the knife:
"Exactly. Are you here to claim the title of Swordsman?"

Ranked among the top eight, although he enjoys an extraordinary status in the arena, he has also changed from a fighter to a guardian, and the treatment is the same as that of "Public Enemy". It is also to do all Wukui, regardless of gender.

This kind of challenge, as long as it conforms to the rules of the world, the eight leaders can't avoid it without fighting. Wu Kui, who is so troubled by this, will usually point out an apprentice or brother, and let people win the fight before coming to the door, that is, the door god.

And Yejingtang didn't have a door god who could help him block people, so the challenger who wanted to replace Dao Kuai naturally went to him directly.

However, the black-robed old man in front of him seemed to have no intention of challenging, and slowly pulled down the strip of black cloth on his hand, revealing a sword.

The sword is three feet and three feet long. It looks very old, but it's not old.

Ye Jingtang paused. He thought it was Zhou Chiyang, the sword sage, who came to take revenge, but the other party saw that his age was about the same as that of Mrs. Zhou, so he couldn't match him, so he asked:
"I have something important to do, if you don't report your visit, I can only be rude."

Holding the long sword in his left hand, the old man in black robe walked slowly to the middle of the official road, and said slowly:
"My sword has been hidden in the box for 30 years. I want to find someone to name it. How sharp is it. I heard that Ye Shaoxia's quick sword is invincible in the world. Is it convenient?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the other party's posture of blocking the way, he said it was inconvenient, and probably it was useless, so he stopped talking and strode forward.

stomping on...

The black-robed old man raised his head slightly, revealing a bearded chin and sharp, restrained eyes.

The old man did not look directly at his opponent, but looked at the full moon in the sky, and spoke again:
"Ye Shaoxia thinks that there are immortals above this blue sky?"

"There may be people in the sky, but there should be no gods."

"What does Ye Shaoxia think that a person in the sky should look like?"

"Practice the body first, until the golden body is impeccable and understand the root of human beings; then train the mind, see through the various forms of the world and understand the truth of the world, and if you can do it, you will naturally become a person in the sky. Your Excellency obviously has not reached that step."

"Ha ha……"

The black-robed old man laughed, looked back at Ye Jingtang, and put his hand on the hilt of his sword:

"I haven't made it that far, but I have gone a sixty years ahead of Ye Shaoxia, so this sword, be careful!"


After the words fell, there was a crisp sound of unsheathing on the bank of the river with the gentle autumn wind, but two cold lights flashed.

Ye Jingtang drew his sword from the black-robed old man, the knife around his waist was already out of its sheath, and came to the old man in a flash.

The movements of the black-robed old man seem to be unhurried, but in fact they are clean and impeccable.

The three-foot Qingfeng left the scabbard without causing any aftermath of energy, but it made the guards behind the black yamen feel a bit chilly, as if the Qingjiang River had entered winter at this moment.

During Ye Jingtang's violent attack with a knife, he realized something was wrong.

At the level of Wu Kui, 'unknown' is far more terrifying than any extremely lethal moves.

When facing Xuanyuan Dynasty, he could still see through all the possible intentions of the opponent after the attack, but the black-robed old man in front of him was not very imposing, but the sword in his hand was like a blue phantom without substance, with a regular trajectory, but completely Unable to see through the attack intent.

Seeing that the opponent could keep up with the speed of his attack, Ye Jingtang did not take the risk of forcing his speed to break the situation. Instead, he dodged sideways during the attack, rushed to the oblique rear of the black-robed old man in an instant, and slashed at the old man's back.


The strong wind brought by the violent attack of the figure instantly flattened the grass by the river and lifted the robes of the two of them.

The black-robed old man didn't make any fancy moves from the beginning to the end, but turned his sword like flowing clouds and flowing water, his thin body was like a sharp blade, and it was a neat and useless straight stab to the side and back.

"call out--"

The body follows the sword, and the sword follows the breath.

The moment the three-foot Qingfeng made his move, a sharp whistle sounded out of thin air.

The sword breathed out like a dragon, and a thin straight line spread forward along with the grass below.

Ye Jingtang was still three feet away, when he felt the sharp point piercing his eyes, a creepy feeling arose spontaneously, and he immediately dodged sideways again.

boom -

At this time, the autumn wind suddenly intensified, and the three-foot green front, which contained vast energy, pierced straight out towards the river bank.

Flying powerfully and engulfing thousands of grass leaves, it is like a green jellyfish that was born suddenly, crossing the grassland with the momentum of a dragon walking in the wild, until it hits the river, causing a cone-shaped ripple on the vast river.


Ye Jingtang dodged sideways to avoid the sharp edge, although he was unharmed, he did not take advantage of the momentum to attack.

Because he could tell that this swordsman was indeed old, and the momentum of his attack was not as exaggerated as when he used the Huanglong lying path in Xiwang Town, and he was not his opponent at all.

But this sword is also sophisticated, and the heat has even reached the point where it is almost incomprehensible.

At the beginning, Ye Jingtang's punches and guns would shake his clothes to pieces. It seemed that the momentum was earth-shattering, but in fact, his energy was too scattered and he couldn't gather his strength.

But now that he has learned to control it, he can press all the energy within the edge of the blade, and his shot is the strongest knife without waves.

And the sword of the black-robed old man with all his strength brought about such a frightening movement, but his inner strength was obviously still controllable.

The sword draws a line, and its strength shakes the river, but the clothes are as if in the autumn wind, and the grass leaves behind are not disturbed.

If one can control one's internal strength to this extent, if the sword fails to hit, it is completely possible to withdraw it and strike again. The old man directly strikes, obviously just to show off his skills.


Numerous flying broken leaves fell in the autumn wind and sprinkled on the grass where a long line of grooves had been removed.

Two warriors dressed in black stood by the river, and they both stopped, and the river also returned to dead silence.

On the official road in the distance, more than a dozen black Yamen arresters all opened their mouths wide when they saw this scene, and their eyes seemed to be facing an enemy in a daze.

And Dongfang Liren, who was warned not to poke his head in the carriage, saw the scene through the gap in the window, and said in disbelief:

"Dragon Qi Sword Sun Wuji?!"

Ye Jingtang held the knife and pointed at the ground obliquely. Hearing the name, his eyes froze for a moment.

Dragon Qi Sword is the swordsmanship of Qianhe Villa, and Sun Wuji is the ancestor of Qianhe Villa, but this identity is generally not mentioned in the Jianghu, and they are called another name that is more familiar-Sword Master.

Sun Wuji became a sword master in the previous dynasty. About 30 years ago, he was defeated by Zhou Chiyang, who was in his early twenties, and has since disappeared from the rivers and lakes.

After Wu Kui was defeated, Jianghu Road was over. Liu Qiansheng was still thinking about recovering like this. Very few people died on the spot, or they found a place to live in seclusion for the rest of their lives. Scattered, usually not long to live.

It has been 30 years since Sun Wuji disappeared. People in Jianghu have long classified him as a historical figure. Qianhe Villa has also become a second-rate sect. The most recent celebrity is the young master of Qianhe Villa. He is known as the next generation of sword masters. , but after visiting Zhou's house more than ten years ago, he was killed by an unknown person on the way home.

The Dragon Qi Sword itself is one of the best swordsmanship in the world. In the morgue, Cao Aning discovered that Ye Jingtang was using the eight-step mad knife. At that time, he replaced it with the Dragon Qi Sword. It was only because Luo Ning saw it through that he didn't. Dare to use.

According to his age, Sun Wuji might be over a hundred years old. Ye Jingtang was naturally surprised when he saw this kind of old man who was the same generation as his grandfather Kuangyazi, and he bowed his hands:

"Your Excellency is Sun Wuji's grandson?"

Sun Wuji's complexion was not very good after the sword strike, but with a smile on his face, he slowly retracted the sword like a sheath:
"Sure enough. Wu Kui is the top of the mountain to ordinary people, but it is just the beginning to Ye Shaoxia. A few days ago, Ye Shaoxia helped find the saber of his deceased grandson, and Qianhe Villa didn't return the gift. I don't know Can this sword catch Ye Shaoxia's eyes?"

Ye Jingtang got the Lingji sword a few days ago, and Ning'er made an idea to return it to the original owner. When he returned, he sent someone to Tuzhou. He intended to have a chance to come to ask for sword skills in person, but he didn't expect Qianhe Mountain Villa to be so affectionate. So righteous to this point, even the ancestors came to thank him in person.

Ye Jingtang bowed again:
"Senior Sun's words are too flattering. If you can teach me how to use swords, I have to come to visit with a heavy gift according to the rules. There is no reason to let senior come to the door in person. If this word gets out, I will definitely fall in the rivers and lakes in the future. A reputation for being disrespectful and arrogant."

Sun Wuji hung the sword back on the old horse, took the rein and said:
"Love is in my heart, not on the table. I don't know how many years I can live, and I don't know if Ye Shaoxia will come to the door, and I can't bring my kindness into the coffin. Come out for the last time, there is a decent junior Hospitality is considered a blessing in this life."

"Senior please."

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(End of this chapter)

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