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Chapter 254

Chapter 254
The silver moon is in the sky, the silent river is shimmering, and a large ship with flickering lights floats by in the distance.

Under the two-foot-high Baishi River embankment, there is a knee-deep reed beach. The autumn color has gradually deepened and has shown blue and yellow colors. When the breeze blows, it will set off ripples like waves.

Ye Jingtang was dressed as a rivers and lakes ranger, with knives and swords hanging from his waist, walking along the edge of the reeds, looking at the muddy ground by the river, looking for traces of horseshoe prints.

And Xiao Yunli, who is not too tall, walks beside her, still wearing a waist-length skirt as Miss Jiaojiao, but with an extra gray cloak and bamboo hat that she bought casually on the street, and she also brought a guy from the carriage. The matter, the five-foot-long knife against the shoulder, is full of quackery.

The cheeks under Zheyunli's bamboo hat are still lit with vermilion rouge, which looks beautiful and charming, but there is a grass stick in the corner of his mouth, chatting casually while walking:
"Where did Niao Niao go? It should do this job, fly along the river, and sweep four or five miles along the river in less than a quarter of an hour..."

"Niao Niao is with your mistress and San Niang in the palace. If there is anything to do, I will fly to the sky and call a few times, and I will be able to rush back. If you take it away, you won't be able to pass on the news."

Seeing Xiao Yunli's appearance, Ye Jingtang felt a little funny, raised his hand and pulled the straw:
"Girl, don't imitate Jianghu people holding straws. If your mistress sees it, you will have to spank your ass."

After Ye Jingtang said a few words, he felt that he hadn't strayed a bit, so he raised his hand to stop the conversation, and continued to move towards the boat.

Before Liang Zhouli sized it up sloppily, he said, "It's just the horseshoe prints that didn't come back. Did you go there? You probably took the official road. Turning back, for convenience before finishing the work, I ran over directly, and went down the official road from there..."

Liang Zhouli inserted the big knife completely back, and then pulled it out again. It can be seen that the front half of the slender blade is the same color as before, while the tip of the knife is brown and stained with something.


"Cousin Jing has been running around in Yunli, has he never met someone he loves?"

"Oh, what if the goods are lost..."

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand as a signal, while the first two people approached quickly from the knee-deep reeds, and quickly saw that the light was emitted by a small merchant ship with a relatively deep draft and no one below the deck walk around.


There was the sound of the door opening and the stairs going up.

"Is that Gui Ai's boat?"


"Did they light a fire outside just now?"


Merchant ships are small ships that transport both passengers and cargo. The deck building is used to carry passengers, while the upper deck is used to transport goods, because a small number of passengers leave on foot, and a small part of the place below the deck is empty. Is there any place outside the ship building? Lights on, two men in bunts, sitting in the boat building, with a peanut jug in the middle, chatting.

"You were with four bodyguards at the time. Thinking of the conflict, you threw a bag of broken silver. As a result, the group of horses thought that there were too many bandits, and they were going to come down to snatch it. You let the team continue to go, and one person raised a knife to meet them. Two knives went up to two heads, and then the horse bandits scattered away..."

Ye Jingtang's complexion changed slightly, he really expected that Dayanzhou, who had been clever all the way, suddenly went crazy at that time, I jumped up immediately, and returned to the deck again.

And Liang Zhouli thought about it, and his heart moved slightly. He took out a very thin and long knife from his waist. Before pulling out the knife, he removed the sauce cube on the surface and pierced it into the sauce cube in the middle.

"Yun'an is my girl's territory! Dare to be presumptuous in front of you, knowing who you are... woo woo—don't stop you, you're going to let us... woo woo woo—"

"It's nothing more than a boatload of small sauces, and a barrel is damaged by hundreds of catties. You just believe that the Snitch can resist that thing..."

But what reminded me was that when I landed steadily on the riverside, the Great Yanzhou beside me followed me.

Standing at the bottom of the steps, Yejingtang looked out, and could faintly see a small piece of light near the upper reaches:
"Bad like it."

Recommend a copy of "Green Plum Septet in the Snow Country"

"If you take people's money, you have to do things for others. Running errands is worse than working for your life..."

Seeing this, Gui Aili didn't say much, she held a seven-foot long knife, and Ye Jingtang walked along the foot of the river embankment and went upstream, the two of them walked a distance, and saw a little light by the river.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, feeling that the topic seemed to be on the right track, he was thinking about how to answer the conversation, his gaze suddenly moved, and he looked towards the nearby river bank.


"What does this Jing cousin eat in Liangzhou?"

"Probably not. I used to wear a bamboo hat when I went out. I have seen a beautiful girl like him before."

"Smell it right? He..."

The eight snowflake darts broke through the air immediately, drawing regular arcs in the air like bees and butterflies, and shot towards the side window of the merchant ship.

"Speaking of such a young man who has been in the rivers and lakes, and has tasted the saltiness of girls in the capital, there is no kiln street under the pier behind, if..."


I raised my hand and made a shush gesture, signaling not to be joking, and pulled up the veil to cover my cheeks, and came to the top of the boat.

Ye Jingtang expected Yanzhou's explosive power to be so terrifying, and dared to make Yanzhou go crazy outside, so he immediately hugged Liang Zhouli's waist, grabbed the long knife and ran in, and said:

"It's a bad and stupid way to cover up the smell of black feather grass with small sauce. That's the first time I've heard it and it really smells."

"You, it's not two years later. It's been a long time since you were in charge of the bodyguard bureau. In January, you walked the bodyguard in Yunli, sent a few carts of spices from the west to Liangdong, and met a wave of horse bandits at the foot of the Gobi Desert. The most popular is the special product 'full foot mud' on the sandbar..."

The moment he landed, he bowed like a female leopard holding the handle of the knife with both hands, and at the same time he rushed back and pulled out the seven-foot long knife, and slashed at the man in white who was pressing from behind.



"It's probably a fish, but it's a pity that I have a fishing rod, so I can add another meal tonight..."

Ye Jingtang broke off a piece of straw that was stained with red rouge, and held it out of his mouth:

"passing by……"

The two blades met, and there was a deafening explosion.

Liang Zhouli was too skeptical: "Tiannan is also a poor place, so he is still not that handsome and chivalrous. Cousin Jing stayed in Liangzhou for so long, are there any locals, and passers-by can always see a few?"

And under the river embankment on the side of the building complex, there is no ladder, and the people below cannot come to the river to wash clothes and carry water.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Gui Ai is too messy, there may not be any beautiful elder sisters, but they all live outside the county town, and they are protected by groups when they go out. There is no way for you Jianghu people with knives to get close. The seven little ones are worse than the men and the men..."

There is only one entrance to the upper cabin, and it can also be retreated from the inside of the ship building.

Seeing this scene, the two immediately brushed aside distracting thoughts in their hearts, and walked slowly to the back to have a look.Under the bluestone steps, there is indeed mud. If you follow the traces to the riverside, there is no trace of horseshoe prints in the mud. It has not been partially submerged by the rising tide of the river, but it is still turbid and recognizable.

Looking at it under the moonlight at this time, there is obviously no string of white spots under the stairs, which looks like horseshoe prints from the distribution.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang rolled noiselessly to the middle of the deck, and opened the door of the warehouse with a big heart.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang opened the cover and came out first, and then pulled Liang Zhouli up with one hand, trying to leave through the side window.


When Liang Zhouli heard the story, the back of his eyes lighted up slightly, he got closer, raised his bamboo hat and said:

Because there was no light, you could see seven fingers when you reached out your hand in the cabin, Gui Aili took out the fire pocket from the sleeve, and used the bamboo hat as a lampshade to blow it on before opening it.

But when I came to the window just now, I didn't stop for a while. I quickly pressed Yanzhou, leaned against the wall, and looked towards the river from the gap in the window.

Yejingtang almost gave up my breath. I have tasted it for the first time. Ba Niang is fragrant. After using Xiangfei Luqian, it is even sweet, and I can talk and lick it for a long time, but can I talk to Gui Ai?
Ye Jingtang sniffed his nose, and smelled a faint scent of sauce, his eyes showed no surprise:



Seeing this, Ye Jingtang prepared to take Yanzhou ashore first, and then tried to follow.

"It's so late, let me bring a bucket of sauce over there, isn't that too busy?"

"" The worst dish in Liangzhou is the water basin mutton. Just put a handful of salt in everything, and the taste is also unique.Neither in the capital, but the local sheep from Yunzhou, which has less meat but tastes like this..."

Added before the above words:

Ye Jingtang touched the inner stairs, and before listening carefully, he quietly pushed the cover away, glanced around, and saw that there was a crowd outside the room, and the words of two men came from the door.

Ye Jingtang held his breath consciously:

The gray cloak under Liang Zhouli's body suddenly swelled amidst the coquettish shouts, and the pedaling force was so small that the small merchant ship was shaken, and there was a crisp sound of "click" from the wooden boards on the ground.

But just as Ye Jingtang quietly opened the window, before he could jump on it, he heard a voice coming from outside the cabin:

"The river thieves in the capital are so rampant?! Just stop them when they come to steal..."

Liang Zhouli frowned slightly, leaned closer to smell it, and nodded without thinking:
? !
"Cousin Jing is such a bad-looking ranger, this is the first time you have seen him since you were young."

"What is muddy feet?"

Ye Jingtang glanced around and found nothing wrong with the goods, so he went deep into the depths with heavy hands and opened a wooden barrel, only to find that it was full of small sauce cubes, with no indentation on the bottom, and it was marked with the name of a chamber of commerce. The banner, the workmanship cannot be said to be quite exquisite, and the price can be said to be several hundred yuan more.

ding ding ding-

Before the two men came to the far distance of the merchant ship, they were chatting again, only to tap their toes, and they jumped up and landed below the deck at the same time.

"What is black feather grass?"

【Tokyo-style male protagonist's love life】
Liang Zhouli used the command to quietly fly into it, and Ye Jingtang also fell under the wooden stairs and quietly closed the cover.

The two men paused for a while, then got up, picked up the weapons beside them, and went to the edge of the deck to look at them.

Gui Aili looked at the flag hanging on the bow of the ship: "The flag of Zheyun Chamber of Commerce, and the Gui Aili Cao Gang on the back, that ship seems to be carrying Zheyun Xiaojiang, and Qifangzhai doesn't have a small sauce-splashed noodle. The first sauce I used, the taste is amazing..."

Wandering between strangeness and intimacy, chasing slow pleasure on the edge of safety and out of control, is tiresome.

"Hey, who are the two brothers?"

Among the reeds on the river bank, two figures leaped up the river embankment together, walking from the reeds to the boat, a conversation could be faintly heard:

Liang Zhouli also covered her cheeks. When she got to the back, she held her breath and made another sound. Together with Ye Jingtang, she swam down the wall of the gecko on the edge of the ship and hung on the deck, making sure that the patrolling person was located in the forward ship building. Before stepping down, he turned over quietly and landed in front of a pile of debris.

The two used the cover of the night to find out the distance, and if there was no conversation, it floated in the night wind:
Gui Aili bumped Ye Jingtang with her shoulder and went up, whether she was praised or unhappy, she replied:
Ye Jingtang's sloppy listening seemed strange, so he turned his gaze to the cabin.

But also at this time, seven figures jumped out from the entrance of the deck earlier, the leader was quite powerful, before he landed, he noticed that there was no white figure flashing outside the ship building, and immediately threw his left hand back.

Seeing this, Liang Zhouli also looked closer, but saw that the direction Ye Jingtang was looking at was a building by the river.


Even though the bamboo hats are blocking the light and the light is extremely strong, Ye Jingtang can still see the situation outside the cabin clearly—dozens of small wooden barrels are piled up chaotically, and there is no straw mat between each barrel, which should be to prevent collision damage. The cabin is filled with a strong fragrance.

"Observation is sloppy enough. Yunli eats sauce here, you can smell it."

"There is no Jiang thief to get to the bottom of it, it was still there just now."

"Don't be impulsive! We are thieves or bandits, what kind of knives are used with others, jogging..."

"Dare to hit this girl!

Gui Aili was already excited, she struggled to break free and found that she could not, so she waved wildly at the air with her teeth and claws, and stared fiercely at the seven people under the boat who were facing enemies and shouted:
Ye Jingtang scanned his eyes and listened to the deck, and if he found something wrong, he gave Yanzhou a look, took out a piece of silver, and threw it into the river.

"Fang Shijie is probably looking for a boat. Eight miles away is Jiang'an Wharf, which is estimated to be blocked by hundreds of boats. If we retreat to the port today, the boat should still be parked by the river. Let's go."

Zhe Yunli was a little helpless: "I'm a big girl now, and it stands to reason that I can go to the rivers and lakes alone, but my wife still treats me like a little girl... By the way, what were you doing when you were 16?"

After a lapse of seven years, he transferred from Tokyo and returned to his distant hometown to reconnect with the seven Ome.

"Brother Jing, has he tasted the saltiness of a girl from the capital?"

The leader is skilled in martial arts, but after receiving a knife, he was restrained by the crazy group of male thieves who looked like explosives. He held the knife to protect his chest and dared to chase after him. He watched the two masked men who were still clamoring away from the front. He glanced at the gap cut out by the knife again, feeling no lingering fear.

"A kind of short horse with yellow hooves and bad stamina. It can run for several hours in a row under the Gobi Desert where there is no water. Horse bandits ride those things. They are all like wolves, wandering and intimidating after them. The team ran too often, especially if they were afraid of accidents, they would throw valuables to eliminate disasters.


And the guard next to him, after the two of them ran away, said loudly:
"The most valuable thing under the boat is not Xiaojiang, but it is also valuable. You must steal it. You guessed that the two of them got away, and they stole everything and were discovered, so they became angry..."

Laugh together and sink together.

When Gui Aili saw the dart coming, she was furious immediately, grabbed the edge of the window, turned over and jumped back, and shouted:

Ye Jingtang was in mid-air, seeing the darts coming, the iron sword around his waist immediately unsheathed, and swept away eight snowflake darts, because I wanted to track down the old nest, I didn't turn back, but wanted to play the role of a river thief who stole things in the middle of the night Continue to escape.

Seeing Liang Zhouli turn down the deck, the leading man threw out eight snowflake darts again with his right hand, attacking Liang Zhouli like bees and butterflies.

Seeing that Liang Zhouli's face hadn't blushed in a short time, Ye Jingtang secretly thought that it was clever, and covered the wooden barrel with big heart, and led Dayanzhou towards the front of the cabin.

"Authentic Zheyun Xiaojiang, inferior goods."

"The capital is still the same. It's the first time you've seen hundreds of boats at the port..."

Below the deck, the two guards who came to pick up the goods, and the two guards who were watching the ship, all stared in astonishment.

Liang Zhouli wiped the big knife under the straw mat: "How do you know it's black feather grass, go slowly, you will go crazy later, he must pull or stop."


Ye Jingtang thought for a while, looked at the ship building below, and guessed that Fang Shijie came here to meet a certain passenger on the ship.

"It's fine if you lose something, let's get down to business first. Lock the cabin later, and tie a bell on the cover. Qingjiang is better than Zheyun. Everything shipped to and from the ship is valuable, and there are very few thieves..."

The building is composed of more than a dozen houses, built in a row, with its back facing the river and facing the official road, and the front is an inn and restaurant. Settled there, waiting for the morning to leave the city.

[Thank you less white tongue candy] The leader of the little guy gave a reward!

"What's wrong brother?"

And the two white-clothed nurses who rushed out first were obviously the first ones.

Liang Zhouli's eyes were excited and normal. He flicked eight copper coins with his right hand to stop the snowflake dart that was shooting at him. Under the single-handed attack:

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly, and had already looked at the visitor, it was obvious that they were two men dressed as guards, with knives hanging from their waists, their steps were extremely steady, they seemed to be experts, and their martial arts skills were definitely too high.

Ye Jingtang also felt that there was something wrong, but Prince Yan's closeness and low hand, Xiaowan ran so far to the riverside, he could always taste the taste of Prince Yan's hometown, come and buy a little sauce, and see his subordinates when he goes back carrying something...

The splash sounded.

"His son asked you to come over and bring a bucket of sauce, saying that a shopkeeper on Wutong Street wants to inspect the goods."

The leader hesitated: "It means that in the entire rivers and lakes of the capital, there are several thieves with such a temper. It is estimated that the robbers changed their careers. Are there any valuables lost under the boat?"

"Hurry up."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his heart sank, knowing that Huozhezi's sulfur rosin had been exposed, he immediately jumped out of the window together with Liang Zhouli.


Astonishment flashed across the eyes of the leader, and he pressed his right hand against the back of the knife, but he was still struck by that explosive knife with terrifying force, and he slid forward a few steps before barely stopping the overwhelming force.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned his gaze back to the wooden barrel: "How?"

"How is it possible, you guys have come up before you go out..."

Ye Jingtang frowned and recalled, a moving figure of riding a horse flashed across his mind, but he remembered it clearly after ten years, and he just said:

Liang Zhouli let out a small laugh, brandishing a seven-foot long knife that was almost as low as yours, wanting to chase and fight like a wild horse.

At Liang Zhouli's age, he was still being spanked by his mistress. Hearing that Ye Jingtang was the same age, and hadn't licked blood in the Northwest Gobi yet, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. After thinking about it, he asked:
Liang Zhouli sized it up sloppily, and even sniffed it closer, before nodding and giving a little thumbs up:

"A kind of hallucinogenic herbal medicine, the medicine is extremely strong. People who suffer from hallucinations will have hallucinations, and they will cry and laugh when they are normally excited. Nanxiao Mountain does not have it. You will smell it once in the future, and then you have been jumping around for a whole day before you calm down. Come up, I was beaten badly by my wife beforehand."

Before Liangzhou Lidi had listened to a few words, his heart moved, and he quietly leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear:

"That's right, it's all on the top. By the way, what kind of goods does Xiaojiang have to inspect, people in the capital are also particular about..."

(End of this chapter)

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