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Chapter 268 Red Maple Lake

Chapter 268 Red Maple Lake

Yun'an City.

The warm autumn light shone in the big garden of the new house, a blanket was spread on the grass, and some melons and fruits and a few weapons were placed on it.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as Miss Jiaojiao, laying on the blanket with her chin in her hands, her legs dangling in the air, looking at the teacher next to her, she said boredly:
"Master, what did Master say?"

Luo Ning was dressed in Tsing Yi as a young woman at home, holding a letter just sent by Ping'er in her hand, frowning and looking at it carefully, the whole article was summed up in small words, nothing more than one meaning - wait for me!
Although the meaning is very simple, the news is like a bolt from the blue, making it difficult for Luo Ning to recover for a long time.

After all, if Bai Jin came over and went to the Northwest to dig treasures with her, wouldn't the whole affair of her affair be revealed!
Although Bai Jin was a daughter, when Yun Li was this age, she abandoned the water and left. Ming Mei was married to Bai Jin, and she lived in his house for so many years. Once you find a new love, you are ready to abandon the old love, that is not really scum...

But if you don't divorce Bai Jin, what will the thief do?We can't live with the three of us in the future. She is alone with her father-in-law, and she follows Bai Jin during the day to serve the little thief at night...

The little thief has a strong temper, and Bai Jin has an even stronger temper, so the two of them have to fight like this...

Sitting on the blanket, Luo Ning thought wildly, feeling like a seductress who colludes with martial arts heroes and stirs up troubles. After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't know how to solve this situation.

Fortunately, even if Bai Jin came here now, he wouldn't reveal his secrets on the spot.

A few days ago, the little thief took the picture of bathing in fire, and she followed suit, and found that the effect was very domineering, and even the hair that San Niang dropped was able to recover.

If not, when Bai Jin came over and found that she had played so much, she didn't know what expression it would be...

Luo Ning traveled thousands of miles, and didn't know what messed up she was thinking. Seeing that Yun Li was impatient to ask, she put away the letter paper and ordered:

"Practice hard, don't worry, your master didn't let us go back, I'll go to Sanniang's place first to see if I'm ready, and I'll start when I'm ready."

"Alas~" Zheyunli let out a low-pitched hum, then turned over and continued to practice.

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't say much, got up and walked out of the garden alone.

On the night when the accident happened in Yutan Mountain, Mr. Pei Xiang hurriedly summoned the gang members who were walking in various places in Wei Dynasty.

Now that seven or eight days have passed, there are still many hall masters who have rushed to Yun'an from other places.

At noon, the Qinglong Hall on the ground floor of Pei Mansion was brightly lit. Pei Xiangjun stood in front of the spiritual case in a long skirt, bowed and worshiped with three sticks of incense in his hand, with a meticulous demeanor; beside him was Mrs. Zhang.

Behind the two are hall masters and incense masters who came from all over the place.

Song Chi from Baihutang and Chen Yuanqing from Jiangzhou were at the front. Both of them came here day and night, traveling thousands of miles, and you could still see a bit of fatigue between their brows.

Song Chi heaved a sigh of relief after paying homage to the elders of the previous dynasties, sat down on the top chair, and asked:
"The boss called us here this time, but he is going to develop towards Liangzhou and replace the Hongshan gang? Jingtang became the leader of the sword in a blink of an eye, and he also wiped out Lu Jieyun. Now if you want to dominate one side, the most suitable place is In Yanzhou and Jiangzhou, there is a lot of money and no leader. Going to grab Jiang Zhahu's territory, with Honghualou's current strength, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult..."

After Pei Xiangjun finished offering incense, he sat down on the head of the door and said displeasedly:

"What do you call a king? I am a businessman in Honghualou. It is an ancestor's motto to hide in the ground and make a fortune. This time, Jingtang has something to go outside the customs, and I called you two to accompany me, so that we can take care of each other."

Chen Yuanqing thought about the fact that Song Chi brought the young master to slaughter the head of Shuiyun Jiantan when he was careless last time, so he felt a little angry in his heart, and said:

"The young master has the current ability, so he naturally knows how to advance and retreat. Going alone may not cause trouble, but if you walk quickly with Song Erge, maybe in a few days you will come out and run to Beiliang. The capital killed the emperor to play..."

"Hey!" Song Chi waved his hand: "In the past, when Jingtang first came out of the rivers and lakes, my elder just gave him a look, and he naturally fell in love with him; but now it's different, Jingtang is the eighth leader, and he didn't express his position, how could I act recklessly... "


Pei Xiangjun raised his hand, signaled the two to stop talking nonsense, and continued:
"The business in the building has not been optimistic in recent years. It is not enough to rely on a few docks to earn money. After the opening of the two dynasties, merchants from all over the world are looking for a way out. My Honghua Building has no foundation outside the customs. This time I just want to go there, so I will take a look. Let's see if we can develop a hall there..."

Mrs. Zhang heard this, thought for a while and said:
"I'm afraid it's not easy to intervene outside the pass. I heard the old headmaster say in private that Duan Beiya has some contacts outside the pass. After the two dynasties opened up trade, Duan Beiya must have started to seize the door. If you run into it when you leave the pass..."

Duanbeiya is the overlord of Yazhou, and its head is Duan Shengji, the contemporary gun leader who controls the gun way. He has a blood feud with Honghualou. Will take care of Honghualou again.

This is the same as Ye Jingtang, who has already won the title of sword leader, as long as Jun Shantai doesn't take the initiative to seek death, he will naturally stop being aggressive because of his reputation in the world.But if he goes out and encounters him head-on, and Junshantai still shows that he is not convinced and wants to make gestures, it is self-evident what Ye Jingtang will do.

Song Chi hesitated a little when he heard this:
"The young master is also Wu Kui. There is no reason to keep Duan Sheng silent when we go out. We try to keep a low profile when we go out. If we do bump into each other, I, Lao Song, are not afraid of them. At worst, I will give this old life to the outside of the pass, anyway. In the future, the young master will take revenge..."

Chen Yuanqing waved his hand: "Businessmen can't be impulsive. Just leave it to me to develop the business outside the customs. The other leaders adapt to the situation and can't avoid conflicts, so let's try our best not to cause conflicts."

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun nodded slightly, and continued:
"Jingtang is very quick in handling things, don't wait for Jingtang to finish the work, we haven't reached the threshold yet. Let's make preparations as soon as possible."

"it is good……"

The carriage was rickety, and all that could be seen was the endless wasteland outside the window and the alternation of sun, moon and stars.

Ye Jingtang's body is still recovering. He kept vigil at night and caught up in the carriage during the day. At this time, he was lying on his side on the couch, breathing steadily with his eyes closed, and was sleeping soundly.

Dongfang Liren was also lying on the couch, with his back facing Ye Jingtang, and was wrapped around his waist by an arm. He looked like a crooked little boy curled up in his lover's arms, but his brows were slightly frowned, displeased The word is almost written in the bottom of my eyes.

The night before yesterday, because she was considerate of her subordinates, she reluctantly let Ye Jingtang hug and read the album, and finally lay down without saying anything, and then the two of them fell asleep without knowing it.

Dongfang Liren thought that the reward for sleeping with her for one night was already big enough, and Ye Jingtang accepted it when he met, but he didn't expect that this guy was completely aggressive, and when he camped last night, he wanted to come to sleep with her again.

She couldn't stand the softness of the embryo, and finally said nothing, but this time was obviously different from the last time.

The last time Ye Jingtang just hugged and looked at the picture book, she was very polite and didn't cross the line, but this time, it seems that she didn't resist, and her nature began to be exposed.

Dongfang Liren was lying on her side in her arms, watching helplessly as the big hand on her abdomen slowly slid onto the fat-headed dragon. She quietly pulled and pushed it down, and moved up again after a while, and there seemed to be something behind her. Something against her!
Dongfang Liren, as the queen who has not left the cabinet, how can he bear this kind of teasing, and wants to give Ye Jingtang an elbow, but Ye Jingtang keeps vigil every day, and it is not easy to sleep for a while, so he must go out again when he wakes up. After he had a good rest, Dongfang Liren was not disturbed in the end, and silently endured the strange experience of being forced to sleep by his concubine.

The carriage was swaying, and after going forward for an unknown amount of time, there was some noisy noise in the distance:
Jingle bell~~

Dongfang Liren's eyes moved slightly, and Ye Jingtang, who was sleeping behind him, also woke up, propping up his upper body to look at him.

At this time, the convoy had reached the desolate bone beach. There were only a few small towns on the Gobi Desert that stretched for thousands of miles, all of which were near the water source, and the rest were no-man's land.

Ye Jingtang looked towards the front of the convoy, and he could see a small lake in the wilderness at the end of his field of vision, surrounded by countless red maples. In autumn, the maple leaves all turned fiery red, dyeing the small lake and the ground blood-colored. Looking around, it is so magnificent that it is almost dazzling.

Seeing the rare beauty of Liangzhou, Ye Jingtang quickly patted his big buttocks with his hands:
"His Royal Highness, look quickly... Hiss—— Pain..."

Dongfang Liren was pinned down and couldn't get up. He was photographed randomly before he spoke. Naturally, his brows were bristling. However, he pinched Ye Jingtang's waist and looked out of the window. The magnificent scenery in the distance was still in front of him. Wei Liang: "Oh!"
"This place is really beautiful..."

Red maple forests are not uncommon, and there are many in Yunzhou. In terms of beauty, this place is even worse than the royal garden.But there are weeds everywhere on the Gobi Desert. When I met a tree with a crooked neck on the road, the whole team could look at it for a long time, and suddenly saw such eye-catching colors.

When Ye Jingtang saw the place, he quickly got up from his stupid body, got out of the carriage with his saber in his hand, went out of the rear compartment, and knocked on the window:

"Empress Dowager, we have arrived at Hongfeng Lake."

The empress dowager didn't sleep, but she had already seen it through the binoculars. At this time, she raised the curtain of the car and poked out her round and round cheeks. She was a little unhappy and looked at a small town on the side of Hongfeng Lake:

"Why are there so many people here? Didn't the book say that there is only one red maple forest in the surrounding area where all birds and beasts are forbidden?"

Ye Jingtang looked around in the blink of an eye, the small town outside the Red Maple Forest was densely packed with convoys, gathering no less than a thousand people, the sound of the bell just now came from the convoys entering and leaving; not only were there people in the town, but there were also some people by the lake The noisy scene of fishing really spoils the peaceful landscape here.

"It must have been beautified in the book, so it can't be taken seriously. There are few water sources on the Gobi Desert, and there are not many lakes this big in total. All the convoys have to stop here for supplies. The queen mother will make it easy, and I will take you to the east of the lake. There are few people in the woods."

The empress dowager put on a veiled hat, got down from the carriage with Hongyu's support, and asked in a low voice:
"Are there horse bandits here?"

Ye Jingtang took a closer look at the town, and saw that there were many bodyguards with knives, and responded:
"There are too many caravans here, and the horse bandits dare not approach rashly. Let's go... Eh? Where's the bird?"

The queen mother stood in front of Ye Jingtang, rubbed her sore waist after lying down for a long time, and signaled to the town with her eyes:


Ye Jingtang looked along his fingers, but saw a woman in a red gauze skirt standing outside a grilled fish stall in a small town, while Niao Niao was squatting on her shoulder and rubbing back and forth, with a happy expression on her face. Seeing Sitang's appearance, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly, and without asking any further questions, he led the Queen Mother and Benben to the east side of the Red Maple Forest...
Jingle bell~~
Hongfeng Town is a small place that does not exist on the map, because there are caravans staying here all year round to replenish water, and over time, merchants have come to take root and sell some scarce materials on the Gobi Desert at high prices. Among them, the best business is A blacksmith's shop and two kilns for repairing weapons.

Fan Qinghe carried a big bird on his back to buy snacks in a crowded town, and found a long queue outside a shack, thinking that there was something good to buy inside, but when he walked up to him, he found out that there was a beautiful lady in the kiln. Cash register at the door.

Most of the men in the Northwest are sturdy, like Ye Jingtang, and they look like scholars in the crowd. Fan Qinghe glanced at the dozens of hungry rough men lined up at the door, and secretly sighed in his heart: " I dare to earn this money, and I am not afraid of being killed." Then he left quickly and came to the grilled fish stall in the town.

Seeing a row of big fat fish on the stove, Niao Niao acted hungrier than those rough guys, originally wanted to jump over to let the grill master feed a couple of mouthfuls to taste, but after Fan Qinghe scolded him, he obediently squatted on his shoulders , Rubbing Fan Qinghe's face to show favor.

After Fan Qinghe searched for a while, he picked a few healthy fish from the bucket and asked the staff to kill them and cook them right away. When he was taking out his purse to dig out the money, he suddenly heard a sentence from the crowd behind:
"Yo~ this snow eagle is so beautiful..."


Upon hearing this, Niao Niao forcibly moved her eyes away from the grilled fish, and turned to look at the crowd, wanting to see which hero had such sharp eyesight.

Fan Qinghe also turned back, only to find that there was a young man in extremely expensive clothes in the crowd. He had just come out of a restaurant not far away, and he was accompanied by five or six bodyguards. He was holding a long-handled saber in his hand, and next to him was a monk with Buddhist beads hanging on his face.

Fan Qinghe's appearance is quite good. In order not to cause trouble, she always wears a veil and only reveals a pair of eyes when she goes out, but even so, she is very eye-catching, but it is a consensus that all beautiful women in the world are ruthless characters, so there is no idler. disturb.

Fan Qinghe originally thought that the son of a merchant family who didn't know the depths of the rivers and lakes came to strike up a conversation, but to her surprise, after the young man saw her, he didn't even bother to stay for a moment, but just stared straight at the big fat man on her shoulder. Bird, walked over quickly.

"My lord, be careful!"

Hu Yanjing next to him is after all the leader of the Black Flag Gang. Seeing Fan Qinghe appearing alone on the Gobi Desert, dressed so gorgeously, he knew it was a poisonous scorpion, which was very dangerous, so he raised his hand to stop Dongfang Shang Green it.

Seeing this, Dongfang Shangqing didn't go too close, but came to Zhangyu away, and asked:
"Miss, is this eagle for sale? The price is up to you."

Fan Qinghe felt that the identity of this young prince might not be simple, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he responded with a smile:

"This is a friend's eagle. I took care of it. I can't sell it. I'm really sorry."

Niao Niao may also realize that her attractive beauty has attracted the possessiveness of idlers, so she cleverly began to pretend to be stupid, tilted her head and ate her claws, and almost fell off her shoulders.


Dongfang Shangqing originally thought that the eagle's fur was very handsome, but when he saw this stupid appearance full of aura, his eyes lit up.

However, Dongfang Shangqing’s family education was very special since he was a child. The only concept instilled in him by his mother and concubine since he was a child is that it’s okay to lose money, but don’t cause trouble to stain your father and eldest brother, otherwise his father will definitely deal with it severely. Maybe he would be sent to the capital directly, and let the empress show his loyalty by taking care of him on his behalf.

Dongfang Shangqing knew that it would be difficult to come back after going to the capital, so he acted very low-key. After asking the price twice that the other party refused to sell, he didn't reveal his identity or anything, but turned around and left a little unhappy.

Fan Qinghe has been paying attention to several people, and found that your young master took his entourage to the convoy in the center of the town. The convoy was full of banners of the Black Flag Gang, so he probably figured out the identity of this group of people. After baking, he took a quick step out of the town and returned to the convoy.

In the town, a large caravan of nearly a hundred people stopped by the roadside, and the accompanying gang members sat on the ground and ate warm meals.

Dongfang Shangqing returned to the carriage to rest, while Hu Yanjing and Zhang Xuanye came to the shaded place by the side of the road, looking at the small caravan parked outside the town.

"The banner of Yunzhou Heji, who sells cloth, is not a big shot..."

After Hu Yanjing looked at the flag for a few times, he looked back at the carriage Dongfang Shangqing was riding in, and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Shang Qing is young and energetic, he can't rub the sand in his eyes, and he is full of the orthodoxy of the Wei royal family. Since he took over the private property of the royal family, he has checked everything strictly. The matter of us smuggling things to Beiliang may have been covered by him. You guessed it, if you report it to King Liang..."

Zhang Xuanye twirled a string of Buddhist beads behind his hands, and said casually:
"So what if you guessed it? You can't silence Mr. Shang Qing and let someone from above be in charge."

Hu Yanjing frowned: "Mr. Shang Qing is the youngest son of Liang Wang. He has been favored since he was a child. This kind of trick is not acceptable. Mr. Shang Qing is too young and outspoken, and has no intentions. Let's find a way to stain his body with some mud, as long as he doesn't dare to let King Liang know, he will naturally relax to the people below, maybe he will wear a pair of pants with me in the future."

Zhang Xuanye turned the beads, frowned and said, "You mean to take that woman captive?"

"Mr. Shang Qing has liked famous BMW soldiers since he was a child, and he seems to be really interested in that fat eagle. As for women, I'm afraid you underestimate the son of a feudal prince. The fairy in our eyes is also an ordinary person in the eyes of others. "

When Hu Yanjing said this, he looked around and said in a low voice:
"Find an opportunity at night, snatch the eagle over, and silence everyone. First tell Mr. Shang Qing that he bought it. After a while, let's say that the people below misunderstood his meaning and acted on his own. Mr. Shang Qing must not dare to say this Put the matter on King Liang's table, so that we will have a handle in our hands..."

"Well... But, let's try this first..."

I recommend a copy of "My Son Cao Ang Has the Appearance of a Great Emperor", if you are interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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