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Chapter 280

Chapter 280

After the conflict in the Cilou warehouse ended and the murderer fled away, the soldiers from the Gochen tribe who were in charge of maintaining law and order arrived at the scene belatedly and began to clean the ground.

Dongfang Shangqing is the youngest son of King Liang, a sensitive person involved in the diplomatic relations between the two countries, for this reason the patriarchs of all the major ministries came to inquire, condolences to the distinguished guests in the small street, Fan Qinghe was present, and could faintly hear reprimands :

"It's really daring, which department did it? Hand it over within three days and give Mr. Shang Qing an explanation, if not..."

And in the market where they buy porcelain in the distance, warriors sealed off the warehouse area to prevent idlers from approaching. Ye Jingtang, who had changed back to normal attire, stood in a secluded place with Xuanji, sizing up the situation from a distance.

Niao Niao got under the wolf-head mask, and a big eye appeared from the eye hole, looking up to the sky and howling:


Finding that Dongfang Shangqing was negotiating with the chiefs of the tribes in a normal manner, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but worry that he was not doing his job properly, and asked:
"Is it because I didn't hit hard enough? It feels like Dongfang Shangqing isn't scared."

Xuanji put her arms around her chest and shrugged slightly:

"The children of the royal family are walking outside. Even if their heads are off, they have to put their manners in order. From what I can tell, Dongfang Shangqing won't be able to sleep tonight. If you don't think it's in place, you can secretly sprinkle him with 'Dream Like Huan San'." , Guaranteed that he was so frightened that he asked Hu Yanjing to go over and be the gatekeeper."

Ye Jingtang felt that this method was too inappropriate, so naturally he didn't accept the proposal. After watching for a while, seeing Hu Yanjing being helped to rest in an inn outside the warehouse area, he quietly touched it again.

The inn near the warehouse is a residence for wealthy businessmen and gentry from all over the world, because these people are the Gods of Wealth of the various tribes in the West Sea, and the environment is much better than the tents in other places. Here came the bonsai flowers as decoration.

Dongfang Shangqing was a distinguished man, and was specially arranged in a separate house, with the accompanying guards and caravan thugs living on both sides.

After the conflict broke out, the younger brothers of the caravan all carried their weapons and ran to the warehouse area to support the boss; while Hu Yanjing, who had finished performing the trick, was helped back to the house first.

After the doctor inspected the injury and went out to make medicine, Hu Yanjing collapsed on the bed and couldn't help muttering:
"This shitty Cao Aning..."

Although the effect of the bitter trick seems to be good, but he was beaten up by the other party who used the excuse to play the routine, and he was naturally angry.

But this matter is not easy to trouble Cao Aning, after all, he only needs to settle accounts with Cao Aning, Cao Aning will definitely say:
"Just say that the acting is not real!"

He can't let out a fart, maybe he has to thank others.

When Hu Yanjing was recuperating full of complaints, the door suddenly slammed:

He thought it was the doctor who had come in, but before he opened his eyes, he soon heard footsteps approaching the tea table not far away, picked up the teapot and poured water.

Hu Yanjing frowned, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, and looked around in the blink of an eye, only to see a black-clothed and masked Lord Yama sitting three feet away, pouring tea slowly, and seeing him open his eyes, he opened his mouth and said:

"Guangzhu Hu is good at martial arts, how could he be beaten like this by a barbarian from outside the pass?"

? !
Hu Yanjing's pupils shrank, he sat up in shock, and hurriedly bowed his hands:
"Your Excellency is here. I was injured last time, and I was negligent, so I accidentally got tricked and made Your Excellency laugh. Your Excellency just arrived in Langxuan City?"

"It arrived two days ago."

Ye Jingtang couldn't drink tea because he was wearing a face towel, so he just held the tea cup and rubbed lightly:

"It's only a few days before the end of the month. How did you go about what I told you last time?"

Hu Yanjing knew the truth in his heart, but he was not too afraid, and said:

"Your Excellency spared my little life. How can I not take what I told you to heart? I have already delivered a letter on the way here. The seller on the Yazhou side said that they have a connector in Langxuan City. When I arrive, there will be someone Ask me to talk about this matter. I just arrived today, and no one has come to the door. Scaled steel is a forbidden item. Although I don't doubt your identity, the seller must be very wary for fear of being liquidated by the court. This matter is really urgent Not coming……"

After Ye Jingtang listened to the progress, he nodded:

"That's right. My family has been in decline for a while, but it will eventually recover. In the future, the royal court will be restored, and there will be a great demand for materials such as scale steel. If you can help negotiate this matter, your benefits will definitely be indispensable afterwards."

Hu Yanjing had confirmed with Du Tanqing that the young man with unfathomable martial arts in front of him was probably the orphan of King Tianlang.

According to Du Tanqing, the Qinchi tribe once formed an alliance of five clans with the four major tribes of the West Sea, and vowed to advance and retreat together as brothers. The pattern of one king and four princes also became the foundation of the modern northwest royal court.

Later, the Qinchi tribe was wiped out, there were no inheritors in the world, and all the tribes in the West Sea became a mess. Naturally, this covenant was forgotten. is no longer dominant.

King Tianlang's throne has not been publicly abolished by the major ministries, nor has he written an abdication edict. From a legal point of view, the Northwest Royal Court has not yet disintegrated. It's just that the old Tianlang King died without a leader, and temporarily lost control of the country. .

If the successor of King Tianlang emerges and gets the approval of the major ministries, then it will be much easier to rise to power again than King Zuoxian and King Liang rebelling.

Hu Yanjing was determined to revive the glory of the general since he was a child, and he never cared about who was the general. He would stand there whoever cast the net with a high success rate. Hearing this, he was naturally moved, and said again:

"Your Excellency, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to restore the Northwest Royal Court. I am a guest of King Liang in public, and an informant of King Zuo Xian in private. I have a lot of contact with the high-level officials of Beiliang, and I know a lot of secrets. King Tianlang Defeated at the hands of Zuo Xianwang Li Jian, if Zuo Xianwang's mansion knew of your existence, it would definitely kill the weeds and root them out.

"King Zuo Xian has a strong control over the various tribes in the West Sea. Many tribes have secretly taken refuge in King Zuo Xian. Although I don't know the specifics, I can be sure that there must be King Zuo Xian among the four major tribes..."

Ye Jingtang felt that these words were to give him a good news, because he knew Hu Yanjing's idiot character, so he didn't take it to heart, and asked instead:

"Did you send my news to Prince Zuoxian's residence?"


Hu Yanjing's expression froze: "Accidentally slipped my mouth. I didn't mention anything about reselling scale steel with you. I still want to live a few more years. How dare I reveal your whereabouts to the Zuoxian Palace."

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, didn't talk too much about these things, got up and said:

"If there is news from the seller, tie a yellow cloth strip outside the inn, and I will contact you when I see it."

"Understood, walk slowly..."

On the other side, in the warehouse of the Porcelain Building.

After Dongfang Shangqing returned to the inn, the leaders of the major ministries did not leave, but gathered in a large warehouse, held a small meeting temporarily, and asked the ministries to strengthen their precautions.

Among the tribes in the West Sea, the four major tribes are the leaders, and there are more than a dozen other tribes that can gather thousands of elite soldiers. In the case of no leader, they are a group of mountain kings. At this time, the leaders gathered together to discuss matters, the scene can be said to be chaotic, if it weren't for Sima Yue's prestige, it would not be uncommon to fight on the spot.

Fan Qinghe also didn't understand who was so bold that he dared to assassinate the son of King Liang in Langxuan City. After confirming that he was not a member of his tribe, he didn't go in to quarrel, and was about to return to the station. When he walked out of the gate, he saw Gouchen King Sima Yue stood outside the warehouse.

The security work of Langxuan City is in charge of the Gou Chen Department. At this time, Sima Yue severely reprimanded several clan elders outside the warehouse, and ordered to step up patrols to catch the thieves.

Fan Qinghe is the King of Dongming, equal in status to King Gouchen. Although his martial arts are slightly inferior, but as the North Liang Pirate Saint secretly, he is not very guilty in his heart. He wanted to say hello and leave, but Sima Yue turned The head stopped her:

"Sister Fan, wait a minute."

Sima Yue is more than 50 years old, much older than Fan Qinghe, and it is a bit awkward to be called a 'sister'.

But Sima Yue was the brother of the last Tianlang King, and Fan Qinghe's elder sister married into the Northwest Royal Court and became a princess. According to their seniority, the two were really of the same generation.

However, the major departments are more or less related. Although the brothers and sisters are quite similar, they are not very close to each other in private, and they are only polite in words.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe turned around and came to him, asking:

"Brother Sima, is there anything else?"

Sima Yue touched the beard on his chin:
"I heard people say during the day that you have been inquiring about Prisoner Dragon Miasma recently?"

Fan Qinghe wanted to find a pharmacist among various ministries, so he couldn't hide the news, so he said:
"Recently, I heard that a prisoner Long Miasma reappeared in the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty. The elders of the clan are very serious about this matter. I am investigating privately. Does Brother Sima know the whereabouts?"

Sima Yue naturally knew that he was the one who sold Prisoner Dragon Miasma, but this matter cannot be made clear.The only reason why Fan Qinghe was called to stop was because he had received a letter from Prince Zuoxian's mansion in the morning, and he had learned the news of the appearance of the descendants of the Qinchi family.

Sima Yue did not find any descendants of King Tianlang back then. If King Tianlang still had orphans and had grown up smoothly, the most likely person who could know whereabouts was the Dongming Department.

Because Tianlang King's son is the grandson of the Dongming tribe's elder Zhu Zong, and the descendant of the Qinchi tribe, the first choice must be to join them.

Sima Yue deliberated for a while, and said:

"Prisoner Dragon Miasma is the secret medicine of the Qinchi Department. It has completely disappeared since Wang Ting was defeated in Liaoyuan. I was raised by the old Tianlang King, and I am a brother with Tianlang King in private. I have been looking for Tianlang King all these years. When the descendants of King Lang heard this news suddenly, they inevitably had some associations.

"It would be great if King Tianlang had a descendant. I am a first-rank Da Sima, and King Tianlang can tell me where to fight. I don't even need to think about it. troublesome things..."

When Fan Qinghe heard that Sima Yue wanted to miss the old master, her heart naturally moved. After all, this coincided with her idea of ​​supporting Ye Jingtang to rebuild the Northwest Royal Court.

However, Sima Yue was not tough on the outside, and refuted her views. For the sake of Ye Jingtang's safety, Fan Qinghe didn't bring Ye Jingtang here now, and let the two reminisce about the past, but said:
"How can my sons and daughters of the various tribes in the West Sea be bullied by the northern and southern dynasties forever? Even if King Tianlang has no descendants, there will always be a new king among the tribes."

When Sima Yue heard the official words, he knew that there was nothing to ask, so he didn't say much, and said instead:

"I used to march and fight, and I brought a pharmacist with the army. I heard that the prisoner's miasma used the medicinal material of 'rotten bone black'. I just checked, and this year, a batch of 'rotten bone black' from the Xuanhao tribe entered the merchants. The hand of the team seems to have gone to the vicinity of Duolan Valley, and I don’t know if it has entered the customs or what..."

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he nodded slightly, and after thanking him, he left and returned to the station.
The silver moon is in the sky, inside the resident of the Ministry of Winter and Darkness.

It has been three or four days since Ye Jingtang set off from Honghe Town. According to the progress of the itinerary, Ning'er and the others have already arrived and started to head towards Langxuan City. They will arrive in three days at most.

The situation outside the customs is a bit complicated. Although there are so many experts in the team, there is not much risk, but Ye Jingtang is fine at the moment. After holding it for half a month, Ninger and Sanniang are really hungry, so they are going to drive back. Take over the team, and then continue to check various things.

In the tent at the back of the station, Ye Jingtang was changing clothes in front of the bed. Master Xuanji didn't hide his consciousness at all, but stood in front of the small case with his back turned, looking at it with a book in his hand:

"The Secret History of the Empress Dowager... If you read this, aren't you afraid that the Empress Dowager will find out?"

"It's just miscellaneous books to relieve boredom in my spare time, and I haven't written anything too extreme. Besides, the Queen Mother herself doesn't like to read it."

"Then I will take it to present the treasure to the Queen Mother?"

Ye Jingtang paused and hesitated a little:

"Don't say you got it from me, just say you bought it yourself..."

While talking, footsteps came from outside the tent.

step, step, step
Fan Qinghe was in his own place, and heard the two chatting again, so naturally he didn't knock on the door or anything, and there was no door to knock on, but as soon as he raised the curtain, he saw Ye Jingtang standing in front of the bed with his upper body naked, with a broad back and perfect The waistline is unobstructed.


Fan Qinghe was taken aback, turned his head and retreated quickly, and said angrily:

"Demon girl, are you not ashamed? You still stand in the room when a man changes clothes, but he is your son-in-law!"

Master Xuanji has never been shy, flipping through the book and casually said:
"I didn't watch it. Besides, I was a monk in the original way, and the wine and sex passed through my intestines, and the Taoist ancestor left..."

Ye Jingtang hurriedly put on his clothes, stopped Xuanji's nonsensical words, opened the door curtain and said:
"Why did Miss Fan come here? Is there any news?"

Fan Qinghe looked back and saw that Ye Jingtang didn't show his flesh, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief:
"Just now I got some information from the Gouchen Department, saying that the Prisoner Dragon Miasma needs to use 'Rotten Bone Crow'. The output of Rotten Bone Crow is very small, and the Xuanhao Department doesn't have much stock at all. I checked just now, and there is indeed a batch this year. , sent to the Duolan Valley generation in the southwest, I will take you there to check, maybe you can get a clue."

When Ye Jingtang heard the news, he naturally fell in love. He immediately took the map and looked it over carefully——Duolan Valley is located outside the pass at the junction of Liangzhou and Shazhou. Two or three days, five or six days passed, and by then, the Empress Dowager and the others would have already arrived in Langxuan City...

Master Xuanji came to him, took a look, and said:
"The Empress Dowager and King Jing came to Langxuan City, and they had to sit by Wu Kui's side. They waited until someone came to investigate, and it was a waste of time; you go back to pick up the Empress Dowager. Qing He and I went to Duolan Valley to search for clues."

Ye Jingtang knew that this proposal was very suitable, but he didn't believe in Shui Shui's ability to search for clues, so he thought for a while and said:

"Go pick him up, Miss Vatican and I will go and check for clues, so that nothing will go wrong."

When Fan Qinghe heard that the demon girl could finally leave, she was still a little happy, but before she had time to speak, she heard the real Xuanji say:
"I'm not here, what should I do if she seduces you?"

"Bah! You witch..."

Fan Qinghe was almost offended by these words, his face turned red, and he was about to roll up his sleeves and start.

It's a pity that the skills are not as good as people's, and he was caught by the real Xuanji in an instant.

Ye Jingtang hastened to fight to prevent King Dongming from being bullied, and said at the same time:
"It's important, don't make jokes, just follow what I said..."
At the same time, Liang Zhou.

On the desolate Gobi Desert, a horse-drawn carriage gallops along the Gobi Desert, covered with stars and the moon, and there are occasional wolves howling in the surrounding fields:


The workmanship of the carriage is quite exquisite. Not only is the interior and exterior of the carriage painted with fine paint, but there are also wind chimes hanging on the four corners of the carriage.

A candle lamp was lit in the carriage, and brocade quilts were spread inside, and packages and weapons were placed in the corners of the carriage.

Xue Baijin took off his outer robe, only wearing white clothes and white trousers, sitting on the floor, holding a map in his hand, drawing a route, unwrapping his chest, making his figure very plump, and his long black hair is also hanging on his back. It looks very feminine.

However, she doesn't put makeup on her cheeks, and it has become a habit to be unsmiling. Her demeanor is different from the cynical and domineering empress. .

Luo Ning set off from Honghe Town in the morning. After getting along with her for a day, she slowly regained the feeling of traveling together in the past. She was no longer so cautious. Now she was sitting sideways on the floor, helping to fold the clothes, and said:

"No one knows you outside, is it uncomfortable for you to be so tight?"

Xue Baijin answered casually: "It's a little bit. It would be great if it was just like you. If you wrap it around casually, you won't be able to see it. It's much more convenient."

? !
Luo Ning paused, her back straightened, and her eyebrows immediately stood up!
But she and Bai Jin have known each other for so many years, and she also knows that Bai Jin is very serious and won't make jokes about these little women with her.Saying this, I should really think so...

Why does the more I think about it, the more angry I get...

Xue Baijin looked at the map a few times, and felt the murderous aura behind him, so he turned his head:
"what happened?"

Luo Ning used to be a pure heroine, never minding things about her figure, and she is not small, much bigger than Yun Li.

But after following Ye Jingtang, being called "little watermelon, little watermelon" all day long, and Sanniang bullying others, she gradually became a little sensitive to these things.

Seeing the doubts in Bai Jin's eyes, Luo Ning also knew that her reaction was wrong, so she put down her robe and sat in front of her, nonsense:
"As the leader of Pingtian, you are number one in the secular world. How can you feel sorry for yourself and think you are inferior to me? Your body is given by your parents, and you can't help if your chest gets in the way. Correct your attitude and recognize the reality is the demeanor that No. 1 under the mountain should have... ..."


Xue Baijin raised his hand and touched Luo Ning's forehead, his eyes were thoughtful, probably meaning that if his brain didn't have a fever, it must have been flooded...

Luo Ning slapped Xue Baijin's hand away, and instead of talking nonsense, took over the map:

"Where do we go first?"

"From here all the way to the west, from Huanglaoguan, you will arrive at Duolan Valley, and you will enter the desert after passing through. According to Dayan's exploration situation, there should be an ancient city buried under the yellow sand..."



While chatting softly, the carriage gradually drifted away on the Wanli Gobi...

(End of this chapter)

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