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Chapter 287 The Ruins

Chapter 287 The Ruins

The light sound of falling on the ground echoed in the empty room, followed by yellow sand falling like an hourglass.

The already faint light above was quickly covered by the sand, and the surroundings became extremely dark, leaving only slight noises.

Ye Jingtang turned around in mid-air and landed on both feet. Before he could stand still, a lump of softness hit him in his arms, pressing him to the ground, and then the sand came from the pavement.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of being directly buried alive by the sand pile, so he immediately rolled around with the person in his arms a few times, until no sand fell on his body, then he stopped, looked up and couldn't see anything.

"Ahem... This is really a roof, how can there be such a big house..."

There were soft whispers and a few painful muffled coughs.

Knowing that Fan Qinghe suffered internal injuries, Ye Jingtang was caught off guard to prevent the fall, and hastily raised his breath to respond. He probably had a bifurcation, so he raised his hand and touched it.

The place touched was hot and soft, with a little sweat...


Because he didn't know where it was at the first time, he touched left and right, but the people around him shrank their chests like an electric shock, and then a slightly embarrassing sentence came:

"what are you doing?"

"Oh, sorry...I'll help you, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

Fan Qinghe sat up from Ye Jingtang's arms, straightened his skirt a little, touched from the back of his waist, and took out a special fire pocket.

After the torch was opened, it ignited by itself, exuding a pine scent and bright yellow light, illuminating the surrounding corners.

Ye Jingtang got up and patted the sand, looked around, and saw that the two of them were inside a huge hall. In the hall, there were more than ten huge pillars of coiling dragons that were as thick as three people hugging each other. Because of the dry climate, they still supported the dome after thousands of years.

The dome is a complicated wooden frame, part of which has been damaged, and looks crumbling. The place where the two fell just now is still leaking sand.

"Very impressive, is this the palace hall of the Liang Dynasty?"

"Not like."

Fan Qinghe took the fire folder, walked across the dusty ground, and came to the front of the main hall. It can be seen that the beautiful stone base is placed, and there are various patterns of pure gold on the surface. The shining color, even if the base is full of dust, can still imagine the magnificent atmosphere of the year.

"This should be the ancestral temple, a place where heaven and earth were worshipped in ancient times, no wonder it's so big..."

Fan Qinghe came to the front, touched the gold ornaments with his hands, and followed the carvings to look carefully.

Ye Jingtang could hear the sound of the sandstorm's cry through the dome above, and now there was no place to hide when going out, so he and Fan Qinghe checked in the ruins.

Fan Qinghe knew the history of the Northwest Royal Court very well, and told Yejingtang about various legends from the ancient times while walking.

The main hall of the ancestral temple is very large, and the whole is constructed of bricks and stones. Although the passages inside the building have leaked some sand, they can still walk normally.

Ye Jingtang walked around to the back of the base, and could vaguely see some utensils on the ground, and even found some jade slips scattered on the ground, the handwriting could be clearly identified, and the records were all related to the Five Elements Alchemy.

Fan Qinghe picked up the jade slip, and after a little identification, he held it in his arms like a treasure, and continued to walk deep:

"These are all prescriptions from ancient times, and they have been lost long ago. The situation here is that the earth dragon turned around, and the people in the ancestral temple fled in a hurry, and then never came back... This place is similar to the ancestral temple in Dongming Mountain. Bigger, the front should be the place where Da Zhu Zong lives, go over and have a look."

Ye Jingtang walked forward a bit, and when he was about to leave the main hall, he found that the exit was full of yellow sand, so he found a place with shallow sand in the corridor, pierced the top with the dragon gun and stirred it a few times, and then took out a big hole.

It was windy and sandy outside, and it was daytime in the depths, but it seemed to be night.

Ye Jingtang pulled Fan Qinghe out of the cave, followed the direction Fan Qinghe judged, walked more than [-] meters straight ahead against the wind and sand, and came to a small sand dune.

Fan Qinghe took the Dragon-Firing Spear, and wanted to poke it down like a Luoyang shovel. Seeing this, Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand:

"It won't collapse this time, will it?"

"probably not."

Fan Qinghe stabbed the spear into the sand, about four or five feet, and touched a hard object.

This time, she didn't do a miracle with all her strength, but followed the test, found the place closest to the ground, and swept away the sand with a spear, revealing the roof ridge.

Ye Jingtang half squatted down and broke open the roof, and fell into the large building together with Fan Qinghe. It can be seen that there is a copper astronomical instrument in the middle of the room. It just collapsed.

"This is the observatory. Zhu Zong, who presided over the sacrifice, usually lives here. Go down and have a look..."

Fan Qinghe seemed to be very interested in digging treasures. After a glance, he jumped down the stairs and into the large room below.

What surprised people was that the room below was very clean. The stairs collapsed but there were no traces of broken wood, as if they had been specially cleaned.

Ye Jingtang looked back and forth by the light of Huozhezi:

"Has someone touched this place?"

Fan Qinghe originally thought this was the case, but after checking around, he felt that something was wrong.

She took the torch and walked to the stone wall, squatted down to look around, and saw several wine jars beside the wall.

The wine jars are commercially available wine, the jars are painted with red lacquer, they are very well made, and some of them still have the name of the restaurant on them.

Fan Qinghe picked up the wine jar, looked at it, frowned and said:
"These wine jars are not quite right."

Ye Jingtang squatted beside him, carefully inspecting:
"Why not?"

Fan Qinghe pointed to several wine jars neatly arranged by the wall:
"After the fall of the Great Wu Dynasty, the world experienced a hundred years of chaos and was divided into three parts again. The Southern Dynasty was originally named "Qi", and after Qi was destroyed, it was named Yan, and after Yan was destroyed, it was Wei.

"This wine jar is the style of Daqi colored kiln, and it should be in the last year of Daqi; and this is Jiangzhou porcelain in the heyday of Dayan, which was popular in the south about 200 years ago; the last ones are relatively new, and they are no more than a hundred years old at most. Not surprisingly, there have been three waves of people coming to this place, with intervals of not less than a hundred years, but they all brought a few jars of good wine when they came..."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully and said:
"Are you here to honor your ancestors?"

Fan Qinghe thought it was possible, so he got up and searched along the wall.

In the end, no statue tablet was found, but some scratches were found on the stone wall to the west.

The nicks do not belong to words or pictures, and are irregular like a child's ghost drawing.

Fan Qinghe took a closer look and was about to speak, when she suddenly noticed that Ye Jingtang beside her was staring at him, and she approached a little bit, she said doubtfully:

"What is this?"

"I don't know, but it's special."

Ye Jingtang took the Huozhe and inspected it carefully, only to feel that the scratches on the wall were like silver hooks painted on iron. Although there was no literal meaning, there was a sharp and sharp momentum flowing. The feeling of looking straight ahead.

Ye Jingtang thought for a moment, then handed the Huozhe back to Fan Qinghe, and told him to step back, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand.


With a flash of light from the knife, the three-foot sharp blade came out of its sheath.

Fan Qinghe watched from the sidelines, and saw Ye Jingtang's body was straight, Chilong Saber was on the scratch, he closed his eyes, and his whole body fell into a stagnation.

Fan Qinghe was a little dazed, but didn't bother.

But after waiting for half a quarter of an hour, he suddenly found that Ye Jingtang's qi and blood began to flow significantly faster, his skin was flushed, the air felt dry and hot, and white mist even rose faintly above his head, showing the appearance of being insane.

Fan Qinghe was startled, and quickly said:
"What are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang had just realized how profound the martial arts attainment of this scratch was, but it was not a secret technique, so he couldn't understand its meaning at all.

And what he is doing now is nothing more than devoting himself to it, relying on inhuman understanding, exhaustive trial and error, calculating all possible situations that caused this scratch, and then inferring what the scratch represents.

Abnormalities in the body are not insanity, but a long-term overload of trial and error, which leads to overheating of the body.

Because of his dedication, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't pay attention to Fan Qinghe's words. He tapped the scratch with a knife in his hand. out the optimal solution.

And at this station, I stood there for nearly two quarters of an hour, watching Fan Qinghe trembling and not daring to show it until the end...

In the silent stone room, suddenly there was an ethereal sound, like a wind chime being struck.

Fan Qinghe didn't see Ye Jingtang move, only found that the Chilong Saber in his right hand suddenly started to tremble violently, and then moved along the scratch.

The tremor seemed natural, but the tip of the knife touched on the wall trembled across the strange scratches on the wall, followed the traces and meandered up and down, deepening the original scratches a little, but did not go beyond the edge Every penny!
Seeing this scene, Fan Qinghe's eyes showed a bit of shock, and after the blade's trembling stopped, he asked again:

"What are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes, looked at the same scratches on the wall, a little complacency of "but that's it" flashed in his eyes, he tilted his head and said:
"This is the insight left behind by an expert. Ordinary people can't understand it at all. Fortunately, I am not an ordinary person. I am good at exhaustive calculations. I just spent a lot of effort to research the meaning."

Fan Qinghe knew that this was the residence of the Imperial Master of the Liang Dynasty, and it was not surprising that there were some special things, but it took Ye Jingtang two quarters of an hour to try to figure out these ghostly traces, which was a bit too bizarre.

Why didn't she look special?Could it be that she is stupid?

Fan Qinghe was dubious, came to the front and looked carefully, and asked:

"What is this record?"

Ye Jingtang raised his long knife and tapped on the mark:

"It was the 'sentiment' that came out of my feelings at that time, or recalling the road I have traveled since practicing martial arts-first re-appreciating the shape, then re-emphasizing techniques, and then cultivating the artistic conception, until a certain dynasty enlightenment, a sword to pass the mystery. Every time the engraving A section is the road traveled by martial arts, and every turning point is the setback experienced in the past.

"The old sword sage, Sun Wuji, has reached the realm of 'one sword to master the mystery', but the old sword sage can't directly express his feelings to outsiders.

"This senior can directly engrave 'artistic conception' on the wall, and his martial arts attainments are far more than that. I guess this is left by a certain hidden world giant in the past, and it may have already left by the dragon just like the founding emperor of Great Wu gone."

Fan Qinghe listened in a cloud of fog, thought for a while and asked:

"You learned?"

"This is the insight, just like reading the theories left by the saints. If you memorize it, you will gain something. If you understand it, you may have an epiphany. But to become a saint, you still have to comprehend it by yourself."

Ye Jingtang scanned the scratches on the wall, and pointed the knife at the position behind the scratches:
"My state just now is here, and now I have enlightened my heart, learned something new, moved forward a bit, and probably arrived here-more than enough techniques, not enough artistic conception, and searching all over the place.

"Judging from the scratches, I'm about a foot and a half away from Old Sword Master Sun, and I won't be able to understand it after that. It should be the state after returning to the basics and returning to the true state. It is mysterious and unpredictable..."


In the quiet room, Ye Jingtang was holding the Chilong Saber, pointing at the traces on the wall like a teacher, chatting about various insights.

And Fan Qinghe stood in the same place, not as if he was listening to the scriptures, but just listening to the scriptures. He couldn't understand how Ye Jingtang could see so many things from the few ghost symbols.

However, seeing what Ye Jingtang said was clear and logical, and he was not here to coax an ignorant and ignorant girl, Fan Qinghe still concentrated on observing and understanding carefully, as if he had studied the way from the ghost painting talisman.

Ye Jingtang explained to Fan Qinghe that in fact, he was also secretly comprehending the paths of his predecessors and using them for his own use.

The two focused on studying the relics of their predecessors, obviously a little forgetful. After an unknown amount of time, Ye Jingtang's ears moved slightly, and suddenly heard a voice coming from a distance:


"In this big desert, where can I find fish for you to eat? They kindly caught a scorpion for you to eat, and you're still angry..."



Ye Jingtang woke up suddenly when he heard Ning'er's voice, and thought to himself: Why did you forget about your wife...

Fan Qinghe looked up and asked:
"Your friend is here?"

Ye Jingtang wanted to communicate with Ning'er about the 'Red Apricot Leaving the Wall', so he thought about it and said:
"Yeah, I'll go out to check the situation first, just wait a moment."


The sandstorm has already stopped, and the time has passed from morning to noon without knowing it.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand is like a golden ocean, and the surrounding area is full of traces of wind, without any variegation.

Among the sand dunes, Luo Ning wore a hood to shade her head from the sun, and held an iron mace as a stick in her hand. When she stepped out, she poked the ground, looking for the hidden buildings below.

And the fluffy big bird, judging from its size, knew that it was not suitable for the ghostly weather of the desert, so it kept walking under Luo Ning's shadow.

Maybe because she felt the sand was burning her paws, she jumped on Luo Ning's shoes and squatted when she stopped, suggesting to go home for dinner after get off work.

After Luo Ning waited for the sandstorm to pass, she asked Niao Niao to patrol around the sky, but she couldn't find anyone from Ye Jingtang. She thought that Ye Jingtang had already left the desert with the beautiful woman first, so she didn't look for it anymore. Continue to explore the traces of the building within a radius of more than ten miles.

The two of them searched for a long time and found many ancient houses. Xue Baijin was in charge of "going down to the tomb" to touch things, but she was not good at martial arts. Place a mark on the building, so that Bai Jin can make a hole.

After searching like this for an unknown amount of time, Luo Ning's ears moved, and he heard the sound of 'rustle~' from a distance.

Looking up, the sand dunes in the distance were leaking sand, and soon a hole appeared.

Then a familiar handsome face popped out of the hole, and saw that she didn't shout loudly, but looked around, she seemed to be looking for someone, and she was a little guilty.


Seeing Ye Jingtang, Niao Niao immediately became excited and wanted to rush over to ask for bird food.

Seeing this, Luo Ning quickly caught the bird, even covered the bird's beak. After looking back, she quietly ran behind a sand dune and waved at Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang discovered that there was no trace of the Pingtian leader in the four fields, so he jumped up and quietly came to Ning'er:

"Where is Xue Xia?"


Luo Ning glared at Ye Jingtang, and said in a low voice:
"If Bai Jin hears this, she will definitely beat you up. When you go out, don't call him a female hero of Bai Jin, you should call him 'Guru', even a hero."


Ye Jingtang hadn't seen Ning'er for many days, and wanted to raise his hand to lift the veil, but it was not easy to do so, so he started to look around again.

"Don't look, it's underground, half a mile away from here... Eh?!"

Luo Ning's face was slightly cold, and she was about to warn the little thief, but she just said that Bai Jin was not there, and the bold little thief put his arms around her waist, and then lifted the hood, and leaned towards her face .

Luo Ning's brows stood on end, she was so nervous that she was going to die, but since she hadn't seen Ye Jingtang for so long, Sanniang was probably falling in love with her, so why not.

After hiding for a while, Luo Ning still threw Niao Niao out to watch, without any further resistance.

The lips meet.

Ye Jingtang put his arms around Ning'er's waist, and even his breath became a little hotter. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, he couldn't help but hug tightly, wishing to rub the beauty in his arms into his body.

Before meeting Luo Ning, she had thought of warning words countless times, but when she was embraced again, her mind was instantly blank. After her eyes moved slightly, she gently closed her eyes, letting the man ask for it.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand, a pair of men and women.

The black robe and blue long skirt were blown by the breeze, and the scene was extremely beautiful and magnificent at this moment.

As a witness, Niao Niao stood on the sand dune next to him and spread his wings blankly, which probably meant—is there an end?Let's feed the bird first...



It's the beginning of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you guys or2!

(End of this chapter)

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