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Chapter 318 Goodbye

Chapter 318 Goodbye
Day two.

In the early morning, it was dark outside the window, and when I opened the window, I found that the pier was covered in silver, and there was another light snowfall.

Ye Jingtang stood at the window, looking at the wind and snow in the thousand mountains, letting the cold wind blow on his face, trying to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart, but just took a deep breath, came from behind:

"Close the window..."

"haha okay."

On the bed, Sanniang was lying on the pillow from head to toe, with her back to the outside, weak and weak, she didn't want to move her fingers.

Luo Ning was supposed to go back last night, but she was about to go on a long journey again, and she was really reluctant in her heart, and Bai Jin didn't come to urge her to go back, so she stayed here all night.

The specific process is not easy to describe. The well-matched family has tried to let the thief go in the middle. If it is not afraid of too much movement and disturbing the water in the distance, I am afraid that even the "in and out of peace" jade radish can be greeted.

At this time, Luo Ning was exhausted, lying on the pillow, being blown by the cold wind, pulled up the quilt a little, then raised her hand to pinch the top of the watermelon in front of her:
"Don't be shy anymore? Yesterday I was making a fuss about recuperating, why are you so sluggish now?"

There was a faint blush on Pei Xiangjun's cheeks. He squinted his eyes halfway. Seeing Luo Ning's hands and feet mocking, he took a breath and grabbed Luo Ning's wrist:
"Jing Tang, it's still early, what are you doing up? Continue!"

Ye Jingtang didn't want to wake up, but he was afraid that the two of them would be tired, so he shook his head and smiled, and then took care of Ning'er who was about to go away...
Soon, it was bright.

Catkin-like blizzards fell on the pier by the river, and a large ship was berthed on the shore, and merchants with their burdens boarded the deck in an orderly manner through the pedals.

Xue Baijin had already boarded the boat ahead of time, stood at the window facing the pier, and waved to Zheyunli who was secretly seeing him off in the distance.

And under a willow tree in a secluded place, Luo Ning was wearing a long blue dress and the silver fox fur that Ye Jingtang had just found on her body. Her cheeks lost the joyful spring of the night, and she regained her glamorous appearance of an ascetic heroine. , raised his hand to help Ye Jingtang straighten his clothes:

"When I'm not around, you have to take good care of your body. Don't give it to Sanniang, you want it. Do you know that indulging in sex will hurt your body?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Ning'er was jealous of Sanniang eating alone, but he definitely didn't dare to say that, so he raised his hand to help Ning'er put on the veil:
"Go early and return early, pay attention to safety on the way, if I am in a hurry to return to the capital, I will go to you directly."

Luo Ning glanced at Bai Jin in the distance:

"Do you still have to worry about my safety?"

"It always pays to be careful."

"Hmph~ From now on, you can't just let Yun Li learn martial arts but not read and write, so you can't become a wild girl in the world? Shui'er is both civil and military, but she never leads people to the right way. You supervise and let her teach Yun Li a little bit." "If Yunli doesn't study hard, just write it down, and I'll come back and deal with her..."

Ye Jingtang listened carefully to his wife's instructions, and nodded slightly in agreement.

After Ning'er finished speaking, he raised his arms and hugged her again, and watched Ning'er board the boat. After the boat left the shore and went down the river, he sighed softly, turned around and turned back.

Zhe Yunli sat with her master in the teahouse for a while yesterday, because of her special status, it was difficult for her to get in touch with the court, and she couldn't talk to her mistress about her intention to betroth her. When Ye Jingtang came back, she trotted up to her:

"Brother Jing, did Master ask you to supervise my reading and literacy again?"

Ye Jingtang smiled softly: "Yes. My daughter's family really needs to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, otherwise she will become a crazy girl sooner or later if she hears about it in the Jianghu. Look at Prince Jing, he has a poetic spirit in his belly, Although the martial arts are average, but the aura is extraordinary..."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang also said the same thing, Zhe Yunli lowered his hands behind his back and put them around his waist, walking with lotus steps slightly, in a gentle manner, with a three-pointed sorrow on his brows:
"I'm a wild girl in the Jianghu. I can't compare to the queen. My wife said about me, and brother Jingtang said the same about me. If I knew this, I might as well go to Jiangzhou with my master, so as not to be so disgusted by my brother..."

Ye Jingtang gently raised his hand: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it. Let the people on the street hear it, and think that I was a heartless person who did something to you..."


Zhe Yunli still didn't give up, and looked at Ye Jingtang with anger and resentment, then walked to the front in small steps, Chungui's resentful temperament was vividly displayed, and Ye Jingtang looked at it and wondered if Xiao Yunli was really unhappy up.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and wanted to catch up with Xiao Yunli, but just a few steps away, he saw the dejected Yunli stop in front of a storytelling hall surrounded by many people, tiptoe and probe curiously to take a look After a few glances, he walked forward with a faint resentment.


Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly, a little speechless, turned his head and went back to the place where the boat was docked.

Dongfang Liren came to visit the inn yesterday, but he was frightened by him. He was afraid that he would be dragged into the house when he passed by.

At this time on the big ship, Master Xuanji was resting in the room, and the Queen Mother was beside her asking for warmth; Dongfang Liren and Meng Jiao were in the temporary study, discussing the matter of checking Duan Beiya.And Sanniang had worked all night, and obviously couldn't get up at this time, she was still cats in the bed.

Right now, Yejingtang wants to solve the hidden danger of Duanshengji as soon as possible, but Yazhou's territory is too large, and Duanshengji's cat is recuperating. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to show up, it's not easy to find his whereabouts.

Ye Jingtang had sent the chief arrester to search the bodyguard bureau in Banan Town yesterday, but the news has not yet spread out. The next plan is to go to Jinyang City and investigate the local snake king tiger that Liu Xiangzhu said.

Jinyang City is Duanbeiya's sphere of influence. Duanshengji was hit by a poisonous needle, and he might go there to recuperate his wounds; For news or something, find a way to induce Duan Shengji to appear.

To go to Jinyang City, you can take the Lilan River, but the voyage is upstream, and you have to be towed by a tracker at some of the turbulent places. It takes two or three days to take a big boat, but you can get there tonight by horseback. For this reason, Ye Jingtang is ready to lead the team Go overland and see the situation first.

Ye Jingtang returned to the boat to pack up his preparations, first glanced at the door of Zhenji Xuanji, and found that the empress dowager was also there, so he said hello:
"Empress Dowager, Fairy Lu."

In the room, the empress dowager, who was helping Master Xuanji put on some rouge, was a little frightened when she saw Ye Jingtang appearing. She put down her things as if she didn't want to see him, and got up and walked out the door:
"Let's chat, Bengong will go back to his room to rest first."

Ye Jingtang saluted, watched the empress dowager leave, and then came to the bed, and held Xuanji's wrist to signal her pulse.

Master Xuanji leaned against the head of the bed, looked up and down the serious Ye Jingtang, and asked:
"Ning'er left?"

"Well, I just left."

Seeing that his physical condition was not serious, Ye Jingtang was a little relieved. He raised his eyes and saw the rosy lips on the real Xuanji's lips. Looked at it, nodded and praised:

"This lip balm is so moist, is it a gift from the empress dowager?"


Master Xuanji licked his lips lightly, staring at Ye Jingtang intently:
"Want to eat?"


Hearing this, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but sit up straighter, hesitated for a while, and nodded cheekily:


Master Xuanji smiled, moved inside, raised her hand and patted her side:

"Come on, let's lie down together?"


Ye Jingtang was a little flattered, felt that Shui'er had no good intentions, but he didn't dare to eat it when he brought it to his mouth, and he was still a martial arts leader. He looked around and saw no one around, so he got up and sat down on the bedside, raised his hand shoulders.

Master Xuanji didn't hide, waited for Ye Jingtang to lean back and forth, and even moved a little closer, naturally sticking to his arms, raising his cheeks to stare at Ye Jingtang.


Ye Jingtang really didn't expect Fairy Lu to show such a girlfriend-like expression. She restrained herself from groping to teach her a lesson. She put her arms around her shoulders, trying to put on a gentle and refined look, and say a few words of caring .

But who would have thought that before he opened his mouth, he would find Fairy Lu in his arms, frowning slightly, lowering her head and covering her lips with her hands, and let out two muffled coughs:

The muffled coughing sound was not too loud, and could be heard on the second floor of the ship building.

In several rooms in the distance, there was a sudden sound of chaotic footsteps.

dong dong dong...

? !
Ye Jingtang was a little unbelievable, and wanted to get up quickly, but Master Xuanji still grabbed his collar and looked up at him:

"Don't you want to eat rouge? Come~"

Ye Jingtang hurriedly raised his hand to acknowledge his cowardice: "No rush, no rush, we'll talk about it later, someone is here..."


Master Xuanji was satisfied with this, and boldly stepped forward, and slapped Ye Jingtang sideways.

Of course, this move was not a reward, but the Queen Mother had just painted her lip gloss, and deliberately tested the color on her face.

Ye Jingtang's arm was let go, and he got up quickly, wiped his face with his sleeve, and almost immediately, Hongyu and several court ladies ran in:

"Fairy Lu?"

"Eh? Mr. Ye, you are..."

Ye Jingtang wiped his face vigorously with his hand, and then wiped his chin:
"It's okay, just rub your face when it's frozen. Take good care of her, she's not in good health, so don't catch the cold again..."

While speaking, he walked out quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a group of bewildered court ladies...
On the other side, Black Stone Pass.

At dusk, heavy snow fell on the desolate plain of Heishi Pass. A horse team galloped from the northwest, entered through the pass, and headed southeast.

There are six people in the cavalry, four of them are strangers, they are the disciples of Bai Xiaoying under King Zuo Xian, and the other two are old acquaintances Cao Aning and Xu Tianying.

King Zuo Xian suffered a great loss in Huangming Mountain, and the troops in the West Sea were disturbed by Ye Jingtang and buried a big thunder. This incident has already alarmed the Beiliang court, and it is impossible not to respond.

After Xi Tianshang went to assassinate him without a trace, King Zuoxian handed over the matter to the Beiliang court, and the State Teacher's Office mobilized court resources to eliminate hidden dangers.

And Cao Aning was born as a dark guard in the Ouchi, and he was at odds with the Empress, and his rebellion plan was destroyed many times, so he had many times of experience in fighting Ye Jingtang, so he was obviously a useful person.

For this reason, as soon as Cao Aning ran back to Prince Zuoxian's mansion, he was appointed as a special commissioner. He came to join the troops of the Beiliang court and acted as a counselor, planning to eradicate Ye Jingtang!
Cao Aning had nothing to say about this. When he set off, he was already thinking about how to go back and explain the fact that he survived after the incident failed.

And Xu Tianying obviously had the same idea, he didn't need to communicate with Cao Aning, so he wrote the report letter, and waited for the contact point of the Great Wei court to send the news.

Xu Tianying was considered a chivalrous man after all, and felt a little bit sorry for the four disciples of Zuo Xianwang who were already considered dead, so he said in the middle of it:

"Yejingtang is extremely cunning, and has a good eye for forecasting things like a god. Let's let the people from the imperial court take the lead this time. Don't be greedy for meritorious deeds, so as not to cause damage."

The four disciples are all elites raised by King Zuo Xian, possessing unique skills, and basically masters in the layout of poisonous hidden weapons.

The first old man, named Wu Shengzi, was the leader of the trip. Facing the newcomer's reminder, he said:

"I'm just waiting to make a plan. To deal with a person like Ye Jingtang with a deep background, it's not my turn to take the lead. As far as I know, the imperial court has invited many experts, and Hua Ling is among them..."

"Hua Ling?"

Naturally, Cao Aning has heard of this name. The prodigal son Hualing, like the second son of the eighth leader, Long Zhengqing, is a ranger with no family or sect, and he is only ranked under the Four Sages in the Beiliang Jianghu.

The Beiliang court can launch such a character, it is no cost, and the four saints above are all the heads of large forces with too much influence, and it is also a critical period to guard the country if they can be recruited. It is impossible to come to do assassination work Son.

Cao Aning thought about it for a while, and asked: "Hua Ling killed Ye Jingtang, it's not a big problem. But if you do it in Dawei, once it is discovered, the people of Jianghu will definitely turn to Ye Jingtang. Is it possible that he is willing to be a dead soldier who never returns?"

Jia Shengzi shook his head: "Hua Ling is a knight-errant, how could she give her life to the court and take advantage of it to help the court settle the matter? The court has its own arrangements for how to do it. I will go to join the envoys who entered the capital first, and then I will naturally Got the news..."

Cao Aning listened for a while, nodded slightly, and then sped southeast...
At night, outside Jinyang city.

Ye Jingtang's horse hangs his gun at the side, and rushes in the snow, the cloak on his back is blown and hunted; the bird gets into the bag of the carriage, only his round head is exposed, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance.

Fan Qinghe was wrapped in a thick cloak and walked beside Ye Jingtang. After a long journey, his cheeks were already red with cold.Behind them are She Long, Shang Jianli and several chief arresters,

Ye Jingtang came to Jinyang City to check the news. Originally, he only planned to bring a few general arrests so that Fan Qinghe and Xuanji could rest on the boat; but after Fan Qinghe detoxified the night before yesterday, his body had almost recovered. Ye Jingtang didn't do well, and how could he rest assured that he would come out to handle errands, so he followed him anyway.

After a long journey for a while, seeing that he was about to arrive at Jinyang City, Ye Jingtang slowed down his horse, and looked at Fan Qinghe in a blink of an eye:
"Miss Vatican, how is your health?"

Fan Qinghe was wrapped in a cloak, and sat up straighter seeing this:
"It's all about riding a horse and hurrying. What else can I do, let's go, and go back early after I'm busy."

The wound on the back gradually left, knowing about Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe Zhongfu, he stepped forward and said:

"As for the news, we just go. Master Ye and Miss Fan will find a place to rest first. When I find out about Wang Hu's whereabouts, I will notify Master Ye as soon as possible."

Ye Jingtang's investigation is purely based on feeling, and in terms of professionalism, it is far inferior to the black government chiefs behind the scenes. Naturally, he did not refuse. He took out the lazy bird and let him investigate with Shang Jianli and others. Then they sent a message in time, and then dispersed on the spot, and went to various places in Jinyang City to find out...

(End of this chapter)

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