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Chapter 408

Chapter 408


On the ice field, eleven warriors on horseback galloped towards the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion.

The three people in front of the horse team were dressed in tea-green brocade robes, with gauze caps on their heads, and their faces were three-pointedly feminine. The golden tokens hanging around their waists showed their status as imperial eunuchs.

The head of the three is named Yin Lian, and he is the third youngest among the "Twelve Attendants of Yandu". This trip is ordered by Emperor Liang to assist Zuo Xianwang to send Xuehu flowers to Yanjing. Two colleagues, as well as a guest temporarily transferred from the prince's home in Yanjing.

With the national power of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it is not difficult to mobilize the masters of the rivers and lakes to work hard when needed, especially in Beiliang, a place that does not pay much attention to martial arts, as long as the money is enough, it is not a problem to cobble together a mercenary army.

But in the past year, the top masters of the northern and southern dynasties were all slaughtered by Ye Jingtang. In the past two months, in order to kill Ye Jingtang, Beiliang assembled a team of more than [-] masters, and they also never returned.

The masters of the rivers and lakes are not stupid, and few people dare to take the money they earn but spend their lives. When they heard that they were going to come to Tianlang Lake to deal with King Ye Dayan, even if the imperial court gave him a great reward of knighthood, the major factions in Hudong Road were still in charge. In order to be a coward, even the Qinglong Club, which is desperate for money, has closed down and does not accept work.

The situation at Tianlang Lake was imminent, and Yanjing didn't have time to contact people slowly, so they had to arrest young men from Yanjing's lord's house, and temporarily recruited eight retainers. A team was dispatched and rushed to Tianlang Lake from thousands of miles away.

Although there are not many people, these people were cultivated by the prince's family and even the royal family after all, and their strength is not bad.

Seeing that there are still more than a hundred miles away from the west bank of Tianlang Lake, and the ice field is still empty, a middle-aged man with a gun in the rear, accelerated his horse and came to the leader:
"Eunuch Yin, according to Feige's message, Zuo Xianwang should have set off at dusk, and he didn't meet anyone when he came here. I'm afraid..."

Yin Lian watched as he searched the ice field ahead, knowing in his heart that something had happened.

Zuo Xianwang is the commander of Xijiang first, and then the Prince of Daliang. If he is too late in the army, he will be executed for delaying the opportunity of battle. For this reason, Zuo Xianwang has always paid great attention to "punctuality". Accidents never delay a moment.

But King Zuo Xian took command in person, marching with a few masters and two thousand personal soldiers, what could be blocked by more than ten people really couldn't figure it out.

Hai Yong, the eunuch following behind, opened his mouth and said:

"Could it be that the King of Liang sent troops to invade Liaoyuan?"

Yin Lian shook his head and said:
"Heishiguan is more than 300 miles away from Pingyi City. The King of Liang couldn't take it with thousands of people. He led an army of tens of thousands. It would take three to five days at the earliest..."

Yin Lian was frowning and analyzing, but his ears twitched slightly. He looked to the far west and raised his hand to suppress everyone's discussion...

The frosty moonlight sprinkled over the boundless wilderness, and the churning of horseshoes caused a roar that spread far and wide for several miles.

King Zuo Xian was wearing golden armor, with white hair fluttering in the sky, and led more than a dozen personal guards galloping on horseback. He was deaf to the provocations from behind, but quickly distanced himself from the cavalry he was carrying, so as not to miss the snow lake flowers he was carrying. .

And half a mile behind, Ye Jingtang held the dragon-fire gun in one hand, and drove the charcoal-red horse to chase at full speed. Because he was a little irritable because of the Tianlangzhu, he talked a little more than usual. Don't forget to say:

"The dignified Four Sages of Northern Liang were chased by me single-handedly. Did you learn from Lu Jieyun?"

"Your hair is gray in your 60s. Could it be that you are disgusted by other warriors?"


The dozen or so personal guards who followed Zuo Xianwang were very angry when they heard this, because the horse, which could not run overnight, saw the distance rapidly approaching, and in a fit of anger, they simply slowed down and wanted to turn around to intercept.

And Zuo Xianwang is obviously not a mud bodhisattva who will not fight back, but his mind is strong, and when it is time to retreat, his mind will not be shaken by emotions.

Seeing that the distance had been widened enough for the cavalry to withdraw, Zuo Xianwang yanked the reins, and the horse under his crotch kicked forward and slid a very long distance on the ice.


Seeing this, the guards at the rear also hastily reined in their horses, stopped at King Zuo Xian's side, turned their horse heads and glared at the rear.


Seeing King Zuo Xian turning his head back, Ye Jingtang didn't care that he regarded him as a high-level fish. He stopped on the ice field, walked back and forth with a gun in one hand, and looked at the dozen or so people in front of him:
"Don't run away?"

hooves, hoofs...

The armored war horse, which was moving like a dragon, was panting like a cow in place, and it also stamped its front hooves.

On the horseback, King Zuo Xian remained motionless. After staring at the familiar face for a while, he raised his hand and took off the visor. It can be seen that there was a scar on his originally handsome face.

The scar is on the right side of the face, piercing the corner of the eye, coupled with the white hair fluttering in the wind, giving people a sense of ferocity as if Shura came to the world, but the expression is not hideous, just staring at Ye Jingtang with cold eyes :
"This scar was left when I beheaded King Tianlang. Although it's not pretty, it represents the eternal great cause of pacifying the Western Frontier, and I have been reluctant to remove it.

"Back then, it was my fault for not cutting the weeds and rooting out the roots and planting disasters for Daliang; since you took the initiative to come to the door to beg for death, even if I die in battle, I have to wipe out the future troubles for Li Shi. How could you avoid it and not fight.

"Whether you want to avenge the subjugation of the country, or open up borders for the Southern Dynasty, just let the horse come here, without Jiang Zhahu and Xue Baijin around, I want to see how capable you are."

Call ~
The cold wind swept across the ice, and the world turned into dead silence.

Seeing that the opponent stopped running, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't need to waste his tongue, he flew up and landed in front of the horse, holding his spear at an angle, let out a low hum~, and strode forward.


Seeing this, more than a dozen personal guards scattered around to make room for the prince to avoid being accidentally injured.

Zuo Xianwang dismounted from his horse, put his spear across his back, dragged his white hair and strode forward.

stomping on...

The distance between the two figures was less than half a mile, but within three steps of each other, cracks appeared when they landed on the ice, and their figures turned into black and gold afterimages. When the warriors saw it clearly, they collided in the center of the ice field!
Ye Jingtang dragged his gun and galloped forward, with a distance of tens of feet, his footsteps slid back and forth, his muscles tensed like a strong bow, and the nine-foot spear instantly turned into a half moon behind him.

The violent energy that had nowhere to vent erupted in an instant, and the surrounding ice surface was instantly torn apart, and was engulfed by the strong wind and turned into a galloping dragon python, swallowing the golden afterimage in front of it.

The momentum of this move was enough to make Xingyue pale.

But Zuo Xianwang, who was rushing straight to the white dragon, his eyes were as calm as stagnant water, and he did not back away. He clenched his long spear with both hands, and slashed directly towards the ice in front of him.


The moment Chang Leng made his move, a crack appeared on the ice between the two, as if a sword from heaven and man had slashed at the center of the lake.

The huge waves engulfed the ice bricks and turned into a high wall that covered the sky and the sun. The vast energy collided in the air, and amidst the deafening explosion, the water splashed to the nine heavens!
Ye Jingtang fired a shot, and his figure followed closely behind. From a distance, it was like walking on waves.

Unexpectedly, before breaking through the water mist, the water wave on the right was cut across the middle, tearing a huge gap.


The invincible long lance, driving the boundless flying water, came to the flank in an instant with a frightening momentum.


Ye Jingtang held guns in both hands, blocking the incoming spearhead, a string of sparks burst out from the mist soaring into the sky, his body was able to hold on, but the ice surface under his feet was like mud, his body instantly pierced through the ice layer, until he hit the lake and disappeared again. Bounced, tearing a huge groove in the ice.


The blue veins on Zuo Xianwang's forehead were bulging, and he held a lance in both hands like a demon god who destroyed the world. He smashed Ye Jingtang into the frozen lake with one blow, then jumped up, and slashed down again with the momentum of opening a mountain.


Before the shattered ice and water mist that had just splashed fell, they were pushed away again by overwhelming vigor, and the ice below was completely shattered.

However, Ye Jingtang, who flew out, was not in front of the sharp edge. The moment he touched the ground, his figure turned into a black thunderbolt, dragging a semicircular arc on the ice field. To the temple.


Zuo Xianwang had expected that Ye Jingtang would improve and might even stand shoulder to shoulder with him, but at this moment his eyes still showed surprise.

After all, ordinary people are so aggressive, even with this strength, the muscles and bones can't hold up the explosive force, and it is possible to tear the tendon on the spot.

But Ye Jingtang's muscles and bones were completely different from those of ordinary people, and he charged forward with a gun, his eyes were still as calm as stagnant water, and he didn't show any pressure.

Facing the sudden shot, King Zuo Xian was suspicious, but he still didn't show any effort. Long lance had no time to turn around, so he grabbed the barrel of the gun with his left hand and lifted it up.


Qi burst out, Zuo Xianwang's white hair collapsed in a straight line to the right in the air, and the water mist splashed above was also pierced by Qi, creating a straight hole like a whirlpool, hitting the sky directly.

Zuo Xianwang slid to the right, and was knocked out more than ten feet in an instant. On the way, he turned back and swept across, slashing at Ye Jingtang's waist and abdomen.

But the moment Ye Jingtang shot through the air, he decisively abandoned his gun and stepped forward with all his strength.


A ray of cold light flashed over the ice field.

Ye Jingtang's Chilong Saber was out of its sheath behind his waist, and his physique, which was already pushed to the limit, was destroyed to the extreme under the blessing of Fengchi Nixue. The muscles of his legs and left shoulder had already been honed, and they were still being injured explosively regardless of the cost. , and the speed was so fast that even Ye Jingtang couldn't see clearly, only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the person had come to the right side of King Zuoxian!
Although this knife that Ye Jingtang has spent half his life learning is not necessarily the most powerful move in history, but the secrets of Tianlangzhu, Minglongtu, Eight-Step Crazy Sword, Fengchi Nixue, etc., are superimposed. It should be called the fastest cut ever.

When the blade made a move, what more than a dozen guards in the distance heard was no longer a piercing scream, but a ringing in their ears.

Ye Jingtang himself didn't see clearly what was in the foreground, and King Zuo Xian, who was not too far away from him, also couldn't see clearly. The body felt only a strong wind swept past, and Ye Jingtang moved from more than ten feet away to the right.

If Wu Kui encountered such a situation, he could already raise his hand and touch his neck. After all, he couldn't see clearly, so how could he break his tricks?
But to everyone's shock, King Zuo Xian still avoided the knife that cut him in half.

As the prince of Beiliang, King Zuoxian is a brother of the former emperor of Beiliang. He practiced Mingshentu in the capital when he was young.

Mingshentu tempers the perception of the six senses of human beings, until they can do whatever they want inside and outside the body. They can finely control every inch of skin, flesh and energy channels, and their reaction ability is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

When Zuo Xianwang dealt with Eunuch Cao, he was completely underestimated by being strangled, but when dealing with Ye Jingtang, he did not underestimate the enemy. The moment Ye Jingtang got stuck in a dead corner, he realized that the blade was about to come, and his footsteps had already gone step forward.

However, no matter how powerful the effect of a single picture of the dragon call is, it is only the longest board of the body. How much water the body can hold depends only on the short board.

Ye Jingtang relies on Minglongtu, Tianlangzhu, etc. to exercise his body. At present, he is under full strength, and his reaction cannot keep up with the explosion. He is driving a big car with children.

But Zuo Xianwang turned the other way, he had more than enough reactions, but his physique was still at the level of a normal martial artist, and his body couldn't keep up with his brain.

King Zuo Xian saw through Ye Jingtang's intentions one step at a time, but his physique seemed extremely bulky at this moment, and he could see it but couldn't completely avoid it.


The blade flashed past, instantly shattered the golden armor, and pulled out a blood groove on Zuo Xianwang's waist.

Although the body can't keep up, but the extraordinary reaction of the first step, it is impossible to have no effect. Even if the parry is hasty, the step forward and the indestructible armor still let Zuo Xianwang avoid fatal injuries.

After Ye Jingtang stabbed him, he felt something was wrong in his heart, he didn't stop, but rushed forward to distance himself.

King Zuo Xian was stabbed in the back, it didn't affect his skill at all, and at the same time as he stepped forward, he had already swept the long spear back.

boom -

There was another explosion on the ice field.

The shattered ice surface was lifted up again, and a black shadow also rushed out several tens of feet, the palm patted on the ice surface and then flew up, both feet fell to the ground and slid backwards, and the knife in the left hand stopped on the ice field .

clap la la...

The two fought each other in the blink of an eye. At the beginning, they were blasted by the broken ice and lake water in the air, and now they hit the ground like a rainstorm and hailstone.

Ye Jingtang touched the ground with one hand and bowed like a tiger, his eyes fixed on the golden armored figure in front of him, and his eyes showed surprise.

After all, King Zuo Xian didn't expect him to be so explosive, and he didn't expect King Zuo Xian to react so overbearingly that he could dodge a single kill.

The blood flowing from Zuo Xianwang's waist quickly stained the golden armor red, and he did not pursue after the first blow. Instead, he held a long lance in his right hand, turned the dragon gun with his left hand and pointed at the ice obliquely, and looked at the night with two long soldiers. Shocked, with a sneer in his eyes:

"Really think that this king is one of those miscellaneous fish in the world outside, who can easily be killed by a tricky knife? Now what are you going to do to show this king a single-handed close-up?"


Ye Jingtang is not Fengguan City, it is obviously a little bit more difficult to approach Zuo Xianwang's spear single-handedly.

But Wu Shengqiang's strength is that he knows everything, and he will not be reckless when fighting, but will adapt to local conditions to find the optimal solution to the situation.

Facing martial artists of the same level, it is obviously not a good solution to fight alone.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang didn't hesitate at all, stomping on the ice with both feet, and galloped towards the dozen or so personal guards who were about to rush to help.

Seeing this, King Zuo Xian's smile froze, and then his eyes were furious, and he roared angrily:

After finishing the words, he flew and galloped, chasing after Ye Jingtang.

Accompanied by more than ten personal guards, they wanted to help the prince, but in the fight between martial arts saints, they are not even considered trash fish, and they are no different from the wooden stakes beside them.

Seeing Ye Jingtang face to face, he suddenly rushed towards them with a single knife in his hands, the complexion of more than a dozen bodyguards suddenly changed, knowing that they had caused a catastrophe, they flew up and ran away, and the smarter ones immediately wanted to throw away their weapons .

But it was obviously too late.

Ye Jingtang erupted at full speed, but in an instant he came before the horse team, beheaded a bodyguard who had risen into the air with a single-handed slash, grabbed the long-handled mace that had not yet been thrown, and stomped on the corpse at the same time , the body shape is convenient to turn back in the air.


As King Zuoxian's personal guard, the weapons he uses are not magic weapons, but they are not too bad. The mace is eight feet long, with a cylindrical hammer body at the top, with a golden barb like a tiger's tooth, and weighs no less than thirty. Jin is a pure armor-piercing weapon for horse warfare.

Ye Jingtang turned around with a mace in both hands, and Zuo Xianwang, who was holding two guns, was already coming to kill him.

King Zuo Xian saw Ye Jingtang who managed to knock down the weapon with great difficulty, and then got the supplies to attack again in a blink of an eye. He was so angry that he wished to tear a dozen bodyguards alive with his own hands.

But the two sides met the enemy in the blink of an eye, King Zuo Xian didn't even have time to scold, he threw the dragon gun with his left hand like a javelin, and shot at Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen, followed closely by Chang Leng.

Ye Jingtang possesses the power of a dragon and an elephant, and his fighting style is open and close. In fact, he has always thought that the most suitable weapon for him is a pumpkin hammer with a long handle of a hundred catties, but because it is too ugly and inconvenient to carry, he has never considered it.

At this time, with the heavy weapon in hand, Ye Jingtang's speed has slowed down, but his aura seems to have changed. Before he could meet the enemy, he held the tail end of the mace with both hands and swept it behind his head. His muscles bulged and he let out a thunderclap Blast:

boom -

Amidst the loud noise, the mace smashed into the ice.

The ice sheet did not act as a hindrance, and it was sunken several feet under the heavy blow, turning into a huge bowl-shaped pit.

The force of the impact was so great that the horses behind who hadn't had time to run away instantly turned on their backs and rolled towards the center of the depression, while water mist exploded all around.

The dragon-sounding spear that came out was like a willow leaf without roots, and was instantly thrown away under the vigorous bombardment.

And King Zuo Xian, who followed closely behind, was also hit by the incomparable impact force and slid back a few steps.

blah blah——

And Ye Jingtang hit the ground with the hammer, and his figure didn't stop at all. Almost by inertia, he flipped forward over the mace, and immediately after landing, he swung out the second hammer.

With the huge inertia and the brute force of a dragon and elephant, the second hammer was even a little faster, and it was equal to the gun with full force, and it reached King Zuoxian's head in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Xianwang's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately pulled back his body and made a strong frame, never thinking that there would be a loud bang of "铛——".

The mace smashed down in the air and landed on the long lance. Although King Zuo Xian could support it, the lance obviously couldn't hold back Ye Jingtang's heavy blow. , the long pole still swept against Zuo Xianwang's chest unabated.


Although Queen Zuo Xian pulled it in time, the breastplate was still swept by the mace with half of the hammer head, and the gold armor on the chest was instantly scratched, and the flesh on the chest was scraped, and the whole person flew backward, falling on the ice. A long dent was plowed on the top.

Ye Jingtang slammed down his legs with a hammer, then bounced back with force, followed closely behind.

King Zuo Xian was blood-stained on his chest and back. After sliding a few steps on the ice, he turned over and ran to the side with a broken lance, chasing after the flying Dragon Spear.

Ye Jingtang smashed the opponent's weapon, naturally he would not let go of the golden opportunity, and immediately pursued with the broken mace.

But the two chased for only a few feet, and suddenly there was a loud shout in the distance:

King Zuoxian raised his eyes while running wildly, and saw more than ten riders rushing in the distance, all wearing official robes, he immediately turned to rush over there, and said loudly:

Ye Jingtang saw another wave of miscellaneous fish coming, his expression didn't change, he rushed to the side of the dragon firing gun first, dropped the mace and pulled out the spear, and then galloped towards the dozen or so riders.

After Zuo Xianwang caught the big gun thrown in the air, he wanted to turn around and fight again.

But the three eunuchs who rushed over saw King Zuo Xian's abdomen and back were covered in blood, they didn't dare to let him take risks, and said directly:
"His Royal Highness puts the overall situation first, let's go."

King Zuo Xian gritted his teeth, turned his head and glared at Ye Jingtang, then charged over ten riders and galloped towards the depths of the ice field.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's eyes turned cold, and he followed closely to try to bypass the dozen or so people, but the miscellaneous fish who came after him took him by surprise.


The eunuch Yin Lian, headed by more than a dozen people, let out a male duck voice in the distance, and leaped up like a moth with his plain clothes fluttering, and rushed to the Yejing hall.

The remaining two eunuchs encircled and surrounded from the side, followed by eight retainers from various wealthy families.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang faced the crowd who were rushing towards them bravely, raised his hand and hit a yellow dragon, trying to split the leader three.

But the three eunuchs who appeared suddenly, their martial arts were still within acceptable range, and their reaction and speed of raising their energy were bizarre. Almost at the moment of his attack, they had already evaded the sharp edge and pressed down on him from the side.

boom -


Ye Jingtang has traveled the rivers and lakes for so long, and he knows the upper limit of warriors very well. He can see at a glance that these three eunuchs are not ordinary. The horrifying speed of raising energy came out, and there was an exaggerated reaction of Myojintu who was one step ahead.

If both of these are accounted for, then basically they will always be preemptive, and they will be naturally stronger than normal warriors.

Ye Jingtang sensed that something was wrong, and he became more cautious in his heart, instead of attacking close up, he single-handedly stabbed the most vicious eunuch on the left.

The eunuch who rushed to the front was named Hai Yong, and he was ranked [-]th out of the [-] servants in Yandu. His martial arts skills were not considered high, but being able to be crowned with the word 'courage' by Emperor Liang was enough to show his character.

Hai Yong was dressed in eunuch robes, and his face was like an angry King Kong. Seeing Ye Jingtang's gun attack, he couldn't keep up with the speed, so he didn't dodge at all, and directly hit the gun head.


Ye Jingtang pierced his chest and abdomen with a spear, trying to tear his body apart, but found that there was a mystery hidden inside the eunuch's robe.

The eunuch wearing the spear seemed to have no sense of life and death, and felt no pain. After bumping into it, he threw several black ropes out of his sleeve, and shot at the eight rushing masters, while spraying powder on Ye Jingtang's face with his left hand. fog.


But in an instant, Ye Jingtang's body was enveloped in smoke, and when he found the powder mist pungent, he immediately closed his eyes and held his breath, only relying on his hearing to sense the positions of the 11 people around him.

The eight attendants accompanying the rear, with the dead soldiers in the palace as cannon fodder, naturally would not stand stupidly, catch the black rope, hang it on the drag hook that had been prepared by the horse's side, and beat the horse vigorously.


The eight fine-bred horses kicked forward and galloped towards the periphery immediately.

As for the eunuch Hai Yong who was wearing the long spear, his heart had already been shattered by the single shot. Pulled by eight horses, his chest was strangled into a ball of rotten flesh almost instantly, tightly restraining the barrel of the gun.

The spear was dragged by eight horses, and the huge force was immediately transmitted into the hands. Ye Jingtang could not let go, but the ice surface under his feet couldn't stand, and two grooves were wiped out on the ice surface to slide forward.

The remaining two eunuchs were also close at this time, and one of them was walking on the left side of Yejing Hall, waiting to be cut in half by Chilong Saber.

And Yin Lian slipped out a dark green dagger from his sleeve, relying on his extraordinary perception and reaction, judged Ye Jingtang's next move, and quickly shortened the distance.

After all, Ye Jingtang was a normal person, and his mood was similar to that of King Zuo Xian who met Eunuch Cao at this moment. Facing the three mad dogs standing straight up to die, he felt a little scalp numb.

However, although these three people reacted strangely quickly, their physical fitness was still too far behind him.

Seeing the three eunuchs using their lives to limit the weaponry, Ye Jingtang let go of the spear directly, unsheathed the Chilong Saber at the back of his waist, knocked out smoke and rushed towards the eight people who were trying to make up the sword.


A gust of wind blew up on the ice sheet in an instant.

The eight disciples who followed were capable of being masters on weekdays, but they had neither the muscles, bones and aura tempered by imitation Tianlangzhu, nor the perception enhanced by the Mingshen map. They are all good martial arts.

Ye Jingtang held a saber in his hand, and almost in an instant, he came in front of the eight people. He pulled the saber left and right, and brought eight flying heads with him in one pass.

Yin Lian and the remaining eunuch were able to catch Ye Jingtang's intentions, but they couldn't keep up with them at all.

Seeing this, Yin Lian was furious and cursed:
"big eater!"

After the words fell, he flew back and fled towards the distance.

Ye Jingtang was in a hurry to chase and kill King Zuo Xian, and didn't even bother to pay attention to these two mad dog dead men who were specially used as stumbling blocks. Sliding on the ice surface supported by horses, pulling hard.


After forcibly pulling out the Dragon Firing Spear, Ye Jingtang mounted one of the horses and chased into the depths of the ice field.

Although it was only delayed for a while, Zuo Xianwang was able to run for seven or eight miles at the speed at which King Zuo Xian escaped with all his strength. In addition, there was a peregrine falcon staring at his position in the sky. As long as the distance was too far, it would be difficult to catch up.

Ye Jingtang's flying horse was galloping, and when he was cursing inwardly, he suddenly found three small dots at the end of the ice field.

The golden little point holds a big gun, blood-stained white hair fluttering in the wind, standing on the ice with his back to him, it seems that he has bumped into something insurmountable, and dare not move forward.

And further forward there are two small dots, one green and one white, which looks like the white lady Xiaoqing from a distance, standing in front of King Zuo Xian who is at the end of his life.

Ye Jingtang was slightly taken aback when he saw this scene, his eyes lit up with joy, and immediately rushed over...

(End of this chapter)

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