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Chapter 414

Chapter 414

After eating, the mountains were shrouded in darkness, and a silver full moon appeared in the sky.

In the courtyard at the top of the Walled City, the birds must have had enough to eat, and they flew around the mountains by themselves, looking for little mountain rabbits to chat with.

Holding a binoculars, Dongfangli was watching the heroic birds scurrying around on the edge of the cliff. When he found Fan Qinghe coming out of the house, he walked out dully and said:

"Miss Fan, where are you going?"

Because of Fan Qinghe's promise to change shifts on the road, now she is cowardly when she sees the queen, but the queen is blocked at the intersection, and it is difficult for her to bypass, so she put on a normal look:

"Yejingtang has gone to take a medicinal bath, and I don't need my help. I'll go find a clean robe, and we'll go to the back mountain to enjoy the moon together later."

Dongfang Liren's original intention was to let Aunt Fan take care of the bath, but when she saw her running out, she showed a bit of helplessness, walked up to her and said in a low voice:
"Ye Jingtang's personality, you and this king should both know, the color is the color, but he takes care of his daughter's feelings, and he won't force you if you don't like it. But he is really sick, we agreed to change shifts on the way... ..."

It is not easy for Fan Qinghe to go back on what he said by himself at this time, so he nodded and said:
"I'm a doctor. He needs something. Even if I voluntarily refuse, I will forcefully help him for his own sake. Your Highness doesn't need to remind you. What kind of tea does Your Highness want to drink? You can't buy tea from Dongming Mountain..."

How could Dongfang Liren have the heart to drink tea, now he only wants Aunt La Fan to go into the water, so he pretended to be sleepy:
"I took care of Ye Jingtang on the way, and I didn't sleep well due to the exhaustion of the boat. I'll go back to my room to rest. I'm going to trouble Miss Fan to watch the night. If it's troublesome, I'll go talk to Grandma Gui and ask her to arrange two people... "


Fan Qinghe feels that the queen is using Granny Gui as a sword to target her, but she really loves the elders of the clan. When this word reaches Granny Gui's ears, she is so afraid that she will be tied up and sent to the room of Ye Jingtang. obediently said:

"I'm fine at night, so don't worry about the girls in the village taking care of me. Rest well, Your Highness. Don't worry about the rest."

"Okay, let's change shifts tomorrow."

After Dongfang Liren finished giving instructions, he returned to the room.

After Fan Qinghe watched Dongfang Liren leave, his expression was obviously a little more complicated, and he walked towards the walled city alone.

Today when the uncles mentioned the engagement, she didn't directly agree, not because of shyness or aunt or anything, but because of another layer of concerns.

As Zhu Zong of the Dongming Department, Fan Qinghe knew very well why her uncles were anxious to get her engaged to Ye Jingtang. After all, only in this way could Ye Jingtang have an inseparable connection with the Dongming Department.

But it was precisely because of this that she hesitated.

After all, with the needs of the ethnic group and the agreement of her parents behind her, no matter how good she is to Ye Jingtang, she feels that she is so close for the sake of the Winter Netherbeth, and she feels like a woman who is stalking.

She can give everything for Dongmingbu, but she doesn't want to deceive herself or even Ye Jingtang's feelings.

For this reason, they can do anything for Ye Jingtang, but because of the needs of the ethnic group, they go to get engaged to Ye Jingtang.

love each other...

Ye Jingtang publicly admitted today that saying that he likes her should not be a lie...

As for herself...


Fan Qinghe glanced at the moonlight, but he didn't know what he thought.

I feel that I am a strong woman, everything is for the ethnic group, and there is no personal emotion in doing things.

But he was not angry when Ye Jingtang was frivolous, and when Ye Jingtang fainted, he took the initiative to take off his clothes and help those things. At that time, there was no survival of the Dongming tribe or the ethnic group in his mind, and he just thought about "how could he?" In this way, it's so hot.

Being taken advantage of and never thinking about Dongmingbu, if she refuses or gets angry, isn't that just a pissed off daughter-in-law who falls in love with a man...

The more Fan Qinghe thought about it, the more confused he became, and felt that if he continued to think about it, it was time to convince himself, so he quickly brushed aside distracting thoughts, walked down the stairs quickly, and found clothes for Ye Jingtang...
Silent night.

In the wing room on the side of the main house, Ye Jingtang soaked in the milky white bathtub, the water did not reach the chest, it can be seen that the bruise on the chest has basically recovered, and the scar on the shoulder has scabbed, but the internal injury is more serious than the external injury, and it will take some time to fully recover. some time.

The medicated bath is made of medicine to promote body recovery, and the pollen of Xuehu flower is added. It is true that soaking in the spring makes people feel refreshed, but it is indeed a bit easy to get sleepy.

Ye Jingtang leaned against the bathtub and soaked for a while, and then he had already entered a half-dream and half-awake state. Just as he was wandering, footsteps sounded outside the window:

tata tao~
Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and looked out, and saw Qing He, dressed as a foreign witch, walked in from the outside with a robe in his arms, and closed the door again:
"I just went to the village to find you a set of Chibu's robes, do you want to try wearing them?"

While Fan Qinghe was talking, he came to the bathtub and unfolded the robe in his arms.

Ye Jingtang sat up a little from the bathtub, because the bath water was opaque and did not cover his lower body, he looked carefully in a blink of an eye.

The robe in Fan Qinghe's hand is black at first glance, but by candlelight, it can be seen that the smooth fabric has a navy blue color, and there are patterns on the surface. The style is not much different from the common robes in the Central Plains. Kuafu has the same pattern every day.

Ye Jingtang knew that each tribe in the West Sea had its own costumes, and Fan Qinghe's sacrificial costume was one of them, and only the upper echelons of the ethnic group could wear it.

Seeing that Qin Chibu's clothes are so new, he said curiously:

"Pretty is really beautiful, but this seems to be the style of a round-neck robe, are you sure it's Qin Chibu's clothes?"

Fan Qinghe folded the robe, put it on the tray, and explained:
"The Yanchi tribe was a small tribe of more than a thousand people a hundred years ago. Since their ancestors, they have been chasing the sun and migrating to the ends of the earth. It would be nice to be able to wear animal skins. Where did the cloth come from.

"Later, King Tianlang came out and took most of the clan to the capital after he unified the western border. Seeing that all the major clansmen were all neatly dressed, and his own clan members wore all kinds of clothes, it was really unseemly, that's why he made such a robe..."

Ye Jingtang suddenly realized, and asked again:

"Is the Yanchi tribe just migrating after the sun? No purpose?"

Fan Qinghe came to the back, checked the injury on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, thought for a while and said:

"Grandma Gui said yes. There are many ancient legends in various parts of the West Sea. According to legend, in ancient times, a dragon collided with a mountain, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to sink. Immortals fell to the ground and gradually became mortals.

"For example, our Dongming and Xuanhao tribes are the descendants of the God of the North, while the Gouchen tribe is the descendant of the Great Emperor Gochen, and the Wuma tribe raises horses for the Heavenly Court. It seems that the Qinchi tribe is unwilling to stay in the mortal world For a while, I ran after the sun, and it is said that after chasing the sunset, I can find that mountain, and I can use this to return to the heaven..."

Ye Jingtang laughed and said, "Did you find it in the end?"

Fan Qinghe shrugged slightly: "Of course I didn't find it. The Qinchi tribe migrated past the sunset peaks and wanted to go west, but was blocked by a mountain range.

"The mountain range is connected to Huangming Mountain, and extends eastward to the eastern seashore. Countless ancestors went out to explore the road, but they all ended up without problems. In the end, they could only settle down at the foot of the mountain in the northwest.

"The place where the Qinchi family settled down is the 'end of the earth'; and there is Haijiao Port on Tianmu Road in Beiliang. The two places are the westernmost and easternmost places in the world, and the southernmost is the official city where Fengguan City is located. , the northernmost is said to be the eternal frozen lake in the Northern Wilderness... It seems that all the witches have gone there."

Although Yejingtang has a lot of places to go, but to put it bluntly, it still circles around the Central Plains. I have never seen these places before, and I am quite envious of Shui'er.He thought for a while and said:

"There is a mountain beyond the mountain. I couldn't get over it before. It must be because of my physical fitness. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely help the ancestors of the Qinchi Department to see what is behind the mountain."

Fan Qinghe naturally knew that the world would not be as big as the Northern and Southern Dynasties, so she said:
"According to the old man, people who can cross the ends of the earth have already returned to heaven, that is, they have become immortals. For example, people like Xiao Zu and Wu Taizu from the previous dynasty, as long as they went out, they never came back; when you go up the mountain to see Just watch, if you really leave and never come back, the Queen and the others will cry to death..."

Ye Jingtang felt that the conversation was a bit too far. After shaking his head and smiling, he did not continue the topic.

While Fan Qinghe was speaking, he kept helping to press his shoulders.

Soaking in the warm pool water, Ye Jingtang's energy and blood were relatively active, so being touched and squeezed like this, coupled with the atmosphere of lonely men and widows in the bathroom, was really a bit strange.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, turned his head to look at Fan Qinghe, and said with a smile:
"Or just go out and look at the moon."

Fan Qinghe kept looking at the man's pectoral muscles, but actually felt something was wrong, so he stopped and brought a towel:
"Okay, the girl in the village is setting off fireworks... ah!"

Before Fan Qinghe could finish his sentence, Ye Jingtang stood up from the bathtub, revealing his perfectly contoured waist and abdomen, as well as some sinister things.

Although it was not the first time we met, and even touched and hugged him personally, Fan Qinghe didn't admit the relationship after all. When he saw it suddenly, he shrank in shock, and hurriedly hugged the towel to his chest, first looked down, then looked at Ye Jingtang's cheeks were frightened.

Ye Jingtang looked down, then quickly sat back in the tub, a little embarrassed and said:
"Uh...the body is really not right, it's abrupt, put down the towel, I'll wear it myself."

Fan Qinghe's face turned red, seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't seem to be doing it on purpose, after slowing down for a while, she finally returned to her appearance as a female doctor, and put down the towel:
"Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's not really uncomfortable, it's just that the qi and blood are not balanced and there will always be troubles. It's okay, I can do it myself."

Fan Qinghe pursed his lips, didn't say much, ran outside the door and waited silently.

But after a while, Ye Jingtang came out wearing a navy blue robe, his long hair tied on top of his head with a wooden hairpin, because he was soaked in hot water for a long time, and he was still a little fluttering when he got off the ground.

Fan Qinghe looked back, although he thought Ye Jingtang was handsome, he still didn't dare to boast, just like an elder, he held Ye Jingtang's arm and walked along the road of the Walled City:

"It's not enough to just lie down when you're injured. Walking around more will help you recover."

Ye Jingtang looked at the flushed cheeks beside him, knowing that Fan Qinghe was nervous, but he didn't make any progress. He just looked at the large bonfire in the center of the walled city:
"What is that doing?"

Fan Qinghe glanced slightly from a height:
"On Taiping, there is nothing new in the village all year round. You are here today, it is a big event, let's get together and celebrate."

"Oh...shall we go there?"

"Forget it, you go there, those little girls will go crazy. Girls from various tribes in the West Sea are not like the Central Plains, they are very bold. You have a temperament of going away with just one hook. Maybe you will be killed by a little girl after two glasses of wine." In the house, raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice..."


Ye Jingtang felt that Miss Fan's words were because she was afraid of the elder sisters in the clan, so she cut first and played later, and picked her, the patriarch's peach.

However, Aunt Fan would definitely not recognize these words, and Ye Jingtang was not ignorant, but said helplessly:

"I look like that kind of person?"

"Aren't you, I don't know, I just know that no girl who dares to get close to you can run away, even the Queen, Master, you dare... Sigh..."

Fan Qinghe had nothing to chat along the way, and just walked not far along the road when he found two girls from the same clan running over with fireworks, and they seemed to be going to play in the village below.

The girls who can live in the high places are all children of the same family with several surnames, and many of them grew up with Fan Qinghe. In private, they don't have the slightest reverence for Mr. Zhu Zong.

The girl walking in front should be the one who said "ohhhhhh" on the city wall today, her eyes lit up when she saw Ye Jingtang, and then she said:

"Sister Qinghe, are you taking my uncle out for a walk?"

Seeing an acquaintance, Fan Qinghe let go of Ye Jingtang's arm, and was teased by the girls in the clan, his brows frowned:
"What uncle, Jing Tang is a distinguished guest, why is there no courtesy at all..."

"Huh~ I've heard about the ancestral hall, and I still want to hide it from us... Let's go down first, Mr. Ye, don't be so shy, just hug if you want, Sister Qinghe is soft-tempered, you hug her I definitely dare not say anything..."

"Go! Go! Go!"

Fan Qinghe blushed at the two words, found a cane from the side of the road, and scared the two dead girls away.

Ye Jingtang felt that these two girls knew Aunt Fan quite well, and pulled his wrists to persuade:

"Let's go, let's go, what do children care about with them?"

"Older than you, still a child..."

"I'm not too old..."

Fan Qinghe's eyes were annoyed, he walked a few steps before realizing that his hand was being pulled, and quickly changed to supporting Ye Jingtang, it was not easy to talk nonsense on the road.

Ye Jingtang followed, chatting nonsense along the way, and soon bypassed the city wall, and came to a rocky cliff behind the mountain.

The stone cliff faces the mountains behind, and you can vaguely see the dots of lights in the depths of the mountains, which should be other small villages in the Dongming Department. Lock.

Fan Qinghe came to the cave, opened the iron lock, and a scent of medicine came to his face.

Curious, Ye Jingtang walked into it, and it can be seen that in the expanded and spacious cave, there are many wooden frames with various medicinal materials on them, which are larger than the ones seen in King Wu's hiding place , Every time you walk out, you can still see stone partitions, which should be firewalls.

"This is the big library of the Ministry of Winter and Darkness. As long as there are medicinal materials in the world, there are all here. In the past, the witch sneaked in, and the other sisters and I have been counting for several days..."

Ye Jingtang listened to the narration, watched while walking, and soon came to the deep and spacious area of ​​the cave. It can be seen that the plundered snow lake flowers were laid flat on the plaque to dry in the shade.

And further on, there are all kinds of medicinal materials that have never been seen before, and there are even several compartments with several black jars with unknown functions, which are separated by iron bars to avoid accidental touch.

Ye Jingtang took a few glances outside the iron fence and said curiously:

"What's in here?"

"Gu worm."

When Fan Qinghe mentioned Dongming Department's housekeeping skills, his eyes showed a little pride:

"These things are not ordinary. Although you can't touch Wu Kui and Wu Sheng at all, but in the ordinary arena, they are deadly weapons. For example, this dragon lock Gu, the poisonous mist penetrates the skin and locks the blood of the warrior. , there is no cure in the world..."

Ye Jingtang grew up in the Jianghu of the Southern Dynasties, and normally he would not encounter these objects that everyone shouted and beat. When he encountered them in Beiliang, these tricks would no longer be able to deal with him. Test the poison to see how overbearing the Dragon Locking Gu is, but unfortunately it was stopped by Qinghe.

The two wandered around like this for a while, Ye Jingtang thought that Qinghe was going to show him the medicinal materials, but when they reached the deepest part of the cave, they came to another iron gate.

After Fan Qinghe opened the iron gate, the mountains and fields reappeared in front of his eyes, with stars and moons all over the sky, and the afterglow of lights under the mountains.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the iron gate, only to find that there was no way out on the stone flat, with a section of the stone cliff protruding out to shelter from the wind and rain. There were stoves, medicine rollers and other things on the platform, and there were deck chairs, tea tables and springs beside it. The place where medicine is usually refined.

Fan Qinghe lit the stove and started to boil water, then moved the reclining chair to the middle of the stone surface, took out a small bench and put it beside him, raised his hand and patted the reclining chair:
"Come on, sit down."

Ye Jingtang took a look around and felt that the scenery of this place was indeed very good. When he came to sit on the recliner, he could see the movement inside the city wall with his head, and he could even hear the playful sounds of young men and women along the night wind, but he didn't know it at all. bother here.He asked:
"You usually refine medicine here?"

Fan Qinghe sat down on the small bench, held his cheeks in both hands, and looked at the big moon in the sky:

"This is the patriarch's private alchemy room. Before I became Zhu Zong, I liked leaning here to watch the moon. It's a pity that after taking over Zhu Zong's position, the clan couldn't get enough to eat, so I didn't have the heart to do these things, running around all day long Running west, I haven’t had such a leisurely time in several years..."

Ye Jingtang swayed on the recliner, and said to this:

"Now Zuo Xianwang is gone, and there will be a shortage of food in the future. Even if the court is not able to transport it here, I can secretly send food to Dongming Mountain through the Hongshan Gang and Honghualou. I don't have to worry about it in the future. Just tell me what you need."

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, although he didn't quite admit it in his heart, but hearing these words, he really felt like a useless little daughter-in-law, and he had to ask his husband to subsidize his mother's family.

But the Dongming Department can do without her, but it can’t do without Yejingtang. Fan Qinghe couldn’t say a few words to refuse, so he could only sigh at the moment:
"Hey, speaking of it, I haven't helped you, and the Ministry of Winter and Darkness has never given you a single ounce of help. It's embarrassing to ask you to help like this."

Ye Jingtang smiled: "Why didn't you help me? Last time I came back from Tianlang Lake, if Miss Fan hadn't gritted her teeth and endured the humiliation to help me when I was unconscious, I would have been suffocated. And I was injured before, what This time it wasn't Miss Fan who treated her patiently and took care of her, which would be considered a life-saving grace..."

Fan Qinghe felt a little embarrassed by Ye Jingtang's praise, turned his head to look at Ye Jingtang's side face, recalled the scene in the bathroom just now in his mind, and couldn't help asking:

"Jingtang, are you sure your body is not uncomfortable? If it is difficult, don't be too reserved, am I a doctor..."

Ye Jingtang had just finished taking a bath. His body didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and he even felt a little comfortable.

But Miss Vatican's words are already on this point, if he doesn't use the slope to get off the donkey, he will be a fool, so he frowned and felt:

"Actually, a little bit, but it's still bearable."


Seeing what Ye Jingtang said, Fan Qinghe sighed secretly, agreed to change shifts with the queen, and now go ask the queen to come over to do it, the queen will definitely beat her, hesitated a little, got up, took a small cushion to put Sit down in front of the recliner while sitting on the back side.

Although the movements are quite skilled, Fan Qinghe's expression is still a little nervous, pretending to be calm and saying:
"I'm a doctor, and the doctor is benevolent. I see that you are not feeling well, so I can help you relieve the discomfort. You have to know how to measure, you know?"

Ye Jingtang leaned on the recliner, looked at the beautiful and moving female priest, and tried his best to calm down:
"Of course I know, do you want to change the place?"

"No one can see it here, just look at the moon, don't bow your head."


Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, and looked at the moon honestly.

Fan Qinghe knelt in front of the reclining chair, slowly untied the skirt of the sacrificial clothes, and the full arc suddenly appeared.

The sacrificial attire is relatively loose, and Fan Qinghe doesn't need to wear a chest wrap. Inside is a normal apron. Although it looks good, it is obviously a bit difficult to retract the gun from the bottom gap like the chest wrap.

Fan Qinghe glanced quietly, saw Ye Jingtang looked up at the sky, did not glance randomly, moved his hands behind his back, untied the cloth, revealing the upside-down jade bowl, then took out the medicine bottle from behind his waist, and began to rustle dart out……

At this time, Ye Jingtang didn't care to look at the moon. After the handle was grasped, he coughed lightly, looked down, and looked at the delicate face and tuantuan.

Fan Qinghe has been paying attention to Ye Jingtang, and found that he lowered his head, so he quickly covered his chest with one hand:
"Don't bow your head!"


Ye Jingtang leaned back on the chair back, and in order to resolve the awkward atmosphere, he asked:

"How do you think about what we discussed today?"

Fan Qinghe was carefully applying gun oil, and was a little dazed when he heard the words:

"what's up?"

"It's a matter of marriage. We've been together for so long, whether it's a misunderstanding or whether I did it on purpose, we've all had skin-to-skin relationships with you. Miss Fan is so gentle and virtuous, it's impossible for me not to like her..."


Fan Qinghe was holding the villain in his hands, and when he heard Ye Jingtang say this at this time, he was obviously a little dazed.

After all, with her current appearance, she can't just say that she would rather die than marry, right?
What's wrong with not marrying her now?

"You...don't say this is okay? I'm helping you heal..."

"I know, I just don't want you to be too wronged. Whether you want it or not, I have to express my opinion. If I really don't like it, I will definitely wait until you figure it out, and I won't make it difficult for you."

"I'm not embarrassed, don't you avoid medical treatment..."

Fan Qinghe felt a little regretful for helping, but she took off all the clothes, making Ye Jingtang unable to get up and down before leaving, which seemed a bit inappropriate, so she pretended not to hear, continued to work, and then wanted to lean forward with her hands.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jingtang raised his hand directly, supported his shoulders and pulled her up, pulling her into his arms, and they turned their eyes on each other.

Fan Qinghe panicked, and Ye Jingtang couldn't get up, so he whispered annoyed:
"what are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang hugged Fan Qinghe, and they swayed together on the recliner:
"If you don't agree, I won't let you help."


Fan Qinghe was stunned when he heard the words, frowned and said:
"If you don't let me help, then let me go! I don't have any clothes on..."

"What do you do if you want to help out later? It's so troublesome to go back and forth..."

"You forced me to agree, didn't you?"

"No, just watch the moon and chat together, if you don't agree, let's go back together..."

Fan Qinghe's skirt has faded to her waist, and she is still pointed at by a gun. How can she be in the mood to watch the moon and chat.

But Ye Jingtang hugged him tightly, she had no choice but to press on Ye Jingtang to block the spring, angrily said:

"Why are you so thick-skinned?"

Ye Jingtang might be afraid that Fan Qinghe would be frozen, so he pulled up his robe and covered Xue Ni's back:

"I just want to chat. Even if you agree, we will only get married according to the ancestor's precept, and we won't get married right away; nothing has changed on weekdays. It's just that when you help me, the psychological burden will be less, and I will feel more at ease. ..."

Fan Qinghe frowned and said:

"What if I don't agree?"

"If you don't agree, I don't force it. Let's go back after a short chat. You don't have to force yourself not to avoid medical treatment. How did you meet Shui'er the year before last?"

Facing Ye Jingtang, Fan Qinghe had nothing to do, so he took the ostrich offensive and lay motionless on his chest, responding:

"I have been looking for news about Tianlangzhu these years. I have searched all over the rivers and lakes of Beiliang, so I went to Nanchao to look for it. I originally wanted to go to the Hongshan Gang, but when I was staying in a shop on the way, I was suddenly tied up by a crazy woman. Forcing me about Minglongtu's whereabouts, I'm not a good person, I poisoned her at that time, but I didn't want to cause a big disaster in the end, this hater, I have been chasing me for more than half a year..."

Ye Jingtang didn't go too far, just put his hand on Fan Qinghe's waist and back, comforted him gently, and listened quietly to the soft voice.

After chatting with each other for a while, the hand slowly slid to the front of the body again, and the left hand caressed the jade ball lightly.

After all, Fan Qinghe was a young girl, so she couldn't withstand such tactics. As soon as she could endure it, her breathing became unsteady. However, Ye Jingtang only touched her, not going too far, so she pretended not to notice and continued to talk nonsense. the past.

But unfortunately, Ye Jingtang's aggressive temperament has not changed at all.

As soon as she pretended to be an ostrich, some of the ball was pulled out, and then she twirled with her fingertips, pinching something that shouldn't be touched.


Fan Qinghe lay in his arms, his body trembled slightly, he held down his hands, and looked up at Ye Jingtang in embarrassment:


Ye Jingtang didn't let go of his hand. Seeing that Miss Fan didn't mean to attack him, he lowered his head and poked his lips, and then said:
"Sorry, I can't help it, you can continue talking."

How do I proceed?

Fan Qinghe felt that if the conversation continued like this, all the clothes would be gone, so she stood up strongly:
"It's getting late, let's go back."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt a little resentful, but after sighing lightly, he let go of his embrace:
"Okay, go back and have a rest early. If we continue talking like this, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind."


Fan Qinghe wanted to run away, but when he looked down, he found the villain again, and felt like he was going to explode.Her eyes showed hesitation. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was quite uncomfortable, and the treatment course was obviously not finished, she hesitated again:

"How do you go back like this? How about I help you like that, just don't overdo it..."

Ye Jingtang saw that Miss Fan still wanted to heal him before going back. He didn't know whether to be touched or to be speechless. He hugged Fan Qinghe again and sighed softly:

"It's not very comfortable to say that, um... just don't enjoy yourself, and it's even more uncomfortable if you can't finish the job..."


When Fan Qinghe heard this, he couldn't believe it:

"At that time, you were as happy as a bird, how dare you say you were uncomfortable?"

"It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's that I'm not enjoying myself, um..."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and explained:

"That kind of method, speaking of it, goes against medical principles. Yin and yang conspire to conceive offspring, but it's not true. How can I get rid of distracting thoughts? If the heart is not right, the natural energy will not flow..."

Fan Qinghe felt that these words were quite reasonable, but she was not stupid, so she frowned and said:

"What else do you want me to do? Even if it's not very comfortable, it can calm down the blood. You ask me to heal the disease, and you ask so much?"

Ye Jingtang was a little ashamed: "I'm not pushing my limits. According to Miss Fan, it's a disease that should never be treated. Although a bit thick-skinned, if a patient has a problem, he must tell the doctor the truth. Miss Fan?"

Fan Qinghe was at a loss for words when Ye Jingtang retaliated against him in his own way.

When she saw the picture for the first time, she actually felt that the method would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and the more she used it, the more Ye Jingtang would be greedy for her body, and evil thoughts would arise in her mind.

After hesitating for a long time, Fan Qinghe frowned and said:

"If you're not sure, you can't handle it well?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "It's just uncomfortable, no matter what I don't care about, I can bear it. Of course, if Miss Fan can help to the end, I will feel much better."


Fan Qinghe is most afraid of this kind of want, but if she is not willing and doesn't want it, she really refuses and feels sorry.

She leaned in her arms, struggled for a long time, and then asked seriously:

"Are you treating me like a doctor, or do you have other ideas?"

Ye Jingtang must regard Fan Qinghe as his daughter-in-law, otherwise he would be so shameless, but when Qinghe asked, he still followed the words:

"Of course it's a doctor. I want to marry Miss Fan, but Miss Fan didn't agree. Before I agree, I will naturally not cross the line."


When Fan Qinghe heard this, he felt quite strange.

The eldest lady's idea of ​​sternly rejecting the idea that her illness should not be cured and that her personal feelings should not be involved has finally collapsed.

Don't refuse, what's the difference between this and agreeing to be a daughter-in-law?
What's more, if you didn't agree to it, you would be serious with her. If you agreed to each other, what should you do?
Is there anything more excessive?

Looking at each other, after a long silence, Fan Qinghe finally said in a deep voice:

"The kindness of the doctor, I have already helped you. Your innocence has been ruined long ago. This is nothing more than a further step. But...but you keep your word and treat yourself as a patient. You have to treat me...as an elder, and you can't act recklessly."

Ye Jingtang actually thought it was a good idea, and wanted to say something about Aunt Fan, but Qing He would definitely lose his face, so he nodded:
"it is good."


After speaking, Shiping suddenly fell silent.

Leaning in his arms, Fan Qinghe said something, but it was too late to regret it, so he turned his body slightly to let Ye Jingtang feel more comfortable, and kept an upright expression without any personal feelings, and asked:
"What...how should I do it?"

Ye Jingtang raised his chin slightly: "It's fine if I come, cooperate if you want, and close your eyes if you can't bear it, it's very simple."

Fan Qinghe and Ye Jingtang have been together for so long, and they have done all the touching and kissing things, so it must be a lie to say that they have no affection.

However, she was embarrassed to express these emotions in her heart. She moved up a bit after thinking about it, and was about to bow her head to kiss, but she couldn't let go.
The corners of Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, he lowered his head slightly, then put his lips together, his hands became more generous and slowly took off the sacrificial clothes hanging around his waist.


Soon, a white full moon appeared on the rocky cliff. Fan Qinghe blushed and wanted to cover it with his hands, but there were so many places on his body, how could he cover it? In the end, he drifted with the tide and was hugged around his neck with his hands .

Ye Jingtang knew that Qinghe was shy, so he pulled up his robe and covered them both, swaying each other in the moonlight...


After an unknown amount of time, there was the sound of boiling water not far from the stove.

Fan Qinghe let go of her psychological defense, and soon became distracted. When she heard the voice and came back to her senses, she opened her eyes and looked at the kettle:

"The water is boiling, I'll...first..."

Halfway through the conversation, she realized that she looked like she was riding a horse, and she could see the handsome face when she lowered her head. She stopped talking, bit her lower lip lightly, not knowing how to face it.

Ye Jingtang supported his waist, and hugged Fan Qinghe in front of him:

"Qinghe, what did you think about what uncle said today?"

Fan Qinghe managed to convince himself, and when he heard Ye Jingtang was on the verge of breaking out, talking about this again, his heart was in a mess and he was a little annoyed.

She didn't know how to think about it, her waist was slightly heavy, and she wanted to say: "Cure the disease as soon as it is cured, why do you talk so much?"

But she obviously forgot that just now she had personally applied the medicine to Ye Jingtang, both of them were moist, and when she lowered her waist, her cheeks immediately turned into pain, she didn't speak a word, and didn't even catch her breath.

creak creak...

The recliner rocked back and forth twice.

Ye Jingtang was caught off guard and snorted, but immediately hugged Qinghe again and patted his back:

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, why are you so anxious...don't cry, it will be fine in a while..."

"You... hurry up!"

"Hurry up? Good, good... I understand the meaning..."


The men and women whispered softly, sometimes without echoing under the moonlight, and then scattered into the mountains with the breeze, so that it was almost February in Dongming Mountain, and it was a bit more warm in spring...

(End of this chapter)

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