wait a minute

Chapter 427 32? !

Chapter 427 Twenty taels? !

Coming out of the Huofengzhai gate, the sky was completely dark.

After Ye Jingtang said goodbye to the disciples who were seeing him off, he looked up and saw two people and a bird under the flagpole at the door.

Qinghe might have been waiting for a long time. He crossed his arms and leaned against the flagpole. Although his posture was casual, he still looked beautiful. He tilted his head and talked to Yunli's niece.

But Zheyunli was the complete opposite of when he entered, sitting on the fence next to him, hanging out, although his cheeks under the bamboo hat were very lively, but his demeanor was like a tomboy, teasing the bad sister next to him.

Niaoniao was originally standing guard in the sky to avoid any objections when he left. At this time, he dropped from the sky, squatted on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and started: "Chi chi chi chi..." urging, which should mean that it was dinner time.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed the bird, then came to the flagpole and joked:
"Yunli, what do you look like when you're sitting like this? If your wife sees you, she'll be cruel to you."

After Zhe Yunli saw Ye Jingtang, he quickly jumped down and resumed his appearance as a gentle little girl:

"I just do as the Romans do. What if I'm too good and get targeted and abducted?"

Ye Jingtang felt that with Yunli's ability, he couldn't tell who would abduct whom when the traffickers came. He smiled and looked at Qing He who was walking over:
"It's already been negotiated. Just come here tomorrow to get the talisman. By the way, I asked about some errands to see if I can get a reasonable identity to enter Beijing. It will be safer this way."

Fan Qinghe was at ease with Ye Jingtang's affairs and didn't worry about anything else. He turned around and said:
"Let's find a place to stay first. I've been traveling for several days and I'm covered in sweat..."

Zhe Yunli was full of energy. He ran to pick up the bird and asked curiously:
"Did you make a fake name? What is my name?"

"I am a professional. I have to find some villages in remote areas first, and then compile my origin, surname, ranking, seniority, and resume. I have to complete it before I know the name..."

"It's so troublesome... Do I have to make up names for all the birds?"


"What are you talking about? We are pretending to go deep behind enemy lines. We will call you Yaoji from now on. You have to pretend to be stupid, otherwise you won't have anything to eat, and you won't hear."



Amidst Niao Niao's complaints, the three accompanied them to the inn where they stayed in the county.

After running around for a day, Ye Jingtang was really hungry, so he ordered a few small dishes, and after eating with the two girls, he went to the backyard to get hot water and began to wash.

The purpose of Ye Jingtang's trip was to steal the Ming Shen Picture in the Imperial City of Yanjing and see if they could get some more Snow Lake Flowers back.Although the goal is clear, it is quite troublesome to implement.

The Snow Lake Flower is okay, but if you really can't get it, forget it, but you must get the Mingshen Diagram.

Through Long Zhengqing's dictation, he knew that the Ming Shen Map should be in Emperor Liang's imperial study. Even if Emperor Liang was so stupid that he did not hide it in a different place for so many years, it would be difficult to enter the imperial city.

After so many days, Master Xiang Han must have returned to Yanjing. He forced his way into the imperial city. Even if one person was against an entire country, it would be difficult for him to escape from the imperial city alive.

As for sneaking in secretly, there are countless secret sentries around the imperial city, and there are also masters such as the twelve servants of Yandu serving as door gods. Judging from the last fight, everyone has practiced the Ming Shen Tu, and there is little hope of sneaking in without being discovered.

The current feasible strategy is to use a reasonable identity, enter the imperial city openly, and run away if you succeed; or find some helpers, such as borrowing the network of Jianghu forces such as the Qinglong Society, internal agents such as Cao Aning, etc.

Ye Jingtang was soaking in the bathtub, closing his eyes and thinking about countermeasures. Before he could come up with a solution, his ears suddenly twitched and he heard words not far away:
"Wow~ So big..."

"Shhh! What are you talking about? What will you do if your cousin hears this? Isn't the girl ashamed..."



Ye Jingtang blinked and listened a little, then heard the subtle sound of water splashing. It must be that the two of them were taking a bath. He shook his head secretly and closed his eyes again.

And next door.

Naturally, the two girls, Fan Qinghe and Zhe Yunli, didn't have to tell each other so clearly. After getting hot water, they took a bath together in the house.

Zhe Yunli often took baths with his wife and master before, but this was the first time for him to take a bath with Aunt Fan. The girl was still a little shy. She huddled upright in the tub, looking at the big ball opposite her, and wanted to use her hands to do it. Weigh the weight, but it’s not easy to do it.

Fan Qinghe was actually a little embarrassed, but every aunt had the attitude of being an aunt. At this moment, she was sitting generously in the bathtub, pouring water on her chest, looking at Yunli's flawless figure, and admired her. road:

"You are worthy of being born into a famous family. You have such a good figure. In two years, I should be able to compete for the title of the most beautiful woman in the world just like your wife..."

Zhe Yunli has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he actually prefers the figure of his master and the Queen, but unfortunately, no matter how much he eats, he doesn't grow taller, and becomes more and more slender, turning into the graceful and slender figure of his master's wife, Aunt Lu.

However, Zhe Yunli was still very happy to be praised by Aunt Fan at this time and responded:
"Actually, if I look at it, Aunt Fan has the best figure in the family. Her chest is about the same as that of the Queen, and her waist is about as thin as mine. Everyone who looks at it is jealous..."

"Ha ha……"

Fan Qinghe's figure was indeed quite impressive, so he naturally accepted the compliment. He pursed his lips and chuckled. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered something and asked:
"Yunli, you're not young anymore. What do you think about marriage?"

Zhe Yunli's expression froze slightly, he blinked, came close to Fan Qinghe, and whispered:

"Aunt Fan, did Mistress ask you to match me up with Cousin Jing?"


Fan Qinghe and Ning'er were already lying on their stomachs offering peaches to each other. How could they dare to agree to such a bad idea? He waved his hands quickly:

"No, I just asked out of curiosity. You...you also like Night Terror Hall?"


"Oh, just like the Queen, do you also like Night Terror Hall?"

Zhe Yunli felt that Aunt Fan was weird, but she still replied:

"No way~ Cousin Jing and I are brothers of the opposite sex. Although my wife intends to betroth me to Cousin Jing, I am only so old, so I don't have the nerve to think about this..."

Fan Qinghe was afraid that if he brought Yunli out, he would cause trouble and end up causing a scene like that between the witch and the queen. Although he was curious, he decisively shut up and just helped each other scrub.

After cleaning up, Fan Qinghe went back to her room to rest. I don't know how long it took. After Yun Li next door fell asleep, she quietly got up, left the room, and came to the room of Yejingtang.

In the room, Ye Jingtang had already finished taking a shower. Wearing only thin pants, he was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, practicing Qigong.

Fan Qinghe was wearing a red and yellow gauze skirt. He looked at the door for a few times, then went into the house and closed the door, looking around:
"Where's the chicken?"


There was a muffled murmur outside the window. It must be that the bird was given random names and was still sulking about laying poached eggs.

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes, with a smile at the corner of his eyes, and whispered:

"Yunli is asleep?"

When Fan Qinghe saw Ye Jingtang's cautious look, he knew what he was thinking. There was a bit of seriousness on his cheeks, and he naturally came to him:

"I'm a doctor. I'm just giving you a routine physical examination. After the examination, I will go back to your room and sleep. If you dare to mess around..."

"You know, how could I do anything random?"

Ye Jingtang didn't move any hands or feet. He just lay on the pillow and exposed his back:
"I've been running for several days and my back feels a little sore. How about Dr. Fan help me massage it?"

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe did not refuse. He sat in front of him, took off his embroidered shoes, took out a small bottle from his wallet, smeared it on his hands, and began to massage his back:
"You usually look pretty decent, why are you so perverted at home? You have five girls waiting on you..."

Fan Qinghe had obviously been holding back these words for many days.

Ye Jingtang turned his head and said helplessly:
"How can you say I'm a pervert, I'm just lying there as a tool man, I don't let me say a lot, my mouth is blocked all the time, it's quite humiliating to say..."

humiliation? !
Fan Qinghe didn't think that Ye Jingtang felt humiliated when she rode on his head and acted wildly. That articulate...

But she was really embarrassed to say such naughty words, so she just snorted lightly.

Feeling the soothing touch of jade fingers, Ye Jingtang was silent for a moment, then turned around and said:

"Can you press it with water? I think it's more comfortable that way."


Fan Qinghe frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy when the patient asked for so much:
"Is she doing massage? It's more like seduction. Don't push yourself too far. If you do this again, I won't help you."

Ye Jingtang felt helpless and stood up:

"Then let me press it for you."


When Fan Qinghe heard this, she was naturally anxious and asked Ye Jingtang to help her press it. The press was not on her shoulders, so how could she bear it?

Seeing Ye Jingtang's insistence, Fan Qinghe had no choice but to remain silent for a while, but still chose to compromise. He raised his hand to untie his skirt, took off the gauze bellyband given by Sanniang, then knelt down next to Ye Jingtang and possessed him. He pressed it against his back, his face flushed and rubbed.

Ye Jingtang felt her grandma's warmth and felt much more comfortable. After a while, she turned around to face her again. Before Qing He could get up, he held her shoulders and said softly:

"A little further up."

"You... what will Yunli do if she hears this?"

"Just keep quiet."

"How could I not say anything..."

"Hey, listen to me..."

At the same time, in the backyard of the county martial arts hall.

Although Huofengzhai's name is loud and clear on the dock all day long, it is essentially a "Ya Xing" in the world, and its main business is to connect Party A and Party B.

On the branches of the moon, in the courtyard of the martial arts school, several gang members who were away on business came back to have dinner with Situ Yanfeng, and by the way reported the news that came from various places today:

"The owner of the Red Mansion House in Chengtian Mansion recently had a whim and planned to build a prime minister's mansion. He wanted to find a dozen fair-skinned and beautiful young men. He asked the boss if there were any connections. ..."

"Well, the tastes of those aristocratic gentlemen in the city are getting more and more serious. I am a serious Jianghu man, and I am not a turtle slave. How can I accept such a dirty business? Next one."

The gang turned the page of the book and continued:
"The Yuelai Bookstore in Chengtian Mansion wants to recruit a book boy to accompany the children of the family to Beijing as an accompanying student. He is required to be above average in height, the best in martial arts is to be above the master, he must be honest and honest, and his appearance should not be too ugly. It is best to be able to read and write. Accepting permanent residency in other places..."

Situ Yanfeng frowned when he heard this and said, "Grandmaster? Are you recruiting a wife or a bookboy? If you have the ability, you can't be the leader yourself and become a servant for others?"

The gang members came closer and said, "Yelai Bookstore is the property of the Hua family. I guess this book boy was recruited by the Hua family. As long as we recruit people, we will definitely be paid a lot of money afterwards."

When Situ Yanfeng heard this, his eyes moved and he remembered another important thing. After thinking about it for a while, he said to the master:
"Make a note of this first. I'll help you look for it these days. I just sent a message to the Qinglong Society. How do you respond there?"

Another gang member said:

"Recently, the Southern Dynasty's army has been pressing down on the country, and profiteers who want to enrich the country have taken action. Every family is hiring murderers to kill them. The Qinglong Society is indeed short of people, but they don't want to be mediocre."

Situ Yanfeng knew the rules for entering the Qinglong Club and thought about it for a moment:

"Do you have any shady errands on hand that can be used as a proxy?"

The gang members thought for a while and said, "Yes. Recently, someone from Li Laosi's side in Chengtian Mansion played a trick and offered 100 taels of silver to find someone to kill the leader of the Thunder Eagle Gang..."

Situ Yanfeng was stunned when he heard this:
"Zhao Dong of the Thunder Eagle Gang is a serious master. It is said that there was a murder case in the Southern Dynasties in the past. He was cruel and ruthless. Why did you hire a killer to kill him for 100 taels of silver?"

The gang shrugged and said: "So Mr. Li can't do it, so he sent the business to us. Afterwards, we will divide him [-]% of the information money according to the rules..."

"Give him [-]%?!" "Alas..."

The gang members waved their hands and said: "Don't get me wrong, head. Zhao Dong is engaged in the boat gang business, and he is a deadly rival with the Song family boat company at Yanhe Wharf. Recently, they are robbing the big business of delivering grain to the border. The magistrate has set iron laws, whoever snatches Business caused lives, and his jobs were ruined.

"I estimate that Zhao Dong is paying for his own murder. As soon as something happens, the government will definitely suspect the Song family, and the business will belong to him. Zhao Dong only spends 100 taels of silver to hire the murderer, because he is afraid of hiring a real master. ..."

Situ Yanfeng understood the meaning this time and touched his chin slightly:
"What Li Laosi wants is for me to find a stupid young man from the Southern Dynasty to cooperate with us in a show?"

The gang shook their heads and said: "If Zhao Dong doesn't go to the government with his head up, no one will die. The prefect will not meddle in this business, so those who go will definitely not come back."


When Situ Yanfeng heard this, he suddenly became furious and slammed the table:

"Has Zhao Dong been kicked in the head by a donkey? You want to spend 70 taels of silver to buy a dead soldier? The Imperial Preceptor tried so hard to persuade me to take the right path. Can I do this?"

The gang said to this: "We are a dental firm, so it is enough to tell the situation clearly to the outside world. If no one accepts it, the employer's price is not enough, and we can still earn money from the pass-through; Liar people to death.”

Situ Yanfeng thought about it too, pondered a little, then waved his hands and said:
"I know. Li Laosi has the nerve to push this kind of nonsense to me. It costs 100 taels for a rich family to hire someone to break their legs, and 70 taels of silver to buy a murderer. Damn it..."

Time flies to the next day.


In the early morning, the sound of birds chirping could be heard outside the window, and the noise in the market could also be heard one after another.

On the bed, Zhe Yunli was wearing a white bellyband embroidered with birds, lying sideways on the bed with the quilt sandwiched between her sides, revealing her fair shoulders, her rather upturned buttocks, and her thin trousers bouncing tight, drawing a perfect picture semicircle arc.

Hearing the noise outside, Zhe Yunli fluttered her eyelashes, then sat up sleepily, rubbed her eyes and yawned:


Just in the middle of yawning, Zhe Yunli suddenly remembered something, frowned and looked at the door, then quickly stood up, ran to the door, and listened.

As a result, as soon as she put her ear against the door, she heard a clear voice coming from outside the door separated by a wall:
"Listen to what?"

Zhe Yunli's expression froze, he quickly stood up and raised his hand to open the door:

"It's nothing, I just felt like there was someone in the aisle...eh?"

Zhe Yunli had just opened the door a crack and saw the black shadow standing outside the door. The door made a 'bang~' sound and was pulled closed from the outside. She said blankly:

"Cousin Jing, what are you doing?"

"You get dressed."


Zhe Yunli looked down, only to realize that she was only wearing a bellyband and thin trousers, her neck shrank in shock, she hurried to the bed, put on her skirt, and then walked to the door pretending to be calm, and opened the door:

"Hey~ I just woke up, a little confused..."

In fact, Night Jingtang had just gotten off Aunt Fan when he suddenly saw the bird's bellyband that he had never seen before. To be honest, he was shocked. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and didn't see anything.

Seeing that Yunli's face was red and his eyes were a little dodgeful, he shook his head and smiled:
"I didn't see anything, don't think about it, let's go out to eat."

"I'll wash my face first."

Zheyunli quickly ran out of the house, went to fetch water to wash up, walked through Aunt Fan's room, and found a "crash~" inside, and said in confusion:

"Aunt Fan, why are you taking a shower again?"

"Oh...well...I had a nightmare yesterday, and I broke into a sweat. I even heard me talking in my sleep. You didn't hear anything last night, right?"

Zhe Yunli slept very soundly yesterday and didn't hear anything, but just to tease Aunt Fan, she still said:
"I seem to hear something like 'Jing Tang, don't go'..."


There was silence in the room.

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, and then he came to the front and flicked Yunli on the back of the head:
"Go and wash up quickly, don't be ridiculous."


"Ha ha……"

Zhe Yunli laughed twice, and hurried downstairs.

After waiting for the two girls to wash up, the three of them went to the street to have breakfast together.

Ye Jingtang was in a hurry to go to Yanjing, and he wouldn't stay here for too long. When the sky was bright and the shops were open, he brought the two girls to Huofengzhai again.

It was early in the morning, and there were no guests in the martial arts hall. Only the apprentices were practicing in the yard.

Ye Jingtang asked Qing He and Yun Li to wait outside, while he followed the familiar route to the back. When he arrived outside Head Situ's study, he raised his hand and knocked on the door frame.

dong dong~
In the study, Situ Yanfeng was slowly brewing Gongfu tea. Hearing the noise, he turned his head and smiled:

"Little brother is here, sit down quickly."

Ye Jingtang sat down across from the sea of ​​tea and asked:

"How's the matter with the talisman?"

Situ Yanfeng first gave Ye Jingtang a bowl of tea, then stood up and took out three small signs and a piece of paper recording his identity and resume from the box, and handed them to Ye Jingtang:
"Brother, are you still worried about Situ's work? The yamen worked hard all night last night. It is registered in the yamen. Not only the name, but also the records of corvee service and crime. Even if the gods come to check, they can't say that this person is not there."

Ye Jingtang picked up the talisman and checked it. It can be seen that it was made very carefully. The name, place of origin and age are all correct, and the official seal is all genuine.

The fabricated background is also very detailed. In a certain year and month, he worked as a civilian in a certain place to repair roads, was imprisoned for two days due to a private fight, etc. The government has well-documented records. As long as it is not an on-site visit, it is difficult to find any flaws.

The only shortcoming is that the names are a bit outrageous. They are called 'Zhao Si', Qinghe is called 'Wang Cui', and Zheyunli is called 'Wu Niuniu'.

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, took out another 30 taels of cash, and placed it on the sea of ​​tea:
"Master Situ is indeed considerate in his work, but the name is a bit random."

Situ Yanfeng waved his hand and said, "That's how poor people choose their names. They can't be too elegant. Your brother's name is Zhao San, but you can't call him Zhao Wenyuan. You can change it later when you become rich."

The Night Terror Hall was only for temporary use, so he didn’t care about it. After putting the sign away, he asked:
"With the Qinglong Club, does Master Situ have any connections?"

Situ Yanfeng considered it for a while, and changed the topic first:
"Recently, in Chengtian Mansion, there was a big family recruiting a school boy, that is, a guard. He sent his children to Yanjing Guozijian to study. He needed someone who was honest, honest, good at martial arts, and able to read and write. You don't look illiterate, and the conditions are very good. It's suitable. Are you interested in going over and taking a look? As long as it works, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future."

When Ye Jingtang heard that he was going to Yanjing, he felt a little moved:

"What family?"

Situ Yanfeng said: "The rules on the road are to give money in exchange for information. Otherwise, if you find out, you will go and I won't get a penny. You are really suitable for this job, and you can also make a lot of money..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "After all, I don't feel comfortable being saddled with others. I still want to go to the Qinglong Club to see..."

Situ Yanfeng really fell in love with Ye Jingtang's appearance. As long as Ye Jingtang is willing to go, he will earn double money at once. The Wang family and the Hua family are both big families, and it is not shabby to make a move. He is very persistent now:

"The Qinglong Society are all killers, so they can't see the light of day. Even if the brothers really go there, they must have a reasonable identity on the surface, right? Being a killer does not conflict with being a guard, and you can also hide the identity of the killer through the background of a wealthy family... "

Ye Jingtang felt that Situ Yanfeng highly recommended him to become a guard. In desperation, he could only take out the silver and put it on the table:

"What Master Situ said is also reasonable, but I'm not honest and simple, and the big family may not be able to take a fancy to it. Why don't Master Situ tell me the news about the Azure Dragon Society first?"

Seeing this, Situ Yanfeng was helpless:
"You kid, you're such a pie in the face that you don't even know how to open your mouth. I have your appearance and body, so I just went there by myself, and I'm trying to persuade you with all my sincerity?
"That's all. If you want to join the Qinglong Club, you have to prove your ability first. I have an errand. If you do it, you will have a stepping stone. I can take you to see the master of the Qinglong Club. Whether you can get in depends on your own ability. I I can only lead the way..."

While Situ Yanfeng was speaking, he took out a piece of paper and handed it to Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang took the note and looked at it slightly:

"White River Wharf, Thunder Eagle Gang, gang leader Zhao Dong, master of swordsmanship, must go to the Boat Gang to check the accounts before sunset, and the reward will be 3000 taels..."

Situ Yanfeng was blowing tea when he heard this and raised his eyebrows:

"Look carefully."

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look, only to find that there was a missing glance on 'Qian', and he immediately sat up straighter:

"30 taels?!"


Situ Yanfeng blew the tea slowly and nodded.

Ye Jingtang's eyes twitched, and he was shocked. He held it in for a long time before saying:

"The Grandmaster of Beiliang is so worthless? Is this enough for the round trip?"

Situ Yanfeng knew that Ye Jingtang would show such an idiotic expression, and sighed:

"I've said it all, you have to be tactful in your dealings, and think about what's behind it beforehand. According to the rules, the employer pays 30 taels and I have to take 21% of the water. You only get [-] taels of silver. Can you really kill someone? This is just trying your luck with someone. , go over and put a hidden arrow or something, it will work best, if not, just scare Zhao Dong.

"However, the risk of making a show of provocation in front of the Grandmaster is indeed high. It is normal for you not to accept this job. According to the rules of the Tao, if you insist on asking, I will only refund you half of the information fee. You must also keep it secret and cannot spread it..."

As Situ Yanfeng spoke, he wanted to divide half of the silver and push it back, but as soon as he started, he was held down by the young man opposite.

? !
Situ Yanfeng's hands shook when he saw this, and he raised his eyes and looked at Ye Jingtang in disbelief:
"Brother, you won't lose your mind and accept it, right?"

Of course, Ye Jingtang is not stupid, but the Qinglong Club is a wealthy family in Beiliang, and the assassin organization is good at collecting intelligence and infiltration. It is obviously easier to find a way to infiltrate the imperial city through the Qinglong Club than to go directly to the capital.

Moreover, this matter is just a formality, and it is not a real killing, so it is not difficult. He said:

"This matter is done, regardless of success or failure, head Situ will introduce me to meet people from the Azure Dragon Society?"

When Situ Yanfeng heard this, he also understood that Ye Jingtang just wanted to knock on the door. He thought for a while and said:
"If you succeed, you will definitely enter the Azure Dragon Club, and you will be the hall master when you enter. The selling price will be 3000 taels or more. If there is news of hiring people in the entire girder, the Azure Dragon Club will send it to you as soon as possible.

"If you lose, I will also go to the Qinglong Society to intercede, saying that although you are not very capable, you are very courageous and worthy of training. The prerequisite is that you come back alive."

Ye Jingtang nodded, and put the note into his arms:
"Understood, I'll go shoot a hidden arrow and come back."

As an intermediary, Situ Yanfeng knew that this matter was extremely risky. Zhao Dong wanted to kill the killer as evidence. It was not worth risking his life for 20 taels of silver.

Seeing Ye Jingtang getting up and getting ready to go out to do errands, Situ Yanfeng reminded him again:
"Remember not to be careless, as long as you take action, Zhao Dong will be justified in killing you, and your death will be in vain, so you must grasp the scale.

"It's okay if your arms and legs are injured. Don't make yourself embarrassed. I sent you the news about this guard because I respect your courage. You were passing by Chengtian Mansion and happened to go take a look. You said that I introduced you and you were really selected. Once you get there, you can come back and consider whether to receive another good job..."

When Ye Jingtang saw Situ Yanfeng stand up and send the note, he couldn't refuse it. He took it and glanced at it. When he saw that it said "Qingqiao Street, Yuelai Bookstore", he put it in his arms and took out the silver as a gift. Put the message fee on the table, turned around and left.

Seeing that Situ Yanfeng returned the money for the message and did not owe him any favors, she felt that this boy could become a great person in the future, so she got up and sent it to the door. Next time, she said:
"When you are new to the world, remember not to be too aggressive. Do as much as you can with the money. Only by living can you go further."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and bowed backward, then quickly walked out of the gate of the martial arts hall...


I took the exam twice and passed relatively well.

(End of this chapter)

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