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Chapter 438 Two Chickens

Chapter 438
At noon, on a hill on the outskirts of the city.

The big fluffy bird, a little tired after flying for a long time, was lying in the grass and sleeping in the sun.

Zhe Yunli was lying in the flowers, holding his chin with both hands, carefully looking at a passing motorcade, frowning and saying:
"There is something wrong with this convoy. The wood pulled by the car seems to be twenty logs, but the two cars in the middle feel lighter when starting and parking. They are not as bulky as other cars. I guess there should be empty space under the logs. There must be something..."

Fan Qinghe lay down in front of him, carefully observing the small inn in the town with his telescope, and whispered:
"Don't worry about these irrelevant things. According to the investigation, the five snake peak monsters should be in the town. Find their whereabouts first..."

This morning, after Ye Jingtang sent Hua Qingzhi to school, Fan Qinghe and Yunli went to the joint of the hidden pile to convey Ye Jingtang's instructions, and then the two of them searched for the Five Snake Peak Monsters among the crowds of people in the capital. .

Fan Qinghe had been to the capital before and had gone through the cabinets of many princes and generals. He knew the connections in Yanjing very well. He first found Zhang Laosi, the "know-it-all" in the West City, to get some information.

As a result, for some unknown reason, Zhang Laosi knelt down on the spot when he saw the two of them coming in with their faces covered, and said bluntly:
"Stop fighting. I really don't know if it will end or not..."

This scene directly confused Fan Qinghe. She asked Zhang Laosi the reason but refused to answer. She could only threaten him with poison. Only then did she learn that several waves of people had come yesterday to today to inquire about the whereabouts of the five snake peak monsters.

Fan Qinghe was a little confused, but it wasn't surprising after thinking about it. After all, the Qinglong Society, the Twelve Institutes, and the Southern Dynasty spies were all probably looking for someone. It was normal for each other to move in front of them. She was afraid of bumping into the messengers of the Beiliang court, so she left.

She went to several other places to inquire, and although there was some suspicious information, it was relatively general. She and Yunli traveled almost all over Yanjing, and then from a large number of clues, they narrowed the scope to Shilipo in the eastern suburbs.

Near Shilipo Town is the Xixia Temple, a famous scenic spot in Yanjing. Many people come to enjoy the spring outing in March.

Fan Qinghe first walked around the town and found no clues, so he ran to a high place outside the town and waited to see if any suspicious figures appeared in the town.

The two of them brought a telescope. Zheyunli was a little tired of looking for people with his naked eyes, so he lay down next to him and swung his embroidered shoes. After looking at it for a while, his eyes moved behind Aunt Fan.

Fan Qinghe's figure was already hotter than that of the women from the Central Plains. At this time, she was lying on her back among the flowers, with her elbows on the ground and looking through a telescope. Her shoulders gradually tightened up to her waist, and her buttocks quickly became full again, showing her sexy figure. The heavy semicircle, with straight legs underneath, makes the curve perfect when viewed from the side.

Zhe Yunli blinked, looked back at himself, then raised his hand and scratched Fan Qinghe's back:

"Aunt Fan, your butt is so big..."


Fan Qinghe was caught off guard, his face flushed with embarrassment, he put down the telescope and pinched the naughty girl's face:
"What are you talking about? Are you ashamed? Your master's butt is not big? Lie down over there... cough..."

Zhe Yunli was originally snickering, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help but feel confused:
"Lie down? Why are you lying down in front of Aunt Fan?"


Fan Qinghe's face turned redder, blinked his eyes and defended:
"Hmm... haven't you learned the method taught by Sanniang, which is to stretch the muscles and bones?"

Zhe Yunli had lived in Pei's house before, so naturally he had learned a lot. At this time, he was kneeling on the ground with his legs bent, assuming a stretching posture like a cat:


Fan Qinghe felt embarrassed when he saw this improper posture, and turned his head to continue looking at the town:

"What are you doing in broad daylight? Work hard, or I'll tell Jingtang to be lazy when you go back and see if you can come out again."

This threat was quite powerful. Zhe Yunli quickly lay down and began to scan the town. As a result, he found a small convoy coming from the direction of the capital:

"Eh? Is that the Hua family's carriage?"

Fan Qinghe looked through the binoculars and found Ye Jingtang riding in front. He was a little surprised. He was about to get up and attract Ye Jingtang's attention, but he didn't expect the unfilial niece next to him to directly hold her back.

Zhe Yunli has been practicing Dragon Elephant Diagram for a long time, and his martial arts skills are not low either. With this slap, Fan Qinghe was pushed directly into the flowers. The skirt of his clothes was crushed and he almost took a bite of grass. She turned her head road:



Zhe Yunli lay down in front of him, moved the grass in front of him slightly, and motioned to the town under the hillside:

"Look over there, are they the Five Snake Peak Monsters?"

When Fan Qinghe heard this, his eyes became serious. He lowered his body and looked carefully. He saw a man wearing a bamboo hat walking furtively in the alley at the corner of the town. He quickly entered a building without a door. Small inn.

Then a group of five people came out of the window at the back of the inn one after another. They were dressed very secretly and could not see their faces at all. One of them even poked his head out of the hiding place and looked at the motorcade passing by outside the town.


Fan Qinghe was stunned when he saw this scene:
"Are the Five Snake Peak Monsters crazy? Everyone in the capital is looking for them. How dare they try to trick the Night Terror Hall?"

Zhe Yunli also felt that the target customers this time were not very calm. They were so refreshing and soul-stirring that they might not be able to grab her if they were a little later. She whispered:
"Don't be impatient. We'll follow behind and see what they want to do. Cousin Jing is following the convoy, so it's not convenient for us to take action. It's best if we can deal with it secretly."

Fan Qinghe didn't say much at the moment. He and Yunli, one big and one small, lay side by side, carefully observing the movements of the five snake peak monsters...
The carriage drove through the official road of Huahongliu Road, and less than ten miles away from the city, a golden-domed temple appeared on the mountain beside the river in the suburbs of Beijing.

Yanjing is located in the hinterland of Hudong Road, and there are no high mountains and dangerous peaks. The height of the hill where Xixia Temple is located is only a hundred meters. Strictly speaking, it is a large mound. However, the temple covers a large area. The temple building starts from the Golden Hall at the highest point. It spreads all the way to the bottom of the mountain, surrounded by grass and flower fields, which are full of tourists who come for an outing in spring.

As for Shilipo Town, it is located next to the official road two miles away from the temple. It was lunch time in the afternoon, and there was already a slight traffic jam at the entrance of the town.

Ye Jingtang escorted Hua Qingzhi's carriage to Xixia Temple. Along the way, she chatted casually with Hua Junchen. When passing by the small town, she saw that there were too many people on the street, so she didn't go in and started walking directly on the meadow outside the official road. , looking for a place where you can sketch.

Hua Qingzhi has been preparing to go south to seek medical treatment since the end of autumn last year. She arrived in Yun'an in winter, stayed there for a few months, and then returned to Xijiang. It can be said that she has been on the road all the time, and it was only at this moment that she finally fully Take some time off.

Looking at the colorful flowers, green willows and bright spring scenery outside the car window, Hua Qingzhi gradually became interested and began to compose the picture silently, thinking about what to draw.

The most scenic place in Xixia Temple is the "Zen Terrace" outside the temple. It is a lawn outside Xixia Temple. The edge is about two meters high. Outside is the vast plain and river. You can see the sunset at dusk. It is said that decades ago , when the monk Shenchen was traveling around, he discussed Buddhism here with the old abbot of Xixia Temple, and many people from the world came to check in for this purpose.

After Ye Jingtang stopped the horse outside the temple, he took off his wheelchair and pushed Hua Qingzhi to the vicinity of the Zen platform. Hua Ning and the guards carried the painting case and found a place with the best scenery to put it down. Put pen, ink, paper and inkstone on it.

Hua Qingzhi came to the painting desk in a wheelchair and looked at the boundless spring scenery outside the temple. After thinking about it for a while, she felt that such beautiful scenery was a bit monotonous without a beauty, so she turned back and said:
"Hua An, stand in front and let me take a look."

Ye Jingtang followed him out, hoping to find an opportunity to go to the clear water forest twenty miles away to investigate, but he could wait until Hua Qingzhi finished painting, so he was not in a hurry, and immediately came to the edge of the lawn:

Hua Qingzhi took a few glances and felt that the broad-shouldered back was extremely beautiful, so she immediately picked up the brush:
"Dad, give the fan to Hua An and I won't go to burn incense. You can go alone."

Hua Junchen was waving his fan and watching his daughter draw. He wanted to comment a few words. Seeing that his daughter didn't really want him to stare at her, he had no choice but to shake his head and gave the folding fan to Ye Jingtang:

"Take good care of the lady, Lv Zhu. When the weather gets colder, remember to add some clothes to the lady."

"Good sir."


Ye Jingtang took the folding fan and stood in front of the painting desk. After leading Uncle Hua away, he asked in a low voice:

"Miss, are you going to paint me in and give it to the noble concubine in the palace?"


Hua Qingzhi was about to put pen to paper when she heard this and felt it was wrong. However, she finally caught the opportunity to let Ye Jingtang be a model. It would be a pity to just let it go, so she said:

"I'll just draw two pictures. Put your left hand behind your back, shake the fan with your right hand, and look into the distance. It's best to show your profile..."

Ye Jingtang actually wanted to know whether Benben's drawing of him looked better, or whether Hua Qingzhi's skills were more profound. He immediately followed the instructions, put on a suave pose, and acted like a wooden man...
At the same time, there is a place behind the temple where the carriages and horses are parked.

The spring scenery was bright in the countryside. Taking advantage of the good weather, many wealthy families came to the temple to offer incense. The originally spacious venue was already full of horse-drawn carriages. Many servants of wealthy families gathered under the nearby arbor, chatting. Miscellaneous chores:

"According to my master, the 'Five Immortals of the East China Sea' are not ordinary. The leader is called 'Huanglong Zhenren'. He has a black water snake coiled around his arm. He is nine feet and three inches long. He feels like thunder when breathing. …”


In the woods near the venue, the "Five Snake Peak Monsters" wore black scarves to cover their faces, only revealing a pair of eyes, and hid quietly behind the bushes.

The second among them heard the guards chatting and said in a daze:

"Who are these Five Immortals of the East China Sea? I seem to have never heard of them..."

As the eldest brother, Huang Ru, wearing a linen robe with a black snake coiled in his sleeves, was searching for traces of the Hua family's carriage in the carriage. In response to the second son's inquiry, he said coldly:
"Why do you care about these nosy things? The middle-aged swordsman who rode the horse just now must be Hua Junchen. His skills are quite good. Don't be careless. Fourth and fifth, you are here to show off. Second and third come with me."

The remaining four people all nodded. After two of them looked around, they followed Huang Ru and quietly jumped out of the woods. Using the carriage as a cover, they moved left and right and soon arrived outside the carriage with a wooden sign with the word '[-]' on it.

Although Hua Qingzhi's carriage was still under the care of the driver, most of them went to listen to jokes in the pergola, and there was no one around.

Huang Ru acted extremely cautiously, fearing to leave any clues. He did not rush into the carriage, but first put his hands outside the carriage.


Amidst the subtle noise, a two-finger-thick black snake slipped out of his sleeve with a snake message spitting out a snake message. It explored back and forth outside the carriage and quickly responded.

When Huang Ru saw this, he knew that there must be the smell of rare medicinal materials in the carriage. His eyes were slightly happy. He immediately let the black snake enter the carriage and searched every corner. He quietly stood up and took out the medicine bottle from the wallet at his waist. , and began to set traps on the carriage.

Although the individual combat power of the Five Monsters of Snake Peak is far behind that of Jianghu Grandmaster, their combined strength is not weak; and the professions of Poison Master and Machine Master are different from other warriors. There is no theoretical upper limit for lethality. As long as they are arranged in advance If it is in place, it is not impossible for one person to kill thousands of troops.

Huang Ru knew that the hero Hua Junchen from Chengtian Mansion was following him in the team. According to rumors, he had the strength of a mid-range grandmaster, but as long as he didn't meet head-on, he wasn't afraid.

At this time, he carefully arranged poisonous powder with a smell similar to the fragrance of flowers outside the carriage. When everyone in Washington came back from burning incense, the fine dust would float to the surroundings with the wind as the carriage moved. It was normal for the fragrance of flowers to drift around in the warm spring. It is enough to poison those who are traveling without any precautions.

The medicine Huang Ru used was not a strong medicine that could cause death quickly. After all, these medicines were too reactive and would make people alert as long as they were touched. It was not difficult to suppress the toxicity in time. At this time, he used something similar to 'Cartilage Hallucinogen Powder' When Wufu was unprepared, the traditional Chinese medicine would not have the slightest difference. When the medicine secretly took effect, his hands and feet were weak and he felt dizzy even if he wanted to boost his energy again.

By the time the poison took hold, the carriage had already traveled about two or three miles and reached a secluded area on an official road with no villages or shops in front of it. If they were to break out at that time, they would be sure of success.

Huang Ru, as an old-school Xiaoxiao of Tianmen Road, is extremely professional in his methods. He even adjusts the spraying points according to the approximate position of the convoy when it comes, so that no fish that slips through the net will be caught by the rain and dew.

But just when Huang Ru was concentrating on the arrangement, there was sudden movement in the empty carriage!


The black snake spit out the snake letter and passed under the couch, looking for the medicinal materials hidden in the carriage, and soon came to the other end of the couch.

And just when the black snake put its head forward and was about to climb up the box next to the couch, a thick claw with white hair suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly on the black snake seven inches away.

The big furry claws, with black hooks and thick long legs, directly pinned the black snake to the floor, making it difficult to move.

Huang Ru was carefully arranging the medicine. He was startled when he heard the sudden movement. He turned to look at the carriage, only to see Xue Ying, who had been appearing out of nowhere, squatting in the corner of the soft couch, looking down at what he thought was half a meal. The little broken snake for dinner.

Snakes and rats are already on the diet of hawks, falcons, owls and other birds of prey. Once caught, there is no way to survive.

Huang Ru's heart trembled when he saw this scene, but his eyes lit up again the next moment.

After all, the snow eagle in the carriage has a very fair coat, almost snow white, round and stocky, much larger than ordinary falcons, and looks very smart and spiritual.

With this kind of appearance, the old man selling tea in the market knew that it was ridiculously expensive. Huang Ru had heard that King Zuo Xian loved to play with eagles, so he had no choice but to accept the peregrine falcon and directly rewarded the Jianghu people who paid tribute with 3000 taels of snowflakes. Silver, the snow eagle in the carriage is obviously more powerful than Huang Bu Laji's peregrine falcon. This value...

Thinking of this, Huang Ru immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking the risk to grab the Snow Lake flowers. After all, as long as he met an old man who loved to play with eagles, this thing in the carriage was much more valuable than a few medicinal plants, and he immediately wanted to catch eagles.

But the Snow Eagle in the carriage was obviously not a Muggle. After catching the black snake, he jumped out of the window with a "whoosh", spread his wings and flew towards the forest behind.

Huang Ru saw this scene and hurriedly whispered:

"Catch it!"

The fourth and fifth boys who were squatting behind were not stupid. When they saw a white shadow grabbing a black snake and speeding past, they quietly jumped up and tried to intercept it; while the second and third boys also pressed forward and chased after it quickly, trying to catch it. A flying money tree.

But after all, the snow eagle has two more wings than a human being. It is not a free-roaming chicken. There is no saying that it is inconvenient to move after taking off. It is really not that easy to catch it as it draws curves in the woods.

When Huang Ru saw that the eagle did not fly high into the sky, he naturally would not give up the windfall in front of him. After chasing him into the woods, he even took out a silver needle to knock down the snow eagle.

But what the five people didn't expect was that this snow eagle seemed to have been carefully trained, and it actually knew how to hide from concealed weapons. It maneuvered in a snake-like manner in the woods and used the trees as cover. The five people were so shaken that they almost nailed their accomplice in the forehead.


Huang Ru chased him for less than half a mile, and gradually he felt something was wrong. After all, such a powerful snow eagle could not be wild. It seemed to be well-trained, and it should not be running around privately. It could appear in the carriage and then run towards the car. In a deserted place, there is a high probability that he is obeying the orders of the bird master!
"Not good!" Huang Ru's sense of danger was very keen. The moment he noticed something was wrong, he knew that he had been tricked into luring the enemy. He immediately stepped forward and wanted to withdraw from the forest.

The snow eagles that were running around in the woods stopped on the branches when they saw this, and looked back at the warrior who was no longer chasing:


clap clap...

At the same time, the sound of footsteps trampling on dead leaves also sounded from deep in the woods.

Huang Ru slipped out the flying knife and poisonous needle from his hands under his sleeves. He turned back to look at the way he came, only to see a figure walking out from behind the pine tree.

The figure is slim and wearing black clothes and a hat. Only his chin can be seen covered by a scarf. He carries a long yellow sheath sword of about the same height on his left shoulder. His pace is unhurried and unhurried, even with a sense of leisurely strolling.

The five monsters of Snake Peak have good eyesight. They can tell she is a woman just by looking at her body shape. Judging from her aura, her martial arts skills are unfathomable and she must be well prepared. At that moment, her eyes look like she is facing a formidable enemy.

Huang Ru, the leader, stood among the five people, looking around with his peripheral vision, and said:

"Who is your friend? I don't remember ever offending you."

Zhe Yunli had caught the opportunity to act alone, and he was a little excited, but he looked very cold on the outside, with a bit of ice.

After arriving directly in front of the five people, Zhe Yunli put down the knife and put it on the ground. He slightly raised his bamboo hat and looked at them:

"Qinglonghui Ercan, that bird is called Yaoji. Someone is offering money to buy your lives."

"Blue Dragon Club?"

"Two tubes..."

The five snake peak monsters and others must have been confused when they heard this self-announcement. The name of the Qinglong Society was very familiar to them, but where did the Yaoji Ertong come from?
After all, Huang Ru is a man who has been in the world for a long time. Knowing that the other party came out like this, he must not be prepared to do anything good. Seeing that the other party was very confident and not easy to provoke, he immediately said politely:
"It turns out to be the heroine Er Tuan, whom I have admired for a long time. I wonder how much money my employer paid? We are willing to pay double the money to the hero, just as buying a favor. We are not just ordinary people. If we really take action, the heroine We don’t necessarily have a chance of winning, so why hurt each other’s harmony..."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli didn't say much. He raised his hand and made a 'seven' gesture:

"Seven taels per person."


When the five snake peak monsters saw each other making a 'seven' sign, they originally thought that the lion would shout out 7000 taels. They simply couldn't afford that much silver, and they were about to bargain when they heard 'seven taels' and were stunned.The second one frowned and said:
"How many?!"

Huang Ru's face turned cold. He understood that the other party was deliberately talking nonsense and taunting them, and had no intention of letting them leave. He said directly:


Although the four accomplices were surprised by the other party's offer, their reactions were not slow at the critical moment of life and death.

The moment Huang Ru gave the order, the two people on the left and right scattered dust, and with a wave of their big sleeves, they swept towards the killer in front; the second and third elders moved to both sides at the same time and approached; Huang Ru took cover from his companions and quietly launched three poisonous needles.

The most authoritative measure of a person's strength in the world is the head bounty.

The five snake peak monsters have been working together since they were young. They have been together for more than thirty years and have cooperated to the point where they can't distinguish between each other. Although the individual strength is not high, together they do have the level of 35 taels of silver, which is better than 30 taels. Zhao Dong is obviously much stronger.

As the five people took action at the same time, sand and rocks flew into the woods, and smoke filled the sky, wrapping Zheyunli in it.

Zhe Yunli had actually underestimated the enemy just now, but now faced with almost flawless cooperation, he clearly felt the pressure and quickly retreated with his sword.

tata tao~

As the steps flew back, the long knife that was originally stuck on the ground was also pulled out of the scabbard, and then it whirled on the spot and let out a scolding voice:


Amidst the harsh sound of the sharp blade breaking through the wind, the five-foot-long knife slashed a circle around the body. The cross wind caused by it instantly swept away the poisonous needles that came from the attack, and also stirred up the smoke and dust coming from the pavement to create a void.

The second child of the Five Monsters of Snake Peak had just rushed forward. Faced with the sudden push of smoke and the wind of a knife, his eyes were really startled. He did not expect that this young-sounding female killer would have such amazing explosive power. .

Although the opponent was using a knife, Lao Er could tell that he was using a spear move. Before Zhe Yunli could fight back, he forcibly got close and threw his left hand forward.


Amidst the sound of dense breaking wind, fine iron sand shot out from his sleeves and spread into clouds in the air, covering almost the entire upper body of Zheyunli, forcing Zheyunli to fly back again.

At this time, Huang Ru also leapt to the top of the tree canopy, firing his hands like a crossbow, and shooting poisonous needles down from high altitude, specifically blocking Yunli's possible landing spot.

Rub rub rub rub——

But in an instant, broken leaves flew across the forest, and countless holes were made on the ground.

Fan Qinghe was secretly watching the battle not far away. When he saw this scene, he secretly thought that something was wrong. He felt that Yunli could not deal with such a professional young man in the Beiliang Jianghu. He immediately took out the poisonous needle and concealed weapon, trying to fight evil with evil.

But just as she poked her head out, before she could fly out, she paused again, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes!
Ding Ding Ding ~
There were constant sounds of hidden weapons breaking through the air in the woods. Zhe Yunli swung his sword and retreated quickly, keeping distance from the five monsters chasing Snake Peak. He seemed to be at a disadvantage of losing ground.

But Zhe Yunli has never been an ordinary martial artist, but a successor who was cultivated by Pingtian leader at all costs. He is full of talent, understanding, mentorship, and opportunities. In essence, he is a hexagonal martial artist like Ye Jingtang, but with smaller dimensions. It's just a circle.

Facing the five people who were interlocking with each other without leaving any gaps, Zhe Yunli did not mess up the rules and fight blindly. He stepped on the "Nine Palace Steps" that the master's wife had never used correctly before, leaving Huang Ru completely unable to judge the next step. Click, jump left and right in the woods, and quickly distance yourself from the five people.

After being pushed between three pine trees, Zheyunli stopped on the spot without any warning. His left leg was straightened and his right leg was bent in a lunge. He held the knife with both hands horizontally by his side and pointed the tip of the knife forward, with his hands closed. eyes.

Huang Ru was chasing after him, but when he saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately yelled:
"There is a fraud."

As soon as the words were spoken, the four accomplices ordered and forbade them, and ducked behind the tree trunk almost at the same time.

Huang Ru has been in the bottom of the world all his life, and he has countless experience in killing people with traps and poisons. He is not unsophisticated. At a glance, he can see that three pine trees form a triangle. The canopy of the trees above blocks the sky and the sun. It is an excellent place to lay traps.

The opponent was retreating steadily and suddenly stopped here against common sense. He was obviously standing in the center of the formation to avoid being accidentally injured by the hidden weapon he had deployed.

However, the five people dodged behind the tree trunk at the same time. The expected hidden weapons and flying knives raining down like a torrential rain did not appear. Instead, there was a muffled sound, followed by an almost ear-piercing scream:


Zhe Yunli didn't set up a formation at all. What he was fighting at this time was the five experienced people in the world, which was the 'empty city strategy'.

The five people avoided the unknown trap in their imagination at the same time. Zheyunli's natural pressure suddenly decreased and he had the opportunity to backhand. He closed his eyes and used the Tianhe knife to judge the position of the person behind the tree. His bent right leg suddenly transformed into a figure like a cheetah walking through the forest. In an instant, When he came to the back of the tree trunk, he slashed across the thick tree trunk with his sword!


Amidst the explosion, the tree trunk was broken in response, and the figure behind it was also cut in half, bringing out a bloody mist.

Amidst the sound of branches and leaves breaking and the trunk falling, Zheyunli stepped on the wooden stake and rushed to the right, and followed the trend with another series of stabs!


The sword wind whistled continuously in the woods, and only a black shadow could be seen jumping left and right like lightning, and in an instant it brought out two streaks of blood.

As for the five Snake Peak monsters whose offensive was stopped and their rhythm was disrupted, there was obviously a problem with their coordination. The remaining three were divided into two waves, and it became a situation where they were defeated one by one.

Fan Qinghe in the distance was stunned when he saw this scene. He had no idea that Zhe Yunli was so courageous and had such a delicate heart.

Even if she had seen the unreasonable stop just now, she would have suspected fraud and would have stopped the offensive to judge the truth.

But this move can only be used by veterans of Yinjianghu. If you encounter a rookie, you won't pay attention to your position at all, and you will be reckless. If you stop without guarding, the opponent's poisonous needles and hidden weapons will be all on you, and it will be too late to parry. She would definitely not dare to gamble.

Skills and moves can be learned, but courage, insight, and judgment are innate. Based on this actual combat performance, I feel more stable than the demon girl. I'm afraid it won't be long before Yunli can hold her down and let Ye Jingtang make medicine... …

Fan Qinghe was watching not far away, because Yunli's performance was so amazing, his eyes were full of praise, and he even wondered why she was not such a promising young apprentice, but soon his pupils shrank and he reminded:

In the woods, Zhe Yunli pulled from left and right to defeat them one by one. In an instant, he killed the four people who could no longer form a cooperation, and then went straight in to chase the bandit leader.

When Brother No. 1 was killed, Huang Ru realized that he might have wet his shoes this time after walking along the river all his life, but he did not show any panic in his heart.

The four accomplices were killed in an instant. Huang Ru stepped back continuously, his eyes full of fear and astonishment. When he saw the killer charging towards him with a knife, he dropped the silver needle in his hand and knelt down to kowtow:

"Heroine wait a minute!"

Zhe Yunli was born in the Jianghu of the Southern Dynasty, and he originally paid more attention to martial ethics. When he saw the other party giving up resistance and kneeling down, he subconsciously stopped in front of him.

As a result, Huang Ru knelt down and kowtowed with his bare hands on the ground. He seemed to be devoid of any threat. The moment he lowered his head, there was an explosion from his back:
"call out--"

A hole was suddenly punched through the back of the linen robe, and a black arrow shot out like a scorpion tail stinger against the back of Huang Ru's head.

The black arrows are coming very fast and fiercely, and the distance between them is too short, making them difficult to guard against.Zhe Yunli's pupils shrank, and he immediately raised the knife and opened it. Unexpectedly, the tip of the knife touched the black arrow, and a cloud of black mist exploded, revealing the three silver needles wrapped inside.

The surface of the silver needles was extremely smooth, with a dark green color. One of them was picked apart by the tip of the knife, and the remaining two shot forward, directly pouring into the sea of ​​​​qi in the abdomen.


Huang Ru's nickname of "Yellow Tail Scorpion" comes from this move, and his methods are even more vicious. If an ordinary person were to be attacked by such a sneak attack, even if he was not killed on the spot, he would still be left with permanent hidden injuries, and his martial arts would be completely useless. not sure.

But what Huang Ru didn't expect was that the silver needle, which was as fast as thunder, pierced the killer's unprotected abdomen. Although it penetrated the black clothes, it stopped abruptly within half an inch of the flesh, as if it was stabbed in the flesh. Above the iron wood, it is difficult to get even close to half an inch.

The female killer in black, who should have been severely injured and flew back, didn't even groan. After holding the knife and looking down, her eyes turned into monstrous anger, and she gritted her teeth:


Huang Ru thought that the opponent was wearing soft armor, so he was not surprised that the hidden weapon did not hit him. Taking advantage of the opponent's pause, he flew up and fled to the woods. However, as soon as he took three or five steps out, a flying knife flew from the side. .

call out--

And masters? !
Huang Ru's expression suddenly changed. He was unable to parry the attacks from the two men. He gritted his teeth and tried to catch the flying knife and escape.

Unexpectedly, the female assassin behind her was so angry that she refused to cut him even if she could. She first deflected the flying knife from the side, and then slashed towards his waist and abdomen.


He turned around and struck with three swords. Huang Ru, who was not good at melee combat, was no match for him. After two exchanges, he was struck on the knee with a sword. Before he had time to beg for mercy, the second sword struck his neck in an instant.

Blood splash!
When Fan Qinghe saw that Yunli was injured, his eyes were filled with eagerness. As soon as he flew to the front, Huang Ru's head was already missing. She stepped forward and quickly grabbed Yunli:
"Don't be angry. This needle is highly poisonous. Treat the injury quickly. People in Beiliang are like this. Just be more careful next time."

Zhe Yunli was really shocked just now. If she hadn't practiced the golden scale bathing in fire diagram, she might have been seriously injured on the spot.Seeing Aunt Fan's fear, she put away the anger in her eyes and wanted to say it was okay, but the bird squatting on the tree trunk suddenly reminded:

Fan Qinghe's ears twitched slightly and she heard someone approaching quickly from outside the woods. She was afraid that her identity would be exposed and she didn't dare to stay. She immediately picked up Yunli and flew deep into the woods:

"Come on."

Zhe Yunli was calm in the face of danger. Just as he put away the knife, he suddenly remembered something:
"Wait a minute, I forgot to engrave the name of the Blue Dragon Club. The employer won't give me any money..."

"It's too late, let's go first."



Thank you [White-haired Paramecium] for being the leader of the alliance for the reward!

 Recommend a new historical book "Invite the Emperor to Die"

  Zhu Qiyu returned to Tumubao, Brother Emperor, you can go and die!

  Machiavellian articles, if you are interested, you can collect them~~

(End of this chapter)

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