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Chapter 441 Bishui Forest

Chapter 441 Bishui Forest

After meeting with the Qinglong Society, Ye Jingtang arrived outside the Wang family's residence. As a result, he heard from the guards that Wang Jiwen would never go home without causing trouble. He usually lived in the prince's mansion, so he sent the painting to the prince. At home.

When everything was done and I returned to the eastern suburbs with the spiced rabbit head, the road was already full of carriages and horses heading back into the city, and the Xixia Temple was full of lights.

Ye Jingtang drove his horse to stop outside Shilipo Town and looked at it from a distance. It could be seen that the officers of the brigade had just gathered up and were carrying five corpses back to the city.

The Washington carriage was following the officials. Hua Junchen and Xue Baihu were talking, while Hua Qingzhi was sitting in the carriage behind, raising the curtain and looking back at Xixia Temple, wondering what she was looking at.

Ye Jingtang had to go to Bishui Forest to have a look. Now that he ran there to join them, it would be hard to find an excuse to go out again. For this reason, he did not go there, but quietly walked back to Xixia Temple from the side.

In the house where the pilgrims stayed temporarily, Niao Niao Ge was keeping watch dutifully. When he noticed that the Night Terror Hall was quietly coming from the darkness, he stuck his head out:

Ye Jingtang made a 'shh' gesture and placed the rabbit's head wrapped in oil paper on the wall, letting the bird eat it by itself, and then came to the door.

Because he was hiding here, there were no lights on in the room.

Qinghe, who had just approached Ye Jingtang and noticed the movement of birds, opened the door.

Ye Jingtang looked in through the crack in the door and saw that Xiao Yunli was still lying on the pillow, her cheeks were back to normal, but she had not woken up, so she asked:
"How is Yunli?"

"After detoxification, she ate something and fell asleep. Let her rest first."

Fan Qinghe walked out of the room and closed the door. When Ye Jingtang handed her an oil paper bag, he asked:

"I have dry food here, why are you bringing me food?"

"I feel sorry for you, auntie. I want you and Yunli to eat well, otherwise what else can you do."

Ye Jingtang stuffed the oil paper bag into Qing He's hand and said with a smile:

"Don't thank me?"


Fan Qinghe has grown up, and this is the first time he has seen such a thick-skinned nephew. He forcefully gives gifts and then asks for rewards. Isn't this forceful buying and selling?She frowned and said:
"This is inside the temple, do you still want to do whatever you want?"

Ye Jingtang didn't originally mean this, but when Aunt Fan said this, he lowered his head and glanced at the hem of his clothes:

Fan Qinghe is the high priest of the Dongming Department. Although she has nothing to do with Buddhism, she still believes in God. After hearing this, she quickly shook her head, probably because she was afraid that Ye Jingtang would really mess around in front of the Buddha. She said firmly:
"Don't even think about it. At most, I'll let you kiss me once, and then go do some work as soon as you're done."

When Ye Jingtang saw Qing He agreed, he was naturally rude. He raised his chin, put his red lips in his mouth, and slipped his hand into the skirt of his clothes...


Fan Qinghe was holding the oil paper bag in his hand, his face was slightly embarrassed, he closed his eyes and let it be rounded and flattened, hoping to wait for Ye Jingtang to finish the torment quickly, but the kiss lasted for about half a quarter of an hour and made his legs weak. , the night terror hall stopped talking:
"Okay, you take care of Yunli first, and we can continue when we get back in the evening."

Fan Qinghe quickly closed his clothes. Hearing these shameless words, she wanted to say that she was a doctor or something, but she blushed when she said those words. She just let out a light 'spit~' and quickly went back to the house and closed the door...
On the outskirts of the city, there are clear waters and forests.

The Queen Mother’s birthday is in the middle of the year, and the new garden built by Emperor Liang to celebrate her birthday only started construction in the autumn of last year. Although the construction period is a bit rushed, the construction has been done day and night in shifts for the past six months, and the progress is not slow. Take a boat from Yanhe River Passing by, you can see the outline of gorgeous and towering buildings on the shore.

Ye Jingtang put on his night clothes and set out from Xixia Temple. After a while, he arrived outside the garden on the bank of the Yan River in the eastern suburbs. In the distance, he could see a white wall built among the woods, with piled wood inside. Stone, there are people patrolling outside the wall, and the half-built building is deep behind the white wall.

Ye Jingtang suppressed all his aura and quietly came under the white wall. After a slight perception, he flew up and landed on the wall. Then, like a butterfly, he silently passed through the piled material area and arrived at the garden outside the manor.

ding ding dong dong~~
Because it was a busy construction period, work in the manor did not stop at night. At this time, you can still see craftsmen banging on the roof, or painting and covering tiles, while there are uniformed supervisors patrolling below.

Night Terror Hall carefully looked at the dark place and found nothing special. Because the smell of paint was very strong, and the natural aroma of fine wood, it was difficult to determine whether there was a medicinal smell in the depths; and the construction site was full of torches, lanterns, and smoke. Naturally, it is also heavy. It is obviously not possible to find a place to refine medicine from a place where there is smoke.

Ye Jingtang quietly hid behind the landscape tree and carefully explored the clues in the busy manor. However, after a moment, he captured a faint conversation deep in the manor:
"...There were seven tentative quotas, but now it seems that one has to be removed..."

"The seven people chosen...are all diehard loyalists..."


One of the people speaking seemed to be Eunuch Xu whom I had met today, and the other was an old man who was full of energy. His voice had a sense of majesty, but the distance was too far. Even if he used various techniques to support it, he could still hear it intermittently, which was not very good. clear.

Seven places...

Ye Jingtang captured the key information and immediately walked forward, wanting to listen carefully to what the other party said.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked forward, the other party's words suddenly stopped, and then a muffled sound came from the depths of the manor.

The sound was quite low, like a crossbow with a silencer. It was small but full of power. Almost before the sound arrived, dust mist erupted from the wall in the distance, and a golden thread passed through the wall and came directly to the front. …


Deep in the brightly lit manor, in a temporary building used to supervise work.

The interior of the house is full of lampstands. Several middle-aged disciples dressed in Qianjimen costumes are drawing design drawings in front of desks with rulers in hand. There are also rough sketches of the completed Bishui Forest on the walls.

There is a white screen inside the room, and a tea table is placed behind the screen. Xiao Huangmen, wearing a eunuch's robe, is kneeling on the side of the tea table, making tea seriously.

To the left and right of the tea table, two figures sat facing each other.

Zhongsun Jin, who is wearing a black and green robe, is sitting on the right side. His gray hair is only tied up with a peach wood hairpin. He does not have any accessories on his body. He looks very clean, but his back is straight and his eyes are like ancient wells, which is revealed when he writes. His temperament still made him completely different from Eunuch Xu opposite him.

On the side of Zhongsun Jin, there is a bookcase and a sword. There is a curtain behind the bookcase, with the emblem of Qianjimen on it. It is generally called the 'Qianjimen', and it is considered the standard equipment of Qianjimen. , it could contain anything.

The black-sheath sword placed on the sword platform is called 'Zhu Ying'. It ranks second among the ten famous swords of the Northern Dynasties, second only to Master Xiang Han's 'Taiping'.

Although this object is considered a magic weapon, it is not Zhongsun Jin's portable weapon. After all, the Northern and Southern Martial Saints are already mountain men who have jumped out of the world and do not rely on specific weapons.

Master Xiang Han and Zhongsun Jin carry swords with them simply because these two swords were given by the emperor and are regarded as "Swords of Shangfang". The symbolic meaning of the imperial power is far higher than their significance as weapons.

At this time, Eunuch Xu, who had just returned from Xixia Temple, was kneeling opposite Zhongsun Jin with Fuchen on his arm, and was narrating in a low voice:
"I've gone to see it. The one who died was a minor character from the Heaven's Dao. The ones who did it were Master Hua's son and someone from the Qinglong Society. It was probably the Qinglong Society who accepted Yin Shicheng's reward, and Hua Junchen happened to catch him during the fight. Already..."

"Can you find out the purpose of the Five Snake Peak Monsters going to Xixia Temple?"

"Uh... I haven't noticed this."

"Except for the Bishui Forest and Xixia Temple, the rest of the twenty-mile radius is barren. The five snake peak monsters are all poison masters. They are usually interested in medicinal materials and have no motive to go to Xixia Temple. The reason behind this must be thoroughly investigated... "

Zhongsun Jin wrote on the paper, never raising his eyes as he spoke. He seemed calm, but he was filled with imminent sadness in his heart.

After King Zuo Xian desperately sent the Snow Lake Flowers, although the court received a sufficient amount of Snow Lake Flowers, Beiliang also lost a martial saint, and Ye Jingtang was still ranked among the martial saints. Now, the situation has clearly reached a point where it is about to become unbalanced.

Originally, after Zhongsun Jin helped Xiang Hanshi guard the capital, he should go to the border to help set up garrison formations to deal with the danger of the southern dynasty moving north. The matter of refining the 'elixir' should be done by Xiang Hanshi in the capital.

However, Ye Jing Tang has unrivaled talent and amazing luck, and it started too fast. If Ye Jing Tang is given another half year, he can let Ye Jing Tang refine Tianlang beads and eat them as jelly beans, and then he can pile up a whole body of psychic skills, plus several Minglong pictures. If you stay close, Beiliang may not be able to be suppressed by anyone.

It is difficult for a warrior to shake a country's army alone, but it has a great impact on morale.

In the future, if Ye Jingtang takes command and leads the army in the Northern Expedition, taking the lead to boost morale, Beiliang will not be able to find anyone who can suppress it. The Southern Dynasty army will only have to follow the leader and rush forward, and naturally their morale will be as high as a rainbow.

When the northern army heard that Ye Jingtang was coming with his troops, they would probably become timid before fighting. Half of the battle had already been lost before it even started.

For this reason, on the day when the news of King Zuoxian's death came, Emperor Liang realized the urgency of the situation and rushed to make alchemy.

There are still some snow lake flowers from Jiazi in the Beiliang treasury, and the recipe has been gradually perfected during this Jiazi, and the ingredients have even been prepared.

After Emperor Liang confirmed that Xuehu Hua had arrived in Hudong, he took out all his inventory, made a batch of elixirs, and asked Master Xiang Han to take a hundred-foot pole to make further progress.

Zhong Sunjin is currently in charge of the second batch.

Because the elixir studied by Beiliang is completely different from 'Tianlangzhu' and omits the process of cultivating resistance from an early age, the demand for 'protecting the meridians and continuing the meridians' will naturally increase. For this reason, the dosage of Snow Lake Flower is also higher than that of Tianlangzhu. Langzhu is big.

The limited quantity of Snow Lake Flowers would take another 60 years. Even if Emperor Liang gritted his teeth and spent a lot of money, he could only approve enough Snow Lake Flowers to make ten batches of medicine.

Ten furnaces of medicinal materials, which are equivalent to ten pills, can theoretically transform the top warriors of the entire Northern Liang Dynasty. It is even possible for Xiang Hanshi and Zhongsun Jin to take the second and third place in the world, completely suppressing the Southern Dynasty martial arts saints.

But this is only the best case scenario. There is a chance that the furnace of alchemy will explode. Not to mention the explosion of one furnace in two furnaces, or the explosion of one furnace in ten furnaces, it will be a thorn in the heart of Emperor Liang.

For this reason, Zhongsun Jin did not dare to practice together. Currently, he is refining one furnace, summing up experience and looking for hidden dangers, and then refining the next furnace.

At this time, Zhongsun Jin was sitting on the desk writing, because the second batch of elixirs he had refined in recent days exploded due to uneven temperature in the furnace and failed to condense, so he needed to report to Emperor Liang.

The loss of a furnace of medicine, for the current Beiliang court, is the loss of a Wu Kui or a quasi-Martial Saint.

Although Zhongsun Jin looked restrained and could not see any joy or anger, he was worried in his heart. After writing for a while, he said again:

"Three pills must be reserved for emergencies. There were seven tentative quotas, but now it seems that one has to be taken away. What does Eunuch Xu think of this?"

Eunuch Xu is one of the twelve servants of Yandu, and the twelve servants of Yandu are masters who rely on various secret medicines. Their talents and understanding are limited. Except for the leader Eunuch Ziliang, the others can no longer make half an inch further. , is not on the candidate list.As a close confidant of the Emperor, Eunuch Xu is naturally qualified to discuss this matter. Hearing this, he frowned:

"The seven people selected may not necessarily be top-notch in martial arts, but they can all be guaranteed to be die-hard loyalists to the court. Whoever is screened out will cut out a piece of flesh from the heart of the Holy Emperor. From our perspective, we can only screen out Qi Qingfeng. Yes, Qi Qingfeng and King Youxian are close friends and are not completely loyal to the Holy One..."

Zhongsun Jin shook his head: "Qi Qing's sharpshooting skills rank first in Daliang. If you get this medicine, you have a chance to become a saint. It would be a pity to screen him out; and if the court has good medicine but does not give it, it will chill the heart of King Youxian and be detrimental to the overall situation in the future. "

"Oh... what about Yin Shicheng?"

"It hasn't been long since Yin Shicheng submitted to the imperial court. He has been working hard and uncompromisingly to win the recognition of the imperial court these years. If he doesn't give it, there will be no strangers from the world who want to ask for elixirs to submit to him in the future..."

Mr. Xu was listening carefully when he suddenly found Mr. Zhongsun in front of him. His words stopped abruptly and he looked out of the room out of the corner of his eye.

He was slightly confused, and was about to ask, but the next moment his vision blurred, and there was a muffled sound in front of him, which shook his chest and abdomen.


Amidst the muffled sound, all the lights in the room were instantly extinguished, and the tea knife that was originally placed next to the tea table had disappeared without any trace, leaving only a hole as thick as a finger on the side wall.

? !
Although Eunuch Xu had seen Zhongsun Jin many times, this was the first time he saw this elegant old god take action. The violent aftermath that hit him was so shocking that he was stunned for a moment, and he said in shock:

There was no one on the seat opposite the tea table!

Eunuch Xu's reaction was not slow. When the Qianji Sect disciples in the room just raised their heads and looked blankly at the candlestick, they had already jumped out of the window and landed on the building outside.

Looking up, Zhongsun Jin, whose robes were fluttering in the wind, could be seen standing above the main hall, holding a black sheath sword in his hand and scanning the dim forest in the distance.

Eunuch Xu quickly flew down and scanned the landscape forest outside carefully, only to find that there was nothing inside. The place where building materials were piled in the distance was patrolled as usual, and there was nothing strange at all.

"Mr. Zhongsun, was there something strange just now?"

Zhongsun Jin was not only an old-school martial arts saint, he had also practiced the Ming Shen Diagram under Emperor Liang's permission. His six senses were far sharper than those of ordinary martial arts saints, and he could be sure that there was something slightly strange outside just now.

At this time, there was no trace. Zhong Sunjin's eyes were quite solemn. After scanning for a moment, he flew to the outskirts of the manor, walked into the mottled landscape forest, and came to a big tree as thick as an arm's length.

Zhongsun Jin first looked at the hollow hole in the tree trunk, and then came to the back and looked at the trees on the other side by the moonlight.

Eunuch Xu came to the front, frowned and took a closer look, and found a tea knife stuck in the tree trunk opposite. There was obviously blood on the blade. It was obvious that he had injured the thief just now.He scanned the dim woods and asked:

"Who is it?"

Zhongsun Jin was also a little confused about this. After all, he did not dodge the flying knife at such a distance, which showed that his insight and reaction were average, and he had not yet reached the realm of unity between heaven and man.
However, after being injured, he could still escape silently. This ability of concealment is far beyond ordinary people.

If it were placed in the Southern Dynasties, such people would be easy to find, and there were almost only a few masters specializing in Qinggong in Jieyun Palace.

But Bei Chao Xiao Xiao Ru Yun, Bei Liang Pirate Saint, Qing Dragon Society senior assassin, and other evil sects basically practice their legs first and then their kung fu. They may not necessarily be good at fighting, but each one is more professional in escaping, and the search range is too large.

After Zhongsun Jin considered it for a moment, he said:

"The opponent couldn't dodge, and judging from the traces, he injured his left shoulder. Send people to strictly investigate the warriors in the capital..."

Before he finished speaking, from outside the white wall in the distance, several patrol police officers suddenly heard the words:

"Look at this..."

"This is……"

Zhongsun Jin and Eunuch Xu frowned, and jumped up one after another, landing outside the wall of the material area. They saw that the loess road about ten feet away from the wall actually had a line of words engraved on it:

Qingfeng pointed at the clouds and smoke fell
Probably because he was afraid of being discovered, he left without writing the next sentence.

? ?
When Eunuch Xu saw the handwriting, his face turned green!

After all, he had been the general manager of the [-]th Institute for half his life, and this was the first time he had seen such an arrogant thief!

But it suddenly dawned on me, and I probably confirmed the identity of the thief.

After all, the only people in the entire world of the North and South who are afraid that others will not know about their bad deeds are the Qinglong Society, a group of professional killers.

The Qinglong Society relies on credibility, and they pay attention to cleanliness, transparency, and no deception. If the killer does the job, if he does not prove his identity, he will not be able to prove to his employer that he did it, and he may not get paid, or he may die after his death. Settlement expenses.

For this reason, even if the killer of the Blue Dragon Society has only one breath left, he usually lies on the ground and writes the words with blood, so that outsiders will not know that he is a member of the Blue Dragon Society.

They were all found injured by Zhongsun Jin, and he risked his life to leave a line of words outside. From this, he could be seen as a professional of the Qinglong Society.

There have been several cases recently. Eunuch Xu just felt that the Qinglong Society was handling matters appropriately and knew that it was sharing the worries of the imperial court. Then he turned around and ran into Bishui Forest to act wild. He was furious in his heart, so he turned around and walked out:

"This Qinglong Society is absolutely lawless. Let's go investigate now..."

Zhongsun Jin saw that Qinglong would be so arrogant, and to be honest, he was a little shocked by the courage of the current young man in the world.

This outrageous behavior is not much different from running outside Guancheng and engraving "Fengguancheng is a pig". It is completely unjust.He thought for a while and said:

"Beware of this being a plan to divert misfortune. First confirm whether it is someone from the Blue Dragon Society."

The sound of wooden fish in the Buddhist hall deep in the Xixia Temple on the branches of the moon still continues.

dong dong dong~
In the wing room, Zhe Yunli was still lying on the bed to rest. When Fan Qinghe saw no one around, he quietly sat on the ridge of the roof. There was an oil-paper bag spread out next to him, and he was feeding the birds that had been reincarnated by starving ghosts. Eating spiced rabbit head.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, there was movement again in the wilderness outside the temple.

Fan Qinghe's eyes moved slightly, and when he looked carefully, he found a black shadow quietly crossing the wall and coming to the house here.

Seeing Ye Jingtang coming back, Fan Qinghe wanted to get up and ask, but when she looked up, she saw that the night jacket worn by Ye Jingtang was damaged on the shoulder. She was shocked and said quickly:
"Are you injured? Who did you meet?"

From the fragments of conversation in Night Terror Hall, it can be confirmed that the person he met was Zhongsun Jin, one of the Four Saints.

Zhong Sunjin could notice him approaching during the chat. He was quite powerful, but he was able to dodge the tea knife thrown from the depths of the manor with his martial arts.

But Wushang could avoid Wu Sheng's sudden attack, and the guarantee would have to be Ba Dakui. The target was too obvious, and he might be able to alert the enemy, so he deliberately bruised it to make the opponent misjudge his strength.

Seeing that Qing He was worried, he came to him and said casually:
"I met Zhong Sunjin. I'm afraid that the skin injury I suffered on purpose will be exposed. It's okay. Go back quickly. The Hua family will also become suspicious if they find out that I haven't returned home from delivering paintings."

Fan Qinghe didn't expect that when Ye Jingtang went to inquire about the news, he could directly see Wang Xian and take Ye Jingtang's pulse. After confirming that he was not injured, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"Why is Zhongsun Jin also in Bishui Forest?"

"They should be refining the pills. The minimum number is seven. I don't know how many pills there are now. I have to continue to check..."

"We'll talk about this later, let's go first."

Ye Jingtang went out in the name of delivering paintings. If Hua Junchen returned home and he hadn't gone back yet, Uncle Hua would definitely be suspicious. After chatting with Qinghe for a few words, he jumped off the roof and entered the house. Yunli, who was sleeping soundly, pinched her cheeks:


Zheyunli spent a lot of time to get rid of the poison, and was a little weak. He opened his eyes dizzily, saw the handsome face close at hand, and looked around:

"How long have I slept?"

"It won't take long. Go back and sleep again. Come up."

Ye Jingtang helped Yunli up, then turned around and let her lie on his back, hugging her legs and bending her back.

Zhe Yunli was stunned for a moment, and his mind cleared up a little. He originally wanted to straighten his back to avoid hitting his cousin Jing with his obstructive chest.

But I found that there was nothing unusual in the Night Terror Hall, and my whole body was really sore. In the end, I just lay on my back, with my chin resting on my shoulders:

"Cousin Jing, why is your shoulder broken?"

Ye Jingtang called down Niao Niao, who was still immersed in cooking, and responded casually:
"I had a fight with Zhongsun Jin just now. It's nothing serious."


Zhe Yunli found that when he closed and opened his eyes, he missed the grand scene of the martial arts battle. He woke up completely and was about to ask when Aunt Fan next to him explained:
"What he's teasing you about is that he ran to inquire about the situation, and then left after being discovered. If we really fight against each other, things will change in Yanjing. How can it be so quiet..."

"Should I just say..."

Zhe Yunli breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had not missed the big show. He lay comfortably on Ye Jingtang's back and disappeared into the night in the countryside...

(End of this chapter)

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