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Chapter 443 Qiu Tianhe?

Chapter 443 Qiu Tianhe?
To the east of Beiliang, there is a drum beating platform.

The Drum Platform is located at the junction of Hudong Road and Tianmu Road. There is a pass nearby. Inside the pass is the Chengtian Mansion with lush water and grass, and beyond the pass is the vast and sparsely populated eastern wilderness.

Like the Southern Dynasties, the closer you are to the capital, the influence of Jianghu will inevitably be suppressed. Ordinary Jianghu people travel north and south, and they have to leave Hudong Road before they can seriously enter the Jianghu. For this reason, the drum beating platform can also be regarded as the Jianghu in the east. portal.

News spread very quickly in the Jianghu. Although it had only been two or three days, the Drum Tower far away on the border of Hudong Road had already received the news that had just blown in the capital.

At noon, in the majestic city under the drum stage, countless people were walking back and forth on the streets. In a restaurant on the street, one could hear the storyteller's blabbering tone:
"There are yin and yang in the world, and people have two sides, black and white! Don't look at Hua Junchen, the son of Master Hua. During the day, he is a rich and idle young man. At night, he completely changes into a different person..."

The wine shop was bustling with people from all walks of life from the north to the south.

At a table by the window, two knight-errants walking together sat opposite each other, also listening to the storyteller's narration.

The heroine on the left wears a green gauze curtain hat. Although her face cannot be seen, her figure is slender and very attractive. Just looking at her back, you can tell that she is a beauty.

On the opposite side, the chivalrous lady in white is taller. She is wearing a white skirt and no makeup on her cheeks. She looks very cold and has two maces in her hands. From her temperament to her figure, she does not look like a Jianghu. vase on the table.

For this reason, even if the two heroines were good-looking, no one dared to look at Beiliang Xiaoxiao who was sitting in the wine shop.

After listening for an unknown amount of time, the beauty in Tsing Yi sitting on the left was a little puzzled and asked first:

"Bai Jin, who are these Five Immortals of the East China Sea?"

Across the table, Xue Baijin looked as ice-cold as ever. Hearing this, he responded:

"I've never heard of it, maybe he's an old man who just came out of the martial arts world. I've heard some of Hua Junchen's name. He's a swordsman from Chengtian Mansion. He comes from a noble family. It's said that he has the background of a middle-level master, but like you, he has no actual combat experience. The details of the record are unknown..."


Luo Ning heard this and took a deep breath, causing the little watermelon to bulge.

Luo Ning has been the "most beautiful woman in the world" since she came out of the mountain and traveled around the world. She doesn't rely on her ability to make a living. The bodyguards around her are first her ex-girlfriend Shui'er, then Bai Jin, and then the little thief who hasn't even been with her yet. Seamlessly connecting and escorting each other, there are indeed few opportunities for actual combat.

But Luo Ning still refused to admit that she had no actual combat record and responded:

"I have made many moves in the past, but I just don't want to publicize it. Last year in the capital, I led the Night Terror Hall to capture the Wingless Owl, the king of thieves in Yanzhou; later, I gave Xu Bailin, the blue steel mace, a sword..."


Xue Baijin picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and continued to listen to the book.

? ?
Facing this perfunctory attitude, Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold:
"Xue Baijin, if you think I'm a burden, I can just go back. It's not like I can't live without you..."

Xue Baijin didn't mean that. Seeing that his wife was getting divorced, he picked up the wine bottle and poured Luo Ning a glass:
"I don't mean to look down on you. You can practice kung fu slowly. Once you kill all the old men, you will naturally become a top master."

Luo Ning felt that Bai Jin just thought she was a loser, but after so many years, she had already gotten used to it, so she stopped playing the harp and continued to listen to the story.

Last time in Jingjie City, after Luo Ning accompanied Shuishui Sanniang and the others to have a group of five people, because Bai Jin was anxious to leave, she returned to the inn the next day, and soon after that she and Bai Jin set off again to continue their journey. Each other's journey into the world.

The purpose of Bai Jin's trip was to improve his martial arts by fighting, and at the same time find a target to achieve the name of 'Martial Saint'; after all, the last time he defeated King Zuo Xian, the name went to Ye Jingtang. Although Bai Jin contributed his efforts, he was not completely famous in the north and south.

Although the martial saints of the time were all aware, the two of them had not yet made up their minds as to who to seek treatment for.

The Second Saint of the Southern Dynasty is too domineering. Bai Jin may not be sure to deal with him, and Master Xiang Han will definitely not be able to defeat him. The only people who can be approached are Beiyun Bian and Zhongsun Jin.

But these two people are obviously not good friends, and they are much better than King Zuo Xian no matter what.

In the end, King Zuo Xian took drugs and fought for his life, but he could barely fight against two people. If these two people also took out something, with Bai Jin's first martial arts cultivation, he might have played himself into it.

For this reason, the two of them spent these days wandering around the rivers and lakes of Beiliang. They wanted to find out the exact background of these two people through wandering and visiting.

After all, Luo Ning is a woman and has tasted the goodness of men. Now she goes out with her ex-girlfriend. She has nothing to do during the day, but she is always a little empty at night. As she listens, she starts to think wildly, secretly wondering who Ye Jingtang is doing now. .

And just when Luo Ning's eyes flickered and she was thinking wildly, Xue Baijin, who was sitting opposite, suddenly turned her head to look at the street outside.

jingle bell~
Luo Ning then looked back and heard the sound of horse bells first, and then three horses walked slowly from the street where people gathered.

On the horseback walking behind was a woman, holding a little girl in her arms. They looked like a mother and daughter, looking around curiously.

On the two horses in front were two middle-aged men, both carrying knives at their waists, chatting as they walked:

"Who is this Hua Junchen? His name sounds familiar..."

"It seems that he was the Junjie of Beiliang more than 20 years ago, the son of Mrs. Hua, and he was known as the 'Sword Gentleman' Lu Xingjun... um..."

"Oh, I remembered, 'Two Heroes with Jade Sword'! I thought he was a playboy with a false reputation, but I didn't expect that he would become a late bloomer and become famous now. By the way, Lu Xingjun was quite famous back then, but what is he doing now?"

"Let's be a son-in-law. It's hard to get ahead as a swordsman, but to please women..."


Because both of them were wearing bamboo hats and couldn't see their faces clearly, Luo Ning didn't recognize him at first, but when she heard the voice, she was stunned:
"Qiu Tianhe?"

On the street, three horses walked leisurely.

Qiu Tianhe rode beside Xuanyuan Tiangang on horseback. Because he lived a leisurely life after being released from prison for a year and ate better, he managed to live like a child again. His hair was black and he looked like he was in his early forties at most.

And Xuanyuan Tiangang had already withdrawn from the Jianghu, but since Xuanyuan Dynasty lost his position as the leader of swords and Jianghu disappeared, Junshantai has fallen into a leaderless situation. The old people in the sect are blocking Huangquan Town every day, begging him to return as the leader. .

Xuanyuan Tiangang had long been tired of the chaos of the world due to the difficulty of balancing filial piety and righteousness, and did not want his wife and daughter's peaceful life to be disturbed, so he went out to visit the mountains and rivers in the north with Qiu Tianhe.

At this time, the two of them were chatting about everything, about the affairs of the north and south, when they suddenly heard a whisper in the street, "Qiu Tianhe?", and they were obviously surprised.

Qiu Tianhe followed the voice and looked around, only to find two familiar female heroes sitting in a wine shop not far away.

Qiu Tianhe joined the marriage envoy team and was wanted by the court. He fled here and there. Finally, he escaped under the protection of Pingtian Sect. Before being betrayed by a spy and arrested and imprisoned, Qiu Tianhe also lived in Nanxiao most of the time. Near the mountain, he naturally knew Xue Baijin, otherwise he wouldn't have taken Yunli to learn swordsmanship.

Seeing the leader of the Iceberg Heroine, Qiu Tianhe thought he was dazzled, but when he found Luo Ning sitting in front of him, he confirmed that he had met an old friend of the Pingtian Sect. He quickly got off his horse and came to the outside of the wine shop:
"Why did you two come to Beiliang? Where is Yunli?"

After Xue Baijin confirmed that it was Qiu Tianhe, he stood up and walked out of the wine shop. Since he hadn't seen him for more than two years, his attitude was quite friendly and he bowed his hands:
"We haven't seen each other for a few years, but Senior Qiu has changed a lot. He is almost unrecognizable. Ning'er and I just came to the north for a casual walk. Who are these three?"

Qiu Tianhe is more than 20 years older than Xue Baijin. When Xue Baijin was a child, he would have dared to regard himself as an elder. But now that their status in the world is so different, the word "senior" is really unbearable, and he quickly waved his hand:

"Senior, I count him as uncle Ye Xiaozi, and Ye Jingtang and Yunli are the same generation, so we are considered equals, and we can just call him by his first name from now on. This is Xuanyuan Tiangang, you should have heard of it..."

Xue Baijin's eyesight was very good. Just by looking at the appearance of the person on the horse, he roughly guessed that he was the eldest among the 'Three Heroes of Yunze'. After receiving the confirmation, he bowed his hand again:
"It turns out to be Daxia Xuanyuan. I have admired his name for a long time since I was a child. This is the first time I have seen him."

Xuanyuan Tiangang ran to this foreign country and suddenly met two young female heroes, who were also acquainted with Qiu Tianhe. Naturally, he was a little confused. He got off his horse and made a courteous gesture:

"Girl, have you heard my story?"

Qiu Tianhe saw that Gangzi's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and dared to call the person in front of him "girl", so he quickly reminded in a low voice:

"This is Leader Pingtian, please be polite."


Xuanyuan Tiangang's eyelids jumped when he heard this name.

For the people of the Southern Dynasties, the name of Pingtian Cult Leader was well-known and thunderous, and even more intimidating than the three immortals on the mountain.

After all, the three immortals on the mountain are strong and strong, but they are all mountain people who have jumped out of the three realms. Even if you talk nonsense, others will not bother to pay attention.

But Xue Baijin is different. The "No. 1 under the mountain" hand-picked by Feng Guancheng is still in the world. If anyone dares to provoke him, they will actually come to teach you the rules.

But in Xuanyuan Tiangang's impression, the 'invincible' Xue Baijin should be a man, with extraordinary martial arts skills and a very domineering personality, but this cold heroine in front of him...

Although it was very unbelievable, Qiu Tianhe would not make such a joke. Xuanyuan Tiangang still made a solemn salute at the moment:
"It turns out to be Nuxia Xue. I forgive Xuanyuan for being clumsy and disrespectful."

The mother and daughter who were following behind also dismounted their horses at this time. The little girl hid behind her mother and whispered:
"These two sisters are so beautiful~"



Xue Baijin showed herself as her daughter in order to facilitate her travels. Because Qiu Tianhe and the Pingtian Sect were closely related, she did not hide it at this time. She just looked Xuanyuan Tiangang up and down:

"Master Xuanyuan, looking at the weather, I guess he is no worse than your father. Is this trip to accumulate fame?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang was the successor of Dao Kui 30 years ago. Although he retired from the world, he never forgot to practice his skills. Like Xie Jianlan, he was a Wu Kui who never left the mountain.After hearing this, he shook his head and said:
"Nvxia Xue has received the award and has already retired from the world. At this age, she has no nerve to come out again. This trip is just to accompany my old enemy on a sightseeing trip..."

Luo Ning saw a group of people standing at the door and it was inconvenient to talk, so she raised her hand to signal:

"Let some of you go in and talk."

Since Qiu Tianhe was released from prison, in order not to cause trouble for his guarantor Ye Jingtang, he has never been to Nanxiao Mountain. At this time, the reunion in a different place was quite warm. After chatting for a few words in a wine shop, he asked in a low voice:

"Have you two heard about the 'elixir' when you came here?"

Xue Baijin and Luo Ning were wandering around Beiliang and heard a lot of messy news about the world, but the rumors about refining the elixir had not spread yet and they were not aware of it at the moment.

Luo Ning sat down at the wine table and sat with the little girl on her lap. She was imagining how she would feel after giving birth to a daughter for Ye Jingtang. When she heard this, she said doubtfully:
"What elixir?"

Qiu Tianhe looked around and then said mysteriously:
"It's the Tianlang beads secretly imitated by Beiliang. I was wandering around Tianmen Road a few days ago, and I met Yin Shicheng's son in Fucheng by chance, drinking with the local magistrate's son. I eavesdropped on what was said during the dinner. 'The Beiliang court is working on a magic medicine, and his father is going to get him one, and he will definitely become a great master in the future' and so on.

"If the medicine imitated by the Beiliang court can be used on wine bags and rice bags, then others can definitely use it. Ning'er, if you take one, you may be like Ye Jingtang, and you will become a martial arts leader next year... ..." Luo Ning, as the first woman in Ye Jing Hall, naturally knows how terrifying Ye Jing Hall's growth will be after using the Tianlang Pearl to reborn, she said with a slight hesitation:
"Yejingtang said that Tianlang Pearl must be cultivated from an early age, otherwise you will die if you touch it. If Beiliang can come up with a medicine that anyone can take, then Wu Kui and Wu Sheng will not be allowed to travel everywhere in the future?"

Xue Baijin shook his head and said: "Xuehu Flower is an essential medicinal ingredient in many magical prescriptions, and Xuehu Powder cannot replace it at all. Even if Beiliang spares no expense, it is impossible to use all of it. The maximum number of people who can actually practice it is three to five."

Qiu Tianhe held the wine bowl, shook his head and said: "Three or five are not a lot. Martial arts are flawless, as long as the understanding and attainments can keep up, theoretically there is no bottleneck in martial arts. The ten great masters of Beiliang were killed by Ye Jingtang Five, there are five left. If everyone eats, the strength will jump up a bit. In this way, the Southern Dynasties will be suppressed by the North.

"I came here from Tianmu Road just because I wanted to visit Yanjing. If the news is true, Beiliang must not be able to monopolize this kind of sacred object."

Xue Baijin came to Beiliang just to wander around, thought for a while and said:

"I've been asking around recently. If the news is true, I'll just go get a few and bring them back..."

Qiu Tianhe traveled around for a year, and was slapped out by Fengguan City for less than half a mile. Now his martial arts has improved somewhat, but he has only crossed the threshold of the unity of nature and man, and he can only be regarded as a miscellaneous fish lord.

Xuanyuan Tiangang's strength is higher, and he has jumped out of the category of miscellaneous fish, and can barely be regarded as a figure; but if he takes action, he will re-enter the world. From now on, he will inevitably face the intrigues of the world every day, which is very irresponsible to his wife and daughter.

Although Xuanyuan Tiangang will definitely help Qiu Tianhe, Qiu Tianhe doesn't want to be the sinner who drags his brother into the quagmire of the rivers and lakes again. He just wants to go and inquire about the information himself to see if there is a chance to take action.

Seeing Xue Baijin taking over the matter, Qiu Tianhe was naturally very happy and said:

"Just leave it to me to find out the information. Although my martial arts skills are mediocre, I can still help with this..."

Yanjing, Wanbao Tower.

In the early morning, the sun jumped out of the city with the sound of distant bells, and the bright spring light shone on every corner of the mansion.

Hua Qingzhi had just gotten up, because she had been up all night for the past two days and didn't sleep well. She felt a little drowsy at this time. She was washing up under Luzhu's service and chatting softly:

"Luzhu, did you hear the cat meowing last night?"

"Meowing? I was fast asleep and didn't notice. Is there any?"

"There seemed to be some humming in the second half of the night, but I couldn't hear it clearly..."


In the small courtyard not far away, the doors and windows of the room were tightly closed, and there was still a slight fragrance of daughter in the room.

Ye Jingtang was lying on his side on the bed. The skin injury on his shoulder had healed unconsciously, and only some blurred traces could be seen. He was still asleep.

Fan Qinghe had a three-point blush on his cheeks. He had been treating patients all night. In fact, he had just fallen asleep for a short time. However, as the sky became brighter, he slowly woke up. He looked down and found an arm coming around his waist to hold him. Tuantuan quickly moved his hand away and turned around and said:

"It's already dawn, why don't you go out quickly..."

Ye Jingtang naturally woke up when there was movement in his arms. He stood up slightly, rubbed his face, and started looking around for clothes:
"I was a little tired yesterday and overslept."

"You still know how tired you are? The cows are not as diligent as you in plowing the fields..."

Fan Qinghe sat up, covering his graceful figure with a thin quilt. He wanted to say a few words about Night Terror, but these dirty words were really hard to say, so he finally let it go.

Since the incident in Bishui Forest two days ago, because there was too much movement, inspections were carried out everywhere in the capital, and the Qinglong Club did not dare to send any more tasks. Ye Jingtang had a rare two days of leisure, and every day it was nothing more than sending the young lady to school in the morning. I picked her up in the afternoon and then started to abuse Aunt Fan.

At first, Fan Qinghe firmly believed that she was a doctor, but she pretended to be a cook in a wealthy family and spent most of her time idle. She had no choice but to work hard and work hard as a housekeeper.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang said he was tired, but after putting on his robe, he came closer again, she frowned:
"You haven't eaten enough, right? Eh..."

Ye Jingtang supported Qing He and gave her a good morning kiss, then stood up and said:
"Get up quickly. If you get up late, you will be fined a monthly salary."

Fan Qinghe picked up his small clothes and threw them at Ye Jingtang. He waited until Ye Jingtang was far away before starting to put them on.

Zhe Yunli and Qing He live in the same courtyard. Because Ye Jingtang helps them sleep every day, their sleep quality is excellent and they haven't woken up yet.

After Ye Jingtang tidied up his clothes, he first went outside the next room, raised his hand and knocked:

"Huh?...Oh, it's already dawn..."

When Ye Jingtang heard the sound of getting dressed, he naturally didn't open the door to take a look, but just said outside the door:

"Get up soon, I have to take the young lady to school, so I have to leave first."

In the room, Zhe Yunli was drowsily wearing his bellyband. Hearing these words, he woke up a little. He got up and got down and quickly came to the door. Through the doorway:

"Cousin Jing, when are we going to go out to do errands? Once you leave during the day, I can't run around as a maid, so I can only sweep the floor and clean the table at home. I'm almost bored to death."

Although nothing could be seen through the door, Ye Jingtang's perception was amazing. When Yunli's body moved, he could judge the outline of Yunli's body just by the slight movement of the air flowing over the delicate skin. He frowned and said:

"You have no clothes on?"


Zhe Yunli was stunned, looked down, and quickly leaned against the door with his bellyband in his arms:

"What should I wear to bed?"


Ye Jingtang felt that these words seemed a bit familiar, and he really had no reason to refute, so he said:

"My daughter needs to be more polite. It's not like talking to a man if you're not dressed properly. You have to wait to get things done. The city is strictly checking these days, and there's no news from the Qinglong Club. I'll take you out when there is news."

"Oh~ I know..."


After Ye Jingtang chatted with Yunli through the door, he went out of the yard, took the washbasin from his house, and went to the backyard to wash up.

While he was busy working, Lv Zhu, who was full of book smell, walked in with a basin, seemingly pouring water. When he noticed that he was there, he hurriedly walked over and asked in a low voice:

"Master Ye, did you hear the cat meowing last night?"


Ye Jingtang paused while washing his face. He wanted to fool him casually, but he found that Lu Zhu's eyes were strange. He had obviously guessed something, so he raised his hand and splashed the water:

"Don't ask too much about calling Mr. Hua'an."


Luzhu shrank her neck, but she was obedient and didn't ask any further questions. After pouring the water, she even got a towel for Ye Jingtang to wipe her face, as if she was serving her future uncle.

Ye Jingtang couldn't refuse this. After cleaning up twice, he and Lv Zhu came to Hua Qingzhi's courtyard.

Hua Qingzhi had packed up neatly and was still wearing the Imperial College uniform. She slowly went out while holding on to the door frame. She sat down in the wheelchair and saw Ye Jingtang standing outside. Her eyes were a little dodgeful, and she silently lowered her head and rolled the wheelchair out.

Ye Jingtang knew that Hua Qingzhi was embarrassed because of what she had accidentally eaten two days ago. He stepped forward to push the wheelchair, and asked:
"Go to the Imperial College to study as usual today?"

Hua Qingzhi waited until Ye Jingtang came to the back, her expression became normal, and she responded:

"Tomorrow is a regular day off. I only have homework in the morning, and I will finish school at noon. In the afternoon, there is a chess game at the Meixiang Chess Club. Lu, a talented scholar from Yanjing City, plays against an old national player from Meixiang Academy. Both of them are in the chess world. Everyone, do you have some time?”

Ye Jingtang knew nothing about playing chess, but he had nothing to do at the moment and said with a smile:

"Miss, if you want to go, I, as a guard, will naturally have to send you there. There's no way I don't have time."

Hua Qingzhi is known as the Little Chess Saint, and her interest in playing chess is no less than that of Benben watching warriors compete. Seeing that Ye Jingtang has time to spend with her, she naturally chuckles.

The two chatted in a low voice and quickly walked out of the courtyard. When passing by the courtyard where Hua Junchen lived, Hua Qingzhi turned around and saw that her father, who was rare, did not get up early to box, but stood under the eaves, chatting with the housekeeper. Things to do:

"Shilang Wang is also going?"

"I've invited everyone to the private banquet at home, but I didn't invite Mr. Wang. Let the imperial concubine know and don't worry about it. They should all go..."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi asked in the corridor:

"Daddy is invited to the banquet?"

Hua Junchen heard his daughter ask and responded:
"Li Guogong is hosting a banquet. Please come and sit down with me, father. I'm a bit evil these days, and weird things happen all the time. If two more people die in Li Guogong's house..."

Ye Jingtang followed Hua Qingzhi. Hua Qingzhi naturally knew what she was doing and comforted:

"It was just a coincidence the past few days. Dad, don't believe these rumors about strange powers and chaos. Just drink less during the dinner."

Hua Junchen always felt unsure, but as the saying goes, "It's a blessing, not a curse, and you can't avoid it." After thinking about it, he waved his hand and said:

"That's all, let's go to the Imperial Academy quickly, we'll be late."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi said no more. After nodding goodbye, she left Washington with Ye Jingtang...

 Recommend a book called "Am I Becoming the Nightmare of the Goddess?" 》, the new book Seedlings, if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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