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Chapter 452 Hua Junchen is here!

Chapter 452 Hua Junchen is here!
The overt and covert fighting in the palace did not cause much commotion, and the city of Yanjing remained calm.

Outside the Changyang Gate, Fan Qinghe and Xiao Yunli were lying side by side on the roof, carefully observing the situation on the city wall; while the birds were flying high in the sky, searching for every corner of the palace city in order to find out where they were. Among them, the Night Terror Hall warns you at any time.

After waiting for a long time, the Night Terror Hall had not yet come out, but there was a breeze blowing on the roof, making it a little cooler.

Zhe Yunli looked up at the gloomy sky and whispered:
"Aunt Fan, it seems like it's going to rain. Why hasn't Cousin Jing come out yet? He couldn't have gone the wrong way. He really ran to the Queen Mother's bed, right?"

Fan Qinghe didn't think that the Night Terror Club was so bold that even the Queen Mother would dare to attack him, so he said:
"What are you thinking about all day long? Keep an eye out."

Zhe Yunli had been watching the wind, but there was really nothing to see around him. Just when he was bored, the Changyang Gate in the distance quietly opened a crack, and then a shadow flashed out from inside, and disappeared into the buildings below in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe's eyes narrowed slightly. After looking around, he flew down with Yunli and came to the courtyard of a private house and asked:
"How? Did you succeed?"

Ye Jingtang landed behind the wall of the courtyard, pulled down the black mask, took out the golden paper from his arms and handed it to Qinghe:

"I was lucky. I bumped into a snitch inside. He sneaked in face to face. He also knew how to turn on the trap, but I intercepted him..."

Fan Qinghe took the picture of the singing dragon, and was surprised but also a little baffled:

"Snitch? What kind of snitch?"

"In his twenties, he is very feminine and handsome. He is very experienced in Qinggong and stealth skills, but his fighting ability is mediocre, not as good as Yunli..."

As a thief who travels north and south, Fan Qinghe naturally understands the best among his peers. Hearing this description, he said thoughtfully:

"It sounds a bit like the flower-faced fox over there in the snowy field. Wasn't he skinned and dismembered by Beiyun? Why is he still alive?"

Ye Jingtang didn't understand any of this. Seeing Qinghe say this, he casually said:

"I guess I was recruited by Beiyunbian. I was in a hurry to get out and didn't ask any questions."

Zhe Yunli followed and listened and heard the words:
"Did you kill the snitch?"

"What's the point of killing him? Send him back to the Queen Mother's Palace. Tomorrow if the twelve servants find out something is wrong, they will definitely follow the clues and find out where the old Queen Mother is. The flower-faced fox will have already run away by then. With him attracting attention, as long as he doesn't There is no risk for us if we are caught, let’s go to Bishui Forest first.”

Fan Qinghe held the Ming Shen Diagram and was afraid that something would go wrong. Now he just wanted to meet the Wei Dynasty and make peace. After hearing this, he hesitated and said:
"Are you still going to Bishui Forest?"

After finally coming to the Night Terror Hall, he must have wanted to get them all, so he said:
"Let's go over and take a look at the situation first. We won't have a chance to talk anymore."

Fan Qinghe and Zhe Yunli didn't say much when they saw this. After hooking their hands with the birds in the sky, they followed Ye Jingtang and flew towards the outside of the city...

Black clouds covered the sky, and the river bank turned into polar night. As the cold wind blew slowly, a few raindrops fell on the dense forest beside the river.


Deep in the dense forest, Luo Ning put on her night clothes and leaned against a tree trunk to watch for any movement behind her.

Xue Baijin wore a hat and a black cloak, with two cold iron maces hidden behind his waist. He and Qiu Tianhe, who was also dressed, stood in the darkness of the dense forest, carefully observing the garden in the distance.

Because it started to rain lightly, the craftsmen working in the clear water forest had returned to the residential area to rest. Only the overseers holding torches were left, moving back and forth throughout the garden.

Qiu Tian put his hand on the waist knife, observed for a moment, and then looked to the left and right:

"How many people are around?"

Xue Baijin used the night wind to sweep through the subtle airflow caused by the vegetation in the forest, carefully discerning the surrounding situation, and then spoke after a long while:
"There are a lot of people, but they are just a mob. It is not clear whether there are top experts..."

Qiu Tianhe frowned and said, "To deal with Zhongsun Jin, the martial saint is no different than a fool. You alone may not have much confidence."

"Depending on the situation, Xing Baisheng's people will definitely take action first. If there is a chance, we will get in. If there is no chance, we will leave..."

Luo Ning stared for a long time, but didn't see anyone. She felt that it was completely pointless to stare behind her, so she quietly turned around and came to the front:
"How are we going to get in later?"

Xue Baijin still dotes on his wife very much, and said to this: "Your martial arts skills are not good, and you may not even be able to deal with the guards guarding the door, so don't join in the fun. Stay here to watch first, and run away if the situation is not right."

Luo Ning took a breath and felt that she might as well stay in the inn and practice her parenting skills, because Bai Jin was telling the truth and it was hard for her to refute, so she snorted softly and continued to let the wind blow.

On the other side, on the river several miles away.

Tick ​​tock~
The raindrops falling from the sky hit the awning boat going down the river. An old man wearing a raincoat was sitting on the bow of the boat holding a fishing rod and catching fish.

A young man in his early twenties was holding a bamboo pole at the stern of the boat.

The young man's name is Jiang Han and his identity is the young master of the Qinglong Club. Because of the special nature of the Qinglong Club, it has no reputation in the world.

Recently, a thug with astonishing strength suddenly appeared under his command. Jiang Han must have been paying attention. At this time, he asked a little doubtfully:

"Hua Junchen is in the clear water forest, so who is looking for us to buy information? Who is it that sneaked into the imperial city to steal the sword today?"

The old man in coir raincoat on the bow of the boat is naturally the leader of the Green Dragon Society, nicknamed "Dragon King" in the world. Like the "Red God of Wealth" in previous years, he lurks underground and no one knows his name. He is a hidden boss in the world.

At this time, the old man's eyes under the bamboo hat were staring at the afterglow of the lights in the clear water forest. He heard the words and responded:
"According to the news from the south, Ye Jingtang has not shown up for a long time. Judging from the time and skill, it should be Ye Jingtang who came to Yanjing in person. The purpose is not to steal the knife, but to get the Singing Dragon Picture."

Jiang Han nodded lightly: "No wonder the methods were so vigorous and resolute. They killed everyone in the Qinglong Society. The name of 'King of Hell' is well-deserved. But I remember that the Night Terror Hall killed a lot of Green Bandits. We didn't tell the Green Bandits." One sound?"

The old man in coir raincoat was actually a little confused about this.

The Qinglong Society made its fortune by stealing glass lamps, and its employer at the time was Teng Tianyou, who went to Yun'an with Zhong Sunyan to assassinate the empress.

Zhong Sunyan was Zhong Sun Jin's nephew who was expelled from the school, and Teng Tianyou was the Green Bandit's connector. Because the Qinglong Society was very particular about doing things, they were highly appreciated by the Green Bandits' top brass, and they often asked them for help later on.It was also because the Green Bandit was the financial backer that the Qinglong Club slowly developed into a wealthy family in Beiliang.

The Green Dragon Society is not considered a member of the Green Bandit, but the two sides cooperate a lot. Many of the Green Bandit's manpower were recruited by the Green Dragon Society, and most of the various information they spied on were sold to the Green Bandit.

After several times of cooperation, the old man in coir raincoat also gradually learned something about the situation. He learned that the green bandits stole the glazed lamp because it was an object passed down by the First Emperor. It contained 'Dragon Scale Stone', which could be used to forge magical weapons. .

Judging from the news from a year ago, the glazed lamp should have been delivered to Long Zhengqing's hands and melted down. The forged weapon fell into the hands of Ye Jingtang, who wielded Long Zhengqing.

Ye Jingtang killed countless masters of the Green Bandit, even eliminated Long Zhengqing, and took away the magic weapon that the Green Bandit had worked hard to build for so many years. The Green Bandit must have hated Ye Jingtang deeply. If he knew that Ye Jingtang was coming, Beiliang, there should be some action.

But what puzzles the old man in coir raincoat is that the Green Bandit's contact person's recent work with the Qinglong Society has nothing to do with the Night Terror Hall. It is all normal work such as spying on intelligence and recruiting people.The old man in coir raincoat didn't know whether the Green Bandit was completely unaware of Ye Jingtang's arrival in Beiliang, or whether he was aware of it but was unable to interfere, but either way, it had nothing to do with the Qinglong Society.

Upon hearing his son's question, the old man in coir raincoat responded calmly:

"We, the Qinglong Club, only recognize money and not people. As long as we give money, we will accept it. Even if it is Ye Jingtang, we have to help people get things done first before settling old scores. The Green Bandit did not take the initiative to ask Ye Jingtang We can’t give them the news in vain.”

Jiang Han nodded: "That's right. Speaking of which, they are still detained in the Southern Dynasty on the twelfth floor. Now that this matter is over, do you want to say hello to the Night Demon and let him make it easier for them to be released?"

"I have collected tens of thousands of taels of silver from Ye Jingtang. If I want to redeem someone from him, I'm afraid it will be difficult if I don't pay him back ten times. Let's keep an eye here and see if we can exchange the information for the return to the twelfth floor. The master who came this time Quite a lot..."

Before the old man in coir raincoat finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped and he raised his eyes to look somewhere on the river bank.

Seeing this, Jiang Han raised his eyes and saw sparks emerging from the grass on the river bank, and several figures prostrate on the ground also appeared under the faint light and shadow...
The Bishui Forest is still under construction. Although it has begun to take shape, the ground is still mud filled with debris and equipment. When it rains, water easily accumulates and turns into slippery mud.

Under the outer wall of the manor, Hua Junchen held an oil-paper umbrella and walked slowly in the rain. As the drizzle fell on the umbrella and slid down the ribs, he couldn't help but sigh:
"The spring rain has made the morning cold, and the morning wind has wetted the apricot blossoms. The immortal king is also very sad, so he sent Feihong to the peonies. It is a pity that there is no wine and beauty to accompany such a beautiful weather..."

Night patrols are usually carried out in pairs to prevent someone from sneaking in and wiping the neck from behind without anyone noticing. At this time, Hua Junchen also had a partner beside him.

As the instructor of the Forbidden Army, Li Guangxian was pulled over today because his martial arts skills were outstanding and the capital was really short of manpower. He walked beside Hua Junchen and shook his head when he heard this:
"The weather is not good. It is said that the moon is dark and the night is full of murders and the wind is high and the fire is set. Once the rain starts, the sense of the warrior's eyes and ears will be reduced by at least half. If there is a thief sneaking in..."

Hua Junchen was captured as a young man, but he had no intention of risking his life for the imperial court. If a traitor really sneaked in, what would it have to do with him?
Of course, it was obviously difficult to say this clearly. Hua Junchen felt that the person who had the ability to come to Bishui Forest to cause trouble tonight was most likely his unmarried son-in-law. He was afraid that his old friend would get into trouble if he didn't know the details, so he whispered:

"If there are really thieves causing trouble, Brother Li, remember to follow me and don't act without permission..."

Li Guangjing's actual combat level used to be higher than Hua Junchen's, but since Mu Yunsheng was killed by You Fengjian, he was a little unsure about Hua Junchen's level. At this time, faced with the advice of his old friend, he thought about it Still nodding:
"Brother Hua's swordsmanship is unfathomable and I won't run away when you are here. But the people who dare to come to Mr. Zhongsun's door to cause trouble are not ordinary great masters. Even the Night Demon of the Southern Dynasty personally comes to the door." possible……"

Hua Junchen was waiting for the Night Demon. If others came, he would not dare to go out.

Hua Junchen was about to give a few more words of advice, but before he could say anything, several rapid screams suddenly came from the river bank outside the clear water forest:


The two of them stared at each other for a moment, then looked up at the same time, only to see three tongues of fire suddenly appear in the night rain on the far bank of the river.

The tongue of fire was about half a foot thick, holding the red tail flames soaring into the sky, flying straight towards the clear water forest, almost lighting up the entire front half of the manor. Only when they flew closer could they see clearly, they turned out to be three firebirds with billowing flames.

The firebird was obviously not a living thing, but made of bamboo. There were several black balls hanging underneath. As it flew to the outside of the manor, the hanging rope was burned, and the black balls fell one after another, falling into the manor wall, and then That is:
boom boom-

Deafening thunder and bright light appeared in the site filled with building materials. In an instant, thick smoke flew everywhere. The plainclothes imperial soldiers patrolling the surrounding area were so shocked by the sudden noise that people on the spot fell to their feet. There was also an instant commotion inside the manor.

Li Guangjing guessed that there might be thieves causing trouble, but he never expected that the movement would be so big, and even the fire crows were used to deal with the cavalry charging into the city. This was not a sneak attack, it was a frontal attack on the city!

Seeing the fireworks outside the manor and the overwhelming smoke blowing in with the night wind, Li Guangjing felt bad and quickly retreated, wanting to find Mr. Zhongsun to come out to suppress the formation; while the three eunuchs who were patrolling the surrounding area also flew over at the same time. Going to a high place, I want to scold all the troops to defend themselves against the enemy.

But many masters in the Bishui Forest saw an incredible scene before they even had time to set up their formations!

Before the roaring and crackling sounds stopped, a clear sword cry echoed through the entire clear water forest!
Hua Junchen, who was originally holding an oil-paper umbrella, was afraid that Nightmare would come out in the next moment, so he killed him in seconds. His reaction was ridiculously fast. The moment the fire crow appeared, he had already flown up and landed on the wall outside the manor. Facing the overwhelming smoke and flames, he shouted loudly:

"Hua Junchen is here, why is Fang Xiaoxiao so arrogant?!"

Perhaps because he was afraid that the Night Terror Hall wouldn't hear him, the sound was so loud that it could be described as shaking the sky and terrifying the sky. It suppressed the blast of thunder.

The Imperial Guards, who were originally in a bit of confusion, were shaken by the powerful voice, and all turned their heads to look at the wall.

When Li Guangxian saw this scene, he was shocked and thought: I am just doing business for the government, is it necessary to rush so fiercely?
Looking at your posture, do you still want to take all the victory and defeat the thieves by yourself?
You should try to see who is coming first!

Not only Li Guangxian, but also Eunuch Xu and others were stunned by this sudden scolding.

There is a Buddhist hall built in the center of the manor. On the surface it is for the Queen Mother to practice Buddhism, but inside and underground are the alchemy, where Zhongsun Jin personally refines the elixirs.

Hearing the noise outside, Zhongsun Jin asked his disciple to watch the fire and walked out of the Buddhist hall. He was planning to leap to the top of the building and say a few words.

Realizing that the junior Hua Junchen had taken the lead, Zhong Sunjin hesitated to speak, but it was difficult to speak. Instead, he stood on the roof with his hands behind his hands, watching the junior's performance.

At the same time, outside the manor.

There are actually quite a few Jianghu people who came here to seek elixirs this time. In addition to the Pingtian Sect gang and the Xing Baisheng gang, there are also some Jianghu masters from all over the north and south.

These people all know how domineering Zhongsun Jin is and they can't afford to offend him at all, but they have already heard about the imitation of Tianlang beads in the Beiliang court.

The Snow Lake Flower can only cure hidden wounds, and it is not difficult to directly improve the strength. However, the Tianlang Pearl is different. The temptation of being able to reincarnate and become a Grand Master Martial Saint is too great. These people came here quietly, purely with the intention of fishing in troubled waters. , to see if there are experts who will take the lead, they can easily pick up the slack.

Seeing someone leading the charge and setting fire crows to disturb the defense line of Bishui Forest, more than 20 heroes with varying martial arts skills were planning to take the opportunity to sneak into Bishui Forest.

As a result, when Hua Junchen lowered his voice, the dense forest on the river bank, which was already ready to move, suddenly fell silent and became completely silent.

Qiu Tianhe was looking for an opportunity to sneak in. When he heard the thunderous scolding, he was so frightened that he took half a step back and whispered:

"Why is Hua Junchen here? What kind of ethics is he? Why does his tone sound more arrogant than Zhongsun Jindu..."

Xue Baijin also felt that Hua Junchen was a bit too crazy. He didn't even understand his opponent, so he would jump to the front and call for the formation. Usually he either had special skills or was out of his mind.

After all, Hua Junchen is also a middle-ranking master. He has not been beaten to death in his 50s. He is obviously not a stupid young man who shows off his talents blindly. It is very likely that he is really confident.

If Hua Junchen really has the swordsmanship level of a swordsman, then together with Zhongsun Jin and the Twelve Warriors, she will definitely not be able to defeat them with two oil bottles, and venturing into them would be a bit suicidal.

Xue Baijin thought about it secretly and felt that the risk of this trip was too high and it was not appropriate to take action, so he wanted to retreat first and consider the long term.

If Xue Baijin retreats just to be on the safe side, other people in the world will definitely not dare to rush in. The final result is likely to be that Huada Sword Immortal guards the Bishui Forest alone, repelling the gangsters in the world, and the Beiliang Sword Master deserves the title.

But it is a pity that no matter how good a son-in-law is, he is not always warm-hearted.

Xue Baijin was sizing up the strength of the enemy and ourselves, hesitating whether to retreat first. Before he could think of a reason, he twitched his ears and turned to look in the direction of Yanjing City.

Through the afterglow of the city's lights, I could vaguely see a familiar little dot, flying rapidly from a distance...
I passed the test of Subject 2 today. I was busy until two or three o'clock before going home. The update is a bit late or[-]
(End of this chapter)

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