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Chapter 463

Chapter 463



Before the aftermath of the Bishui Forest was completely over, muffled thunder sounded in the gloomy sky, and then raindrops as big as soybeans fell from the sky, gradually extinguishing the fire that was still burning in the manor.

Two heavily armored soldiers were carried under the eaves of the Buddhist hall. Their helmets had been taken off, revealing two faces deformed by twisted bones. Both of them had broken internal organs and bleeding. Looking under the candlelight, Even a little scary.

The three imperial eunuchs who luckily escaped were standing around the Buddhist hall. Although they knew that the thief must have left and there was no need to be alert, they had not done anything to help them. At this time, they still had to act conscientious to avoid looking like themselves. A mess.

Inside the Buddhist hall, Zhongsun Jin was wearing a gray robe, sitting in front of the golden Buddha that was more than ten feet tall, looking at the night rain outside the door. He had not said anything since he withdrew from the battlefield.

Protector Song Yi squatted beside him, unzipped Zhongsun Jin's trouser legs, and was resetting the bones for treatment. You could even hear the sound of broken bones rubbing together in the temple, but Zhongsun Jin showed no expression at all, as if the leg was not his own.

When Protector Song saw this scene, he actually understood the Patriarch's state of mind. It was not that he was not afraid of pain, but that he had no intention to care about the physical pain.

The longer a martial artist practices martial arts, the more solid his physique will be. However, once the muscles and bones are damaged, the consequences will be more serious than ordinary people, especially the legs.

After all, if an ordinary person breaks a leg, as long as he can walk and run, it will be considered a good recovery. At most, it will affect his ability to do heavy work. But a martial artist's leg is the source of strength and the basis for escaping. If it is broken, it will be difficult to walk in the world. If you want to recover, As before, it would take two or three years to raise him at least before he dared to use force.

If it were a young person, the impact might be smaller. After all, young people have plenty of time, but Zhongsun Jin is different.

Zhongsunjin was already 80 years old. He had a broken arm in Ye Jingtang and had to wait for months before he dared to use force.

For example, at Zhong Sunjin's age, even if he had countless resources, he would not be able to raise him well in just two or three years. At such an advanced age, after two or three years of raising him, how many more years would he be able to survive even if he left the mountain?

People who can be ranked as martial saints have basically never lost a few times since they were young. Zhongsun Jin was defeated by a young man at this age. He obviously had the idea of ​​​​"replacing the old with a new generation", and he was so arrogant as a martial artist. Almost gone.

But Qianji Sect didn't even have a decent successor. Zhongsun Jin retired and had to return to the craftsman sect again. Protector Song Yi was obviously afraid that the founder would be disheartened, so he said:

"Today, Ye Jingtang and Xue Baijin jointly attacked. Eunuch Xu and the others were not able to help. Grandmaster was one against two and only injured one leg. If they fought alone, neither of them would be a match for Grandmaster..."

But Zhongsun Jin, a mighty martial sage, could understand the situation himself, so there was no need for his disciples to comfort him.

Today, Xue Baijin didn't break the pillar, which made him lose his leverage, causing Ye Jingtang to grab his ankle. He could indeed fight for a long time.With Ye Jingtang or Xue Baijin's background, he wouldn't be afraid of anyone in a single fight with him.

But this does not offset the feeling of helplessness felt by newcomers and old people who are unable to do what they want.

After all, outsiders couldn't see it, but Zhongsun Jin realized how terrible Ye Jingtang's understanding was. Wu Sheng was a master of all schools of thought. If he used one more move, Ye Jingtang would remember one more move, and then he would be able to master it more. one move.

No matter how much he accumulates, there will always be a day when his capital will be wiped out, and Ye Jingtang is a young man with unlimited potential.

Now in the fight, he can indeed have the upper hand.

And in another year, he will be one year older and his body will gradually decline; Ye Jingtang will be one year older and gradually approaching the peak of his physical strength. If the two sides fight again, how can he still have the dignity he has today?

Zhongsun Jin refused to accept old age, but at this age, he couldn't accept it anymore. After being silent for a long time, he sighed softly.

Protector Song, right? !Seeing this, I felt anxious, but I had no choice but to carefully help set the bones so that the ancestor could recover as soon as possible.

And when everyone inside and outside the Buddhist hall was silent, the candle in front of the Buddha statue suddenly moved slightly.

Zhongsun Jin raised his eyes and saw a man falling above the door. His body was like a flying leaf without roots, floating to the ground without any sense of weight.

The man was dressed in loose robes, with a jade crown on his head, and his face was quite heroic. The most eye-catching thing was his eyes, which were as clear as a cold pool, with a sharp edge that pierced people's hearts. Even Zhongsun Jin was filled with excitement when he looked at it. It's hard to look at him.

And it was these eyes that King Zuo Xian remembered and chased for his whole life, and he could not forget them until his death.

Because the movement was too light, Eunuch Xu and others who were watching and watching in front of the door did not even notice it until the man's words rang out from the door:

"How's the injury?"


"My lord..."

"Meet the national teacher!"


Zhongsun Jin saw Master Xiang Han standing outside the door and sighed softly:

"It's okay. You should have come a moment earlier."

Master Xiang Han stood in front of the door, like a javelin, with a medium stature, but he felt half a head taller than everyone else. He looked at the messy battlefield:
"Is something missing?"

"I lost an elixir. As for the elixir recipe, I haven't written it all down. It's just a record of refining the elixir. However, it's possible that the divine doctor Wang from the Southern Dynasty can deduce it. The talent of Ye Jingtang is too high. I'm afraid it's no worse than Fengguan City. Let him do it again." Once you get these treasures of heaven and earth, you will soon be unable to hold them back."

Master Xiang Han naturally knew the seriousness of the situation and did not say any more words, but said:
"The elixir breaks and then stands again. It can reshape muscles and bones. If you take it, your injuries will be cured. Please refine another one as soon as possible."

Zhongsun Jin shook his head at this: "I am just a man in the world. I have worked hard to serve the country all my life. I have tried my best. These good things should be left to future generations."

When Master Xiang Han saw Zhongsun Jin for the first time, he actually knew that Zhongsun Jin had lost his temper. He knew that after taking the elixir, he would no longer be a match for Night Terror Hall in the future, and he did not want to lose the last bit of dignity.

The martial artist breathed a sigh of relief. It was far more difficult to heal than a broken leg. Master Xiang Han did not dissuade him. He just bowed his hands and came to the corpses of the two soldiers. He helped the two juniors who had been trained since childhood to close their eyelids. Then he jumped softly, disappeared into the night rain with the wind, and chased outside the manor...

Thunder flashed over the countryside, and a sudden heavy rain covered everything in sight. Raindrops as big as soybeans hit the boat awning, making a crackling sound.

The ship was a small cruise ship. Xue Baijin got it last night and parked it in a quiet place on the river. It was a temporary hiding place prepared in advance. There were a change of clothes, wound medicine, bandages, emergency weapons, etc. in the window cabin.

Together with Xue Baijin, Ye Jingtang paid attention to the surrounding movements, passed through the night rain silently, and after making sure that no one was following them, they got into the cabin one after another, pulled up the black cloth that blocked the windows, and then blew the fire.



The dim candlelight came on, illuminating every corner of the cabin.

Ye Jingtang placed the fire certificate on the small case, pulled down his scarf, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look to his side:
"How are you?"

Although Xue Baijin was not in the frontal battlefield just now, he killed two monsters and soldiers in a one-on-one battle, which also consumed a lot of money. After the fight, he traveled for more than 80 miles and almost reached the boundary of Chengtian Mansion. Tiredness was inevitable.

At this time, Xue Baijin was squatting at the door of the cabin, leaning against the door and listening, trying his best to hold his breath. After making sure that there was nothing strange outside, he breathed a sigh of relief, put the mace on the ground, took off his mask, and wiped the rain off his face. :
"I'm fine, how about you?"

Ye Jingtang just received the heavy hammer with his bare hands, and then used the crazy hammer technique to chase Zhong Sunjin. He was hit dozens of times. Obviously, he could not be intact. Although there was no blood or trauma, his arms and legs were almost paralyzed. , he lowered his head and looked:
"It's nothing serious, just take a rest."

As he spoke, he took out the stolen wallet and inspected it.

The wallet is Zhong Sunjin's personal belongings, and the quality is obviously very good. After running for a long time in the heavy rain, the inside was not affected at all. The small box containing the elixir was intact, and the paper was dry.

Ye Jingtang took out the paper and looked at it by the firelight. He found that what was written on it were some medicinal materials, as well as the temperature, the state of the liquid, etc. It was obviously an experimental record. He, a layman, couldn't understand it at all, so he moved to Bingtuotuo. :

"Can't you understand?"

Xue Baijin knew how to prepare medicines by himself, but only the prescriptions he learned from traveling around the world. In terms of medical attainments, his only achievement was curing a lame leg. At this time, he tilted his head and looked at it, and he was confident:

"You can't understand it, how can I understand it? Let's see if the medicine is real first, then go back and let the doctor study it."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang put away the paper, carefully checked the medicine box, and did not open it rashly. Instead, he smelled it and found that there was the smell of rare medicinal materials such as burning bone and hemp inside. He nodded and said:

"Nine times out of ten it's true. Take a breather here, then go meet Ning'er and the others and get out of seclusion as soon as possible..."

Xue Baijin leaned forward, breathing rapidly, and her cheeks looked watery. Because the chest wrap was too tight and soaked inside and out, it stuck to her body. She felt very stuffy. When listening to the words, she subconsciously hooked the chest wrap through the skirt of her clothes. Along the edge, pulled it outward.

Ye Jingtang was originally storing the elixir papers, but from the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed Bing Tuo Tuo rubbing his chest, and his eyes naturally looked strange.


Xue Baijin just pulled a few times, and then he noticed the eyes on the side. He found that Ye Jingtang was interested in looking around at this time. He let go of his hand and looked slightly cold:
"What are you looking at?"


Ye Jingtang coughed lightly, put away his things, and looked at each other's clothes:

"Your clothes are all wet, why don't you change? There are dry clothes here."

"If you take a break, you have to walk in the rain. What's the use of changing clothes."

Xue Baijin tightened the skirt of his clothes and looked at Ye Jingtang's arms and legs in a blink of an eye:
"Are your injuries serious?" Ye Jingtang's arms and legs were all covered with bruises that were poked by fingers. It couldn't be said to be serious, but his energy burst out and was forcibly suppressed, as if he stopped just after reaching the critical point. I went back and forth dozens of times, and it was definitely uncomfortable, and I felt like my arms and legs were about to fall apart.He rubbed his arms and said:

"It's just a little numb. It should be fine after a while."

Xue Baijin was quite enthusiastic. Seeing this, he moved to the side of the Night Terror Hall, straightened his legs, and checked the blood congestion from the holes in his trouser legs:

"It's a similar fingering technique to Zhan Yun's Fourteenth Hand, but it's much more powerful than Ning'er's. It doesn't relax the muscles and activate blood circulation, so it's not easy to recover."

Although Ye Jingtang felt very sorry for Ning'er, comparing Zhongsun Jin and Ning'er together, he still felt that Zhongsun Jin was being ignored a bit too much.

He had just fought with Zhongsun Jin, and all of his [-] or [-] consecutive moves were intercepted. Although Zhongsun Jin was beaten, to put it in layman's terms, he was just relying on his rough skin and thick flesh to slap the opponent with his face. It hurts.

Although they are rivals, just like the Xuanyuan Dynasty, regardless of each other's positions, you still have to admire your opponent's strength. Ye Jingtang sighed:

"I used to think that Zhan Yun's fourteenth hand was just a showpiece, and of little use against the enemy in battle, but today I realized that it was ignorant. Zhongsun Jin's technique is really accurate. He hits seven inches straight every time, and is flawless. The person he hits has no temper at all. …”

Xue Baijin saw it at that time, so she said to Ye Jingtang, "If it doesn't work, I'll do it." She said:

"Zhongsun Jin started from the inner sect, and the masters of the inner sect always become more and more sophisticated as they get older. Zhongsun Jin has already become a martial arts saint. How can he be average?
"Fortunately, you have the Three Figures of Muscles, Bones and Skin by your side. If it were anyone else as tough and reckless as you, the first blow would have caused internal injuries..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Bing Tuo Tuo was still unconvinced, so he said: "Opportunity and luck are also part of strength. I am not reckless. If I didn't have the Dragon Song by my side, I would be more cowardly than you... ahem... steady."


Xue Baijin's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't care about Ye Jingtang's slip of the tongue. Seeing that the bruises on Ye Jingtang's arms and legs had not dissipated, he raised his hand to pull up Ye Jingtang's trouser legs, took out the medicine bottle from his waist, and poured it on the I wiped it on my white palms and prepared to go to the clock.


If it were any other girl, Ye Jingtang would definitely be flattered at this time, but Bingtuotuo was different. The ability to cure the lameness of the good leg was too overbearing, and it would have left a psychological shadow on the person. When he saw this, he quickly raised his hand:

"I'm afraid this is a bit painful."

Xue Baijin frowned slightly with his white palms frustrated:

"You haven't broken your skin, so why does it hurt?"

Ye Jingtang thought it made sense, and after thinking about it, he stopped resisting. As a result, he soon discovered that the medicine applied by Bing Tuo Tuo did not hurt, but his hands were not as heavy as usual!I grabbed my calf and rubbed it upwards. My calf turned white at that time, and I felt like a layer of hair on my legs had been shaved off.


Ye Jingtang took a deep breath and quickly raised his hand:

"I'll do it myself..."

Xue Baijin was not a gentle little daughter-in-law. She pulled her legs and pushed Ye Jingtang forward, almost lying down on the spot:

"What's the use of relaxing your muscles and activating your blood without exerting force? Just now you were hard on me, but now you know it hurts?"

Although Bing Tuo Tuo is cold and charming, his movements are quite intimate. Crouching beside him, he can even see the perfect curve of the moon under the candlelight.

But Ye Jingtang couldn't think of any distracting thoughts at this time. He only felt that he was back when his adoptive father was massaging and adjusting his bones, and he missed Aunt Fan who could do a full set of exercises.He raised his hand:

"Okay, okay, I have a long memory. I'll be in trouble if I break my legs later."

Ye Jingtang was covered in jade bones. How could Xue Baijin break them with his hands? However, his hands were still a little lighter and he asked again:

"How do you know Zhong Sunjin's method of releasing energy?"

Ye Jingtang tried his best to look like he was being tortured as usual and responded:
"I didn't know how to do it at first. I suffered a loss for not understanding it, but I figured it out as soon as I had an idea."

A brainstorm?
Xue Baijin's eyes were dubious: "You have been fighting Zhongsun Jin just now, are you still thinking about the moves?"

Ye Jingtang laughed at this and said: "The trick is to adapt to the situation. Most of the time, it depends on the reaction, and there is not much time to use your brain. Besides, this trick is not difficult. It is the opposite of hitting a cow from across the mountain. As long as the Qi is strong and smooth. , if you can catch the energy and gather it without dissipating, it is very easy to remove it. If you eat Tianlang Beads, it will definitely not be difficult to do this."

Ye Jingtang's Qi has been tempered by the Tianlang Pearl, and he has become a martial saint. As long as he understands the principles, there is no move that cannot be used. It is indeed not difficult to treat others with their own way.

And Xue Baijin has not tempered his muscles and bones, so the speed of raising Qi must be a bit slower than that of Ye Jingtang. If he and Ye Jingtang learn and sell it now, it is very likely that after catching the Qi Jin, one of the Qi channels is not stable enough. Causing energy to explode in the body is self-defeating.

After hearing Ye Jingtang's explanation, Xue Baijin nodded thoughtfully:
"I see... I helped you a lot today. I will have to give you two pills of this medicine from now on."

The Night Terror Hall was stolen from me, so naturally I don’t feel bad about it:
"This is natural. Let's go through the world together, how can I monopolize the victory...hiss~"

Before he finished speaking, Xue Baijin grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist and began to perform the muscle-splitting hand. Seeing Ye Jingtang starting to twitch again, his expression was serious:

"Why is this dignified man so delicate and delicate compared to Ning'er? He can't even endure massage and bone-setting?"

The night terror hall was in pain, but it was not another fight at the moment, so why should he endure it when he could be beaten?Furthermore, Bingtuotuo’s hands were really strong. He raised his hands again and said:
"How can I not react if it hurts? How about I press it for you to try?"

In order to prove to Ye Jingtang what it means to be a woman, Xue Baijin immediately raised her arm:

"If I frown, I will take your last name from now on."

Ye Jingtang found an opportunity to retaliate in kind. Naturally, he was rude when he saw this. However, when he really pinched Bing Tuo Tuo's arm, his heavy hand was still a bit difficult to move down. In the end, he used the technique of Ting Feng Palm and pressed down along the upper arm. , carefully conditioning the arms that must be tired after the war:

"Did you see? It's so comfortable and efficient..."

Xue Baijin was originally ready to endure it, but when she found that Ye Jingtang was helping her relax her muscles and did not take the opportunity to retaliate, she pulled her arm away:
"You are quite good at serving women, no wonder you can make the female emperor fascinated."

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't chase after him. He picked up the medicine bottle and kneaded his arm, saying helplessly:

"It's just a massage technique, how can it be considered serving? Serving a woman is really humiliating, just like the flower-faced fox I met in Yanjing, who went to fool around with the 60-year-old Queen Mother in order to steal the dragon painting, tsk tsk... "

Xue Baijin was not interested in these non-vegetarian jokes, so he sorted out his belongings by himself. As soon as he sorted them out, he found a colorful rope in the purse containing broken silver.

Xue Baijin picked up the colorful rope and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"Do you still want this, or do you want me to throw it away?"

Ye Jingtang had completely forgotten about this and shook his head when he saw this and smiled:
"What do I mean if I'm a man wearing this? You can use it as a hair tie. It's also suitable for tying your hair."

Seeing this, Xue Baijin didn't say much. He put the colorful rope into his purse and continued to pack it. However, not long after the two of them had rested, their ears suddenly twitched and they heard several voices coming from high in the sky:

Ye Jingtang paused in rubbing his arms, and instantly regained his composure. He extinguished the fire with a flick of his finger, and listened carefully, only to find that there was no movement outside, only the sound of heavy rain.


After holding their breath for a moment, the two of them found nothing strange. They looked at each other and wanted to ask, but the birds hovering high in the sky issued another warning:

Ye Jingtang's expression suddenly changed. Without saying a word, he grabbed his weapon, crashed out of the cabin and flew towards the south:


Naturally, Xue Baijin's reaction was not slow. She and Ye Jingtang didn't notice any disturbance, but Niaoniao hurriedly warned. The humane person who came was obviously better than the two of them, and he immediately followed them and ran out at full speed without hesitation.


Amidst the loud noise, the small cruise ship was instantly torn apart. The two figures who were no longer suppressing their auras were like wild dragons that suddenly crashed out of the river, creating a hole in the heavy rain.


Thunder flashed across the sky, briefly illuminating the dark rainy night.

Ye Jingtang ran wildly with his knife in hand. He also noticed something strange at this time, and glanced at the short mountain about four or five miles away from the corner of his eye.

There was a figure in a robe standing at the top of the short mountain. He was supposed to be looking at the birds circling thousands of meters in the sky. But as another continuous flash of lightning lit up again, the figure had disappeared on the top of the mountain without any warning. Appeared on the mountainside.

"Who is it?"

"It should be Master Xiang Han."

Even though Ye Jingtang had never seen this person before, he could tell who it was from the movement. After all, his body skills were better than those of Zhongsun Jindu, and there were only a few people in the world.

He and Bingtuotuo teamed up to deal with Zhongsun Jin. He couldn't say that he would be a sure kill, but he would definitely be able to come and go freely.

As soon as the fight was over, he was overtaken by Master Xiang Han. He obviously didn't have any advantage in the fight. For this reason, he didn't even think about turning around and took Bing Tuo Tuo and ran towards the south at full speed...

(End of this chapter)

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