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Chapter 47

Chapter 47
The sunset is westward.

The cruise ships on the river gradually dispersed, and the sky was stained with red clouds.

Ye Jingtang stood in the Wangjiang Pavilion, using his fingers as a knife, unhurriedly pondering the knife technique taught by his adoptive father.

Niao Niao turned its claws to the sky, using the bushes as a rocking chair, lying on the branches and leaves, humming a little song leisurely:

"Gujiji~ Gujiji~..."

I came here at noon to wait for King Jing to summon me. I thought it would be the same as before, and I only needed to wait for a while. I didn't expect to wait until noon until the afternoon.

Although the time was a bit long, it wasn't boring. Prince Jing was quite thoughtful. He took care of the meal in the afternoon and arranged for a beautiful court lady to be a tour guide to visit the surrounding scenery of Yutan Villa.

Yutan Villa is a famous scenic spot in Yunzhou. It is said that the Dragon Washing Pond inside has the miraculous effect of rejuvenating the face, but non-royals cannot come here at all.

Ye Jing Tang was lucky enough to come to visit, and originally wanted to go to Xilongchi to see, but unfortunately, the female guide declined, and I don't know why.

When it was getting dark, Ye Jingtang also felt sorry for the maid who had been with him for a long time, so he came to Wangjiang Pavilion to rest and ponder over the sword skills by himself.

Not long after practicing, the sound of footsteps came from the villa behind.

Looking back, Gong'e in colorful clothes came out in a file, and in the front was Prince Jing in silver python suit.

King Jing's supermodel figure is a head taller than the gentle lady behind him. His legs are very long and his stride is naturally large. The accompanying lady has to trot to keep up. While walking, the extremely eye-catching fat-headed dragon shines brightly under the sun, and the waves tremble Trembling, coupled with a calm and majestic face, she looks very imposing, like a dignified and aloof young queen... It doesn't seem like she is a serious queen herself, just without a fief.

Ye Jingtang didn't look at his figure, walked out of the stone pavilion without looking sideways, and cupped his hands:
"See you... come back!"

Before the ceremony was over, the bird that was lying in the flowers turned its head up, flapped its wings and landed in front of Dongfang Liren, raised its head, looked at Sister Fat-headed Dragon with its bright black eyes, and opened its beak to beg , Hearing Ye Jingtang's voice, and performed a [-]-degree turn:

Dongfang Liren walked to the lawn, saw Niao Niao blocking the way, raised his hand and hooked Niao Niao, let Niao Niao land on his arm, and tilted his head to look at it while walking:

"This snow eagle is really pretty, but the blood is impure and a bit fat. What's his name?"

Ye Jingtang approached, took Niao Niao over, and responded:

"It's called Bai... Bai whoring king. It likes to eat and drink, so it was named casually."

Whoring for nothing

It was the first time Dongfang Liren heard this word, but seeing the meaning of the text, he felt that it meant 'don't give the girl money after whoring', which is not a good word.

Dongfang Liren didn't say anything about Ye Jingtang, he raised his hand slightly, and took a precious sword with a sheath inlaid with sapphire from the maid:

"The name is too vulgar. What do you think of changing the name to Concubine Xue after treating such a beautiful bird badly?"


Niao Niao said proudly - as long as you feed Niao Niao, you can call him Lord Stove.

Ye Jingtang never called his name, and followed him to the river bank:

"It's good that His Highness is happy. Your Highness's knife looks..."

"The name of this knife is 'Tsing Yi'. The old master of Shuiyun Jiantan gave this king a knife. Although it is not one of the top ten famous knives listed in Jianghu, the craftsmanship is as good as it is."

Dongfang Liren handed the saber to Ye Jingtang:
"I can borrow you to observe."


To tell the truth, Ye Jingtang couldn't say enough, he originally wanted to say 'this knife looks flashy'.

The knife is the overlord of the short weapons. Its characteristics are that it is durable and easy to carry, and its practicality is far superior to other short weapons.

Dongfang Liren's knife, in terms of ornamental value, may not be able to find another better-looking one in the world, but in terms of practicality, I guess it can only die like a nobleman when he commits suicide.

However, Dongfang Li was born as a princess with golden branches and jade leaves. No matter in the past or in the future, it is impossible to have the opportunity to fight people in person. This knife is indeed suitable.

Ye Jingtang caught the treasured saber, after a little deliberation, he still praised:
"It's really beautiful. If I hold it in my hand, I won't be willing to use it to kill people."

Dongfang Liren took back the treasured sword and hung it on his waist, stood still by the river with a calm posture, and asked:
"How have you learned sword skills these days?"

"I have learned a little bit, and I came here today because I want to teach His Highness."

Ye Jingtang got straight to the point, and in order to avoid suspicion, stayed away a bit, with a single sword out of the sheath in his hand, and began to reproduce the moves taught by Qiu Tianhe in a smooth and smooth manner.

Dongfangli stood tall and graceful by the riverside, carefully watching Ye Jingtang's movements, and just about to say "you look good, you practiced well", when Ye Jingtang put away his knife and asked:

"Your Highness, have you learned the Tianhe Sword?"


Dongfang Liren was baffled: "You just taught me the moves, and I don't know the moves by heart, how could I learn them?"

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, taught again earnestly, and then said:
"now what?"


Dongfang Liren thought that Ye Jingtang was asking her if she remembered the moves, so she was a little speechless, so she didn't say much at the moment, the sword was unsheathed, and she began to repeat Ye Jingtang's movements, showing her 'extraordinary' memory.

Unfortunately, Ye Jingtang did not praise her for her good memory like the other teachers and parents.

Ye Jingtang stood with his sword behind his back, watching the Queen practice the sword seriously, and wanted to praise it, but immediately found that the Queen was "picturing a tiger and drawing a cat" in a decent manner.

Let’s say remember, I did remember the action, but there are basically no details, it just looks like it.


Ye Jingtang found out that the Queen is so stupid and so confident, and his heart was half cold.

Because the other party is the queen, Ye Jingtang couldn't say anything, so he nodded and said:

"Your Highness has an extraordinary memory, um... I'll practice it again, Your Highness will take a look."

As he spoke, he rehearsed the moves again.

Dongfang Liren can also be called "hard-working, studious, not ashamed to ask questions", carefully watching Ye Jingtang's movements.

After coming and going four or five times, Dongfang Liren finally remembered the details of the body.

In fact, this speed is already very fast, it can be said that the talent is not bad.

But in the eyes of Ye Jingtang, he could only sigh secretly - finally remembered...

Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, and stood by the side with his hands behind his back again, waiting for Dongfang Liren to realize the hidden path of luck in the moves.


The sun sinks in the river, the clouds rise and fall, the moon rises on the branches...

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Dongfang Liren was very serious, holding a treasured sword, and practiced methodically on the grass, his movements were accurate, over and over again, without showing any signs of irritability.

From the initial patient waiting, Ye Jingtang slowly turned into a daze, and then turned into inconceivable!

The look in the eyes of Prince Jing also changed from a Tianjiao Yujie with a supermodel body and a fairy face to a stupid sister with big breasts and hard work...

Damn, it's been more than 100 times, and you haven't practiced anything yet?
Could nutrition be used on the chest...

Seeing that the maids in the distance were all dozing off, Ye Jingtang couldn't help it, and reminded:
"Your Highness, this Tianhe Sword, you can't stick to the rules and practice hard according to the moves, um...you need to find the feeling..."

Dongfang Liren thought he studied very seriously, and he was puzzled when he heard the guidance:

"What do you feel?"

"Just don't stick to the moves, look for the feeling, that's the kind, you can use the knife as you think, um... the feeling of the knife!"

Ye Jingtang tried very hard to explain, but what he said sounded like telling a man with tone-deficient 'absolute pitch'.

Dongfang Liren is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he really has a "sense of sound", but the sense of knife, no one who has practiced knife for more than ten or twenty years, how can he learn it.

Dongfang Liren was a little dissatisfied when he saw Ye Jingtang struggling to explain the saber technique, put away the saber and shook his head:
"Forget it, you can go to Qiu Tianhe for advice and ask him to explain the way clearly. You don't even know how to practice, how to teach me?"

That's how I practiced...

But it's really useless for Ye Jingtang to learn by himself, with his way, he can't teach Dongfang Benben at all.

Ye Jingtang reckoned in his heart that he had to break the moves into pieces and feed them into the Queen's mouth, so it was no longer in vain:

"Okay, I'll go to the dungeon tomorrow and ask Qiu Tianhe to explain the training method clearly. I have to talk to my family about some business matters in two days. I'm thinking hard about how to practice Tianhe Dao these days, and I'll teach His Highness after a while. "

(End of this chapter)

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