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Chapter 471

Chapter 471 Taking turns to visit...

Time passed by, and more than half an hour passed, and it was late at night.

In the imperial study room in front of the palace, Master Xuanji was sitting on the soft couch, pouring and drinking by himself, looking a little bored.

Although she had never visited her in the palace and was not aware of the current situation in the Night Terror Hall, her good disciple had not come back for such a long time and no one had been sent to call her, so she knew that her disciple had passed away happily.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, footsteps and two words finally came from the corridor:
"Satisfied now?"

"I'll write down today's account first. If you dare to go back on what you just said in the bathroom, huh..."

"I've never lied to you before, but when you're a sister, you have to act like a sister. If you encounter trouble in the future, come to me, and I won't support you anymore..."



Master Xuanji heard the sound, sat up from the soft couch and looked outside, only to see Li Ren coming back with a happy face. Although his expression was still not angry or intimidating, he was generally quite happy. It looked like he had just had sex and was very happy. people.

Yuhu was wearing a bright red dress and was walking beside Li Ren. I don't know if it was because she was already flawless, but her expression was a little more energetic than before.

The two sisters were chatting like this. When they came outside the imperial study room, they stopped talking and turned to look at the master in the window.

Although Master Xuanji knew that Yuhu was also interested in Ye Jingtang, he definitely didn't expect that the two had just become a couple. He stood up and said:
"Yuhu, why don't you rest?"

The empress actually wanted to rest, but Li Ren had just served Ye Jingtang, and after serving Ye Jingtang, she didn't want to move. Li Ren was afraid that she would get into bed and disturb Ye Jingtang's rest again, so he pulled her too When it comes out, the meaning is obviously - sisters are of the same mind, either they sleep together or they don't sleep together.

Although she knew that her master was also on the boat, the empress went up to pour the beans into the bamboo tube by herself. She said that she gave them for free, which was too conspicuous, so she just said:

"The Night Terror Hall needs some rest. I was chatting with Li Ren, so I came over for fear of disturbing his rest. Master, please go rest as well. I can just watch here."

Master Xuanji wanted to run away a long time ago. Seeing this, he came outside the door. After thinking about it, he looked at Dongfang Liren again:
"Did you wake up from the night terror?"

Dongfang Liren felt that Master was going to have a private meeting, so he hesitated slightly and said:

"I woke up just now and chatted with me about the north for a while, and now I'm asleep again. Master, why don't you go over to visit again in the morning?"

Master Xuanji looked dignified and quiet, shook her head and sighed:
"I just went to take a look. He will leave when he is asleep and I won't disturb his rest. You go ahead and go down first."

Dongfang Liren didn't believe Master's nonsense at all, but she had just tested it with her own body, and Ye Jingtang was a little powerless to her. At this time, Master could not do anything, and he could not hurt Ye Jingtang's body.

She had already been intimate with Ye Jingtang, so it was obviously not filial to stop her master from going. She didn't say anything at the moment, and after watching her master leave with his immortal aura, she and the empress entered the study...
The night wind swept through the branches and leaves in front of the courtyard, making a thin and dense sound. The bright moonlight shined through the window paper and fell in front of the dragon bed, showing a slightly swaying reflection.

The bedroom was silent, and there was still a bit of daughter's fragrance left on the pillow.

Ye Jingtang was covered with a spring quilt, and his handsome cheeks were a bit paler than before. He raised his eyes and stared at the top of the bed with dragon and phoenix patterns. His mind no longer had the boundless reveries of the past, and instead thought about the avenue of heaven and earth and the peace of the people. , and the meaning of life.

This situation is not that Ye Jingtang suddenly had an epiphany and completely jumped out of the mundane world and entered a field that only saints can enter, but that after playing two consecutive battles with injuries, his body was emptied from the inside out and he could no longer become ordinary.

Fortunately, it was already late at night. Yuhu and Benben were afraid of disturbing his rest, so they went to sleep outside. After working hard for many days, their bodies could finally relax for a while.

Ye Jingtang took a breath, and at this moment he admired Hua Mian Hu a little. After all, Hua Mian Hu had such a small body, he could serve the eldest princess of Beiliang and the old queen, and in the end he could still go to Liang Emperor's palace to steal Things are really not easy...

Ye Jingtang was thinking so wildly, and as sleepiness flooded into his mind, his eyes slowly closed, and he was about to fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, while half asleep and half awake, I suddenly heard some movement outside the window, and then the palace door was pushed open:
Ye Jingtang heard the familiar soft footsteps. For some reason, just like when Ning'er Shui'er saw him entering the house before, her heart tightened, but she still quickly opened her eyes and lifted the curtain to look outside:


At the door of the dormitory, Master Xuanji was wearing an extremely slim-fitting plum blossom white dress, with a vermilion wine gourd hanging around her waist. She walked in from the outside, closed the door, and walked towards the dragon bed with graceful steps.

Originally, Xuanji's beautiful peach eyes had a bit of coldness like an otherworldly fairy, but when she saw Ye Jingtang's pale and weak look, she still felt a little softer. She came to Rouya and sat sideways, holding Ye Jingtang's hand. Shocking hands:

"How's the injury? Is it very painful?"

Ye Jingtang stood up and leaned on the head of the bed, showing a smile:
"There are no injuries. I'm just a little tired from the long journey. I'll be fine after just two days of rest. I'm a little thirsty. Give me a sip of wine."

As he spoke, he put his arms around Shui'er's waist and held her forward.

Master Xuanji had always taken the initiative. When she saw this, she took off her white embroidered shoes, lifted up the spring quilt, put her legs in, and leaned on Ye Jingtang's shoulder. After taking a sip of wine, she raised her cheek:


Ye Jingtang was really a little thirsty, and he didn't want to be flirty, but the water was brought to him, and it was obviously inappropriate not to accept it, so he lowered his head and put his red lips in his mouth.

Master Xuanji was feeding Ye Jingtang and found that he was not wearing anything under the quilt, so he slid his right hand down his waist and abdomen to see if the pervert had any reaction.

In the end, I never thought that Ye Jingtang was quite decent, so I directly pressed her hand through the quilt and raised her cheek:

"By the way, I grabbed an elixir in Beiliang. A martial artist can reach a higher level after taking it. If you take it, you will have no problem becoming a martial saint..."

Master Xuanji was originally quite surprised by Ye Jingtang's calm behavior, but when he heard these words, his eyes showed a bit of surprise:
"From Wu Kui to Wu Sheng, it's a huge step for ordinary people. Ninety percent of Wu Kui can't hope for a lifetime of training. Are you sure?"

Ye Jingtang said in this regard: "Those who can beat Wu Kui have no problem with their understanding. It is difficult to become a martial saint because of the limitations of their natural bones, slight flaws in their bones and muscles, or their Qi pulses are not smooth and tough enough, etc."

"The elixir studied by Beiliang is an imitation of Tianlang Pearl, which can make people break and then reshape their bones. Theoretically speaking, as long as you have the understanding to step into Wu Kui, you can definitely become a saint after taking the elixir. Xiang Master Han has personally tried the medicine, and if you take it, you can become a Martial Saint without any suspense."

Xuanji's talent is higher than that of her senior brothers. This can be seen from the fact that she is not doing her job all day long, but she can still reach the top three of the eight finals. It will be safe to enter the Holy Book in the future.

However, Master Xuanji was still very interested in this magical elixir that could take shortcuts. He spread his palms and said:
"Where's the medicine? Let me take a look."

Ye Jingtang looked a little embarrassed: "It's just one pill. I gave it to Yuhu and asked her to give it to Dr. Wang to study and imitate. Qinghe also has many prescriptions, which should be available soon..."

When Master Xuanji heard this, his eyes suddenly showed boredom:
"You take out something that has no trace of it to coax a woman? With Qinghe's temperament, even if he finds an elixir, will he be the first to give it to me?"


Ye Jingtang had heard Qing He talk about this before. He probably wouldn't even give Qing He a beating to death, so he said helplessly:

"There are so many flowers in Snow Lake. If there are not enough, I will go to Beiliang to grab them. When the prescription is available, each of our family will have one..."

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly, picked up the wine bottle and took a sip:

"I thought you only favored my master and secretly opened a small stove for him, but I didn't expect that it was still a bowl of water. Everyone has a share, what's the use of telling me this alone..."

Ye Jingtang was just looking for something to say, and now he set his sights on the white dress as soft as cloud sand:
"This dress is so beautiful. What material is it made of?"

Master Xuanji wore this outfit, even if it was specially prepared for the Night Terror Hall. When he heard these words, he turned slightly sideways, his fingertips slid across the tightly held skirt of his clothes, and his eyes were playful:
"The inside is more beautiful, do you want to see it?"

"Not really."


"Oh no, what about that..."

Ye Jingtang hugged Shui'er with both hands and put his cheek against his forehead:

"This is Yuhu's bed. If Yuhu finds out, I'm afraid it won't be good..."

Master Xuanji was already on top of her second apprentice, and she was still afraid of being a little arrogant on the eldest apprentice's bed. Seeing that she didn't dare to look at Ye Jingtang, she was considerate and opened her collar and pulled it down from her shoulders, revealing half of her snow-covered face. Fragrant shoulders and bellyband embroidered with colorful phoenixes:
"Fan Jiuniang's new work has not yet been sent to Yuhu for viewing, but it has been sent to me by my teacher first. The embroidery work on this little dress is extremely exquisite. The pictures on it look different depending on the light and angle..."

As he spoke, Master Xuanji shook her chest slightly, but the skirt of her clothes was rippled, and the colorful phoenix embroidered on it seemed to come alive, and the feathers seemed to be shaking. The scene was a feast for the eyes.


Ye Jingtang was stunned. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to touch it, but quickly put it down with a look of approval:

"It's really beautiful, the craftsmanship is amazing..."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang could not take advantage, Master Xuanji was quite surprised. She held Ye Jingtang's wrist and asked:

"Are you now..."

"How could I not!"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he naturally couldn't bear it. He raised his hand and bumped his bellyband:
"I think this little coat is very special, I'm just afraid of getting it damaged. Let me see what I'm wearing underneath..."

Master Xuanji checked his pulse carefully and found that Ye Jingtang's physical condition was normal, but a little weak. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then put down the wine gourd, turned over and straddled Ye Jingtang's waist.

Suo Suo~
As the body straightened up on its knees, the silky white skirt also fell down, revealing a white jade tiger decorated with pink peonies. But it was not wearing any clothes. There were two white silk stockings on the legs, even decorated with lace... …

! !
Ye Jingtang couldn't bear this. He slid down from the head of the bed and looked at the white jade tiger carefully in the moonlight:

"What a beautiful painting."

Master Xuanji snorted lightly: "It took me half an hour to draw it. You can only look at it but not touch it."

"it is good."


Master Xuanji just picked up the wine gourd and was about to take a sip. She found that Ye Jingtang was so obedient that she couldn't even touch it, so she put it down again:

"It's okay if I don't have any thoughts now. Let's go to bed early...eh?"

Ye Jingtang has traveled north and south for so long. When did he admit that he was a coward in front of his wife?He didn't dare to eat the white jade tiger that was brought to his mouth. How could he have the dignity to enter the house in the future? He immediately grabbed Shui'er's wrist:
"My qi and blood are unstable and relatively strong. I'm afraid that you won't be able to bear it and will cry again later, so I have some restraint."

Master Xuanji didn't think that Ye Jingtang could still control her crying in her current state. Seeing this, she didn't hesitate, deliberately straightened her waist, and showed off the peonies in front of Ye Jingtang:
"Really? All talk without practice is just a pretense..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes darkened, and he sat up suddenly in the midst of his dying illness, holding down Shui'er who didn't know the height of the sky.

Master Xuanji felt a little guilty when she saw that the night terror had come for real: "You are still injured, so don't hurt yourself by messing around."

"You know it's wrong now? It's too late! Come over by yourself."

A crisp sound of the moon slapping against the moon resounded in the dormitory...

Boom, boom~……

The silver moon was in the sky, and the stars and the full moon were reflected in the lake, and were shattered by the falling fish food, making them sparkling.

The Queen Mother, who was wearing a dark red dress, was leaning against the back window of the bedroom, holding a porcelain bowl with fish food in her hand. After waiting for a long time, she looked a little wilted, but she was not sleepy at all. She was missing and missing her. All the eagerness appeared in his eyes.

Although the beauty of the moonlight over the lotus pond in front of her makes people feel relaxed and happy, the Queen Mother cannot appreciate it at all. Instead, she misses the heavy snow on the top of Hongshan Mountain and the endless desolate plains on the Gobi Desert.

Although there was nothing to see at that time, the harbor in my heart held her tightly in my arms. He would hold her when she was tired, and give her water when she was thirsty, even though the cost was to let him touch her. But you and I are willing, and she doesn't reject it at all.

Unfortunately, since the Jiangzhou trip ended, the situation has become chaotic. She knows that Ye Jingtang will keep its promise on the Gobi Desert and will stay with her like that for the rest of her life. She is not in a hurry in her heart and wants to wait for Ye Jingtang quietly. Finished.

But her lover was in the same palace, but she couldn't see him. Even when he was injured, she had no reasonable reason to visit him in the middle of the night. She couldn't find peace in her heart.

After the Queen Mother had been thinking wildly for a long time, she took out the collector's edition of "The Secret History of Queen Marietta" from her arms and wanted to read how the Queen Mother of Yan secretly had a sweet relationship with the prince.

But the content in the book is that the Queen Mother endured the humiliation and was afraid of being bullied by the lustful prince; while the prince climbed over the wall every day and entered the palace to commit misdeeds.


The Queen Mother felt a little regretful at this time. It would have been better if she had known Ye Jingtang earlier and knew that he wanted to enter the palace to find the picture of the bathing in fire.

With his status as the Empress Dowager of the Wei Dynasty, it would be easy to secretly find a way to drag Ye Jingtang to Fushou Palace; even if the black yamen, secret guards and even the empress knew about it, they would probably turn a blind eye... …

No, that would be like secretly cultivating faces...

The Queen Mother felt that the idea was a bit outrageous, so she put the book away. After thinking about it again, she decided to run over and have a look.

Although it was not appropriate to greet a man late at night, there were no outsiders in the palace. Even if he found out that she was behaving inappropriately, who would dare to say anything wrong with her.

With this thought in mind, the Queen Mother quietly picked up the palace lantern from the desk, lit it, and walked outside the bedroom. However, after just a few steps, Hongyu, who was sleeping in the side room, raised her head:
"The Queen Mother? Where are you going in the middle of the night?"

"I can't sleep. I'm going out to relax. You don't have to follow me."

Hongyu got up from the bed: "Is your Majesty going to see Young Master Ye?"


The Queen Mother narrowed her apricot eyes slightly and glanced at the talkative Silly Hongyu. She probably meant - she wanted to be married off?
Hongyu was originally planning to follow her, but when she saw the look in the Queen Mother's eyes, she suddenly woke up and quickly got into bed, pretending to be sleeping honestly.

The Queen Mother was now satisfied. She wanted to go out quietly, but after thinking about it for a while, she turned around and said:
"Hongyu, go get something for me."



The other side.

The lingering fragrance of the room where the small lamp was lit still lingered, and the ripples on the curtains had stopped.

Xuanji, who was always half-dead after the incident, stood up by herself for the first time in her life, sat on the edge of the bed with a hot towel in her hand, and slowly wiped the rouge marks on her lover's face:

"I told you not to be brave. If you have to, it's fine now. You can't get up."

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, not even wanting to move his fingers, and there was a sense of "hero's twilight" between his brows. Seeing Shui'er who was crying just now, and now he was taunting her, his eyes darkened slightly and he scratched his head. Hold your wrist:
"Not convinced, are you?"

Master Xuanji felt that Ye Jingtang was very tired and did not dare to provoke him any more. Her expression softened a little and she continued to help wipe her face:
"I've taken it. I've finally wiped it clean for you. Isn't it all in vain if I keep trying? If Li Ren sees me, he will have to drive me out of the palace. I'm going out first. Sleep peacefully."

Only then was Ye Jingtang satisfied, leaning on the pillow and tilting his head slightly.

After Master Xuanji wiped his cheeks carefully, he lowered his head and kissed Ye Jingtang's face, then stood up, lowered the curtain, and walked out quietly.


As the door closed, the dormitory became completely quiet, and the Night Terror Hall breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the hard work was a bit proud, after traveling long distances and being cared for by three loved ones in a row, I still felt a bit elated in my heart.

But it was a pity that before Night Terror had even drifted twice, and before closing his eyes, he heard words coming from outside again:

"Huaiyan, why are you here?"

"I just came here to see if the Night Terror Hall is awake. It's not easy to get in because there's no one in the palace. How is the Night Terror Hall?"

"He's... very good. He's probably not asleep yet. You go in."

"Yuhu is not inside?"

"There's no one inside, it's just the Night Terror Hall. Don't worry..."

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and a ray of fire passed through the window, and soon came to the door.


Ye Jingtang took a deep breath and looked around subconsciously, seemingly looking for a place to hide for a while.

However, thinking that the hand warmer had never eaten meat, he breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and leaned on the bedside, rubbed his face to put on a rosy complexion, and waited quietly.

stomping on...

After watching Shui'er's fairy spirit drifting away, the Queen Mother slowly walked to the door of the bedroom with a small bag and a palace lantern in her hand. Originally, she had maintained her dignified expression as a mother, but she saw that there was no one else in the bedroom. After waiting, the Queen Mother calmed down her manners, opened the door and took a look inside.

"The Empress Dowager."


When the Queen Mother saw Ye Jingtang leaning on the head of the bed, showing that familiar sunny smiling face, the panic in her heart instantly calmed down, and she felt that the whole world became a little brighter.

She quickly hid in the door, put down the palace lantern, and then came to the dragon bed:

"Are you feeling well? You look so weak..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head, smiled, and patted it in front of him: "It's just a little injured. It will heal in a few days, eh? What does it smell like? It smells so good."

The Queen Mother was in front of her, and when she saw Ye Jingtang looking straight at the small bag in her hand, she slightly raised the corners of her mouth, opened the small bag, and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"Well, I just asked Hongyu to get the roast chicken from the dining room. I brought it specially for you. You can try it."

After a series of fierce battles in the Night Terror Hall, I was feeling a little exhausted at this time. I found that the Queen Mother had brought a hot roast chicken. I was really touched. I wanted to do it directly, but I felt too impatient, so I held it. A small round face wearing a hand warmer:

The Queen Mother hadn't been intimate for a long time, and her legs instantly became weak. She quickly raised her hand to press Ye Jingtang's mouth:

"Be cheeky~ Eat it quickly and it will cool down later."

"Haha, thank you Queen Mother for the reward."


Since Ye Jingtang didn't have the psychological pressure of the fourth scene, he acted more aggressively. He hugged the Queen Mother, reached around his body and opened the oil paper bag, picked up the chopsticks from the side, picked up a piece and put it to the Queen Mother's mouth:
"I don't have much strength in my hands, why don't you feed me?"

"You can feed me, why are you saying you have no strength?"

The Queen Mother naturally understood what Ye Jingtang meant. Although she was displeased, she did not refuse. She lightly opened her red lips and held it in her mouth. She raised her head and fed it to Ye Jingtang's mouth, and then said:
"what about the taste?"

Ye Jingtang tasted it carefully and nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect to be able to eat roast chicken in the middle of the night. If Niaoniao was here, I would be shaking my head happily."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she realized that the bird that had always been inseparable was missing. She wondered:
"Where's Niaoniao? And Miss Ning'er and the others..."

"They are still in Beiliang and won't be back for a few days..."

After Ye Jingtang explained for a while, he remembered something and whispered in his ear:
"Guess what I found in Yanjing this time?"

The Queen Mother especially wanted to follow her to Yanjing, but unfortunately her strength did not allow it. At this time, she was naturally curious about what was going on there. She leaned on her arms and pulled her legs up, raised her eyes and asked:
"Found what?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Hand Warmer liked to read The Secret History of Queen Marietta, so he used his level of listening to books all the time and said:

"When I first arrived in Yanjing, the underground gang there introduced me to a job, saying that I would be a servant of the eldest princess's mansion. After I asked carefully, I learned that I was going to be a face-to-face boss, and that I had to be a servant at the same time. Serving the Queen Mother of Beiliang..."


When the Queen Mother heard this shocking secret, her eyes looked a little strange and she whispered:
"You mean, the Empress Dowager of Beiliang has a decent reputation in private?"

"Yes, I bumped into it when I sneaked into the palace. It's called a 'Flower Fox'. It looks really good..."

"Tsk tsk~"

The Queen Mother had goosebumps: "The Queen Mother of Beiliang is already sixty, and she still does such ridiculous things... You mean, the face of the Queen Mother of Beiliang was given to her by her daughter, the eldest princess? That's not possible. Mother and daughter serve together..."

Ye Jingtang nodded: "Yes. If I hadn't gone to Yanjing in person, I wouldn't have thought that there was such a ridiculous thing in the world. The empress dowager and the eldest princess actually... hiss~"

Ye Jingtang was suddenly pinched in the middle of his words. He turned around and saw the Queen Mother, who had always been well-behaved and gentle, glaring at him with a cold face.

"Uh... what's wrong?"

The Queen Mother was still eating melon, but as they chatted, she realized that she was not the Queen Mother, and Yuhu was the eldest princess, and even hooked up with Li Ren and her best friend who was the emperor's teacher.

Compared with this, the Queen Mother of Beiliang is too conservative...

The Queen Mother pursed her red lips and wanted to say a few words, but it was difficult to say a word, so she moved away to keep some distance.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally understood her thoughts and quickly hugged her back:

"You are different..."

"Why is this palace different? The serious Empress Dowager Wei is nothing more than the Holy Prince Jing who is not from this palace... You stay away from me, and you still call me a flower-faced fox, you are simply..."

Ye Jingtang held on tightly and said softly: "I am lying here because of my ability. And we are not messing around in private. We have agreed that when the world is peaceful, you can leave the palace and return home openly. Then he remarries, no one can say anything..."

The Queen Mother didn't really take it seriously, she was just joking with Ye Jingtang. After being coaxed for a few words, she picked up a piece of chicken leg and fed it to Ye Jingtang's mouth.

Ye Jingtang finished eating a whole roast chicken with satisfaction. There was something in his stomach, and the feeling of weakness in his whole body was reduced a lot. At that moment, he hugged the Queen Mother and began to talk about the allusions in Beiliang, such as "Chengtian Mansion" Juggernaut's history of taking the blame' and so on.

The Queen Mother had nothing to do all day long. She was happiest when she could lean into her lover's arms and listen to stories. Naturally, she was very patient. Halfway through, she realized that Ye Jingtang was well behaved and didn't even warm her hands. Confused, he quietly took Ye Jingtang's hand and put it in his clothes to keep warm.


Ye Jingtang touched the familiar soft ball, and for some reason his hands trembled. He kept calm and focused, secretly warning himself not to think nonsense.

The Queen Mother listened to the story quietly, and soon noticed from the corner of her eye that Ye Jingtang looked awkward and seemed a little absent-minded.

A man is absentmindedly holding a woman, what else can he think about?
The Queen Mother was very smart, and she understood something with her eyes turning slightly. She turned around and asked:

"Night Terror Hall, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ye Jingtang paused for a moment, then quickly shook his head:
"It's not uncomfortable, it's good..."

"Don't lie to me. I know you feel sorry for me and don't want to embarrass me."

When the Queen Mother saw that Ye Jingtang was clearly in pain but pretending to be calm and calm, her heart became softer and softer. She took off her embroidered shoes and knelt down beside her:

"I have learned something in the book and know how to help you. For the sake of your loyalty to the country and your injury, I will give you a favor..."

"no, I'm fine!"

Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand and pressed the Queen Mother's shoulder:

"I really don't feel bad. Besides, we didn't mean to wait until we return to the capital..."

Seeing the night terror, the Queen Mother still remembered what she had said before, and she was deeply moved:

"Now that the two dynasties are at war, they will not return to the capital until the war is over. This is the capital. Besides, I am not sacrificing my life. I am just using the methods in the book to help you heal..."

As he spoke, he used his hands to pull back the spring quilt.

Ye Jingtang was obviously moved to tears and held on to the quilt:

"Alas, how could I be so virtuous..."

"It's okay, I'm not an outsider..."


The Queen Mother was about to pull off the quilt, but when she suddenly heard her name, she was stunned for a moment and raised her eyes to look at the Night Terror Hall.

Ye Jingtang sat up a little straighter and looked affectionately into the Queen Mother's eyes. He first raised his little hands and kissed his lips, then leaned forward and hugged his upper body:

"Being able to hug and chat together is the best adjustment for me. I promised to be with you every day, but because of official business, I can't be with you all the time. I already owe you a debt. How can I let you do it for me again? Such dedication..."

The Queen Mother was held in her arms. Because of her petite and exquisite figure, her cheeks were buried in Ye Jingtang's chest. Her heart almost melted when she heard the loving words without any desire:

"It's okay. I am sensible and the world is at peace. How can we be together every day... If you feel uncomfortable..."

"How can I feel uncomfortable holding my sweetheart?"

Ye Jingtang hugged the Queen Mother and lay face to face on the pillow. He pulled the quilt down to his neck and tapped his forehead:
"You come here so late, you must not have slept, right? I'll hold you and sleep for a while, come on, relax, take a deep breath..."

It’s not like the Empress Dowager has never slept with Ye Jingtang in her arms, but lying on the dragon bed in the palace, it still feels quite weird. Hmm... It really feels like a beloved concubine is sleeping with the handsome emperor.

She bit her red lips and glanced up, then kissed Ye Jingtang's face, then lay down comfortably and closed her eyes:

"If you want it, I won't tell you anything. It's normal for young people to be energetic. There's no need to hold it back..."

Ye Jingtang caressed his back and tapped his forehead:
"Don't think too much and sleep well."


The Queen Mother hummed softly without saying a word. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of her embrace. She felt as if she had returned to the cold and windy snowy mountains. Her inner lake gradually calmed down, until sleepiness gradually filled her heart.

However, when she was about to fall asleep, the Queen Mother reacted, separated slightly, stood up and sat in front of her.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang opened his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"If I fall asleep here, what will happen to Yuhu and the others when they come over? You should sleep well, and I will wait until you fall asleep before leaving."

The Queen Mother very gently helped Ye Jingtang pull up the spring quilt and covered it under his neck. She lowered her head and kissed each other with her lips, and then sat in front of him and watched.

Ye shook his head and smiled, but didn't say much. He closed his eyes and began to relax his mind, and slowly fell into sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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