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Chapter 495

Chapter 495
Water gushes out of the spring and falls into the lotus pond.

On the platform above, men and women were lying and sitting, and gradually fell silent, leaving only two breaths.

Hua Qingzhi saw that Ye Jingtang had closed her eyes and rested, so she didn't want to disturb him anymore. She obediently sat on the edge of the wooden couch and watched the scenery of Panlong Cave alone.

However, the scenery of Panlong Cave is indeed magnificent, but it is not romantic and warm at all. Instead, it is a bit eerie.

Thousands of bare white lotuses are bunched motionless in the pond, and the huge luminous pearl above the head is like a moon. It also emits cool light, giving people the feeling of sitting along the Styx River full of flowers from the other side.

What's even more terrifying is that someone died here just now!

Huang Liansheng's headless body slowly floated to the exit of the pond in the distance. Because the water could not wash out, it began to rise and fall, and it was barely visible.


Hua Qingzhi was not very courageous in the first place. After sitting next to him for a while, she started to get scared. Moreover, she had just dived in and her clothes were all wet. She felt cold after sitting for a long time.

Hua Qingzhi folded her arms. After holding on for a moment, she looked around and took out two changes of clothes from the cabinet next to her. She first put one of the robes on Ye Jingtang's back and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Ye, how long will it take for you to recover?"

Ye Jingtang's recovery ability is very strong, but Huang Liansheng's trauma was not serious, and he was almost destroyed inside and out by using the "Moving Mountain Map" forcibly, but it was not so easy to recover.

At this time, more than a dozen white lotus leaves fell off, and the sword wound on Ye Jingtang's back no longer oozed blood, and there were signs of healing slowly, but the needle-pricking feeling in his limbs was only slightly relieved.

If the two of them want to get out of Panlong Cave, they first have to dive across the waterway. Because the distance is a bit long, Hua Qingzhi can be suffocated to death if she swims in the Night Terror Hall, and there is still a long way to go, so she has to carry Hua Qingzhi on her back. Zhipao, the current situation is definitely impossible to get out.

But Shui'er and the others were waiting outside. If they couldn't find his whereabouts, they would definitely be anxious.

Ye Jingtang saw that Hua Qingzhi was a little scared. After thinking about it for a while, he raised his eyes and looked to the left and right:
"Look again to see if there are lotus seeds here. The medicinal effect of lotus seeds should be much stronger than the petals."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi moved to the cabinet with the white lotus petals, searched up and down, and finally found a jar. After shaking it slightly, there was a sound of particles inside.

Hua Qingzhi returned to the couch and handed the jar to Ye Jingtang:
"Do you see this?"

Ye Jingtang sat up with his body propped up and opened the jar without wax seal. It was seen that there were nearly a hundred lotus seeds inside. Although the shapes and sizes were similar, the colors were different.

Among them, black ones account for nearly [-]%, there are more than ten yellow-brown ones, and only two or three cyan ones.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that the color of the lotus seeds was different, so he took the jar and shook it:
"The colors are different, which one should I eat?"

Hua Qingzhi has never studied medicine, but she has been taking medicine to treat her legs since she was a child. She can be considered a doctor after a long illness. She thought about it and responded:

"The colors are different, probably because of the different years. I heard from the imperial doctor in Yanjing that the flowers of the Snow Lake Flower are green at first, turn to dark red after three months of growth, and gradually turn purple after 500 years. It dies after a thousand years, just like purple jade. However, there are very few Snow Lake Flowers that can actually grow to a thousand years. There is only one plant in the entire Daliang State Treasury, and it was captured from the northwest royal court.

"The black lotus seeds are the most numerous, followed by the yellow ones, and the cyan ones are the rarest. The cyan ones must be the most precious and have the best medicinal effect."

Ye Jingtang felt that this statement made sense, so he picked up a green lotus seed and looked at it carefully:
"When the six flowers of Snow Lake bloom, it is estimated that the white lotus will only grow once."

Hua Qingzhi had never seen such a magical object before, so she looked closely at it:

"The lotus seeds should be compared to the Snow Lake Flower. The Millennium Snow Lake Flower actually grows for 1000 years. I guess it will take that long for the lotus seeds to turn into this green color. After eating this, you should be like Huang Liansheng and recover immediately, right? "

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "Don't take medicine indiscriminately. The medicinal power of the rhizome of Snow Lake Flower is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and it turns into a highly poisonous drug. Only ruthless people like Divine Doctor Wang dare to prescribe it." Dilute it into medicine and treat your legs. The rhizome of the thousand-year-old snow lake flower is estimated to be a hundred times more potent, and the same applies to the lotus seeds.

"Huang Liansheng said it himself that he had been able to resist the medicinal properties of lotus seeds by bathing in a pool since he was a child. Even if I could resist the medicinal properties of these green lotus seeds and not be poisoned to death, the medicinal effects would definitely be overflowing, so I would still eat them. The black one is good, but if the medicine isn’t effective enough, I’ll take another one with Huang Liansheng.”

Hua Qingzhi thought about it, and immediately poured a glass of water for Ye Jingtang and handed it to him.

After Ye Jingtang looked at it carefully for a few times, he put down the green lotus seed, picked up a black lotus seed again, threw it into his mouth, then picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ton tons~"

Hua Qingzhi watched from the side and helped smooth Shun Ye Jingtang's back:
"how do you feel?"

Ye Jingtang swallowed the black lotus seeds into his belly and felt a little:
"Hmm... I don't feel much, I guess I haven't digested it yet."


Hua Qingzhi nodded, because she was a little cold, so she turned her eyes to Ye Jingtang's robe:

"Are you cold? Do you want to change clothes?"

Although Ye Jingtang's clothes were wet, it was not unbearable. However, Panlong Cave was buried deep underground and could not get sunlight at all. The temperature was quite low. Hua Qingzhi's small body obviously couldn't bear it.He saw this and said:
"I'm fine. Please change your clothes first."


Hua Qingzhi was already shivering from the cold. She picked up her robe and wanted to find a place to change into, but she looked around...

Where is the place to change clothes in this cave?Even the bookshelves are accessible from both sides.

Seeing Hua Qingzhi's hesitation, Ye Jingtang naturally understood the meaning and gestured to the opposite side of the pool:
"Why don't you go over there and change?"


Hua Qingzhi looked up and felt that it was a good place. The white lotus could roughly cover it, but the disadvantage was that there was such a big headless corpse floating there!

Hua Qingzhi's lips moved but stopped talking.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shook his head and reluctantly stood up:

"Then I'll go over and you change first."


How dare Hua Qingzhi let Ye Jingtang run around now? Not to mention her injuries, she stayed here and did not dare to leave Ye Jingtang for ten steps. Ye Jingtang ran to the opposite side without scaring her to death.

Hua Qingzhi held down Ye Jingtang's arm, her eyes obviously a little tangled, but in the end, fear took over and she spoke softly:
"Young Master Ye is a gentleman and will not bully the darkroom. How about...or I change here and you just close your eyes."

Ye Jingtang smiled softly and lay down again, facing Hua Qingzhi with the back of his head:
"Change it quickly, don't get cold from the cold."


Hua Qingzhi's face turned a little red, but compared to being shy, after all, Ye Jingtang felt more at ease in front of her.

She gently untied her belt and kept looking at Ye Jingtang from the corner of her eye, with a bit of embarrassment in her eyes. She found that Ye Jingtang didn't react at all, and secretly praised her.

But as soon as she unbuttoned her collar to reveal her bellyband, and before she could take off her top, she heard a voice coming from beside her:
The young man in black in his peripheral vision suddenly turned over and sat in front of him!

Another scream.

This time it’s not fear, but shame and anger!

Hua Qingzhi quickly closed her clothes, her face turned red and her eyes widened. She wanted to ask, "Mr. Ye, what do you want to do?!", but when she looked around, she realized that something was not right.

Ye Jingtang suddenly sat up next to him. He did not open his eyes or rush forward. Instead, he pinched the Ziwu Jue with both hands and sat cross-legged with his back straight. His face, which was pale just now, had now turned red, and his forehead was visible. Big beads of sweat.

And this anomaly continues to expand!
She just looked at it in a blink of an eye. The blush on Ye Jingtang's face had spread to the naked eye, and then spread to the neck, and then the back, hands and clothes covered the invisible areas. The originally wet robe also began to White mist came out, and the whole person seemed to be on fire.

"Ye...Young Master Ye?!"

Hua Qingzhi suddenly saw such a terrifying expression, how could she think about the matter of Happy Together? She raised her hand to support Ye Jingtang, but found that the tentacle's arm was hot, and quickly retracted:

"what happened to you?"

Ye Jingtang squeezed the Ziwu Jue with both hands. At this moment, he felt as if he had swallowed a red iron ball as big as his head, which stretched his stomach until it was about to explode. He tried every means to suppress the burning sensation in his abdominal cavity, but the effect was of no avail.

And this feeling didn't come gradually. He was just lying on his stomach listening to the sound, when his stomach suddenly made a soft "click" sound. It should be that the lotus seeds were broken, and then the terrifying strength of the medicine that a mortal could not bear came all at once. The influx of heart.

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang had practiced six pictures of the roaring dragon, and he was as strong as before both inside and outside. Otherwise, he would probably have had a gastric perforation on the spot.

Ye Jingtang used his inner strength to forcefully press the medicine into his abdominal cavity to prevent it from quickly spreading throughout his body. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said:
"This medicine is not strong enough. Even Huang Liansheng, a god, cannot resist it. I must have taken it wrong..."

Hua Qingzhi had already sensed the terrifying nature of this lotus seed. After all, she could feel the heat even from a few feet away. Her heart raced and she suddenly remembered something:
"Oops, I forgot that this place has not seen the sun for 2000 years. No one picked the lotus seeds, and there were no natural or man-made disasters. The black ones must have been accumulated after the First Emperor left, and the green and yellow ones are the new ones in the past few hundred years. , so the quantity is small..."

Ye Jingtang realized that something was not right. He had already realized this problem. He felt that Hua Qingzhi was about to cry. He gritted his teeth to suppress the restlessness in his heart:

"It's okay, I can handle it, I'll just wait until the medicine wears off..."

Hua Qingzhi was sitting next to her and didn't know how to help. Seeing that Ye Jingtang's robe was quickly dried, she quickly took out her handkerchief and wet it with a teapot, rolled it up and pasted it on Ye Jingtang where there were large beads of sweat hanging there. The temperature on his forehead cooled down, maybe because he was afraid of spontaneous combustion during the night terror, and he blew:


But this first aid is better than nothing.

Fortunately, the situation in Night Terror Hall is not all negative.

When Hua Qingzhi was at a loss what to do, she suddenly discovered that the sword wound on Ye Jingtang's back had healed at some point, leaving only a dark red blood mark; then it quickly merged with the red skin, making it difficult to find. trace.

Hua Qingzhi's eyes brightened slightly, and she just wanted to be happy, but reality immediately gave her a heavy blow.The medicinal effect of black lotus seeds is terrifying. Ye Jingtang tried his best to suppress the potency of the medicine, and only used a little to cure the physical wounds.

After curing his body riddled with wounds in a short period of time, Ye Jingtang was shocked to find that the burning sensation in his chest and abdomen had been reduced by less than half. It could be said that the effect of the medicine had not really started to show.

As the saying goes, three parts of medicine are poisonous. After there is no injury where the medicine can exert its effect, the medicine's strength has nowhere to vent, and soon has a backlash. The body is as if it has been plunged into an incinerator, and internal bleeding occurs all over the body, so that the skin appears to be... Large bruises.

When an ordinary person reaches this point, he or she will die suddenly within half a quarter of an hour.

But the effect of the 'Fire Picture' is even more terrifying. As long as you don't die on the spot, you will never die. This effect has been tested for many years without exception.

Black lotus seeds are originally medicinal materials, and their healing effect on limb injuries is unparalleled in the world. At this time, it backfires on the body because the effect of the medicine is too strong and the body cannot bear it, and it begins to collapse from the inside.

As for the Bathing in Fire Diagram, as long as something is digested, it can be transformed into strong essence and blood to restore the body. Black lotus seeds, a magical healing medicine, can be used as consumables.

As a result, the two divine objects turned Ye Jingtang's body into a battlefield and fell into an endless loop - the lethal medicinal power of black lotus seeds crazily destroyed the body; the bathing fire map quickly recovered with the help of the surging medicinal power of black lotus seeds. .

The Singing Dragon Picture has the highest priority, and even the Imprisoning Dragon Miasma cannot be broken. This endless cycle of internal consumption can obviously exhaust the power of the black lotus seeds until the body recovers.

But the Night Terror Hall, as a battlefield, was not so pleasant.

When Ye Jingtang stepped forward and sat cross-legged, he felt as if he was being hit by nail clippers. His whole body was shattered inch by inch, then healed quickly, and then shattered again.

Appearing on the body surface, it means that large areas of congestion appear all over the body, and then quickly disappear and change to another place.

This period brought unspeakable pain. Ye Jingtang was not a weak-willed person, and he only endured it for a moment before feeling like he was going crazy.

He opened his eyes, trying to find something that could relieve the severe pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw his daughter's bulging breasts, which were almost in front of his eyes. The collar was also loosened, and he could see the moon-white bellyband and White neck...

Ye Jingtang's tortured ferocious eyes were slightly startled:

Hua Qingzhi knelt in front of her, covering Ye Jingtang's forehead with her bellyband. Seeing Ye Jingtang's bruising body and ferocious face, she was almost frightened. When she noticed that Ye Jingtang suddenly opened her eyes, she spoke urgently:
"How are you, Mr. Ye?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's blood-red eyes were slightly stunned, staring at her chest, Hua Qingzhi lowered her head, then realized what she was doing, and quickly sat back and closed her collar:

"Young Master Ye, you..."

"Sorry sorry..."

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes again, endured the unbearable torture, gritted his teeth and said:
"Why didn't you change your clothes? Put on dry clothes quickly so you don't catch a cold..."

Hua Qingzhi was almost dry as she knelt in front of the Ye Jing Hall and her body, so she wouldn't catch a cold.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's expression was in pain again, the shame and anger that had just risen in her heart disappeared, and she asked quickly:

"Mr. Ye, would you like to feel more comfortable looking at my chest?"

"How could that happen? I'm not a pervert."

"Why aren't you a pervert? I saw it just now. If you open your eyes and see my chest, you won't feel so uncomfortable..."

Hua Qingzhi finally realized that Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment. Instead of pain, there was only an accident. Because there was no way to save Ye Jingtang, her heart suddenly crossed, she let go of her hand and raised her chest slightly:
"If you feel comfortable watching it, just keep watching. When things are urgent, follow the authority. How can I blame the young master?"


It's not that Ye Jingtang wasn't feeling uncomfortable just now, but he was suddenly distracted.

Seeing Hua Qingzhi say this, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but stare at her. This move would not solve his urgent problem. He looked around, then stood up and plunged directly into the cold lake.

Water splashed around the edge of the platform, and Night Terror Hall disappeared immediately.


Hua Qingzhi's eyes were startled, she quickly stood up, took two steps and fell to the edge of the platform, looking into the water.

As a result, a string of bubbles emerged from the water. Ye Jingtang had sunk to the bottom of the pool more than ten feet deep, and his figure was almost invisible.

"Young Master Ye?!"

Hua Qingzhi didn't know the situation, so she couldn't help but feel anxious. She looked around and wanted to call someone, but in this damn place, besides her, was there anyone else?
Hua Qingzhi lay on the edge of the platform. After waiting for a while and seeing no movement in the Night Terror Hall, she burst into tears. She gritted her teeth secretly and rolled directly into the water.

Hua Qingzhi has been in a wheelchair since she was a child, and she has always had someone to take care of her when bathing. Even if there is any water, her heart will be filled with fear after falling into the water, and she doesn't know what to do.

But seeing the silent shadow under the water, Hua Qingzhi still forced herself to calm down, holding on to the stone foundation of the platform, and slowly sinking her body, using the cold white light, she grabbed her still hot hand, trying to calm down the night terror. Don pull up.

But she doesn't have any water skills, and it's hard for her to float herself up. How can she pull a grown man along?

Hua Qingzhi looked at the unresponsive red cheeks, tears welling up in her eyes, but they could not be seen in the water. Her heart suddenly dropped, she thought of something, and climbed to the surface of the water while holding on to the stone platform.


Hua Qingzhi's black hair had spread out and stuck to her face, but she had no time to care about it at this time. After taking a deep breath, she dived into the water again, holding on to the platform base and slowly sinking upside down. He touched Ye Jingtang's cheek and then moved closer.

Their lips met, and a string of bubbles emerged from the water.

The entire underground world also became silent.

Ye Jingtang forcibly pressed the sore spot that was like a broken body. When he noticed the soft touch on his lips, he opened his eyes and met those eyes that were too close to see clearly.

When Hua Qingzhi saw the movement in the Night Jing Hall, she felt joy in her heart. She quickly climbed up unfamiliarly, came up to the surface, took a deep breath, and climbed down again.

Ye Jingtang was lying at the bottom of the pool, with thousands of white lotuses swaying in the waves reflected in the depths of his pupils, as well as a clumsy scholarly lady, trying to save him from drowning in his own way.

This scene doesn't look very beautiful, and it even looks a bit clumsy to outsiders.

But Ye Jingtang knew very well that Hua Qingzhi had inconvenient legs and feet, had problems walking, and didn't know how to swim at all.

I also know that when Qingzhi saw a human head by the pool, she was so frightened that her legs went weak and she sat on the ground unable to get up. She also became silently scared after not talking for a long time.

Under such circumstances, ordinary people can hardly imagine how much courage it took to jump into a deep pool, dive into the water more than ten feet deep, and climb up and down the stone wall to try to save him.

This action seems clumsy, but Hua Qingzhi is not a martial artist who has been trained since childhood. She is just a young lady from an aristocratic family who never leaves home. This is the only way she can do it. If ordinary people are as weak as her, they may not be able to do it. He has the ability to execute even in times of crisis.

Seeing that gentle face, I felt a little anxious again. I came closer, held his cheek, and began to try to breathe.

Ye Jingtang suddenly felt that being cut to pieces by a thousand cuts was not that painful anymore. He thought about it, raised his hands and hugged his waist, and then floated to the surface of the water.

Hua Qingzhi noticed that her body was rising, and her eyes showed joy. However, after the two of them emerged from the water, Ye Jingtang still did not let go of her lips, and they were still pressed together tightly, as if she was ready to pry open her teeth...

? ?
Hua Qingzhi was shocked all over, she quickly leaned back and parted her lips, pushed Ye Jingtang out a little, covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes were a little panicked.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to say a few words affectionately, but before he could think of a word, the severe pain of being cut into pieces flooded into his mind, causing him to directly put on a mask of pain:

"Hey~ I'm going...I'm just soaking in the water to cool down, don't worry..."

Saying that, he quickly buried himself in the water.


Hua Qingzhi held the platform and floated in the water, covering her red lips with her left hand, her face turning red.

However, Ye Jingtang didn't seem to be dead. She finally felt relieved. After a moment of hesitation, she stopped thinking about frivolous things and just watched from the side.

Because the water in the pool was really cold, Hua Qingzhi's body obviously couldn't be soaked for long. After waiting for a while, Hua Qingzhi held on to the edge again, trying to climb up the platform.

But when the legs can't use any strength, it's a bit too difficult to do a pull-up with just the arms.

Hua Qingzhi gritted her teeth and climbed up, but as long as the water below the waist lost buoyancy, it would be difficult to climb up.

After trying for a moment, Hua Qingzhi was ready to give up, but when she slid down, she found that she was sitting directly on the man's palm.


Hua Qingzhi turned around and saw Ye Jingtang reaching out his arms from the water, holding her hips, and pushing her up to the platform after struggling for a long time.

Hua Qingzhi quickly rolled onto the platform, first pulled down the skirt that clung to her buttocks, then folded her arms with guarded eyes. After waiting for a moment, she stood up holding on to the desk and began to tremble and change clothes.

After taking off her wet clothes and putting on the spare new robe in the box, Hua Qingzhi took a breath, found a thin blanket around her and wrapped it around her, then sat on the edge of the platform again, nervously diving into the water. Looking out, my eyes began to have mixed feelings:
Is he okay...

I was obviously trying to save him, so how could he kiss me and not let go...

Could it be that he is confused due to illness and cannot help himself...


(End of this chapter)

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