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Chapter 498

Chapter 498
Back at the back of Dazhai, the hustle and bustle outside gradually faded away.

After Ye Jingtang successfully finished the business, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the white and big full moon in the sky while walking.

Fan Qinghe, who was wearing the high priest's uniform, still maintained his dignified and charming Zhu Zong posture, but with a bit of excitement in his eyes, he kept sighing:

"After running around here and there for so many years, today the Northwest Royal Court has finally reestablished its kingdom. If my fathers in heaven knew this, they would definitely be happy..."

Ye Jingtang was born in the world and had been spying on the location of Fengguan City for a long time, but he really didn't feel much about the throne of the emperor. However, seeing Qinghe so happy, he was naturally happy too.

While in Panlong Cave, Ye Jingtang's body had completely recovered and was even in a state of vigor and vigor.

Seeing that Qing He was dressed very dignified and formal, and looked like he couldn't mess around, Ye Jingtang inevitably had some ideas. He raised his hand through the loose sacrificial clothes and hugged the big moon with proud size:
"Yes. It's such a big event, do we have to celebrate it?"

Fan Qinghe shrank slightly and held down Ye Jingtang's hand:

"If you want to celebrate, you should go out and drink. What's the point of bullying me?"

Ye Jingtang didn't take his hands away, so he comforted her through her skirt:

"How can this be called bullying? Since I have become the leader of the Xihai tribes, according to the agreement between the two tribes, you will be the leader's wife from now on. If you don't express your gratitude for such an important matter, where will the sense of ceremony come from?"

"A sense of ceremony?"

Fan Qinghe thought about it briefly and felt that it made sense. He thought for a while and said:
"Who allowed you to mess with me when we were in Dongming Mountain? If you had stayed until now, I would have had a sense of ritual with you."

Ye Jingtang hugged her a little tighter, rubbed the plump and soft parts, and said something meaningful:
"It's simple. Just do something you've never done before and can't forget for the rest of your life. Well...for example, use a 'magic weapon' or something..."

Magic weapon?

Fan Qinghe was confused, but in order to satisfy Ye Jingtang's weird ideas, he nodded thoughtfully:
"Okay... let me go get ready and call you over."

After saying that, he bowed his head and left, running back to the house where he lived.

Ye Jingtang was really flattered to see Aunt Fan agreeing so quickly, so she didn't follow her and went to the yard where Shui'er was resting first.

It was already dark, and there were still lights in the house, but there were not many sounds.

As soon as Ye Jingtang walked into the courtyard, he found that the door to the west wing was open and there were several plates on the table containing roasted lamb legs and other delicacies.

Luzhu was sitting with his back to the door, using a knife to cut the tender and juicy barbecue and putting it on a small plate; the fluffy bird was squatting next to it, shaking his head as he ate, so oblivious that he ignored him when he came back.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang smiled and quietly came to the outside of the chief's room without disturbing anyone.

Because this trip was too far, even Niaoniao was exhausted, let alone Hua Qingzhi.

At this time, the lights in the room had been turned off, and only two faint breathing sounds could be heard.

Ye Jingtang pushed the door open silently and took a look inside. He could see that the Emperor's Sword wrapped in cloth was placed on the table, and next to it was a medicine jar brought from the cave.

The curtain on the bed was not lowered. Shui'er put on white pajamas and lay under the thin quilt. She fell into a deep sleep because she was exhausted. Hua Qingzhi was lying on the dressing table next to her, looking like she was taking care of her. Shui'er fell asleep.

When Ye Jingtang came closer, he saw Shui'er opening her eyes.

Master Xuanji usually surrenders within half a quarter of an hour. Today, he has been tortured all day long and is already in a state of exhaustion. His legs are weak now. Seeing the Night Terror Hall, he is even a little timid. He immediately tilts his head and looks inside. On the side, he made a posture of 'I'm tired of being a teacher, go down and have a rest'.

Seeing that Shui'er didn't want to talk to him, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't go over to disturb him. He just picked up the thin blanket from the hanger and put it on Hua Qingzhi's shoulders.

Hua Qingzhi didn't sleep deeply. There was movement on her back. She naturally opened her eyes and found that Ye Jingtang was covering her with a blanket. She sat up quickly and looked around in a panic:

"Mr. Ye, you...why are you here?"

Ye Jingtang put the blanket on his shoulders and said with a smile:

"I'm just here to take a look after I'm done. Why are you sleeping here?"

"I was a little tired from taking care of Sister Lu just now and accidentally fell asleep. Where is Luzhu?"

"Feed the birds outside, I'll take you back to your room."

Ye Jingtang said a few words, and when she saw Hua Qingzhi about to get up, she leaned over and supported her legs and back, gave her a princess hug, and walked out.


Hua Qingzhi's eyes suddenly became nervous, and she held her collar with her hands, but maybe she was used to being carried on her back these days, so she hesitated for a moment and didn't say anything, just bit her lower lip and looked away.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the room with Hua Qingzhi in his arms, went to the next room, thought for a while and asked:

"How about Miss Hua changing the terms?"

Hua Qingzhi was afraid of the night terror and took her into the house to sleep with her. She was nervous. After hearing this, she looked back blankly:
"What conditions?"

"I just want you to do the big things and Master Xue to do the small things."


Hua Qingzhi was bypassed by Sister Lu today. No matter how she thought about it later, she felt that something was wrong. When she found that Ye Jingtang still remembered these words, her eyes suddenly became serious:
"I never said this, it was Sister Lu who said it... Besides, you didn't agree, so why did you bring it up?"

Ye Jingtang closed the door with his feet and said helplessly:
"It's not that I don't want to agree, it's just that I can't agree. Master Xue's martial arts skills are on par with mine. If he said he'd beat me, he'd really hit me. Besides, she and I are innocent. If I make this promise, wouldn't it mean that I'm spying on others in secret? How about you change it? If I can meet the conditions, I will definitely agree.”

Hua Qingzhi is not stupid and knows that Ye Jingtang is trying to trick her. After all, as long as she puts forward conditions, it means that she is ready to marry Ye Jingtang and is just discussing the betrothal gift.

Hua Qingzhi was not fooled and corrected her seriously:

"I'm asking you to repay me for rescuing you. As long as you repay it, we'll be clear. It's not that I made a condition and if you do it, I'll...just..."

Ye Jingtang sat down on the tea couch, placed Hua Qingzhi next to him, and raised his hand to help pour the tea:

"I understand, it's just a favor. How do you want me to compensate? As long as I can do it, I will definitely spare no effort."

Hua Qingzhi actually didn't want Ye Jingtang to compensate, so she thought about it for a moment:

"It's all Xue Baijin's fault that I'm in this situation now. I don't want her to be a little girl. I just want to reason with her. If you can agree, I will agree. If you don't agree, I will find a way on my own. Just pretend that I didn't mention it."

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly: "If you reason with her, what do you want me to promise?"

Hua Qingzhi thought about it for a moment: "When we meet again in the future, if I tell her, if she hits me, Mr. Ye will protect me?"

Ye Jingtang blinked and felt that Hua Qingzhi was quite aware of current affairs, so he said:
"It's natural. She can knock you off your feet with just one breath. If she wants to beat you, I will definitely stop you. But I have to remind you that when Master Xue gets angry, even the current Holy Emperor dares to beat you. If I stop him, he will beat me too. , so you have to speak in a measured manner and don’t be too aggressive..."

Hua Qingzhi's attitude was very resolute: "She was the one who kidnapped me because she was arrogant and unreasonable and refused to listen to explanations. She refused to be reasonable. Why should I pay attention to my sense of propriety? Even if Mr. Ye was beaten, he had to protect me and let me be with you." She explained the truth clearly..."

Looking at Hua Qingzhi's cowardly and fierce posture, Ye Jingtang felt helpless and earnestly advised:

"Master Xue is a very sensible person. First of all, I blame me for not explaining this matter clearly. Secondly, she must have made a thoughtful judgment when she kidnapped you. You can't reason with her..."

Hua Qingzhi naturally felt aggrieved when she saw Ye Jingtang protecting Xue Baijin:

"I was kidnapped by her, and she didn't listen to my explanations on the road so many times. She was just being irrational. As long as she didn't hit me, how could I not be able to defeat her?"

Ye Jingtang put the tea cup in front of him: "Okay, I am Master Xue now, let's practice. You come first."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi sat up a little straighter, her eyes slightly fierce:
"You bitch, you didn't listen to my explanations so many times. You took me by force and ruined my reputation. How can you compensate me?"


Ye Jingtang felt that if Bingtuotuo heard these words, he could beat Hua Qingzhi until she cried for several days. He took a breath:

"Before I sent you back to the Hua family, did I ask you many times if you were willing to follow me to the Southern Dynasties?"

Hua Qingzhi said confidently: "I said that I was just a friend with Mr. Ye. My parents are still at home, so how could I go to the Southern Dynasties? You nodded and left..."

Ye Jingtang said: "When I left, I wasn't sure whether you liked Ye Jingtang, so I followed Ning'er's advice, left first, and then looked back quietly to see your reaction.

"If you can pick it up and put it down, I will leave quietly without disturbing you again. But what will you do after I go back?"


Hua Qingzhi was taking 'Dream of Dreams' at that time and was looking at the portrait to kiss her, muttering, "Young Master Ye~ I knew you wouldn't leave"...

The room fell silent.

Hua Qingzhi's confident and elegant cheeks turned visibly red, her heart was filled with shame, and her toenails could dig out a dragon's hole in embarrassment.

Because she really couldn't face Ye Jingtang's gaze, Hua Qingzhi turned around and fell on the couch, covering her head with the blanket on her shoulders. Her shoulders shrugged, and she was forced to hate herself for her mistake. Cried in anger.

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly, moved closer, lay on his side behind him, held Hua Qingzhi's waist and comforted her softly:

"Look, I just said that you can't reason with her, and I won't take it seriously. You really talked to Master Xue to this point and you jumped into the river in anger? Okay, calm down and stop crying."

Hua Qingzhi didn't want to cry, she wanted to die!
She buried her head under the blanket and explained with a cry;

"You left without saying goodbye. I thought that we would never see each other again from now on, so I thought of saying goodbye to you in a dreamlike way. I also didn't expect that like a dreamlike appearance, I could not control it at all. It will make people say things that are against their will..."

Against your will?

Night Terror Hall has used Dreamlike Fantasy. Hallucinations only occur when the mind is thinking. How can those messy things appear when the mind is not thinking?

However, seeing that Hua Qingzhi was so embarrassed that she wanted to hang herself, Ye Jingtang didn't expose it. He pulled the blanket further away and looked at Lihua's flushed cheeks:
"I really can't blame you for hallucinations after taking medicine, but Leader Xue doesn't know about this. She just makes the most reasonable arrangements according to her own judgment. If you want to blame this, you have to blame me for not making arrangements well; secondly, blame God. It’s inexplicable that it ended up like this…”

Hua Qingzhi was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to open her eyes and look at the Night Terror Hall. She just huddled in the blanket, closed her eyes and said nothing.

After Ye Jingtang persuaded Hua Qingzhi for a while, he saw that Hua Qingzhi was embarrassed to see people, so he stopped disturbing her, sat up, and helped Hua Qingzhi take off her embroidered shoes:
"Get some sleep. I'm right next door. If you call me if you need anything, I'll come over at any time."

After Hua Qingzhi's shoes were taken off, she quickly retracted her feet under the blanket, still a little nervous.

After Ye Jingtang got up and went out and closed the door, Hua Qingzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned around again:

"Young Master Ye."

Outside the door, Ye Jingtang stopped and asked:
"what happened?"

Although Hua Qingzhi was disturbed by today's events, she still remembered the sword wound on Ye Jingtang's back and the pained expression. For this reason, although the relationship between the two was a bit weird, she couldn't help but ask:

"Are you healed?"

"Haha~ It's already fine. Don't think too much. Go to bed early. See you tomorrow."

"Oh...see you tomorrow."

After a whisper, there was no more movement in the room...
The patriarch's residence is located under the cliff of the back mountain of Dazhai. It is extremely quiet at night, and one can hear the low chirping of summer insects among the flowers:


After having some food in his mouth, he went outside to the yard next door and looked inside. It could be seen that there were many lights on in the main house, and a graceful figure was moving in it, and he didn't know what he was doing. .

Ye Jingtang knew that Qing He was preparing a surprise for him, and it was probably a surprise like using a magic weapon to subdue the fox demon. Naturally, a nameless restlessness appeared in his heart, spreading down his chest and abdomen to his lower body.

He first looked around, then gently knocked on the door:
"Aunt Fan?"

"What Aunt Fan...come in."


With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang closed the courtyard door and opened the door before arriving at the main house:

"Lighting so many candles is quite sentimental..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Ye Jingtang opened the door and found that the house was full of flowers and lights, and thought Qinghe was preparing a sex room.As a result, when I looked carefully, I discovered that the entire room was covered with fringes in black, purple, green, yellow and other colors, with various ancient characters written on them.

The lamps are also oil lamps, arranged like the seven-star array, and there are words written on the mats below the futon in the middle.

The overall look is, to put it mildly, solemn and solemn, with a sense of solemnity and mystery.

It’s not nice to say it, but it looks a little bit like the mourning hall...

And Qinghe had obviously tidied up carefully. Not only was he wearing a high priest's uniform, but he was also wearing various silver ornaments in his hair. He also held a copper bell and a cane. His ascetic makeup made the whole thing look a bit charming. Feeling, he looks like a gentleman who does free things to help the deceased...


When Ye Jingtang saw the funeral-style decoration, his eyes immediately went dark. Even the evil fire that had just been lit was suppressed by the preparation to give him a transcendent atmosphere. He walked into the house cautiously and looked around:

"I've never seen this... this kind of tone before..."

Fan Qinghe held a copper bell in his right hand and struck the ground with a cane in his hand, with a very serious expression:

"Don't you want a sense of ceremony? This is the 'blessing ceremony' held by tribal leaders when they ascended the throne in ancient times to pray for God's blessing. In the past, every time King Tianlang ascended the throne, my Dongming Department presided over the sacrifice. I used to I’ve never hosted before, this is my first time, come and sit down.”

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, obviously stunned, and looked around:

"The sense of ritual I'm talking about..."

"Isn't this a ritual?"

"No, the magic weapon I'm talking about is..."


Fan Qinghe picked up the magic weapon in his hand:

"This is the blessing bell used by the First Emperor when he ascended the throne. It is a family treasure of the Wuma tribe. It is usually not allowed to be seen by outsiders. If I didn't pray for you today, I wouldn't be able to borrow it."


Ye Jingtang was speechless. Looking at the 'magic weapon' in Qinghe's hand that had lasted for 2000 years, he felt really embarrassed and sat down on the futon:

"The First Emperor also held this ceremony?"

Fan Qinghe picked up the incense burner and placed it in front of Ye Jingtang, asking him to light three sticks of incense himself:
"As long as you are an emperor in the West Sea, you must perform this ceremony. If you are a virtuous king, the gods will sense it and protect you, making you strong and strong, free from disasters, and healthy and long-lived."

"What if he is an immoral king?"

"God didn't respond that day and wouldn't bless you."


Ye Jingtang respectfully put three sticks of incense in the incense burner and asked again:
"Is this ritual really useful?"

Fan Qinghe thought for a while and said:
"The things passed down by our ancestors must be useful. If we pray and it doesn't work, it must be a human problem. For example, praying for rain, Zhu Zong in the history of the Dongming tribe, some people can pray four or five times out of ten. Some have never achieved success in their lives... Okay, sit upright."

Seeing Qinghe being so devoted, Ye Jingtang naturally couldn't rush to have sex, so he sat upright and waited.

jingle bell~
Fan Qinghe was wearing loose high priest clothes, and began to spin circles on the mat with his bare feet, muttering something in his mouth:
"Mmmmm hum..."

Ye Jingtang couldn't understand it at all, but in order to cooperate, he still tried his best to put aside distracting thoughts and began to pray to God seriously, praying that the back house would never catch fire...

But after a while, Ye Jingtang suddenly discovered that the ringing ringing around his ears, Qinghe's unique voice, and the chaotic and orderly layout of the room gave him an inexplicable sense of trance, as if his soul and body did not overlap. generally.

After practicing Ming Shen Tu in Ye Jing Tang, I felt like I was hypnotized by Qing He. I concentrated my mind and found that this feeling was gone. When I relaxed my body and mind, the feeling of being in a dream and awake reappeared.

When Ye Jingtang saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised in his heart, feeling that Qing He, the high priest, had something.

As time passed little by little, he slowly discovered that the sound and light and shadow surrounding him were like a hint that could guide people's thoughts. This feeling...

It felt like it was the first time he understood the Singing Dragon Picture using the method of traveling in the mind...

Fan Qinghe was seriously dancing to the Great God, when her wrist was suddenly grabbed, causing the ringing to stop abruptly, and her eyes suddenly became angry:

"What are you doing? I've been dancing for so long. If I interrupt, I have to start over..."

Ye Jingtang frowned, thought for a moment, and said:

"Are you sure this is a prayer to the gods?"

Fan Qinghe thought Ye Jingtang couldn't stop making trouble, so she punched the cane on the ground and made a "dong~" sound:
"The art of witchcraft and blessing has been passed down from generation to generation in the Dongming tribe. If I learn it wrong, can I become the Zhuzong? Just sit still..."


Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "This does not seem to be a blessing ceremony, but more like a way for ancestors to teach skills to younger generations in ancient times. What you taught just now should be a method of curing diseases and strengthening the body, which is somewhat similar to the Singing Dragon Picture. Origin, but it can only promote physical recovery and make the body stronger, and it cannot be said to be magical..."


To be honest, Fan Qinghe didn't believe these things. When he found out that Ye Jingtang was talking about the way out, he squatted down and said:

Ye Jingtang naturally would not tease Aunt Fan. He thought about it carefully and analyzed:

"The Screaming Dragon Picture was created by Wu Taizu, but before the creation of the Screaming Dragon Picture, magic methods such as golden scales and jade bones must have existed in the world, but no one discovered it.

"If there is a masterpiece like the Singing Dragon Picture, there must be half-finished products in front of it. In ancient times, someone figured out a part of it. Mortals didn't know the principle behind it, so they naturally regarded these people as gods. Where there are gods, there will naturally be Schools that believe in gods such as Wu Zhu, Buddhism, and Taoism.

"Because these things are difficult to record in writing or pass down orally, and can only be taught to future generations in very obscure ways, so there are mystical sciences such as the art of witchcraft and blessing, the Taoist Qimen Bagua, and the Buddhist Five Eyes and Six Senses, and almost All similar things, if you want to learn them, you need to use the word 'enlightenment'."

Fan Qinghe sat down next to him, thought about it carefully, and felt that it made sense:
"It means that there are no gods and Buddhas in the world, only 'Tao'."


Ye Jingtang thought for a while and continued:
"The various metaphysical powers of Buddhism, Taoism, and even Wu Zhu can actually be found in the Minglong Picture, so Wu Taizu should be the master of all things from ancient times to the present.

"As for the stone tablet obtained by the First Emperor, I guess it was not a gift from the gods, but was left by an enlightened master in ancient times. It was accidentally found by the First Emperor..."

After Fan Qinghe listened carefully for a moment, he felt that Ye Jingtang's analysis was quite reasonable. After thinking about it, he looked at the bell in his hand:
"Since this blessing ceremony is of no use, what kind of ceremony should I do to celebrate you becoming the leader today?"

"It's a sense of ritual, not a ceremony."

Before Ye Jingtang became an immortal, he could only think about it. After chatting for a while, he recovered his thoughts, picked up the dressed-up Aunt Fan, walked to the bedroom next door, and whispered in his ear:

"Just do something you haven't done before. Didn't Sanniang teach you before..."


When Fan Qinghe heard this, his eyes suddenly frightened, and he raised his hands to cover his buttocks, obviously not daring.

Night Terror Hall entered the house and closed the door with his feet:

"Sanniang is not afraid, so what are you afraid of? On such an important day, why not do something you will never forget."

Fan Qinghe was a little hesitant, but he couldn't resist Ye Jingtang at all. After hesitating for a moment, he said seriously:
"Just... you can only keep it secretly, you are not allowed to tell others!"

"That's natural."

"Also, you have to let the demon girl taste the pain! Don't worry about one thing and lose the other."

"How can this be called suffering?"

Ye Jingtang put Qinghe on the bed, and then lifted up his loose sacrificial clothes.

Fan Qinghe was prepared in case of a sudden night terror in the hall. Although he was not happy, he was always prepared. Today he also washed himself up in advance and was waiting to warm the bed.

At this time, Fan Qinghe was pushed to lie down on the couch. As the loose skirt was lifted up, his slender legs and round white moon were revealed. He was wearing bow-knot pants and a dignified and conservative T-shirt. The skirt creates a huge contrast.

Fan Qinghe's face turned red, but he couldn't stop Ye Jingtang. When he saw Ye Jingtang's eyes, he could only slowly shrink his legs, hugging the pillow and assume a cat-like stretching posture. After thinking about it, he tilted his head and emphasized:
"Only once today, from now on..."

"It won't happen again, I know."

"What do you know? You know, you never keep your word..."

Ye Jingtang took advantage of the candlelight and carefully admired the delicate silver moon flower for a moment, then fell in front of her and put her red lips in her mouth.

"I'll change my clothes first."

"Just wear this, it's quite interesting."

After a long time.

The hustle and bustle outside Dazhai gradually calmed down. Inside the mansion, Luzhu also returned to his room. Only the well-fed and drunk birds were left, squatting on the ridge of the roof, looking at the horse pen in the distance, whispering "coo-coo-chichi-chichi". It's saying:

Live as a bird, die as a ghost.To this day, I miss Tangtang and refuse to eat dogs...

In the silence, the door of the main house opened quietly.

The real Xuanji, who was dressed in white as snow, sat up in shock while dying of illness, and slowly walked out of the door. Although it was still a little difficult to open his legs, his eyes were as leisurely as ever.

After taking a look at the birds that were sad for spring and autumn, Xuanji was not alarmed. She moved silently to the courtyard next door while holding on to the wall. She listened a little and heard the sound of something coming from the room that was still lit by candlelight. If not:

"Ugh~ be gentle..."


Master Xuanji knew that this was the case. He blinked his eyes and quietly walked to the door. Then he put on the appearance of a respected immortal master and coughed lightly:
"Cough cough~"


Suddenly there was a panicked scream in the room, followed by the sound of scrambling:

"Witch! If you dare to come in, I will..."

Is there anything that Master Xuanji dares not to do? After all, she has suffered such a serious crime, so she can’t bear it again. She opened the door and slowly walked in. She raised her eyes and looked around, only to find that Qinghe hadn’t even taken off his clothes yet. He was even dressed up. Very formal, just sitting sideways on the bed, his face flushed and protecting his waist.

Ye Jingtang was also dressed neatly. When he saw her coming, he quickly got up and came to her, supporting her:

"Why are you up? Are you okay?"

Xuanji was really tortured and didn't want to talk to Ye Jingtang. Seeing Qing He's face turned red but not daring to move, he immediately realized that there was something mysterious and followed Ye Jingtang to come to him, sat down next to him, and walked back look:

"Qinghe, what are you eating alone?"

"Who eats alone, you..."

Fan Qinghe was restrained by the magic weapon, and his whole body seemed to be immobilized. He couldn't speak clearly and could only look at him to ask for help.

Ye Jingtang wanted to help rescue him, but Master Xuanji didn't give him a chance. He took off his shoes and moved forward to lift up his skirt:

"let me see."

"I don't! Oh you~..."

"Hey~ why is there no engraving on the jade radish? Come on, let me engrave 'safe entry and exit' for you..."

"You witch! I will fight with you..."


There were constant laughter and laughter in the room. I was tired from running around for many days, and I gradually relaxed in the fight...
Day and night have been reversed since the beginning of the month. Today, my schedule has gone back to sleeping at night and coding during the day. I will probably update or2 tomorrow in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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