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Chapter 501: Fighting?

Chapter 501: Fighting?

As each person and one bird left, only a man and a woman were left in the tent.

Hua Qingzhi looked at Ye Jingtang, who was so close, and suddenly became embarrassed. She moved back a little and poured tea for Ye Jingtang:

"Master Ye, are you done?"

"Yes, I was made a king just now, and I celebrated for a long time."

"Feng Wang?"

Although Hua Qingzhi felt that Ye Jingtang was already an uncrowned king, she was still quite surprised that the Southern Dynasty was actually crowned a king with a different surname, and asked:
"A king with a different surname and real power?"


"Isn't that Young Master Ye's status higher than that of the false Prince Jing? From now on, I will have to address him as His Highness. Congratulations."

Ye Jingtang didn't pay much attention to these, but seeing Hua Qingzhi's soft and frail appearance, he became interested and joked:

"Call Your Highness so that I can listen?"


Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, and instead of saying softly, "Your Highness, please respect yourself" like a good lady who is afraid of the prince, she said seriously:
"Your Highness's power comes from the people of the West Sea. You must not be arrogant and arrogant when you gain power, and get into the bad habits of a prince who is pampered..."

When Ye Jingtang saw Hua Qingzhi beginning to persuade the emperor to be gentle and courteous, he shook his head and smiled, scooped up the medicine with a spoon, and brought it to her mouth:
"It's just a joke. Come on, open your mouth."

Hua Qingzhi has been psychologically affected by this medicine. She has been running around everywhere these days, and she doesn't want to mention it unless Luzhu talks about it.Seeing Ye Jingtang feeding the medicine, she hesitated and said:
"I feel my legs are much better. In a few days, I should be able to recover on my own..."

"How can I recover without taking medicine?"

Seeing that Hua Qingzhi was afraid of hardship, Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said:
"I have a painless way, do you want to try it?"

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, slightly confused:
"What way?"

When Ye Jingtang saw this, he didn't hesitate and took a big gulp. Then he acted like a domineering prince and wanted to feed him mouth to mouth.

As a result, as soon as the medicine was taken into his mouth, Ye Jingtang shrank into a ball with a stern expression. He quickly looked around and found that there was no place to spit, so he swallowed it hard and hammered his chest with his hand:

"Cough...cough...is this something people drink? Cough..."


Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang asking for trouble, her eyes were blank and funny, she stepped forward and stroked Ye Jingtang's back:
"Young Master Ye is really funny. You help me drink the medicine. I'm really not miserable... Wow!"

I had tasted Ye Jingtang once before, but I didn't drink it directly. It was only then that I realized that this bitter stuff made my scalp numb and my tongue felt uncomfortable.

Seeing Hua Qingzhi gloating and laughing at her misfortune, Ye Jingtang picked up the spoon and fed it into the red lips that were so close.

! !
Hua Qingzhi's words stopped abruptly, and the smile on Rouya's face suddenly disappeared.

As the indescribable bitter taste spread to her mind, Hua Qingzhi burst into tears. Regardless of everyone's ladylike manners, she picked up the soft pillow next to her and pretended to have a night terror:

"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. How could you do this, Mr. Ye?"

Ye Jingtang consoled him: "Are you sharing the joys and sorrows? I'm drinking medicine with you, and you're beating me. It sounds a bit heartless. Come on, continue."

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he took another sip, then scooped up a spoonful and brought it to Hua Qingzhi's mouth.


When Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang coaxing her to drink the medicine, any trace of annoyance in her heart disappeared. After thinking about it, she opened her mouth to catch the spoon, frowned and swallowed:
"This medicine is very bitter, Mr. Ye, there is no need to be like this. Moreover, it is three parts poisonous..."

"Don't worry, I have practiced bathing in fire..."

When Ye Jingtang said this, the pure man looked like he was lying on his hands and tried his courage, and then he directly put the potion aside:
"I almost forgot. The Bathing in Fire Diagram can heal your legs. Why do you have to suffer so much? I'll get it for you to learn."

Hua Qingzhi knew how powerful the Burning Fire Picture was, but if someone from the Northern Dynasties wanted to learn from her, she would definitely have to ask the empress.

She was not from Ye Jingtang. Accepting it was equivalent to receiving a betrothal gift. She would not be tough when speaking in the future. For this reason, she quickly said:
"I haven't learned anything since I was a child. I can't understand the secrets of martial arts. I'd better take medicine."

Ye Jing Tang did not let Hua Qingzhi learn from him before. It was indeed because of his identity as Beiliang. However, in Panlong Cave, Hua Qingzhi risked her life to help him. It was obviously inappropriate for him not to let Hua Qingzhi learn from him. At the moment, there was not much He said, he got up and ran to the golden tent and took five pictures of the singing dragon from Yuhu.

When Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang go out and come back again, with a stack of golden paper in her hand, she shook her head again:

"No, it's too expensive, I can't take it."

Ye Jingtang sat down next to him, took out the picture of bathing in fire and handed it to her:
"I won't let you commit yourself to me, so learn this and let's clear up the matter of helping me with my Qi. How about that?"

When Hua Qingzhi heard this statement, she did not refuse. After a little hesitation, she took the picture of the singing dragon and looked at it. She found that there was no text on it, only a picture of a phoenix bathing in fire. She said doubtfully:

"How do you learn this?"

Night Terror Hall is not easy to explain, so it just tries its best to guide:

"It's about artistic conception. Look at this painting carefully, let your mind go, and follow your feelings..."

Hua Qingzhi is very smart, but her legs have been faulty since she was a child. Her martial arts skills are at a basic level, and she has no idea about the Qi meridians. She stared at the Minglong diagram for a long time, and her eyes were sore, without even touching it. To the doorway.

The Minglong Picture cannot be passed down orally, it can only be 'understood', and Night Terror Hall has little to do about it. After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly remembered the feeling of touching the ice...

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang's heart moved slightly. He sat in front of him, put his hands on Hua Qingzhi's slender waist, and felt it carefully.


Hua Qingzhi was suddenly distracted. She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw that Ye Jingtang had her eyes closed and her expression was straight. He was not looking down on her, so she said nothing and continued to feel carefully.

Ye Jingtang's hand slid along the lower back, slowly slid down to the area near the tailbone, then slid up along the side of the waist to the lower abdomen, and then slowly moved upward, looking for the indescribable Qi.

As a result, I didn't find Qi, but found that Hua Qingzhi's constitution was quite sensitive, and she was obviously reacting...


Hua Qingzhi's face turned red, and her mind was no longer on the picture of bathing in fire. After being hugged by her arms, she couldn't help but ask:
"Mr. Ye, what are you doing?"

"Don't be distracted, just concentrate, look at the pictures and feel them carefully."


Hua Qingzhi couldn't keep her composure when she was hugged by a man, but Ye Jingtang was so serious and deliberately paid attention to the physical distance. She couldn't think too much, so she followed Sister Lu's meditating posture and did it well, carefully paying attention to her hands. the pictures in.

Ye Jingtang felt it carefully with the palm of his hand. After touching for an unknown amount of time, he finally found a piece of fire in the Qihai Point. Then he began to follow the veins of the bathing in fire diagram, extending through the body, depicting an extremely complex three-dimensional vein. picture.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and did not interfere directly. Instead, he put his hand on his stomach and observed carefully. He found that Hua Qingzhi was confused, and then slightly intervened to guide her.

As the observation deepened, Ye Jingtang also discovered the reason for the problem with Hua Qingzhi's legs.

Judging from the subtle directions of the Qi pulses, it seems that the Qi pulses below Hua Qingzhi's waist have experienced major changes, causing the veins to become a mess, with thin hairsprings or direct blockage, and even the muscles and blood vessels have been affected.

The function of Snow Lake Flower is to protect and renew the meridians. There is no way to cure this almost impossible situation. We can only use the medicinal properties of Snow Lake Flower rhizomes to forcefully break open the blocked areas and then restore them. This is said to be a breakthrough. And then the way to establish...

There was silence in the big tent, only two breaths could be heard.

Hua Qingzhi looked at the picture carefully and felt that she had finished reading it. However, Ye Jingtang did not stop, so she could not stop and could only continue to deepen her impression.

As a result, Hua Qingzhi gradually discovered that something was wrong - Mr. Ye's hand became more and more dishonest, touching his thigh and slowly wandering away...

? !
Hua Qingzhi originally wanted to hold it back, but in the end she couldn't bear it anymore and gritted her teeth and said:
"Young Master Ye?"


Ye Jingtang was concentrating on helping Hua Qingzhi to check her body. When she was called back to her mind by the voice of shame and anger, she realized that she had moved in front of her and was playing with her fair and smooth feet. Hua Qingzhi's face had turned into a red apple...?

Ye Jingtang quickly let go of his hand:
"Sorry, I didn't pay attention. Go ahead and learn the remaining ones."

Hua Qingzhi looked at Ye Jingtang's expression, and it didn't look like she touched her intentionally. She didn't say anything after thinking about it, and moved to the side:
"That's it for today, there are still four pictures left..."

Although the words were very reserved, the meaning should be - after learning all the remaining four, she would probably have to be touched until dawn.

Ye Jingtang looked at the sky and felt that with Hua Qingzhi's ability to accept it, it would be a bit difficult to finish the study in one night, so he said:

"It's okay, you don't need it now anyway, just learn slowly. I have to go to Shazhou tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I can teach you when I come back. By the way, you still have to continue drinking this medicine..."


Hua Qingzhi just breathed a sigh of relief, then felt a slight tremor all over after hearing this. She looked at Ye Jingtang in disbelief, which obviously meant - still need to drink medicine?I let you touch me for so long for nothing?quack!

Ye Jingtang roughly understood the condition of Hua Qingzhi's body through the examination just now, and explained:

"You have just started to practice the bathing in fire diagram. Your skills are too weak. It will take a long time to cure you. You will get better faster if you drink medicine. You can definitely be cured with the bathing in the fire diagram. It depends on you whether you drink it or not. In fact, it will be cured if you don't drink it. OK."

When Hua Qingzhi heard that it would definitely be cured, she naturally didn't want to touch this painful medicine. However, thinking about having been lying on the back of the Night Terror Hall as a pendant these days, and feeling that her legs were not good enough, she hesitated for a moment, and picked up the medicine bowl. Take a sip.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang smiled, stood up and said:

"Then I'll go out first?"

Hua Qingzhi was so miserable that she lost all her thoughts just now. Maybe it was because Ye Jingtang touched her and said nothing. She was a little annoyed, so she picked up the spoon, took another spoonful, and brought it to Ye Jingtang's mouth:
"Young Master Ye promised to share joys and sorrows together, but a gentleman's words are hard to follow."


Ye Jingtang's smile froze slightly, and he took a bite, and then ran away without saying anything. He only heard after walking far away:
"Cough cough..."

There was a bit of a smile in Hua Qingzhi's eyes. There was someone accompanying her to endure the hardships, so she felt less resistance in her heart. She picked up the medicine bowl and drank it slowly...
When we came out of Hua Qingzhi's tent, it was already late at night, and the entire military camp had stopped, leaving only the sound of patrolling steps back and forth.

After Ye Jingtang found some water and drank a few gulps, he turned to Shui'er's tent. As soon as he entered, he found that the atmosphere was quite special.

In the rather large tent, there were two prepared plank beds on the left and right, and a small dining table in the middle.

Qing He was wearing a red and yellow gauze skirt, sitting on the bed on the left, expressionless, staring at the opposite side with all his attention, and holding three silver needles in his hand.

Shui'er was lying on the right side, her posture as lazy as ever, leaning on the pillow, with a wine gourd next to her.

The two men stared at each other.

Fan Qinghe reacted when he found Ye Jingtang coming in. He stood up and closed the door curtain with a little aggrievement:

"If you protect her again today, I will really go back to Dongming Mountain. I won't be joking with you this time."

Master Xuanji sat up and said:

"Okay, I see she's so angry that she hasn't talked to me for half a month. I'll leave it to you today, right? But the condition is, whatever I do, you have to do it together."

Fan Qinghe was unconvinced when he saw this: "Why? Last time I resisted alone and you escaped."

Master Xuanji said confidently: "Last time I resisted alone in Panlong Cave and was almost killed by him, didn't you also escape the disaster?"

"I was outside at the time, not around, otherwise..."

"You won't come in?"

"I can't find the way."

"That's your problem, can you rely on me?"


Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, feeling that what the enchantress said seemed to make sense, so he calmed down a bit and hesitated a little.

Master Xuanji rolled around inside to make way for Night Terror Hall:

"As promised, I will accompany you in whatever you do. It's your own fault if you don't dare to drag me into trouble. If you keep glaring at me tomorrow, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Jingtang liked the competition between two people the most, so he hugged Qinghe and sat down in front of him:
"Okay, I'm exhausted from traveling all the way. I have to go to Shazhou soon, so take a rest."

Fan Qinghe was definitely not happy to be tortured with the demon girl. He was hugged and lay down next to him. He thought about it for a moment, his heart moved slightly, and he asked:
"You are sure that you will do whatever I do?"

Master Xuanji always supports Hehe in everything he does, so what is there to be afraid of?Now he raised his eyebrows:


"What if you can't do it?"

"If you can't do it, it's up to you. Night Terror Hall doesn't need to plead for me."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe nodded, stood up again, and began to flip through his package.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow with Shui'er in his arms, watching Qing He rummaging through things, thinking he was trying to get the magic weapon for subduing demons.

Unexpectedly, Qinghe actually took out a magic weapon!
Fan Qinghe took out a bell from the package, put it on his wrist, put it on as a high priest, and then put on a dignified and solemn expression:

"I'll give him the method and pray to God to bless him with smooth sailing on his trip. If you can't do it, huh..."


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and stopped talking.

Fan Qinghe didn't hesitate. After speaking, he turned into a witch from the Winter Underworld, shook the bell on his wrist, and began to recite the incantation.

jingle bell~
When Master Xuanji saw this scene, his expression became strange.

After all, she really doesn't know the witchcraft of the Dong Ming Department, so it stands to reason that she fell into the trap.

But competing with her, the direct descendant of Yuxu Mountain, in praying for blessings, isn't it a bit too contemptuous of her profession?
Ye Jingtang was watching Qinghe reciting a curse in disbelief when he suddenly found that the bed had been pushed out and slid into the middle of the tent.

Then Shui'er, who was lying in front of him, stood up gracefully, his temperament also became immortal, he pulled out the Hehuan sword, touched the bright sword body with his fingers, and muttered something:

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes, exorcising evil spirits and binding demons, protecting life and body... urgent as the law orders!"


Ye Jingtang was lying in the middle, looking at the two crazy wives who suddenly started fighting, and everyone was stunned.

I wanted to get up, but I felt that I didn't respect the professions of both parties, so I could only fold my hands on my abdomen and carefully look around, feeling as if I was possessed by an evil spirit and was being exorcised.

Fortunately, this outrageous scene of 'a wandering Taoist priest fighting a tribal shaman' did not last long.

Fan Qinghe muttered for a moment and found that the demon girl could actually catch it. Naturally, he no longer wasted his efforts. He put down his clothes, lay down in front of the Night Terror Hall, closed his eyes and said:
"Night Terror Hall, you are a man, you have to decide what to do. No matter what you do to me, you must treat everyone equally."

Master Xuanji was quite proud. He put away the magic sword and threw it aside, lying down in front of him:

"Come on, don't go too far. I'm afraid He He won't be able to bear it."

"I can't stand it?! You just have to be tough, I am someone who has been there..."


The Night Terror Hall finally returned to its normal rhythm. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t dare to talk nonsense anymore. He sat up and started banging from the left and right...

(End of this chapter)

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