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Chapter 512 Feng Ming 9 days

Chapter 512 Fengming Nine Heavens
The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. Carbon-red horses are climbing up deep in the mountains. From time to time, birds and beasts can be heard from the surrounding area:

On horseback, the Queen Mother was wrapped in a cloak, looking at the scattered lights in the mountains and fields, and asked curiously:

"Is there anyone living in the mountain?"

Ye Jingtang walked in front and held the reins, sweeping away the weeds and vines on the mountain road. Hearing this, he responded:
"He is from Niangzi Village, one of the eighteen villages in Hongshan. He specializes in the business of wild ginseng and herbal medicine. When I was a child, I took medicinal baths and bought the medicinal materials from here..."


The two set out from Shazhou City in the afternoon and, relying on the extraordinary speed of the BMW, arrived at the west side of Hongshan Mountain in the middle of the night.

Ye Jingtang was very familiar with the terrain of Hongshan Mountain. After walking up the west slope of Niangzi Peak for half an hour, he climbed to the top of a deserted mountain. Before he reached the top, he saw a ginkgo tree on the mountain.

Although the ginkgo tree is not as big as the one in the imperial city, it looks like it has been around for two to three hundred years, and its branches and leaves are still dense. There is obviously a small grave under the tree, and the surrounding area is very clean. There is even a small temple next to it.

The Queen Mother originally thought it would take a long time to search, but she was quite surprised when she saw this:

"Is there anyone taking care of you here?"

Ye Jingtang stopped, turned around, held the hand warmer by the waist, and took her down:
"Niangzi Peak has existed since ancient times. According to legend, during the great changes in the mountains and rivers in ancient times, a couple hid on the mountain to avoid floods. The husband went down the mountain to see the situation. An accident occurred. The lady was heartbroken and kept crying on the mountain. In the end, even the gods couldn't bear it and used their magical powers to turn her into the mountain goddess, while her husband turned into the nearby Alang Peak."

"The senior who wrote the book in the ancient tomb must have heard this legend and buried his wife here. Today's Niangzizhai appeared after the founding of the People's Republic of China. He probably discovered this tomb by accident and regarded it as the legendary mountain god. Empress…”

The Queen Mother listened to Night Terror Hall's story and soon came to the ginkgo tree.

There is a piece of flat land under the ginkgo tree, and there is a small temple as high as one person built on the hillside. There is a clay statue of the mountain god inside, and there are burned incense sticks inside.

The rather large tomb is located under the ginkgo tree, with a stone tablet standing in front of it, with the words 'Tomb of deceased wife Lin Yun' engraved on it.

The Queen Mother was familiar with "The Secret History of Queen Mary" and knew that this was the nickname of Queen Mother Yan.

Although they were of different ages and had nothing to do with the Queen Mother Yan, they both came from the same prominent family in the southeast, had the same status in Yun'an, lived in the same palace, and even looked at the thousand-year-old ginkgo hair outside the window. Too lazy...

Now that we were reunited here across time and space, the Queen Mother naturally had a lot of feelings. When she came to the grave, she wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. After thinking for a long time, she muttered:

"Wu Taizu has become an immortal, so the ginkgo trees planted by his hands naturally have spirits. It was under the protection of the tree master that I dug up the picture of Bathing in Fire, and got acquainted with Ye Jingtang...

"Sister Lin met her lover who had the audacity to sneak into the palace under the ginkgo tree. She must have been protected by the ginkgo tree. Since Mr. Shu has held the red string, he will not let go. You should have reunited with your lover under the Nine Springs by now, right? …

"If there is no reunion and you are still waiting at Naihe Bridge, Sister Lin will entrust your dream to me, and I will go back to help you ask for an explanation. If Mr. Shu doesn't care, I will pour hot water on it..."


Ye Jingtang stood behind holding the horse. Hearing these sincere words, he was quite emotional at first, but when the following words came out, he almost lost his temper.

Although these words could easily offend the gods, Ye Jingtang still did not stop Huaiyan from muttering.

After all, if the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree planted by Wu Taizu was just a tree, there would be no retribution for it.

And if the thousand-year-old ginkgo tree really has a spirit and secretly holds a red thread for Queen Mother Yan, then it obviously won't care about Huaiyan's words of concern.

Ye Jingtang Martial Arts has reached this day, but my heart is actually more inclined towards animism.

But all things have animism, and he will not be superstitious and follow blindly. Instead, he will continue to uphold the Tao in his heart and pay attention to this - if God favors me, I will repay him; if God fails me, I can also kill him.

This is not arrogant and conceited. There is also a saying in Taoist classics: "Heaven wants to destroy me and I will destroy heaven. My destiny is in heaven and I am not in heaven." Only when medicine meets Qi can it form an image. Tao is in nothingness and is in harmony with nature. When you swallow a grain of spiritual elixir, you will know Words like "I can't control my fate".

If there are really gods and Buddhas outside the mountain, but they don't do human affairs, then as a person who seeks the Tao, he should kill them without fail, otherwise how can he be worthy of the word "Tao"?

Call ~

The Queen Mother spoke seriously in front of the tombstone. Her words contained blessings for the people in the book, but they were also expectations for her own future.

As time went on, the night wind blew from the top of the mountain, blowing the leaves and the Queen Mother's dress. It was soft and warm, and it seemed as if the person in the tomb was really responding warmly.

Ye Jingtang stood in the night wind, looking at Huaiyan's back, with a smile in his eyes.

After waiting for a long time, the Queen Mother finished her words of condolence, took incense and burned paper money in front of the grave, then turned around and returned to the Night Jing Hall, sighing quietly:

I came to pay my respects and learned that the person in the book is still remembered and cared about. The story of "The Secret History of Marie Claire" has come to a complete end.

Although it was not as perfect as she had imagined, the Queen Mother felt a lot more relaxed at this moment. She held Ye Jingtang's hand and looked back:

"If I leave in the future, you will have to come here often to burn paper. If you don't come that year, I will come here in a dream to scare you..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, squatted down, hugged his legs and hugged the petite Huaiyan on his shoulders, and walked along the ridge to the main peak:

"There are only a few dozen springs and autumns in a lifetime. Instead of thinking about what will happen after your death, it is better to cherish every day now. It's still early, do you want to go to the snow-capped mountains to see it?"

The Queen Mother's body proportions are excellent, but she is really not tall. At this time, her plump and round buttocks are sitting on her broad shoulders, which is quite stable. However, she is afraid of falling due to psychological reasons, so she still hugs Ye Jingtang's head:

"Is there still snow on the mountain now?"

"There is snow on the main peak of Hongshan Mountain, which never melts all year round, but now that it has passed, it will definitely be warmer than in winter."


The Queen Mother made love with Ye Jingtang on the snow-capped mountains, so she naturally wanted to visit her old place again. She didn’t say anything more at the moment. She looked at the scenery on both sides of the ridge along the way and hummed a ditty:
"Uh huh..."

In order to keep out the cold, Ye Jingtang took a cloak and asked the Queen Mother to wear it, and then led the charcoal-red horse to the main peak.

Although the main peak of Hongshan Mountain is very high and it is impossible for ordinary people to climb it, the charcoal red horse's endurance is amazing, and Ye Jingtang opened the way, the dozens of miles of rugged mountain road did not take too long.

The higher you go, the colder the mountain becomes. When you pass through the clouds and snow line, the snow caps that never melt all year round appear in front of your eyes, and the starry sky and silver moon above your head are within reach.

Normally, no one would come to such a high place. Sitting on the shoulders of the Queen Mother, she could even see the traces left by the winter. The grooves caused by the battle on the hillside have been buried by avalanches, while the collapsed cliffs still remain. can see.

The Empress Dowager wrapped her cloak around her body and was carried by Ye Jingtang as she continued to climb up. She gradually reached the top of Hongshan Mountain, where there were no more mountains within her sight, and she could see everything for thousands of miles around.

Ye Jingtang stopped the horse in the leeward area, then took off the small tent he carried from the side of the horse and propped it up on the top of the mountain.

Although the Queen Mother was not very good at this, she still knelt down to help. After the half-person-high triangular tent was propped up, she got in on her knees and spread out the blanket.

Ye Jingtang stood outside and lit the lamp. He lowered his head and found that the upper body of the hand warmer had penetrated into the tent, but his perfectly curved waist and hips were exposed. He swayed with the movement. His heart moved slightly, and he raised his hand to pat it.


The Queen Mother was caught off guard, and she immediately turned over and sat on the blanket. She glanced at the cowardly guard, but she didn't say anything. She just moved further inside and unfolded the blanket on her body:

"It's cold outside, come in."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and got into the small tent, hung the oil lamp at the entrance, and then they huddled together in the blanket and hugged their shoulders:

"This time flies by quite quickly, half a year has passed in a flash."


The Queen Mother leaned on her arms and looked at the snowy scenery outside the mountain. She used to think about the scenery on the mountain top day and night. Now she is really sitting here and wants to express a few words, but she doesn't know what to say. After looking at it for a while, she asked :

"We...what do we do next?"

Ye Jingtang played with the soft jade ball, and could obviously feel Huaiyan's heartbeat gradually accelerating. He was not too direct, and took out his hand to close the door curtain to prevent the cold wind from blowing in:
"Are you tired from running so far? How about I give you a massage?"


The Queen Mother felt that the Night Terror Hall had some bad intentions, but since they were here, they couldn’t just sit there for a while and then go back...

After the Queen Mother pursed her lips, she untied her belt, revealing her plump and fair shoulders and back. She turned around and lay on the blanket, hugging the soft pillow and whispered:
“A bit cold~”

"It's okay, just rub it and it will warm up." Ye Jingtang took out the frosting cream from his waist, applied it on his hands and rubbed it to warm it up. Then he put his hands on his waist, slid them up, and patted them twice. Quite sophisticated.

clap clap~
The Empress Dowager felt it for a moment. Because her movements were very measured, the tension in her heart gradually dissipated. She thought about it for a while and finally found something to say:
"Night Terror Hall, am I useless?"

Ye Jingtang pulled his thin pants down a little, revealing the full moon like a shelled egg, because Huaiyan was not nervous this time, and his legs were not tightly together, but he could see a sliver of pink when he lowered his head.

Although he was not very focused, Ye Jingtang was still very serious in his approach and responded:
"how come."

"Oh, you don't have to coax me, I know it myself."

The Queen Mother tilted her head to lean on the soft pillow and recalled:

"I remember when I was three years old and just started to remember, my parents invited a few Jiangzhou gurus to be their teachers in order to train me to be a lady like a Chinese girl. As a result, I was naughty all day long, forgetting to study in the morning and at night, which made my husband very angry. Beard stared at me, but it was difficult to hit me, so he told my father tactfully that I was a tiger girl in the general family. I was born to be active, and I could become talented only by practicing martial arts.

"So my parents laid the groundwork for me and asked masters from all over Jiangzhou to come and teach me martial arts. But practicing martial arts was too tiring. I spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. I couldn't learn at all, so the master could only fight with my father. It is said that "Don't fight about everything and be content with the situation. This is the natural way and cannot be taught by mortals."

"Then I was sent to Yuxu Mountain and asked to be taught by the Living God Lu Taiqing himself. But on the first day I went to the mountain, I drew two strokes of a beard on the portrait of the founder of Yuxu Mountain..."


Ye Jingtang was admiring the flowers carefully. When he heard this, he was stunned and said in a blink of an eye:
"Senior Lu didn't beat you?"

"No, Shui'er acts like a monster everywhere in Yuxu Mountain. Lu Taiqing is used to it, so he just let me live with Shui'er. I originally went crazy with Shui'er, but in the end I found that Shui'er didn't do anything serious all day long Son, I was still ranked first in the martial arts department, but I was ranked last. After staying for half a year, I was persuaded by Lu Taiqing to quit, and then I came to the capital for some unknown reason..."

The Queen Mother was obviously very happy when she talked about the naughty and mischievous things she did when she was a child, but when she talked about going to Beijing, her expression became disappointed:

"Maybe it was because I was naughty and mischievous when I was a child and made God unhappy. Just halfway through, the late emperor passed away and the queen became the queen mother. I thought I could go back, but the emperor's eldest son succeeded to the throne. In order to win over the Southeast clan, I decided to I invited you into the capital.

"When I arrived at the palace, my parents were not around, and there was only Hongyu by my side. I didn't dare to be naughty anymore, so I worried about what to do with the Yuhu sisters all day long.

"Actually, Yuhu is older than me. She was very well-behaved at that time. She brought her sister to Fushou Palace to pay my respects every day, and even accompanied me out of the palace to relax.

"The two sisters and their concubines passed away early. Once the late emperor left, they became helpless princesses. Because they were smart and favored by the late emperor, they were always mentioned as the eldest son of the pope. The emperor's eldest son was very dissatisfied with them after they ascended the throne. Later, they discussed with the court officials to marry the sisters to Beiliang.

"I knew that they had no place in the capital, so I secretly advised them to find a suitable husband to marry as soon as possible, or to follow Shui'er to Yuxu Mountain in the name of cultivating Taoism. As a result, Yuhu, who has always been sensible, unexpectedly Without making any noise, a coup came to force the palace.

"I don't even know how many people died in the capital that night. Anyway, the next day it was Prime Minister Li who took the lead in impeaching the eldest son of the emperor for forging the imperial edict and corrupting the country. He is ignorant and unprincipled and unworthy of being a king. Please ask me, the queen mother, to choose another monarch...

"After Yuhu became the emperor, my life in the palace became more comfortable, but I couldn't leave the palace and return home. I stayed here for ten years..."

The Queen Mother told the story of the past, but in the end she felt that she had gone off track, so she brought the topic back:

"Anyway, since I was little, I've been unable to do anything. I copied Li Ren's paintings and I can make myself a hawker selling chickens... Oh~!"

While she was talking, the Queen Mother suddenly noticed that something was wrong with Ye Jingtang's hand, and it slipped where it shouldn't have been touched. She quickly closed her legs and looked back with a flushed face.

Ye Jingtang's hands were wrapped in warmth and softness, unable to move, so he lay on his side in front of him:

"Don't belittle yourself. Ning'er can tell that there's Shui'er's charm in that 'picture of a hawker buying chicken'. This shows that he's already learned it, but he's just too lazy to polish it."

The Queen Mother has never experienced this. Her waist is slightly twisted and her breath is not stable:

"You...what are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang rubbed his middle finger, making Huaiyan shiver:

"What else can I do if I chat with you? You can do everything, but you are not good at it because you don't have the motivation to keep improving. Just like me, I am very strong in martial arts, but I was beaten hard by my adoptive father. If I don't make progress, I will be beaten; if I have been beaten since I was a child, Holding it in the palm of my hand, I'm afraid now I'm just a playboy from the escort agency with a half-full bottle of water..."

The Queen Mother was out of breath. She wanted to speak but couldn't. She raised her white neck, arched her insteps, and kicked back and forth.

Seeing that this was the end, Ye Jingtang withdrew his hand, turned Huaiyan over, and pinched his cheeks:
"How about this, how about I set a goal for you, and if you can't reach it, you'll be dealt with according to the family law?"

The Queen Mother finally took a breath and pulled up the blanket, her face flushed with embarrassment:

"What target?"

"Hmm... within a month, I will learn "Yanshan Cutting the Clouds" to the point where I can run a hundred steps on the water without getting my shoes wet."

"One month?"

Although the Queen Mother has a foundation in Qinggong, learning this unique skill in one month is a bit too difficult. Half a year is almost enough...

"If you can't learn it, how can you defeat me?"

"Hey, how could I hit you?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and asked:
"In "The Tears of a Heroic Girl", you've seen how the family deals with mistakes when they make mistakes. Have you read it?"

The tears of a heroic woman...

Naturally, the Empress Dowager has seen them before. They are all tricks like "fox tail tops" and "jumping ropes with breast caps and bells", which are specially designed to bully humiliated chivalrous women...

"How does this work?!"

The Queen Mother quickly shook her head, with eyes full of people who would rather die than surrender.

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless, nodded slightly and said:
"Just don't want to be punished. Only in this way can you have the motivation to study hard. That's the deal. If I can't learn in one month..."

The Queen Mother was still a girl who had not left the imperial court for the time being. How could she accept those humiliating scenes? She quickly shook her head:
"No, I haven't agreed. You alone don't count."

"Good, be obedient."

As Ye Jingtang spoke, he lowered his head to his red lips.

The Queen Mother's heart tightened, and her mind suddenly became confused. She wanted to express her position firmly, but her mouth was blocked.


She held onto Ye Jingtang's chest and pushed, unable to move, so she had no choice but to accept the situation and stop.

After a moment of adaptation, he hugged his neck again and closed his eyes to cater to her weakly.

Under the stars and moon, a lamp on the top of the mountain is as bright as a bean.

There was no words spoken in the small triangular tent, and only the man's reflection could be seen, moving up and down under the dim light, accompanied by the woman's soft murmur.

After being so entangled for an unknown amount of time, the woman’s soft words sounded again in the tent:
"Wait a moment……"

Ye Jingtang raised his head, leaned in front of Guose Tianxiang's cheek, and asked softly:
"Huh? Do you regret it? How about we go back and talk about it?"

The Queen Mother had already dragged Ye Jingtang to the top of Hongshan Mountain. How could she escape in the face of the battle? After a moment's hesitation, she took out a white handkerchief from her skirt and stuffed it into Ye Jingtang's hand:

"No, you...pave this, this is the rule."

Night Terror Hall was a little amused, so he stepped forward and asked:
"You always carry a white handkerchief?"

"If I had known that you were planning something evil against me, I would have been prepared... ugh——"


A soft moan from her tender throat is like the sound of a phoenix on the silent mountain top.

Ye Jingtang looked at the flushed little face. After a moment of silence, he leaned forward and kissed the red lips. The person in his arms slowly relaxed under the gentle caress...


Please give me a monthly pass, it’s the last few months, thank you all for your support till now or2
(End of this chapter)

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