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Chapter 530 Where is Tuotuo?

Chapter 530 Where is Tuotuo?

The rain stopped at some point.

Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of trees that blocked the sky, casting mottled light and shadow in the small fenced courtyard. In the main house, which had been silent for a long time, there was movement again:


The room looked a little messy, with shoes and robes on the floor.

Ye Jingtang, who had fallen asleep due to exhaustion, was lying on the bed. The wounds on his body had disappeared without a trace, and his face had returned to its usual color. However, because his soul was severely injured, he had not yet woken up.

Xue Baijin sat up from the bed silently, with long black hair hanging on his back. There were still some tears in the corners of his eyes, but his expression was a bit dazed. Through the light outside the window, he looked at Ye Jingtang's face, his eyes Mixed feelings.

Ye Jingtang was indeed a little restless last night, but Xue Baijin was awake from beginning to end.

She didn't want to make the Night Terror Hall too difficult, so she had already made the utmost tolerance. She never wanted to be bullied by others for her kindness. After having the most important thing taken away from her while she was confused and confused, the Night Terror Hall not only became unbearable, but also got worse.

Even though he was in so much pain that he couldn't think anymore, he still used those unheard-of moves to torment her. It seemed that he even used Listening to the Wind Palm to follow her feelings...

Xue Baijin had an indifferent and aloof personality. He couldn't resist such an impact. He was completely taken away. It didn't take long for him to become confused. He couldn't remember what he said or did, and he didn't know when he ended up going to sleep.

At this time, the sky was bright, Xue Baijin woke up faintly, and his spiritual thoughts were withdrawn from the nine heavens.

Looking at the extremely familiar handsome face, Xue Baijin's heart was full of emotions, ranging from sadness and anger to hesitation, but most of all, it was helplessness that was irreversible.

She wanted to give him a night terror to vent her anger, but deep down she knew that he couldn't bear the suffering and couldn't be beaten to death, so what was the point of hitting him harder?

With the character of this little thief, I'm afraid he will pester her again after he wakes up, trying to apologize to her. What can she do then?

If Qing had no choice but to do such a thing, how would Ning'er view her in the future, and how would Yunli view her...


Xue Baijin's heart was so confused that it finally turned into a silent sigh. Without waking up the culprit in front of him, he quietly stood up and wrapped his robe around his body. When he looked up, he saw a shocking red plum dyed on the white robe.


Xue Baijin's eyes trembled obviously, and hundreds of emotions flooded into his heart. He gritted his teeth and got up and went to the well in the corner of the fence garden. After fetching a bucket of water, he ran to the small kitchen and began to clean the unbearable traces on his body.


The cold well water pouring down on the body and the hands brushing over the chest and waist and abdomen inevitably remind people of the scenes last night.

Xue Baijin couldn't suppress her emotions at all, and in the end she could only pour ice water on her head. After waiting for a long time, she dried herself, put on white thin pants, and wrapped a bra.


Xue Baijin tore off the mark on his robe, went to the courtyard and picked a leaf, and then entered the small house on the right.

The house opposite the kitchen seems to be the place where Beiyun Bian lived when he was a child. Every year after autumn, he will probably live here for more than a month.

Xue Baijin looked around the room. It could be seen that there were pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table. The cabinet next to it was also full. There were clean clothes, bandages and wound medicine, and even some seeds of crops. Beiyunbian must have regarded this place as... A safe house in case of emergencies.

After Xue Baijin checked for a while, he took out a new robe from the cabinet. Because he was tall, it fit him well. After changing his clothes, he put the rag into his arms, picked up a black robe and put it on the On the desk.

Through the window, you can see the sleeping night terror hall in the main room.

Xue Baijin's eyes were complicated, but he finally suppressed it and regained his serious expression. He sat upright in front of the desk, studied ink, spread out the paper, and started writing with a pen.


The breeze blows the branches and leaves of the tree crown, making a thin and dense sound, making the small courtyard with a fence feel as quiet as a world away from home.

Xue Baijin sat in an extremely upright posture, but her eyelashes were trembling slightly. After writing the last stroke, she picked up the paper and black robe, returned to the main room and put them on the small table.

Seeing the small card 'Swallow Soul is Immortal' on the table, Xue Baijin picked it up and put it in his sleeve, then looked back at Ye Jingtang who was lying on the bed.


After stagnating for a long time, Xue Baijin took a deep breath, and with a bit of determination in his eyes, he picked up his mace and walked out of the room, heading towards the beach and Wang Yangxing in the distance...


The waves washed over the beach, and as the treetops swayed, mottled light and shadow gradually entered the window from the ground and fell on the bed.

Ye Jingtang, who had forgotten when he fell asleep, frowned slightly under the light and shadow, and then the spiritual thoughts that flew to the sky returned to the body. The physical pain and even the trauma had disappeared, but the pain and powerlessness deep in the mind were still there. Existence makes people unable to remember when and where they are for a moment.

"Uh... hoo..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. He was confused for a long time before he realized where he was lying and what happened last night.

Recalling the initial encounter, the confusion in the middle, and the last try again, Ye Jingtang suddenly woke up and looked to his side, only to see that there was nothing around him and there was no movement in the yard.

"Tuo Tuo?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were blank. He looked around and saw the robes and papers on the table. He secretly thought something was wrong and started to turn over them.


Suddenly I stood up, feeling dizzy in my head, and my ears went deaf.

Ye Jingtang closed his eyes and endured it for a moment before recovering. He quickly got up and got off the ground and ran out the door. As a result, all he could see was the tree crown that blocked the sky, the empty fenced courtyard, and the beach in the distance.

Ye Jingtang held the Chilong knife with a cracked handle, staggered outside the fence garden, looked around, and shouted:

"Tuotuo? Bai Jin?...My lady?"

"I was wrong. I was not clear-headed yesterday and acted impulsively..."

"I know you're here, I'm a little dizzy, uh...I can't do it anymore..."


Ye Jingtang said a few words, then sat on the ground, rubbing his forehead and taking a breath.

But after waiting for a long time, the beautiful and kind-hearted Da Tuo Tuo did not appear in front of him.

Ye Jingtang looked up at Siye again, feeling a little panicked. He stood up with a knife in his hand, returned to the main room, picked up the paper from the table and looked at it.

The paper is written with dense and neat handwriting, and what comes to mind is:

When you read this letter, I have already arrived at Shuofeng City. After saying goodbye to Yunli, I will continue to look for the last three pictures. I will not break my promise to you before.

You and Ning'er fell in love with each other and joined the Pingtian Sect. I regard you as a junior and have been helping you sincerely.

But even though you helped me many times, you still refused to change your ways. You harbored evil thoughts toward me and crossed the line between close friends, until you did what you did last night.

I should have hated you, but you were seriously injured and suffered so much. I was too soft-hearted and did not stop thinking about you. This matter is your fault and I will not hold you accountable, but the relationship between you and me Love ends here.

Now that your strength is above mine, you no longer need my help. After leaving this island, I will completely forget what happened last night. I hope you will do the same.

After this separation, I don’t want to see each other again for the rest of my life. I just hope you can treat Ning’er and Yunli kindly.

The yard has been checked, and there are clothes and medicines in the room next to it. The leaves of the longevity tree have a very bitter taste, but they are refreshing and should help you recover from your injuries as soon as possible.

If you are hungry, there are fishing gear in the kitchen and fruits in the forest, which can last you a long time...


The handwriting is thin and dense, and it is obviously a farewell, but there are a lot of additions at the end, just like an adult who is about to leave home. He is afraid that the people left behind will not have enough food, clothing and warmth, and he can't wait to arrange all the daily food, rice, oil and salt.

Ye Jingtang read the handwriting carefully, sighed softly, folded the paper and put it away, then put on his robe, hung the sword on his waist, and came to the yard.

Although he wanted to turn back and catch up now, Ye Jingtang was in low spirits and it was difficult to walk long distances at the moment. After going out and looking around, he jumped first and slowly climbed up the big tree along the thick tree trunk like a round building, and then Jump back and forth along the branches.


The warm sea breeze blew through the sun-blocking tree crown, causing a soft sound like the waves. The sword hanging from Ye Jingtang's waist emerged from the top of the tree crown. Because the size contrast was too small, it looked like a small black spot on the treetop from a distance.

In front of Ye Jingtang, there are a few branches at the top, with more than a dozen bunches of fruits hanging on them, each bunch containing three to five.

Although there are quite a lot of fruits, the fruits are only the size of plums, round and dark green in color, and they appear to be underripe.

Ye Jingtang didn't know how long it would take for the fruit to mature. He didn't pick it directly at the moment. He just picked two leaves, put them in his mouth, and sat cross-legged on the crown of the tree.

Just like what was written in Bing Tuo Tuo's letter, the leaves are slightly bitter in the mouth, and then the coolness rushes into the mind, making the ears clear, the eyes clear, the spirit relaxed, and the weakness and fatigue deep in the mind are relieved a lot.

When Ye Jingtang came over last night, he discovered that this place hides wind and gathers water. It is a rare geomantic treasure land in the world.

At this time, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the tree crown, and used the magical power in the eighth picture to carefully perceive. It turned out that with my eyes closed, it seemed that I had entered another world.

The whole world, with the big tree below as the center, felt like countless flying catkins were coming from the surrounding area, and merged into the canopy that blocked the sky and the sun.

With his eyes closed, he could make up the outline of the entire tree through the veins of 'qi' traveling around, and he himself was like a bright pearl on the crown of the tree.

After Ye Jingtang observed it for a while, his head felt a dull pain again. He then picked off a leaf, put it into his mouth to chew, and then began to use the method of Minglongtu, breathing in and out, trying to guide the energy to flow into himself.

As a result, the process was smoother than he imagined. As he pinched the Ziwu Jue with his hands and fell into concentration, the energy veins throughout his body seemed to be connected with the heaven and earth. There was something invisible and invisible. As he exhaled and inhaled, it was absorbed into the lungs, warming and nourishing all the veins in the Ming Long Tu. It also relieves the powerlessness deep in the soul. At first, Ye Jingtang meditated and practiced, feeling that he got twice the result with half the effort, but he soon discovered that practicing breathing and breathing in this way was at most faster than Minglongtan. If he wanted to practice to the point where he could master the eighth picture, according to his estimation, it would be much easier. He practiced hard for three to five years.

For Lu Taiqing and others, this speed is already the most talented person in ancient and modern times. But Ye Jingtang still feels that it is too slow. He cannot stay on this island for three to five years, and from the perspective of physical endurance, this absorption speed is far It's not at the limit, it should be faster.

After thinking about this for a while, Ye Jingtang began to try to adjust the Qi refining method to see how he could gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and moon faster.

Practicing the inner breath is the foundation of martial arts. It is normal to start learning at the age of six, and this is obviously the most basic part of the Minglongtu.

When Night Terror Hall adjusted the Dragon Screaming Picture before, it did not change the big frame, but just refined the details to make the Dragon Screaming Picture more suitable for itself.

What we are doing now is equivalent to starting over from scratch. Once the most basic changes are made, every line of communication will naturally have to be touched again. The difficulty is no less than rediscovering a set of Singing Dragon Pictures that is exclusive to oneself, and creating a new one. Due to the danger of modifying the Singing Dragon Picture, no one with a normal mind would attempt such a risky move, nor would they have the ability.

But when Ye Jingtang came up with this idea, there was almost no hesitation. After all, he had always been like this in martial arts. If he felt something was wrong, he would have to change it, even if he had to start over. What brings martial arts to the extreme?

However, adjusting from the very basics is indeed a big project and the process is quite long.

Night Terror Hall sat cross-legged at the top of the tree canopy, immersed in the space between heaven and earth with nothing in mind, peeling off cocoons to construct a new context of the Singing Dragon Picture. Although it was extremely energy-consuming, with the leaves to protect his mind, he did not suffer from pig brain overload. Finally, he discovered The leaves were not strong enough, so I picked a green fruit and put it in my mouth to refresh myself.

At the same time, on the outskirts of the island, in the woods a few miles away.

Xue Baijin was lying in the woods, his body still covered with weeds, blending into the environment. He carefully observed the black spots on the top of the big trees, his eyes still occupied by complexity.

After leaving the letter, Xue Baijin wanted to leave right away, but Ye Jingtang hadn't woken up yet, and her injuries were obviously not healed. How could she dare to leave rashly and leave Ye Jingtang alone on this overseas island.

Xue Baijin's original plan was to wait for Ye Jingtang to wake up, make sure that Ye Jingtang was okay, and then leave quietly.

But after Ye Jingtang woke up, he chased him out and called him. His figure was obviously erratic. It would be a problem to support himself on the island unless he left.

For this reason, Xue Baijin lurked secretly, wanting to wait for Ye Jingtang to recover before leaving. As a result, after Ye Jingtang climbed the big tree, he practiced Kung Fu for a long time. He didn't know what the current situation was like and whether eating the fruit would cause any trouble.

Although she was worried about leaving for a short time, as long as she was not discovered by the Night Terror Hall, it would not be much different from her leaving.

Xue Baijin lay under the grass quilt and waited until the sky gradually darkened from noon. Seeing that the Night Jing Hall was like an immobile old monk, there was no movement at all, so he closed his eyes and began to practice the exercises calmly...

The other side.

Yanjing, Imperial Prefecture.

Thunder shook the blue sky, and a heavy rain fell on the brightly lit capital of Beiliang. Shengsing, singing and dancing could be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.

But twenty miles outside the city, at the foot of Yushan Mountain, the Imperial Master's Mansion was silent from inside to outside. Even the disciples standing at the door holding swords had their brows furrowed, and there was a hint of solemnity in their eyes as if a storm was about to come.

The news about Shuofeng City has been rushed to Yanjing thousands of miles away.

If Ye Jingtang sneaked into Yanjing last time and slapped Emperor Liang and Master Xiang Han in the face, then appearing in Shuofeng City this time and annihilating Beiyunbian in a battle was a slap in the face. The last straw on Beiliang's head.

Ye Jingtang has been out of the mountain for so long, and its performance is appalling. The warriors in Beiliang all guessed that Beiyunbian might not be able to stop its momentum.

But no one expected that Ye Jingtang would dare to attack Shuofeng City single-handedly, and they didn't expect that Beiyunbian would use the magical power of summoning wind and thunder, but he would be pinned down by Ye Jingtang when they met. Down.

Based on the formation Beiyunbian showed that day, Daoxing ranked high among the Martial Saints. This can no longer be said to be weak at Beiyunbian, but that Ye Jingtang is too strong, so strong that no one can compete with it.

As soon as Beiyunbian fell, Master Xiang Han was the only one left in the world who was still standing on the opposite side.

Wu Kui and Wu Sheng, the old bastards of the previous generation, and the new geniuses who have just emerged have all been wiped out by Ye Jingtang; the named forces in the Northern and Southern Dynasties have all been subdued, and those who are not convinced have been defeated. , and no other roadblocks can be found.

No matter what thoughts Ye Jingtang has next, Master Xiang Han should be the next person to come to the door.

Fengguan City is aloof from the world, and Lu Taiqing is from the Southern Dynasty. If Master Xiang Han cannot stop him, no one in the world will be qualified to stand on the opposite side of Ye Jingtang as an opponent, and the entire world will be destroyed.

Ye Jing Tang alone cannot shake the entire Beiliang army, but being invincible in the world is enough to shake the hearts of the entire Beiliang people.

The entire world is following Ye Jingtang's lead. How long will it be until the people turn against each other and the troops are defeated?

There is no need to take action in the Night Terror Hall. When the troops come to the city, they will just ask the guard general "surrender or not." How many generals in Beiliang can there be who dare to die for their country and say no to surrender?

Therefore, in this last battle, Xiang Hanshi must win a big victory. If he cannot win, Beiliang will be directly dispersed. Even if the soldiers and horses are still strong, the idea of ​​"Ye Jingtang is invincible" is engraved in everyone's bones and blood. When morale collapsed to the extreme, Beiliang would definitely lose.

But can Master Xiang Han stop him?

In the eyes of everyone in the world, the chance is slim, and the issue is also being discussed in the Imperial Prefect's Office.


The raindrops were as big as soybeans, hitting the eaves of the main hall, forming a rain curtain outside the door.

Zhong Sunjin was sitting in a wheelchair, looking quite depressed, and kept tapping the armrests of the wheelchair with his fingers.

Master Xiang Han stood upright in front of the picture of hundreds of horses in the middle hall, admiring the picture with his hands behind his back. Although his expression was slightly sad, he still looked like a mountain, without any signs of wavering.

Master Xiang Han is in his early 60s. When he was young, he was just the apprentice of Bo Fenglou, the hero of Beifu. When he was six or seven years old, Beiliang made a surprise attack on Qianchi's home base, and then the second generation of King Tianlang entered the pass to retaliate, nailing Bo Fenglou to the throne. Above the city.

For this reason, Master Xiang Han was regarded as a loyal martyr by the Beiliang court, and he was trained intensively, step by step, to his current position as the Beiliang Imperial Master.

Zhongsun Jin was older than Master Xiang Han. It could be said that he had watched Master Xiang Han grow up. He had also taken care of him a lot in the past years. After a long silence, he said:

"I remember the day when Mr. Bo was nailed to the top of the city, it was also raining heavily, and his opponent was King Tianlang. The scene was somewhat similar to today."

These words are not self-pity, but encouragement.

After all, Master Xiang Han was only a few years old back then, but his opponent was King Tianlang of the Northwest Royal Court, who was so powerful that it was impossible for Master Xiang Han to shake him.

But at that time, Master Xiang Han did not lose the vigor in his heart, and steadily reached the top step by step, until he destroyed the Xihai Royal Court.

Back then, Master Xiang Han was helpless and could achieve such a feat that ordinary people could not do. But now that he has become a martial saint and has been awarded the title of national master, how can he not be able to pass this test when he encounters the threat of King Tianlang again? ?

When Master Xiang Han heard this, he turned around and sat down next to the tea table:

"When two countries fight, no one will die. My master died for the country, and I also fought for the country, without any personal grudges involved."

Zhongsun Jin shook his head and sighed: "Although victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, this battle is related to the Daliang Kingdom. How sure are you of joining forces with me?"

Master Xiang Han has not yet fully mastered refining qi to transform into gods, while Beiyunbian has already begun to refine gods and is still weak. Although his skills and skills are more advanced than Beiyunbian's, he started late and inherited the difference between his masters. There is a gap in realm. Even if he can fight Beiyun Bian is definitely no match for Night Terror Hall.

Zhongsun Jin, on the other hand, belongs to the Mohist school, focusing mainly on water conservancy, city defense, and machine formation. He has the greatest ability among the martial arts saints in the north and south, but he has not followed the path of cultivating immortals at all. In real fighting, he is only half as good as Li Kai.

If the two of them join forces, they have a chance of winning against Ye Jingtang, but behind Ye Jingtang there are also people like Lu Taiqing, Shenchen Monk, and Pingtian Cult Leader. If they are against each other in pairs, the chances of winning are not much different.

Master Xiang Han sat down on the chair. After a moment of silence, he responded:

"If necessary, I can release eight more Singing Dragon Pictures. At this level, with my skill, even if it can only last for a moment, it will be enough to save my life. Mr. Zhongsun can just protect the Holy One."

Zhongsun Jin sighed at this: "I hope this can be done, otherwise it will be difficult to revitalize the situation in the future."

When Master Xiang Han entered Ye Jing Tang last time, he felt that Ye Jing Tang's self-deduced Dragon Screaming Picture might be as doomed as his predecessors; but judging from the current situation, there is really no problem with Ye Jing Tang.

However, this judgment does not affect the subsequent situation.

After all, if Night Terror Hall could deduce the seventh picture at that time, then it would definitely be able to deduce the eighth picture. It’s just a matter of right or wrong.

And with the eighth picture, even if it has some flaws, the result against Master Xiang Han, who has not yet fully mastered the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods, will be the same as fighting Xue Baijin by Beiyun - no matter how deep his skills are and how extraordinary his skills are, he will not be able to defeat the opponent. Casting magic from a distance of dozens of feet will disrupt your energy and blood, and you will be unable to defend yourself. You will be seriously injured when you strike. What should you use to fight?

Therefore, Master Xiang Han made the right decision to retreat. Ye Jingtang’s deduction was wrong, and he would die sooner or later, so there is no need to change his life; Ye Jingtang’s deduction was right, but he was seeking death by risking his life, and there was no chance of replacement. If you leave, you will give Nanchao a head for nothing.

Master Xiang Han took a step forward at that time and bought time to come back and deduce the other eight pictures to fight for his life. However, based on his understanding, there must be flaws; and Night Jingtang may not have flaws.

However, Master Xiang Han is more powerful. If both sides are fighting for their lives, he will obviously have the advantage of deep skills. The odds of winning for both sides are actually between 50 and 50. The only difference is that he will die no matter whether he wins or loses, while Ye Jingtang You can live if you win.

Master Xiang Han gently rubbed his fingers, considering each other's chances of winning, when footsteps came from outside, and then the disciple's voice sounded from outside:

"Master, someone just put a letter at the door. I didn't see who put it there."

Seeing this, Master Xiang Han raised his eyes, raised his hand to take the yellow envelope, opened it and looked at it carefully.

Zhongsun Jin touched his beard. After seeing Master Xiang Han glance at him for a few times, he frowned and asked:

"what news."

Master Xiang Han looked at the letter carefully, and after a moment of silence, handed it to Zhongsun Jin.

Zhongsun Jin took the letter and looked at it. His originally smooth face slowly turned into a frown. After a while, he sighed:

"This green bandit really has great hands and eyes... Go and call Hua Junchen over. I have something to ask him."

The disciple looked at Master Xiang Han and saw him nodding. He quickly accepted the order and ran towards the door...

(End of this chapter)

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