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Chapter 543 You got me drunk

Chapter 543 You got me drunk

It was dawn, and the room that had been enjoying itself all night became quiet.

Between the curtains, Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, still holding the moon in his hands, gently rubbing along the fair skin.

Xue Baijin's long hair was spread on her back, lying on Ye Jingtang's chest. After flying into the clouds several times, her spiritual thoughts had not yet been taken back. She just buried her cheek in her shoulder, closed her eyes and gasped softly.

Hua Qingzhi lay on her side, covering her chest with a thin quilt to hide her shame. Although her fighting ability was not strong and she was already dying after being cared for a little, she still stayed up all night and lay in front of her as a supervisor.

At this time, she found that the hairless girl was motionless again. Hua Qingzhi naturally refused and took a picture on the big, round moon:


"Go on, aren't you a Martial Saint? Are you tired so quickly?"

Xue Baijin was tortured both mentally and physically. At this time, he no longer had the energy to pay attention to Hua Qingzhi, and he lay on his back without any reaction.

Hua Qingzhi was still feeling good. Seeing that Xue Baijin was half dead, she sat up softly, held the moon in her hands, and helped push it.

"Hoo~ you!"

Xue Baijin trembled all over, then stood up and pressed the misbehaving Hua Qingzhi onto Ye Jingtang's chest.

"Huh?" Hua Qingzhi saw that Bai Jin had committed the crime, and she wanted to say something harsh, but when she found that she got up and started to put on clothes, she frowned and said:

"What? Don't play anymore?"

Xue Baijin closed the tent and rustled on her clothes without any response.

It was almost dawn, and Ye Jingtang didn't want to torment Qingzhi anymore. Seeing this, he patted Qingzhi on the back to let her sleep for a while, and then turned over and sat up to prevent Bingtuotuo from running away from home.

And the fact was not what he expected.

After Xue Baijin was satisfied, she regained her sage mentality, and her strength naturally returned. She put on her skirt and turned around and walked out without acknowledging anyone.

Ye Jingtang was not surprised by this. He waited until outside the room and then said softly:

"How about you rest first while I go get some water and wash up?"

Xue Baijin's mood was extremely complicated. She originally wanted to go out and hide, but after hearing this, she remembered that her whole body was filled with the smell of Night Terror Hall. She then fell into the backyard of the inn and fetched water from the well. When she saw that Night Terror Hall was not leaving, her voice was slightly cold. :

"Don't follow me."

If Ye Jingtang didn't follow and Bing Tuo Tuo disappeared, he might have to hide for how long. He shook his head helplessly and came to help fetch water:

"I taught you the skills yesterday. If you don't agree, I will definitely not force you to practice..."

Xue Baijin woke up at this time, only to realize that he had lost his mind yesterday and said that he would draw a clear line after leaving the fairy island, so it should be consistent throughout.

Now that she has crossed the boundary, it is not as simple as practicing once. When she returns to the land, there will be no boundaries. The first time will inevitably lead to the second and third time. She can't say it again. After returning to Xihai and Nanchao, she will Forgot these things.

With each step of compromise, wouldn't it be that all the determination and selflessness she once had on the island were in vain as she lied to herself and found excuses?

But what happened last night was indeed not the fault of the Night Terror Hall. It was all her fault that she had a weak will and drank so much alcohol that she fell under the Night Terror Hall's charm spell.

"I was drunk last night! You took the opportunity to teach me your skills. I was so obsessed that I couldn't say anything, but Hua Qingzhi was still lying next to me. You...don't you know how to change rooms?"

The Night Terror Hall finally managed to get the atmosphere right last night. How dare you interrupt the rhythm with nonsense, but obviously you can't say that, so they just explained:

"I was just teaching Qigong through my clothes, but then I got a little carried away. It's really my fault. It's my fault..."

"What's the use of admitting your mistake?"

If Xue Baijin just had another chance with Ye Jingtang, although she felt extremely regretful, the situation was not irreversible.

And yesterday Hua Qingzhi was here, still awake, and discovered that she was practicing in private!

Hua Qingzhi, this damn girl, tried every means to suppress her anger. Last night, she took advantage of the situation and teased her for half the night. In the future, she will definitely use this matter to threaten her. She wants to continue to draw a clear line, how can Hua Qingzhi agree?

Xue Baijin felt confused when he thought about the chaos that would follow, and could only say:

"I only practice with you to help you. I have no romantic feelings for you. You must explain this matter clearly to Hua Qingzhi so that she does not misunderstand."


Ye Jingtang felt that if Qingzhi could believe this, she might as well believe that he was a gentleman who didn't like women. However, he still nodded seriously:

"Okay, I'll explain it later."


Xue Baijin was caught and raped in bed. He knew it was impossible to explain clearly. He was so upset that he didn't say much. He went up to the second floor with a bucket, found an empty room and went in. He found that Ye Jingtang was still following him, so he turned around and said:

"What are you following me for?"

Ye Jingtang didn't want to help Bing Tuo Tuo wash the tiger, Wei Wei spread her hands:

"This is Beiliang. I have to go to Yanjing. I need your help to take care of Yunli and Qingzhi. If you leave unhappy, it will be difficult to deal with the rest."

Xue Baijin has been caught by Hua Qingzhi, what's the use of escaping? We can't take Hua Qingzhi away with us. After a moment of silence, she closed the door:

"I promise to send you back to the West Sea, and I will not break my promise."

After saying that, footsteps came to the side of the room, and then there was the sound of water splashing.


Ye Jing Tang knew that Bing Tuo Tuo never lied, so he felt relieved after seeing this. After returning to the house and taking a shower, he took the sleepy Bird Bird to the street to buy breakfast...

On the other side, Yanjing.

The weather turns cooler after autumn, and the fragrance of cinnamon can be heard everywhere in the countryside of Yanjing. However, during the stormy time, not many rich and powerful people went out for autumn outings. There were only a few flower boats, and you could still hear the melodious humming of some singing girls and the promotion of cups by dandies. The sound of a light.

Master Xuanji led the horse and stood by the Yan River, looking at the scenery of the suburbs of Beiliang. After a moment of silence, he said:

"I once heard Ye Jingtang say, 'Business girls don't know the hatred of their country's subjugation, but they still sing the flowers in the backyard across the river.' This poem is quite suitable for the current situation in Yanjing."

Fan Qinghe took a telescope and looked at a river bend more than ten miles away. Hearing this, he looked slightly unhappy:

"Can you be more serious when you're doing things?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "I'm serious about reciting poems from the Eight Classics, but you think wrong and blame me for being unserious?"

"There are so many poems about the hatred of country subjugation. You only picked this line, do you blame me for thinking wrongly? If you are really greedy, when the Night Terror Hall comes back, I will let you eat alone and sing to your heart's content."

Master Xuanji raised his hand and played with Qinghe's full moon:

"We agreed to apply the talisman together, how can I have it all to myself..."


Fan Qinghe slapped his hand away and moved to the side. He was too lazy to pay attention to the Yuxu Mountain Succubus and carefully observed the situation in the distance.

Yanjing's prison is inside the city, and it only houses normal mortals from the Ministry of Punishment. The 'death cell' is the same as the black prison dungeon. It is a special prison that is not under the control of the Ministry of Punishment. Because once you go in, you are unlikely to come out again. That's why there is a 'death cell'. ' is called.

Just like the Black Yamen Dungeon, because the people locked up are so powerful, both the building and the security level are very high.

The death row was built in a river bend at the foot of Yushan Mountain. It was not built against the mountain, but on an island between two bifurcated rivers. It was surrounded by water. The prison had a three-foot-high wall with guards patrolling it at all times, and the exit was only on the river. A half-mile-long stone bridge on the other side leads directly to the entrance of the Imperial Master's Mansion on the other side.

Such an impregnable defense meant that no robberies or escapes had occurred since the prison was built, and Cao Aning was locked up in the dungeon at this time.

Fan Qinghe looked at it carefully for a moment, frowned and said:

"The surrounding area is empty. If you approach the death row, you will definitely be discovered in advance unless you dive under the water. And once the guards are disturbed, Master Xiang Han may come out. This person will be difficult to save."

Xuanji Zhenren came to Yanjing to investigate, just to see if they could rescue Cao Aning with the help of the two of them, so that Ye Jingtang would not be in danger again.

But given the current level of security, the two of them were seeking death by going up there, so they could only respond:

"We don't know where the Night Terror Hall is now. If he receives the news, he will most likely come over and find out the situation first."

Fan Qinghe was quite worried that something might happen to Ye Jingtang outside, but there was no use worrying at the moment, as he still had to do things step by step.

After watching from a distance for a long time, Fan Qinghe suddenly discovered through the telescope that a carriage drove across the stone bridge outside the death row and headed towards the prison.

The guard driving outside seemed to be Hua Ning, a colleague of 'Hua'an'.

"Hua Junchen seems to have gone to the prison. He probably knows the situation inside."

"Cao Aning has been exposed, and Hua Junchen's current situation is probably in danger. It's better not to contact him rashly, and wait until the Night Terror Hall comes."

"Oh... Speaking of which, the Night Terror Hall will come. If you want to put on a talisman, I'm afraid you have to put on a water-proof talisman, otherwise it won't stick."



At the same time, on the river more than ten miles away.

Gulu gulu...

The carriage drove across the stone bridge that could only accommodate one vehicle and stopped outside the gate of the death row. Hua Ning got out of the car and opened the curtain. A jailer also came out to greet him:

"Mr. Hua."

Hua Junchen, dressed in a brocade robe and with a sword hanging from his waist, came out of the carriage. He looked calm and calm, like a hidden swordsman, but his heart was filled with sadness.

Hua Junchen and Cao Aning were not close to each other, but Ye Jingtang was his son-in-law. Now that Ye Jingtang was away, something happened to someone under his command. If he didn't do anything at all, he would definitely not be able to face his son-in-law in the future.

But he is on death row and is a secret agent of the enemy. It is not easy for him to distance himself from the relationship. What else can he do at this time?

These days, the only thing Hua Junchen can do is to come over every day to ask for confessions and check on Cao Aning's condition, in case Cao Aning cannot bear the torture and is beaten to death.

However, after the imperial court captured Cao Aning, they did not know whether they doubted the accuracy of the Green Bandit's intelligence. They did not impose severe punishment on Cao Aning. They only closely investigated the people Cao Aning had contacted in Yanjing to look for evidence of collaboration with the enemy, such as the former personnel of Baixiao Camp. Colleague Jia Shengzi and so on.

Jia Shengzi was implicated and was completely confused. Although he did not dare to scold him openly, he said that the court was blind. After all, he used to be Cao Aning's boss. He took Cao Aning and Xu Tianying to Yun'an for an assassination. They met Ye Da head-on. Hell, I don’t know how much effort it took to escape by chance. Could he not know whether Cao Aning was a hidden stake?

Hua Junchen was the father-in-law of Ye Jingtang, so he naturally knew that Jia Shengzi really didn't know, so he just kept him under house arrest and continued the investigation, trying his best to delay the matter.

At this time, Hua Junchen got off the car outside the death row, put away his messy thoughts, entered the death row gate alone, and then went underground.

Originally, Hua Junchen was going to go directly to Cao Aning's cell to have a look, but when he passed by the door of the underground cell, he faintly noticed that something was wrong.

Looking up, he saw a figure carrying a sword on the city wall above. Looking at him from above, he nodded slightly after noticing that he raised his head, and then continued to patrol.

The death row is heavily guarded. The main security force is the masters of the Imperial Prefecture. They usually wear civilian clothes. Only the low-level jailers wear uniforms.

The swordsman above, who was about the same age as him, was wearing ordinary military uniforms. He looked like a master who rotated in the Imperial Prefecture, but Hua Junchen had never seen him before, and for some reason, he always felt that his face looked a bit familiar.

Hua Junchen thought about it carefully, and he didn't know where he had seen it before, because there were many people who admired him as the 'Sword Master of the North Liang', and it was normal for him to be watched. He didn't think much at the moment, lowered his head and entered the dungeon.

On top of the city wall, Li Yiliang walked a few steps with his sword on his back, then stopped again. He found that Hua Junchen did not recognize him, and he felt a bit sad that times had changed.

Li Yiliang has been a martial artist since he was a child, which is why he got into a quarrel with Li Kai, who was also a martial artist, and ran away from home. Hua Junchen was also a martial arts fanatic and liked swords as much as he did. The two had fought against each other when they were young. To be precise, it was Hua Junchen who came to him to compete with him. The sword skills were so eye-catching that he still remembers them fresh.

In Li Yi's conscience, Hua Junchen was just a martial artist. He had talent and hard work, but not much. If he could climb to the rank of Grandmaster in this life, it would be pretty good.

But I didn't expect that after decades of absence, when I came back, the dandy who used to have poor swordsmanship had become the 'Sword Master of the North Liang', and even had the exaggerated name of 'The Master of the South and the North'.

Li Yiliang can learn martial arts from Fengguancheng, so he is naturally a martial artist. In fact, he wants to compete with Hua Junchen again to see what his level is now and whether he is worthy of the word 'Sword Master'.

But this trip has a mission, and if you can avoid being exposed in advance, don't expose it. Therefore, after taking a look, Li Yiliang disappeared silently on top of the wall...

Tian Wuliang worked very quickly. At dawn, he had already turned back from outside and found out where the Qinglong Society met in the entire Tianmen Road.

After Ye Jingtang received the information, he did not delay. After eating, he and the three girls set off towards the nearest meeting place. Although they met the people of the Qinglong Club, it was a pity that the Qinglong Club did not communicate instantly. Everyone The information held by each locality is different. If you want to inquire about the situation in other areas, you have to explain it in advance, and then the Qinglong Society will send the information from the headquarters.

In order to save trouble, Ye Jingtang naturally did not wait where he was. Instead, just like going to the snowfield, he asked the contact person to inform the senior officials of the Blue Dragon Society, and then went to the next contact point to pick up the needed things.

Before setting off, Ye Jingtang asked Tian Wuliang to help find three good horses. He and Bingtuotuo each had one. Qingzhi couldn't ride a horse and was too embarrassed to sit in his arms, so she sat with Yunli. Together.

Although there are three women in one drama, it is difficult to express the inner drama on the road, so there is not much to say.

The specific situation is that Yunli chatted with him about interesting things about the world, Qingzhi listened quietly and occasionally interrupted, and Bingtuotuo was only responsible for being Bingtuotuo, walking in front of him silently, and standing far away when he stopped to rest.

The group of people hurried on their way, and in the afternoon of the next day, they arrived at the drum beating platform at the intersection of the three places.

The Drum Platform is the dividing line between the three places. To the north is the Hudong area where Chengtian Prefecture and Yanjing are located. To the south is the Yanbei Road guarded by King Youxian, and to the east is the Tianmu Road.

The drum beating platform is named after a platform at the highest point of the mountains. According to legend, when the Beiliang army went out in ancient times, the emperor would supervise the beating of drums from it. However, now that the border has long been pushed to Yanshan, this place has naturally been abandoned and turned into He arrived at the base of a Jianghu sect, which was the hometown of Qi Qingfeng, the Spear Saint of Beiliang.

Qi Qingfeng has never been killed in Night Terror Hall before, so he doesn't know the details. Only Zhou Chiyang and Qi Qingfeng have never met him in the North and South Wu Kui Martial Saint School, so he is naturally curious.

After arriving at the town at the foot of Leigutai Mountain, Ye Jingtang asked Bingtuotuo and Qingzhi to rest in the inn, while he and Yun Liban became a killer duo and went out to gather information.

The moon rises above the branches, and the town below the drum-beating platform is overcrowded, and wanderers wandering around can be seen everywhere.

Ye Jingtang wore a bamboo hat, dressed as an ordinary Jianghu guest, and walked slowly among the crowd.

Zhe Yunli dressed up as a little chivalrous girl who was traveling together, walking beside the Night Terror Hall, looking around and listening to the chatter of people in the world:

"Since the New Year's Eve, Daxia Qi seems to have rarely shown up. He came twice and didn't see him."

"This is no nonsense. Now, of the Wu Kui of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, only two single seedlings have been killed by the Demon of the Night. Can we, the Great Hero Qi, come out to commit suicide now?"

"The Big Devil of Night is indeed overbearing... The only rumor that the Big Devil of Night has been in the world for so long is that he captured the Beiliang Thief and used him as his concubine, and he has not heard of any harm to other female heroes and beauties..."

"Seizing the Thief Saint as a concubine is probably nonsense. Anyone who has seen the Great Night Demon knows that he is cold-blooded, ruthless, ruthless, and has a tough style. At first glance, he is a true hero who has no interest in women..."


When Zhe Yunli heard this, his eyes looked a little strange. He leaned a little closer and whispered:

"Cousin Jing."


"Are you ashamed?"


Ye Jingtang was indeed a little embarrassed when he heard the Jianghu people commenting on him like this, but when Yunli started teasing him, he still said seriously:

"What am I ashamed of? The girls I like pursue them honestly and do not use their power to bully men and women."

Zhe Yunli knew that Ye Jingtang had harmed the scholarly lady while he was still unmarried, so he didn't believe this.

However, it is difficult to explain these things clearly. Zhe Yunli thought about it and asked out of curiosity:

"Cousin Jing, have you and Aunt Fan..."

Ye Jingtang raised his finger and flicked Yunli's head:

"Little girl, please ask me what these are for."

"Hmph~ If I were a little girl, wouldn't you be a little brat too? You are much older than me..."

The two chatted so casually that they soon came to the back of an inn in the town.

As usual, Ye Jingtang placed a brick at the entrance of the alley, and then waited in the dark alley with Yun Li.

Zhe Yunli held the knife and waited for a moment. When he saw the back alley was dark and there were no outsiders, he fell to the side and leaned against Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was checking the surrounding situation. Seeing this, he subconsciously raised his hands to support his waist to prevent Yunli from falling down, and asked:

"doing what?"

"I'm tired of standing, let's take a rest."

Ye Jingtang felt a little ashamed because he had made Yun Li sleep poorly on the island, and couldn't move away, so he let her lean against him.

Zhe Yunli thought about it for a moment, looked up at Ye Jingtang's side face, and asked again:

"Cousin Jing, tell me honestly, you got me drunk the night before yesterday. Are you being scornful of Miss Hua again?"

It’s not easy for Night Terror Hall to communicate this, so we can only change the key points:

"Why do you mean I got you drunk? It's obvious that your skills are not good. Two people are playing, and you dare to shout eight sixes. If you don't drink, who will."

Zhe Yunli leaned his head on his shoulder, his eyes a little resentful:

"Hmph~ People drink with girls just to get her drunk and do bad things. It's better for you to get the girl drunk and then do bad things behind her back."

"Your master is still here, what can I do if I get you drunk?"

"You mean, Brother Jingtang still has ideas, but he's just afraid that the master will break your legs, so he doesn't dare?"


Ye Jingtang was lured in by Yun Li's few words, and he said helplessly:

"What can I have in mind? It's not like we haven't had a drink together before..."

"Master's wife was here before."

"Hey, how about we have a drink alone later so you can see?"

"It's agreed."


The two of them chatted like this for only a moment before footsteps sounded from behind.

Zhe Yunli quickly stood up straight, assumed her chivalrous appearance again, and looked around in a blink of an eye.

The Qinglong Club's behavior was as mysterious as ever. The contact person did not show up, but appeared inside the restaurant, separated from each other by a window.

Ye Jingtang turned around and asked:

"Your Excellency, is Mr. Zhao?"

The person inside the window did not know the identity of Ye Jingtang, and his words were businesslike and quite direct:

"I can't afford it. The information you want has been sent over. Cao Aning was indeed captured, and the person leading the team was Hua Junchen. He is currently on death row in the suburbs of Beijing, but the specific situation cannot be investigated.

"They are looking for the blueprints for the construction of the dungeon, and are also investigating the patrol situation, garrison manpower, and recent official activities of the national division. Your Excellency should be able to receive these when you arrive in Yanjing.

"In addition, it is said above that the court's move to seize the hidden stake was wrong this time. There was no warning beforehand, and Cao Aning was suddenly arrested. According to the above analysis, as long as Cao Aning was not exposed himself, he or she received the exact information about the hidden stake.

"The possibility of Cao Aning being exposed himself is very slim. If someone sends a message deliberately, the motive must be carefully explored.

"Allowing the court to arrest Cao Aning at this time will not change the overall situation at all. The only effect is to stimulate his superiors.

"Cao Aning's superior should be Ye Jingtang, and Ye Jingtang has a clear style of acting and is likely to make money for people.

"According to the above speculation, there is a 70% chance that this matter is because the imperial court is planning to invite you into the urn, and there must be a back-up plan to deal with the Night Terror Hall..."

After listening to the analysis carefully, Ye Jingtang felt that the Qinglong Society was really reliable, so he nodded and said:

"I understand. Does your Excellency know where Qi Qingfeng is?"

"Qi Qingfeng has been staying in the palace of Prince Youxian since the new year, living in seclusion. Prince Youxian noticed that the world was changing, and he was not willing to let Qi Qingfeng wade in the muddy waters. The court asked for two people, but Prince Youxian didn't give him. With Qi Qingfeng's This ability should have nothing to do with death row..."


Ye Jingtang communicated for a while, and after inquiring about the information, the other party did not stay long and left directly.

Zhe Yunli had been listening, and after the others left, he asked in a low voice:

"What the Qinglong Club means is that Beiliang wants to use Cao Aning as bait to catch a turtle in an urn?"

Ye Jingtang still admires the abilities of the Green Dragon Society analysts, and said:

"The Qinglong Society knows that I am asking for information. If you can say that, you must be thinking so. I only said that there is a 70% chance. I guess you can't figure out why Beiliang thinks it can keep me here."

Zhe Yunli walked forward with his arms folded and analyzed:

"There is only one Master Xiang Han left in Beiliang who can still fight. Old man Zhongsun was crippled and he probably won't be able to use his strength even after he recovers. I can't figure out why Beiliang has such confidence. Hmm... I guess there are more A well-known master."

Ye Jingtang briefly recalled that he could not think of anyone else in the world who could stabilize him except Fengguan City. He shook his head and said:

"You'll know what's going on if you go there, let's go."

"Qi Qingfeng is acting like a coward. Let's go have a drink?"



I got up at 2 o'clock in the evening, so the update will be late or

(End of this chapter)

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